Monday 2 August 2021

Tu jaroori sa hai #Riansh (immj2) episode 21


Thank you for your support and love to my…keep supporting me…i will not able to post my second ff as I can’t handle both at a time now because next month I have my NEET exam….i will also take time to post this ff too…but I will try to give a episode in a week…and that is why I am also unable to reply to your comments so don’t get offended my behaviour

Episode stats….

Vansh and sejal didn’t disturb her. Ridhima came out during dinner, they silently finished dinner. Vansh asked sejal to stay in Ridhima’s room. When Ridhima was going to her room vansh held her hand said “you come to my room.” Ridhima looked at him with wide eyes and said ” but…”

Vansh: what but…you have right on me then why not on my room.

She smiled and vansh also smiled at her then he picked her up in his arms and moved to the room. Room’s walls were filled with Ridhima’s photo’s.

Ridhima: Vansh!! What is this?

Vansh: because I can’t live without you “TU JAROORI SA HAI ab har haal me”

Ridhima’s eyes get filled with tears and hugged vansh tightly. They remained in this position for some time then Ridhima asked ” Vansh there are some photos which are after our marriage”

Vansh: Hmm!!

Ridhima: how?? I mean you didn’t meet after that incident then how?

Vansh: we didn’t meet but sometimes these photos don’t work then use to follow you secretly.

Ridhima looked at him ” that means you knew how badly I wanted to have words with you”

Vansh: hmmm

Ridhima: After knowing everything you troubled me?

Vansh: Ridhima I didn’t trouble you…you were the one who asked me to stay away from you and for me, your happiness was important either it was with viyom or with me. Moreover, I love you and I don’t want to become just a friend of yours. If something is mine then I don’t allow others to touch and If you were not meant for me then I don’t want to force you.

Ridhima has no word to encounter him. Vansh ” Ridhima I don’t want anything from you except your love and time. Your love gives me the strength to face this cruel world. I lived 29 years without you but now I can’t live a second without you.”

Ridhima: Vansh Love You and you don’t have to be insecure about this. Vansh we lived many years away from each other but now no one can part us. Vansh I don’t know what makes you think that I will leave you or showing sympathy for you but want to say one thing that don’t make them overpower on our relationship. I am not forcing you to tell me what is troubling but I am always available to listen to you not only listen to you but also understand you. I will give my 200 percent to make you comfortable and I will try all possible ways to reduce your pain , worries, insecurities. And I am waiting for that day when you will open your heart.I am waiting for the day ” jis din tum apni pr bhi hk doge jaise tumne khud pr or kamare pr diya hai.”
(a day when you will give right on your worries like you gave right on you and your room)

Vansh: Ridhima!! You need more time to understand them instead of misinterpretinginging them. It doesn’t mean that I am hiding something from you. It’s like you will not be able to handle the truth as you are still immature. And most importantly I don’t want that you to take any wrong decision

Ridhima’s expression changes listening his last words but she don’t want to spoil the moment so she said : I know Jaan! But I have sejal who always shows me the good path.

Vansh in mind ” indeed, how can I forget her.” Vansh to Ridhima ” you take bed I am going to change my clothes”
In the morning Ridhima was sleeping on the bed and vansh was sleeping keeping his head on her belly. He wrapped his hand protectively around her waist. Ridhima woke up and looked at her husband who is sleeping peacefully on her stomach. She caressed his hair lovingly and smiled looking at his face which is cute like a baby…irony he always call her kid but now he is looking like baby.

She chuckled at her thought. She slowly tried to place his head on the pillow but vansh griped more tightened on her waist. Vansh ” sweetheart!! Sleep Nah and let me sleep”

Ridhima: who is stopping you? Sleep nah..

Vansh: you!!

Ridhima: I am not stopping you. I was just placing your head on the pillow.

Vansh: but I love this one nah ( pointing to her)

Ridhima smiled ” vansh!! I have to use the bathroom and then I have to attend college then I have to look for work”

Vansh lifted his head and looking at her” work? ”

Ridhima: Hmm!! I can’t seat all day at home nah…

Vansh: Ridhima this is crucial time and you need to focus on your study for better future.

Ridhima: I will manage both job and college.

Vansh: Ridhima…Do cheeze wo manage karte hai jinke pas koi option nhi hota earning ka….

Ridhima: Vansh! I don’t want to just munch on your money.

Vansh: Ridhima you have all the right on me and my money too…I am not abandoning you from your job. I just want you to focus on your future not on the rubbish that people vomit all the time.

Ridhima: Vansh what is wrong in doing the job and become successful.

Vansh: Ridhima you are not understanding there are two different things one is thee job and the other is becoming successful. A person can’t become successful just like that.

Ridhima: Vansh I will give my 200% and do hard work to achieve my goal

Vansh: A person can’t achieve success by hard work only. Ridhima you don’t know when you will fall then how things going to change in your life when you are not fully prepared for that. Success needs proper planning and patience.

Ridhima: what do mean vansh? You think I can’t do anything.

Vansh: when I said that ….i know you are one of shining star.

Ridhima: then let me do what I have decided.

Vansh: tell me what have you decide?

Ridhima: job and college both.

Vansh: what job are you going to do?

Ridhima: I will see that today…

Vansh: I am telling you drop the idea of doing the job. You will not able to manage.

Ridhima: vansh why are you demotivating me. Vansh I’m not a kid that I have to ask everything from you. I know what is good or not.

Vansh: Ridhima you are taking me wrong.

Ridhima: Vansh I can’t be always wrong and please don’t interfere in my life.

