Hi guys,
Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this..
Episode begins with..
Vansh comes to his room and sees riddhima. He notices riddhima being normal..
VANSH: You don’t have to act as if you are normal..
RIDDHIMA: Why should I act?
VANSH: Even I’m asking the same to you..
RIDDHIMA: I don’t want to talk about anything..
Saying so, she was about to go. But, vansh stops her..
VANSH:Enough!! I lost my patience. No more drama.. I need a straight answer for my question..
RIDDHIMA: Tell me..
VANSH: Who is that virat?
Riddhima thinks of sia.
VANSH: What are you thinking?
RIDDHIMA: He is just my business enemy. Thats it..
VANSH: Why did he do all this?
RIDDHIMA: I don’t want to talk about him..
VANSH: Okay.
Vansh notices riddhima being upset..
VANSH: Are you thinking about uncle’s decision?
RIDDHIMA: There is nothing to think about him. Why should I think about him? It’s not necessary.. He might decide anything. But, I can’t do all that.. This company is mine. It’s my dream. It’s my ambition. It’s my identity. I can’t leave all this for his stubborn. Riddhima is nothing without that company. Moreover, I don’t feel bad that he is against my dreams. I’m not feeling bad that my dad couldn’t understand me. Riddhima will always follow her heart..
Saying so, she was about to go..
VANSH: I didn’t ask you anything about how you are feeling.
Riddhima turns and looks at vansh..
VANSH: Riddhima, it’s not like that you’ll become weak if you cry before others. Sometimes, our tears will make us strong. I know that riddhima follows her heart. But, I think that now even your heart must be asking you to cry..
Riddhima signs him no and turns the other side and wipes her tears and goes..
Vansh thinks about all the incidents that happened from morning.
VANSH: All this is because of that virat. I won’t leave him. He had disturbed my family. But, for now I must clear my doubts.. Who can answer me? Definitely this devil won’t tell me. Let me ask angre..
He calls angre and asks him to come home.
Uma’s friend Savitha visits her. Uma introduces riddhima to her. She calls her aside and speaks bad about her.
SAVITHA: At least you could have thought once before getting her married to our vansh.
UMA: Why? What happened?
SAVITHA: Just now we saw her arrest news.
UMA: What!! News..
SAVITHA: Yes.. Not only me. By now, almost the whole city must have seen this news. Whoever knows vansh also knows that his wife got arrested. Even all our friends asked me.
Riddhima hears all this and goes.
Meanwhile angre and ishani comes to see vansh.
ANGRE: Sorry vansh.. Actually, ishani came to meet riddhima. I told her not to come. But..
ISHANI: Bhai, I also have a question.
VANSH: What’s it?
ISHANI: Angre, I even want to ask this to you. When mom and dad supported me, why do they want riddhima to leave that company?
VANSH: Angre, ishani is right. Why does he want her to back off from this company? What’s the reason?
ANGRE: Vansh, actually riddhima’s ambition is to become a successful business woman.Even dad used to motivate her a lot. When she finished her graduation she decided to take over dad’s company. Because, at that time dad’s company was in loss. Dad was not ready to give that company. He had an idea to sell that company. He told that even his friend is ready to buy the company. But, riddhima stood firm in her decision. We tried to convince riddhima. But, riddhima told that the company means a lot to her. That was the first company started by our dad. So, riddhima doesn’t want dad to sell it. She stood firm in her decision. I made dad to understand. Finally dad agreed to her on one condition. He told that he’ll give her the company responsibilities but asked her to get the company out from its loss in one month. Riddhima accepted his condition. But, mom didn’t support her as she thought that riddhima was doing something against dad’s wish. Dad also told that if she fails to do so, then she shouldn’t interfere in any of the company issues in future. Riddhima challenged dad that she’ll do it. Mom and I tried to convince both but we couldn’t. A month passed. Riddhima tried hard. She didn’t eat properly. She didn’t sleep properly. She even forgot to smile. Her only motive was the profit of riddhima enterprise. We all were astonished on seeing her dedication. Finally, riddhima won the challenge. She proved herself. So, dad was forced to hand over the company permanently to her as per his condition. Dad and mom was happy at her victory. But, still they both often asked her to return the company. I don’t know why? Even riddhima asked this frequently to dad. But, he didn’t.. So, even I don’t know the reason. But, one thing vansh. I’m sure that tomorrow something big is going to happen. Because I know that both won’t change their decision. Riddhima can’t leave that company vansh. She had done a lot to bring that company to that vansh. In fact, she does all that because she doesn’t want dad to sell that company. She worked hard. I don’t want all her efforts to go in vain. But, I tried a lot. Dad doesn’t want to understand.
