Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Ghar Ek Mandir 26th October 2021 Written Episode Update Varun and Genda fast for eachother


Ghar Ek Mandir 26th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Nisha says Shivam are you mad why will I climb on chair and my leg, Manish says lets go to room, Nisha says I have karva chauth too, Manish says you don’t need leg to fast lets go sleep. Gopal putting dung in Maharaji’s shop and says Maharaji you messed with wrong guy, and sees Maharaji walk to his shop.
Varun packing Jewellery, Genda says your tea, Varun says just keeping all things, didn’t you see Nisha bhabhi last night and we need one more night, Genda says don’t worry we will manage, and I will handle here, Varun says how many things will you manage and its your Karva Chauth too, Genda says even you worked all night, and don’t worry we will work together and finish things. Varun says then even I will fast, Genda says you won’t, Varun says you just said we will work together, Genda says you are on medication, Varun says I won’t die by a day, Genda stops him and says don’t ever say that, Varun says then let me fast, Genda says wife fast for husband’s long life, Varun says I promised you whole life together,you need long life too.

Maharaji asks Gopal is he here for borad measurements, Gopal says yes, Maharaji opens shop to give flowers to a customer, Gopal shocked to see there is no dung, Maharaji asks Gopal what flower he wants and he needs to pay first because he isnt trust worthy, Gopal says rose, gives him money and leaves confused, Maharaji thinks dung will come to your help at correct time.

Manish says to Nisha he can’t take her hospital now he has important meeting, Nisha says I can die but not your meeting, Manish says stop over acting, have medicine and leaves. Anuradha asks Nisha what happened, Nisha says leg sprain, Genda says Varun will take you to hospital, Nisha says no I am fine will go with Manish, Genda says you go rest I will manage kitchen and pooja.
Varun gets worried for Genda.

Anuradha asks Kundan, why hasn’t he had tea, is he stressed, Kundan says he isnt, he was just thinking about Kosha Adhyaksh, Anuradha says I will pray you get elected because I know this means lot for you, Kundan says its getting our reputation back and all because of Varun, Anuradha says he made us proud.
Anuradha says Genda wear your wedding outfit for Karva Chauth, Anuradha says Genda you look week, Genda says I am fine, Anuradha says I understand its your first fast.

Genda looks at her wedding dress and says today I will again be Varun’s bride and wear this dress again, I felt bad because he didn’t praise in wedding but I am sure this time he will definitely praise me.
Varun about to drink water in shop, remembers he is fasting and even Genda must be hungry and thirsty and also she didn’t sleep well last night, Kundan says Varun lets go home, Varun says I have some work, Kundan says not today Varun, its Karva Chauth, Varun says we have delivery to make, Kundan says come back later, even I am coming for election work, but ladies are fasting. Varun thinks how will he manage now and take Jewellery making arrangements home to finish necklaces.

Kundan and Varun get home, Varun sees Genda in wedding outfit and can’t get eyes of her, he goes to his room, Genda feeling dizzy. Nisha waiting for Manish, Varun sees Genda feeling dizzy and thinks how weak she has become because of fasting, Genda about to faint and fall, Varun goes holds her, Nisha thinks there my husband has forgotten about me and then these two useless. Kundan walks to everyone, Varun asks Genda is she fine, Genda says yes, Varun asks where is Manish bhaiya, Genda says he must be coming, Manish walks in. Manish says Nisha I am sorry I had lot of work, Nisha says why didn’t you come now, Manish says is your leg fine, Nisha says do you remember that is nice.
Shivam says moon is out. Genda thinks now lets break fast and then give Varun food too.
Shivam asks Manish for phone to click everyone’s of pictures.
Everyone do Karva Chauth rituals and break fast.Varun says to Genda you looking prettier than the moon.Shivam clicks photos.

Pre cap:Genda leaves house at night and says Varun will be happy and Papa very proud.
Everyone things that their is thief in Agarwal’s shop.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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