Vansh looked at her surprisingly and he is hurt by her words. He want to say something but didn’t said as he knew that she will take him wrong and intensity will increase in their talks.
Ridhima attended the college. She also told everything to sejal. She was too surprised by Ridhima’s behaviour.

Sejal: how can you say that to him. He has all right on you and what is wrong with you.

Ridhima: but he can’t order me.

Sejal: when he did so.

Ridhima: he is stopping me to do job.

Sajal: but why do you want to do the job?

Ridhima: I want to create my own identity and earn money so that no one can insult me.

Sejal: yeah!!! it’s good to become independent but this will increase responsibilities and troubles in your life.

Ridhima: no! This will sort out my all problems and most important thing I don’t have to wait for others.

Sejal gave her a surprise look and said ” What’s wrong with you…he is your husband damn it not any random guy so you feel embarrass by taking help from him.

Ridhima: I know and I also know that he was capable of doing that because he is rich.

Sejal: he did that because he loves you and you only told me that he was in an important meet but he left that meeting for you. This shows that money is not important for him but you are everything to him.

Ridhima: he don’t care about money because he has.

Sejal: Acc. to you he doesn’t love you.

Ridhima: when I said that of course, he loves me but…

Sejal: what but…you are insulting his love by comparison

Ridhima: why you taking me wrong and even you are not trying to understand my point of view.

Sejal closed her eyes and composed herself ” Ridhu, I understand you but everything has its time dear. This time is for study and built yourself for a better future. Ridhu entered 20 and you have full life then why are you killing this precious time instead of enjoying it. Time will never come back.”

Ridhima: Vansh told me once ” time never wait for anyone so instead of killing this precious time we should use it for our betterment ”

Ridhima was asking vansh to go out and have ice cream with her as she was getting bore but vansh was busy in doing work on his laptop not even looking at her. Then he said

Vansh : I mean Time never wait ….if now I work hard then only my future will be bright….

Flashback end.
Ridhima tried all her possible ways to get a good job with handsome money but she didn’t succeed. She always the busy in searching job then college and interviews. These two weeks were hell hectic to her but nothing in her pleasure. In these two weeks distance between Vansh and Ridhima increases as they hardly talk.

Sometimes Ridhima busy in her work and when she come home then she have her food and retired to bed. Vansh was also busy in his office work but he use to take out some time for his wife but they aren’t able to spend lovey-dovey hubby and wife time because Ridhima use to tell him how difficult is to find a job.

Sometimes she use to sleep while talking to him but in all this, he never forgets to do care for her. When he use to come from the office he waits for her if didn’t come and if she slept before he came Home then he always places a kiss on her forehead and sometimes on her lips. After taking her in his arms he sleeps.

Time is running like a train and intimacy between them was also decreasing due to a mismatch of duration. Whenever vansh tried to talk to her about this matter then this ends in an argument so vansh stopped. Now he also started feeling that he is necessarily poking his nose in her matter.

Whenever Ridhima slept empty stomach he use to feed her with his hand. Sometimes she starts to cry because he disturbed her sleep to feed her food.

All these things give stress and pressure to him which is unnoticed by Ridhima as she is highly busy in her life. She is unaware that these small small things troubling him. Now his responsibility is increased as Ridhima neglecting her health due to workload and her workload making things worst for him.

He is very worried for her and her health too. Now one month is over Ridhima got a chance to do an album music in which she is lead role. When shooting starts she got busy. Her luck was good so after releasing the album she got another album.

Her day time for college and rest time including night is for her shoot. She also started missing her lectures in her college due to day and morning shoot.

Vansh and Ridhima hardly spend time with each other. They were use to meet on dinning table and bed that to not daily. Now chunk moments from their life is got removed. They had their plan life i.e. office – home for vansh and for Ridhima college – shooting site – home.
Vansh was missing his kiddo wife and her talks. He knew if he try to say anything then again Ridhima will think he is stopping her to achieve her goal and success.
Reality is that he is want her wife badly and he don’t want money because now both have good money and fame but not happiness.

Now life is running but they are not living their life. He is just spending time and counting days which are added to his. He has his Ridhima but not with him.
Two month passed and things are changed to more bad for vansh as Ridhima is not much affected because she is busy in earning fame and money.

Today is Sunday and he is sitting ideal on the couch and thinking about things. He is upset and something is bothering him very badly but what?

He was engrossed in her thought when he receives a call.
Vansh(sadly): hello buddy

Person: what happen? You sound sad.

Vansh: because I am missing my wife.

Person: you should talk to her.

Vansh: what should I talk to her?

Person: that you want her and her time.

Vansh: you think so she will leave work for me.

Person: of course she loves you very much.

Vansh: I know but she love her work too.

Person: don’t say like that.

Vansh: what should I say? She don’t have time for me now.

Person: you can’t judge her before asking her.

Vansh: okay! Don’t get offended I know you love her much.

Parson: you know nah she is a child so she needs you every moment of her. She will do many mistakes but you have to hold her hand and then take her to the right path.

Vansh: Hmm!! I will never leave her side.

Person: yeah! I know you are feeling bad that she is not giving time to you and you want her badly. But remember one thing she is fragile like sand castle so you have handle her very carefully.

Vansh: I will talk to her.

Person: you should her for a lunch date or shopping.

Vansh: thank you!! I will do.
_________________________________________________Tell me who is right here (vansh, sejal, Ridhima and mysterious person ) and what will Ridhima going to answer when vansh will ask her for launch

The post Tu jaroori sa hai #Riansh (immj2) episode 21 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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