VANSH: Angre, is this the reason for riddhima’s anger on uncle?
ANGRE: That’s not possible, vansh. Because, riddhima can’t behave like that with dad. Even when dad was against her dreams and ambitions, they both used to forget everything in our house. Nowadays, she is ignoring dad. I don’t know why. I saw the anger for dad in her eyes. Whenever she is seeing dad, she is getting angry. I don’t like that, vansh. I even told her. Even she haven’t spoke like the way she spike today morning to dad. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. But, I’m sure that riddhima won’t sign that papers.
Just then, riddhima comes there.
Vansh signs ishani and angre not to speak further. They all remain silent.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, what are you doing here?
ANGRE: Just came to see you.
ISHANI: Riddhima, are you fine?
She goes..
Riddhima goes to sia’s room and finds her crying. Sia sees riddhim and wipes her tears. Sia hugs riddhima and cries..
SIA: I’m sorry.. Sorry.. Very very sorry, riddhima..
RIDDHIMA: Sia, why are you saying sorry to me?
SIA: Actually… I couldn’t be with you in your tough time. I mean, I didn’t see you after you came to home. ..
RIDDHIMA: That’s okay. Tell me one thing.. Do you trust me that I didn’t do anything?
SIA: Riddhima, I trust you.. It was his plan. He shouldn’t have done this..
RIDDHIMA: How do you know that it was his plan? Moreover, who is that his?
SIA: I talked about the one who filed that case. I don’t know who that person is. But, whoever he is definitely, it must be his plan.
RIDDHIMA: Don’t worry.. Come down for dinner…
SIA: No.. You go down. I’ll come later..
Riddhima goes..
RIDDHIMA: (thinking) Sia, I know why you said sorry to me. I even know that you meant virat. I’m happy that you trust me. But, at the same time I’m worries seeing your tears. Because, those tears are because you love virat a lot. He is not a good person. He won’t suit you. What will I do? Should I tell this to vansh? But, how? Already a lot is going on. I don’t want to stress him more now. Let me tell him tomorrow. .
She comes down.. Uma asks her to have dinner. She refuses and goes.. Vansh also leaves. Seeing they bothe uma too leaves without having dinner. A hour later, riddhima goes to uma’s room..
UMA: Tell me riddhima..
RIDDHIMA: Mom, I know that you didn’t eat. You have to take your tablets, right? I have brought this fruit and milk for you. Have this and take your tablets..
Vansh comes there and sees them..
UMA: Riddhima, even you didn’t have anything.
RIDDHIMA: Mom, I don’t have to take any bp tablets. So, don’t argue with me. Because, you can’t win. Better have the fruits and milk..
Saying so, she laughs..
UMA: That’s true.. I can’t win over you in arguing.
She laughs and eats the fruit and drinks the milk. Riddhima gives her the tablets. She takes the tablet.
RIDDHIMA: Now, I won’t disturb you. You can sleep peacefully..
Riddhima was about to go. She turns and looks at Uma.
RIDDHIMA: Sorry mom..
UMA: Why?
RIDDHIMA: Because I couldn’t take care of you..
UMA: Riddhima, it’s not like that. Sia and vansh didn’t come to my room. I know that they love me a lot. But, you have more love and you care a lot for me than them. So, don’t say sorry. Whatever riddhima does will always be right. I know that you love and care for others. But, I care for my riddhima a lot. So, don’t confuse yourself. Have your food and go to sleep.
Riddhima smiles and goes..
Vansh hides and sees her..
Riddhima comes to her room and thinks of all the incidents..
PRECAP: Virat secretly comes to meet Sia. Riddhima sees him.
Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. Guys, please do keep supporting me. I know I’m not regular. I’m sorry for that..
The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 37 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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