Monday 13 September 2021

Lady don “Ridhima” #Riansh (immj2)


thank you for your support and love…don’t worry one mere comments can’t demotivate me when many are motiving me and giving such a lovely comments…. And if any one is not liking my update then they should not read and waste their precious time on my updates…..and very big thank you who are liking and complimenting my updates…

 Episode starts…

Sejal and vansh were in Ridhima’s room. ” sejal why are you packing my staff”

Sejal: because you and your family leaving this mansion in an hour….

Vansh with a surprised face ” what??? And why??”

Sejal: because Ridhima is coming in an hour….

Vansh: I wanted to see her and ask about her health….why you didn’t allow me to meet her….

Sejal (with anger): shut up you blo*dy traitor because of you she is in hospital…..because of you she was about to die….I am not allowing you to meet her because I want to protect her from you and your trap….I don’t know what she had seen in you that she loved a man like you who always hated her.

Vansh: sejal you are misunderstanding me….and when Ridhima will come home she will get angry at you.

Sejal: stop your drama and for your kind information she even don’t want to see your shadow near her…..she don’t want to live with traitor. And please don’t come in front of her otherwise what she will do no one knows…..

Vansh: I want to talk to her and clarify things…you both are misunderstanding me….I didn’t cheat on her….

Sejal shouted ” having an extramarital affair is not called cheat….try to kill her with help of your so-called lover Ragini is not called cheat….I know how much Ridhima loved you…( vansh looked at her)…yes she loved because now she hates you….how much happy she was when you addressed her your wife and sweetheart in the office….what she had asked you just a little love for herself, for that she craved since birth……she loved you and your family wholeheartedly and what you gave her in return hatred, taunts betrayal and even you tried to kill her….how many times I told her that “love can’t be achieved by begging…otherwise baggers who are sitting on roads would have been most loved one. ” ….she was even ready to leave mafia world for you and your love and how you rewarded her feelings by saying she is not worthy of to be loved….let me tell you one thing no one became criminal from mother’s womb…..people like you who always think about their benefit and profit forced us to become like this…she doesn’t kill people for enjoyment or money….you can’t even imagine how much problems she faced in her life…..
please now move out of her life and let her live her life peacefully because she decided to free you…

Vansh was in guilt because of his action and words. His eyes were filled with tears and asked ” what do you mean by free”

Sejal: Today she is going to divorce you so that you can live peacefully with your so-called love Ragini.

Vansh: before clearing things I will not going to divorce her…..

Sejal: between you and her was nothing and you married to her just because of money so there is nothing to clarify…..and don’t think about your family’s expenses even after divorcing you she will take responsibility of your family as she promised while marrying. Now move from here and don’t you dare to come in front of her because yours this blo*dy face will refresh her wounds…..I am telling you in advance in our world betrayal means the death of the betrayer so better stay away from her if want to live.
Ridhima was discharged and came back home with Kabeer as sejal was busy in arranging things that she had asked. She directly went to her room. At lunchtime, she came downstairs. She shouted taking out her lungs ” sejal” on seeing vansh and his family. Her eyes were spitting fire and if eyes can burn things then vansh would have become ash till now.

Sejal ran to her. Ridhima asked coldly ” I had asked something “

Sejal: I called the lawyer but he told me that he needs some time for paperwork.

Ridhima(with rough tone): now I don’t want to live here….book tickets for London and pack my staff.

Sejal: but!!

Ridhima shouted ” do as I am saying” her voice echoed in the whole mansion and everyone looked at her. Sejal nodded and moved to pack her bags.Ridhima was going to her study but stopped hearing the lawyer voice. Lawyer handed her paper and moved out of the mansion.

She gave the paper to vansh ” these are the divorce and property papers. Sign divorce paper and give me….”

Vansh: but at least listen to me once….

Ridhima: Mr. Raisinghania I don’t have the habit of repeating things….if you don’t me to handle things in my way then sign quickly.

Uma: beta what happened??? You are already ill so don’t stress yourself…if there is any issue then we can sort it out….separation is not any solution.

Ridhima: maa there is not any issue….

Siya: then why are you ending this marriage.

