Hi guys first of all Congratulations to all RIANSH & RRAHEL fans Rrahul Sudhir & Helly Shah wins best jodi award in iconic gold awards .
So this start from when Anupriya burns Vansh’s mother’s last picture Vansh blame it for Riddhima.
Let’s start
Vansh: why you burnt my mother’s last picture? (Shouting & tears in eyes)
Riddhima: Vansh trust me I didn’t burnt your mother’s last picture.
Vansh:you are lieing . ( Shouting)
Riddhima: Vansh trust me pls
Vansh: trust on you never
Riddhima goes Dadi
Riddhima: Dadi atleast you trust me ( crying)
Dadi: Sorry Riddhima I can’t.
Vansh: leave VR Mansion till morning otherwise consequence is not good & yes after some time Angre gives you divorce papers sign them also
Saying he goes .
Everyone goes to their respective room
Riddhima was shocked
She goes to her room
Riddhima is sitting on floor crying bitterly
After some time Angre came to her room.
Angre: bhabi this is divorce papers
He handover papers to Riddhima
Next day
Vansh: Angre check that had the or not & divorce papers also
Angre goes Riddhima’s Room
He find signed divorce papers & letter
He goes Vansh
Angre: Boss divorce is signed & I find this letter in room .
Vansh: give me
He gave letter & divorce papers to him
Vansh: you go
Angre goes
Vansh start reading letter
In letter
Vansh I know you won’t trust but pls check CCTV photage once . I had signed I won’t come back but pls check CCTV photage once.
This is my first & request to you .
Letter ends
Vansh goes to check CCTV
He checks CCTV was shocked that Riddhima is innocent but his step Mom was burnt his mother’s last picture & then he check more Anupriya’s room CCTV. He was more that Riddhima loves Kabir & trust him alot but he manipulated her using her & Anupriya is also with her
On other hand
Riddhima was walking on road crying . She is for not crying that she left VR Mansion she crying for she innocent but still Vansh blaming her.
She comes Kabir ‘s house
Before she could enter in room she heard talkings of Kabir & Anupriya.
Kabir: Mom , Riddhima is too fool na she thinks I love her but she don’t know I am using her for Vansh’s property. Love with Riddhima never ever
Anupriya laughs
Anupriya: Even Vansh don’t know that I am his mom also fooling her.
Riddhima was shocked not because of Anupriya but because of Kabir .
She goes from there.
Riddhima was walking road like lifeless body
At that time someone came from her behind that person put handkerchief on her mouth full of chloroform . She is unconscious now
At VR Mansion
Vansh was crying for he did with Riddhima . He was again & again reading letter. Then called Angre
Angre came
Angre: yes Boss
Vansh: trace location of Riddhima
Angre:ok boss
Riddhima was still unconscious
Person 1: we will sell her
Person 2: yes we will get big amount her
Riddhima get conscious
Riddhima:who are you? Leave me
Person 1 : we won’t leave you. We sell you . Now shut your mouth
Riddhima: I am not public property ( shouting)
Person 2: we won’t need public property for sell
Riddhima: you stupid , idot , mental you don’t know laws
Person 1 : we don’t know .
Person 2: I will shoot her she speaks too much . (Pointing gun towards Riddhima)
Riddhima closed her eyes in fear she heard another gun shot . She opened her eyes saw the person lying dead .
Riddhima: Vansh
Vansh shoot to other person
Vansh came to Riddhima
Vansh: I am sorry Riddhima I did wrong with you.
Riddhima: it’s ok . Vansh I want tell you something.
Riddhima tells about Kabir & Anupriya
Vansh: I know it
Riddhima shocked) how ?
Vansh: by CCTV Photage
Riddhima: ok . Then also forgive me
Vansh: it’s ok Riddhima
After 1 month
Vansh: Riddhima .
Riddhima: hmm
Vansh: I want a tell you something.
Riddhima: speak
Vansh: I love you
Riddhima: I love you too ( she realised what she spoke)
Riddhima blushed
Vansh: what you spoke . Repeat it
Riddhima:I love you Vansh
Vansh: I love you too sweetheart
Riddhima: One truth can change our life
Vansh: yes
The End.
Hope you you like it.
Take Care.
Your Author .
Japjot Kaur
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