Hi guys,
Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this..
Episode begins with..
Riddhima comes to the hospital to see the old lady whom she admitted.
RIDDHIMA: Doctor, how is she?
DOCTOR: She is fine now. But, why didn’t you come to meet her?
RIDDHIMA: Sorry doctor, I was not well..
DOCTOR: That’s okay.. Do you know that old lady?
DOCTOR: Do you know any of her relatives?
RIDDHIMA: Why sir? What happened?
DOCTOR: Actually, she is in her last stage brain tumor. Hardly, she has only a month or may be less than that..
Riddhima gets shocked..
DOCTOR: There is no more hope left.
RIDDHIMA: Can I see her?
DOCTOR: Yes.. You can..
Riddhima thanks the doctor and goes in to meet the old lady. The old lady sees riddhima and gets shocked..
RIDDHIMA: Sorry, I was the one who hit you that day. That was an accident. But, still the mistake was mine. Please, forgive me.. I know that you tried to meet me on the other day. But, I don’t even know you. I haven’t even seen you before.
The old lady falls on riddhima’s feet. Riddhima gets shocked. She moves back..
RIDDHIMA: What are you doing? You are of my mother’s age. Please, get up..
The old lady gets up.
RIDDHIMA: What’s your name?
The old lady introduces herself as sarla.
SARLA: I’m varun’s aunt.
Riddhima gets shocked..
SARLA: Yes, the same varun whom you sent to jail for trying to kill shwetha. Varun doesn’t have parents. I raised him since childhood like my own son. Whatever he is now, it was all my mistake. I didn’t give him a good upbringing. It was all my mistake. Through his friends, I came to know about shwetha and you. Please, just listen to me once. I have brain tumor. I know that I won’t be alive for more than a month. I want to spend this one month with my varun. Even I don’t have anyone. I have only varun for me. I know that whatever he did with shwetha was wrong. I won’t justify that or won’t support him. But, it’s not only his mistake. It was my mistake too. Please, give me a chance to correct my mistake. I can’t die with this guilt. Please.. I want to try to bring varun in right path. I’ll try till my last moment. I can. Varun will listen to me. He love me very much. He’ll do anything for me. Please. I just want one chance. I don’t have much time with me. I didn’t even ask God for my life. But, today I’m begging you as a mother for my son. Please..
She again falls on riddhima’s feet and begs..
SARLA: Just give me a chance to bring my son on the right path. Your one decision can give happiness to a mother. Just think once. You can give a new life to Varun. I promise.. He won’t do anything wrong in this one month. I promise you. Believe me and gets me my son. Don’t make me alone. I also want to spend the last moment of my life with my Varun. Please..
Riddhima leaves without answering her..
Riddhima comes to her office. She enters her cabin. She slips and was about to fall, but vansh holds her. Riddhima gets up..
VANSH: Madam, what happened to you? Are you in this world?
RIDDHIMA: Yes sir..
VANSH: Why are you calling me sir?
RIDDHIMA: Why did you call me as madam?
VANSH: Don’t argue..
RIDDHIMA: Okay.. You just shout alone. Let the others think you as a mental.
Riddhima sits on her chair and thinks about the old lady. Vansh notices her.
VANSH: Now what happened to her? Really, just now a problem solved.. Now, another one..
Riddhima looks at shwetha who was playing with sejal.
RIDDHIMA: (thinking) I can’t get that Varun out. That is very dangerous for shwetha. Just now, she is happy in her life. I won’t let that happiness get ruined. If something happens to her, what will I tell her parents. They are trusting me. I can’t broke their trust. No.. I can’t help sarla aunty..
Vansh notices her. He calls her repeatedly. He comes near her..
VANSH: (shouts) Devil..
Riddhima looks at him..
RIDDHIMA: Why are you shouting? I’m just near you. Not in any other island..
VANSH: Physically you are here. But, mentally you are in another world..
RIDDHIMA: This is office..
VANSH: Thank you..
RIDDHIMA: For what..
VANSH: For making me realize that this is office..
VANSH: Devil..
Riddhima takes a pen and throws at vansh. Vansh runs and hides under his table and throws another pen at riddhima. Riddhima too hides under the table. This time bothe takes a pen and throws at each other and goes under the table. Just then, sejal comes there and she gets hurt. She shouts..
VANSH: (thinking) I think, I have won.. But, the voice is different..
RIDDHIMA: (thinking) Whose is this voice? I have heard it before..
Vansh and riddhima comes out of the table and notices sejal and again hides under the table.
SEJAL: I saw you both. Just come out. I’ll count till five. Come out. Or else, I’ll call all the staffs here..
SEJAL: One..
VANSH: Sejal, I’m your favourite bhai.. Ask her to come first..
SEJAL: Two..
RIDDHIMA: Sejal, I’m your best friend. Ask vansh to come first..
VANSH: Ask riddhima to come out, first.
SEJAL: Four..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh should come out first..
VANSH: Riddhima..
VANSH: Riddhima..
SEJAL: Enough!! This is the final count for you both..
SEJAL: Five..
Riddhima and vansh comes out..
SEJAL: What’s this? This is office. Bhai, what happened to you? Riddhima, have you become mad?
VANSH: Yes..
Riddhima angrily looks at vansh..
SEJAL: Then, what happened to you bhai?
VANSH: I too became mad being with this mad..
SEJAL: Bhai!! Stop all your jokes.. Thank God, I came.. If some other comes here, what will they think of you both?
VANSH & RIDDHIMA: (together) Mad!!
Vansh and riddhima looks at each other..
SEJAL: If I be here for some more time then, I’ll become mad..
Sejal bangs her head and leaves. Riddhima and vansh laughs looking at each other..
VANSH: Wait, I have a surprise for you..
RIDDHIMA: surprise?
VANSH: Close you eyes..
Riddhima closes her eyes..
Vansh brings a cardboard and ties it to a thread and hangs it to riddhima’s neck..
VANSH: Now, open your eyes.
Riddhima opens her eyes and sees the cardboard with a written note ” PROBLEM PRONE ZONE” She sees it and gets angry..
VANSH: Actually, this suits you better.. Problem prone zone is riddhima..
Saying so, he runs from there. Riddhima removes the cardboard and chases him. Vansh comes out of his cabin and looks at the staff and acts like walking normally. Riddhima too comes out and notices the staff and acts like walking normally.. Vansh comes out of the office and runs an sits in his car. Riddhima too comes out and sits in her car and follows vansh. Vansh comes to a park and stops his car and goes in. Riddhima stops seeing him and she too goes in following him..
PRECAP: Vansh takes riddhima out for a night walk..
Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made..
Guys, the old lady was varun’s mom. Do you all remember Varun who created shwetha for money? Riddhima found him and handed him to the police. What do you guys think? Will riddhima get varun out or not?
Do also comment your opinion. Please, do keep supporting me like this..
The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 62 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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