Ridhima: siya it wasn’t a marriage….it was a deal.

Vansh looked at ridhima with painful eyes and said ” you are getting wrong”

Ridhima royally ignored him and continued ” I needed a family who can help me in converting my black money otherwise I have to give all money and property to government… I dealt with Mr. Raisinghania if he will allow me to use his name then I will take responsibility of you all……”

Uma: then why are you transferring property to vansh?

Ridhima: there are two reasons one that I promised to take responsibility of your for whole life but I am breaking the deal in mid so I am giving him as alimony…..second because of your husband “AR”

Uma: how you know him…..

Ridhima: he was dead because of me.

Uma: he has died because he deserved death….if he wasn’t dead then I would have killed him. monster like him deserves death only.

Vansh: maa what are you saying he is your husband.

Uma: beta he was an monster…he destroyed many child’s life. He was mafia, smuggler and….(cried )  …and involved in trafficking of women…… because of him, many girl’s life got spoiled. The day he was killed, he was going sell some girls from an orphanage but one girl from that batch killed him to save her life and she saved other girl’s likes too… know vansh how smalls girls were whom he was going to sell….they were just 8-12. The girl who killed him was just 9. At age kids use to hold pen and paper because of Ajay that girl held a knife…and if…if she didn’t kill him ( cried)……what happened to those girls……but acc. to law she was sent to jail…. After Ajay’s death, I left Mumbai so that his black shadow don’t affect my innocent children….I don’t want you all to hate your father so I hid this fact from you all because he was already and I didn’t want his things to affect us even after his death……To protect you all even I didn’t mention his name in any paper……he was died because of his “KARMA”… don’t blame yourself beta….

Ridhima: all these things can’t change the fact that I killed him….I am a criminal and murderer….

Vansh looked at her with affection, sympathy and many more emotions ” beta it was his destiny that is why he is dead…if you didn’t have done that then I am afraid to think what would happened to you….”

Ridhima( with plan face): thank you for understanding me…..I should check why sejal is taking so much time…..

Uma: if you don’t want to live in relation with vansh then I will not force you…but you call me Maa then why are you going away from your mother…

Ridhima smiled sadly and said ” sorry!!!  But you don’t know one thing that people like me who are cold-hearted murderers are not worthy of to be loved….. and called orphan because we don’t deserve parents love….I am in habit of living alon and accepted the things want to live in my world….my dark world because if there is not any happiness then there is also not any sadness….

Tears rolled down from vansh’s eyes to see the amount of her he gave to her when she wasn’t at fault. He looked at Ridhima’s face murmured” sorry!!”

Uma: beta if in my place your real mother would have asked you to stay then you wouldn’t have denied her….

Ridhima: you are taking me wrong….I want to spend time with myself….I want to take a break from all the things…..Sorry but I can’t stay will you all….and if consider me as your daughter then promise me you will live in this mansion only even after I leave for London.

Uma: beta!!!

Ridhima: please…

Uma: okay!!

Sejal came and informed Radhima due to bad weather today’s all flights got cancelled so she booked for the next day. uma “now your flight is also got cancel so stay with us…” Said uma.

Ridhima nodded and moved to her room. Ridhima was checking some files when Vansh knocked on her door.

Ridhima replied without looking at him” Mr. Raisinghania I am busy so leave.”

Vansh: please listen to me once….please I beg you.
Saying this he came inside the room.

Ridhima( anger): who gave you the permission to come inside…get lost.

Vansh: I will go after apologising to you…

Ridhima (shouted): I don’t want your apology….I forgave you. Just leave me alone for good sake.

Vansh: I know I have done very wrong with you…I shouldn’t have used those words for you….

Ridhima interrupted him ” what the use of it now….and stop this here only….I have to complete my work so that I can leave tomorrow”

Vansh: but..

Ridhima pulled her gun from the drawer and held on his head “get out”

Vansh: I will not go until unless you are not ready to listen to me…

Ridhima: so die.
Ridhima shoots the bullet on him but the bullet passed just away from his ear and in fear vansh closed his eyes and even started sweating. He was worried by the fact that in real she fired.

