Early Morning
Flight Lands in Delhi and has come from Australia. Pragya comes out of airport and gets emotional coming India after 2 years Finally. Sushma aunty is also with her.
Same day morning Pranbir are also packing bags to to go back to Kohli Mansion.
Prachi to Ranbir – I can’t still believe that we were living in this house for last 2 years and now we have to leave.
Ranbir – Yes my Chikchiki, we have lived so many memories in this house.
They both remember all the moments they lived in past 2 years there and get Emotional. Ranbir’s phone rings and they get out of their trans of memories. It was call from driver who came to pick them up. So they take a leave from the house.
At Airport :
Pragya sits in her car and tells the driver to take her Directly to new Office which she took over instead of her house.
Both Pranbir and Pragya leave to reach their respective destinations.
At Signal:
Pragya and Pranbir cars stops on either side of Divider of same signal. Pragya was instructing her secretary to prepare the conference room and arrange the meeting with staff. She was talkig in high pitch due to traffic signal noise. Pranbir were sitting silently and prachi was nervous to face ranbir’s family after 2 years. Suddenly, she hears pragya’s voice.
Prachi – Ranbir, did you hear that.
Ranbir – what Prachi?
Prachi – I heard voice of maa.
Ranbir – How is that possible..
Prachi gets out of the car to search for pragya. But other side signal opens and pragya’s car pass by her. She fails to notice her and sees only sushma aunty.
Ranbir – Prachii come into car quickly. Signal is open.
Prachi gets into the car.
Prachi – I am sure that I heard maa’s voice. I can do no mistake in recognizing her in any situation.
Ranbir – Probably you are nervous to go to kohli mansion and missing pragya aunty in such situation, so you are hearing her voice even if she is not here. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.
Kohli Mansion :
Didaa, Vikram and Sid is very happy that Pranbir are coming home after 2 years. Pallavi is not happy as prachi is also coming home along with ranbir. Rhea is neutral and is just quiet regarding the whole situation.
Sid to Rhea – I am very happy that pallavi chachi finally allowed Prachi and Ranbir to come home after 2 years (after all the Heart Attack sequence of Vikram and on his request). I hope she accepts them just like she accepted our marriage.
Rhea nods and gives small smile on this. She has just friends feelings for sid and considers him as a nice and trustworthy person. While sid likes her and always wanted to marry her from the day he saw her.
Sid – Rhea I hope you had good sleep after all the things that happened yesterday
Rhea again nods in affirmation.
Sid – Good.
Sid POV : Why is this girl not speaking to me. Is there something that I did to her or she doesn’t like me. But, if that was the case then why she agreed to marry me. Am I thinking too much? I should concentrate on prachi and ranbir’s welcome.
After sometime :
Pranbir reach Kohli Mansion while Pragya reach her office.
Kohli Mansion :
Door bell rings and Didaa is excited to welcome Pranbir. She opens the door.
Didaa – You both wait at doorsteps only. I want to do proper griha pravesh of Prachi.
Listening this prachi gets emotional. Also, she is happy to see rhea and whole kohli family present at their welcome.
Didaa performs all the rituals and Pranbir enter house after 2 years. Ranbir gets emotional and remembers all his moments in his house that he missed being away from family for 2 years. They touch elder’s feet and take their blessings.
Ranbir hugs Sid while Prachi and Rhea stand in front of each other confused about what to do or say after all that happened among them in past.
Pragya’s Office :
Pragya’s welcome takes place in a grand way as she is now the owner of company. Pragya being workaholic Now, commands everyone to gather in the conference room for the meeting on designated time and goes to her cabin.
After sometime in Conference Room :
Pragya is discussing something about the future plans of company and all while someone comes inside for keeping refreshments on table. Firstly, Pragya is not able to see his face as there was darkness in room due to the Presentation going on.
Suddenly that person comes in front of pragya to keep refreshments and she is shocked seeing him.
Pragya – AAP (In shock and anger)
That person – TUM…. (Shocked and can’t believe his eyes)
Precap : Reason for abhi to work, Abhigya tashan, Prachi Rhea, Pranbir and SidRhea Moments
Hope you guys enjoyed reading it and Do tell me your reviews. HAPPY READING..!!
P.S. : I am not including the unnecessary sequence of Chacha chachi of Ranbir.
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