Ridhima with coldness: everytime you can’t be lucky….next time this bullet will pass through your head….if you don’t want to die then leave.

Vansh: if you want to kill me then do but I will not go until unless you are not ready to hear me.

Ridhima sat on the chair and crossed her legs putting her gun on the table that is in front of her ” say”

Vansh: I am sorry….

Ridhima: for what?? For betraying me…for cheating on me with my so-called friend….for kissing her or for killing me.

Vansh came near her and kneel down holding her hand ” I know you are hurt because you love me….”

Ridhima(angry) : I don’t love you….I hate you Mr Raisinghania….I hate you to the core of my heart…..your betrayal broke me beyond the repair… know I want to kill you but after looking at your family my hands are not working…so don’t test my patience.

Vansh: Ridhima neither I betrayed you nor I tried to kill you…

Ridhima: tell me you and Ragini didn’t kiss on your birthday…..juice that I drank and get poisoned wasn’t brought by you….Ragini didn’t ask to mix poison in juice on the name of love.

Vansh with teary eyes: Ridhima believe me….

Ridhima: yes or no?…

Vansh : yes!!! But it’s…

Ridhima: what it’s…. Now I freed you from unwanted relation and you don’t have to live with a murderer like me….now go to your love….to your Ragini.

Vansh: why are you not listening to me and just assuming things wrongly.

Ridhima(shouted): because I don’t want to…..leave me alone.

Vansh: I already told that I will not go until I confess everything.

Ridhima’s mind heated up and in anger, she hit the table with her hand which was injured earlier and blood started coming…
Vansh hold her so that she don’t hit her hand again ” see how much blood is coming….let me do first aid.” Said vansh with concern.

Ridhima snatched her hand from his grip and said angrily ” stop your drama….you can heal this outer pain what about inner pain….so stop your fake concern because no one is here….”

Vansh: this is not drama ridhima…I genuinely doing.

Ridhima: if you don’t want that I hurt my hand more then go out….otherwise I will again going to hit my hand.

Vansh: no…no don’t hit…I am going.
He left the room because he don’t have any option as he knew very well what she can do in anger.
The next day Ridhima left India….all tried to stop her but she didn’t listen to anyone.
Ragini has vanished from the world( any guessing where is she).

Vansh missing her presence and her care…her dominance…her threats and her possession that she was showing on him.

Whenever he close his eyes and remember her…..his thoughts were broken by her worlds….

you are referring my love and care as a golden cage because you have your mother and sister to do care and love you….think about those people who lived alone in this world and want someone who can love them and do care for them….there are many unlucky people

Ridhima was busy in her world….now she has become cold and dangerous earlier…..

One month is passed….and….and she is back to India and that too in the mansion.

Uma: Ridhima!!!

Siya and Ishani came and hugged her. When ishani and siya informed vansh that Ridhima is in mansion. He ran to mansion leaving all the things. His eyes were dying to see her and his ears also want to listen to her cold threats….When he saw her sitting with his maa….his thirty eyes felt relief…

Vansh: hi Ridhima!!!

Ridhima: maa…I came here to invite you and your family to my marriage

Vansh’s world collapsed hearing this. ” what??? You can’t”

Ridhima again ignored his words and said ” will you come and join in my happiness.

Vansh: I am saying something Ridhima.

Uma: vansh what is your problem….go and do your work…..(to Ridhima)beta when is your marriage.

Ridhima: after two days…

Uma: And you are telling me now..

Ridhima: mom I thought I will not marry to anyone….because I thought I don’t need anyone to live my life….but love that I received from kabeer in this one month changed my thoughts…earlier I denied his proposal but yesterday again he proposed so I accepted and decided to get marry in three days….you all are invited please come….

Uma: sure beta….we will join today only….beta why don’t you do one that wait for sometime so that we can pack our bags and go with you only…

Ridhima: that’s good idea… all go I am waiting here.

When all went to their respective room…vansh pulled Ridhima behind one of the pillar…

Ridhima: Mr raisinghania don’t forget who I am.

Vansh:you can’t do this to me….

Ridhima: what??

Vansh: why are you marrying that ba***rd….you can’t….you love me Nah…

Ridhima: he is my would-be husband and I am not going to hear anything against him…..and I don’t love you…I hate you…

Ridhima pushed him but before she could move he gripped her waist and clutched her hands on her back…..” I know I was a jerk in past….please give me one chance…”

Ridhima drilled her heel on his foot and taking the opportunity she freed herself…” I am a girl but not weak so things thousand times doing anything with me”  vansh was winching in pain to hold his foot. She moved from there…
Vansh and his family moved to London for Ridhima’s marriage. Vansh was jealous seeing them together and their proximity irking him. He want to beat kabeer and put him alive in the graveyard. He was looking at kabeer like a hungry lion.

At night in anger, he consumed alcohol and due to first consumption, he lost his senses. He moved to Ridhima’s room with flying foot and even two-three times he kissed the floor and hugged pillars….in return his face swelled and turned red.

“open the door you lady don” said vansh kicking Ridhima’s door. Ridhima opened the door and gave him a death glare. ” sweetheart how I missed your this angry look….” Said he pulling her checks.

Ridhima: are you drunk?

Vansh pushed her aside and sitting on the bed he replied” ha meri Jaan…..I am drunk because you are getting married to that kabbutar…” With an innocent face.

Ridhima ( angry): get out…

Vansh: why always me ” get out..” Close the door otherwise that useless person will come…

He get up and moved to close the door but he fell on the floor…..Ridhima was trying hard to control her laughter….with difficulties he stood up and closed-door….

Vansh: Ridhima please one chance….is my mistake was this big that I don’t deserve one chance….

Ridhima: giving one chance means giving chance to you to betray me again….I already gave you many chances….

Vansh: why are you so authoritative….you never give me chance to take any decision….you know you scare me like ” Dayan”

Ridhima: you are calling me dayan….

Vansh: because you are a very big “chudail”….and I am a kid who is afraid of you and your toy….

Ridhima with anger: come and meet me in the morning then I will tell you how big chudail I am.

Vansh moved to her who sitting on the bed and adjusted himself beside her….”Ridhima you molested me….”

Ridhima’s eyes widened ” what??”

Vansh: yes!!! You kissed me without my permission… took advantage abala adami…now I will do the same with you.

Ridhima: I only knew how much witty you are….

Vansh: Ridhima I didn’t cheat you….it was all a misconception and even I didn’t mix poison in your juice….that day I came to tell you all the things but don’t know how you got poisoned……

Saying this he slammed his lips with her….Ridhima pushed him and beaten on his chest but in vain….. When he didn’t leave her lip she bit his lip brutally……and drilled her nails in his neck like spikes…
In the morning vansh was sleeping peacefully on Ridhima’s bed. Around 9 0’clock his sleep got broken. His head was paining and spinning too. He looked at surrounding and found Ridhima looking at him dangerously and her gun was placed near her on the table….

Vansh closed his eyes and got the flashback when he kissed her and she was protesting him….how he called her chudail and dayan….and all.

Ridhima: hello sejal is torture room is ready and take him…

Vansh (scared): ridhima please leave me….I was not in senses….

Ridhima with coldness: you need this medicine to bring you in your senses…

Vansh: ridhima please…mai nhi jaunga.
Saying this he ran into the bathroom.

Ridhima: open the door vansh!!!
She was banging the door continuously.

Vansh: please leave me…I was drunk otherwise would have not misbehaved with you…..

Ridhima: what are you thinking by hiding in the bathroom you will be saved…. no…vansh no…I will break this door….and take you out and then send you in hell.

Vansh: Ridhima tum Jo bologi Mai wo Karina…but please leave me, sweetheart…

Ridhima: what sweetheart…I am big chudail and Dayan Nah….

Vansh: it was just slip of tongue sweetheart…..I will become your gulaam but leave me…(pleading)

Ridhima: I am counting till 3 if you didn’t open door then I will break the lock…

Vansh: please at count till 100….

Ridhima: 1

Vansh: okay till 50

Ridhima: 2

Vansh: at least count till 10…

Ridhima: 3


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9/13/2021 12:11:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments