Hi guys,
Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this..
Episode begins with..
Vansh comes to sia’s room. He finds sia crying. Sia sees vansh..
SIA: Bhai, please listen to me once. Virat is not like what you think. You just meet him once. Please..
VANSH: There is no need for me to meet him. I have a good news for you.. Tomorrow is your marriage..
Sia gets shocked..
VANSH: Don’t worry.. The groom is my friend. He is well settled. His family is very good. Moreover, they are well cultured. So, get ready for your marriage..
SIA: Bhai, don’t do this. I can’t marry anyone. I love virat. Why don’t you understand this? Please, bhai.. Please.
VANSH: I don’t even want to hear his name anymore.
Saying so, he looks at her mobile and takes it.
SIA: Bhai, what are you doing?
VANSH: Till tomorrow, I mean until your marriage gets over you won’t get your phone..
SIA: Bhai, don’t you trust me?
VANSH: I trust you. But, I don’t trust that virat.. So, don’t try to do any emotional drama.. My decision will be the final one..
Saying so, he goes out and locks her room.
VANSH: Sorry Sia.. I know that what I’m doing now is wrong. But, you have forced me to do this..
Saying so, he goes..
Vansh comes aside and thinks of sia.. He cries. Riddhima comes and sees him..
RIDDHIMA: When you are getting hurt, why do you want to do all this?
VANSH: For sia..
RIDDHIMA: Do you think that love is wrong..
VANSH: Love is not wrong. But, the person whom we love matters.. For me, the problem is virat. Did you forget, what he did with you? He is such a person, who can go to any extent for his revenge. I don’t want my sister to marry such a person.
RIDDHIMA: But vansh, at least for sia you can try once, right?
VANSH: It’s not a business to give a try. It’s my sister’s life. I don’t want to take any risk.
RIDDHIMA: But, vansh.. Can’t you see her pain and tears?
VANSH: More than her it’s hurting me. I know that I’m rude to her. But, it’s good for her. I can’t hurt her. But, for her future I need to be little rude. Otherwise, she won’t understand. I’m getting more hurt seeing her tears. Because, I know that I’m the reason for her tears. But, I can’t do anything. I want her to be happy. I want her to marry a person who can keep her always happy. Who can care about her. I want her to marry a person who will support her and wipe her tears.
Saying so, he goes..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, as a brother you are right in your place. But, you didn’t understand one thing. You want sia to be with someone who will support her and wipe her tears. But, virat won’t even let her cry.. I have seen that.. How will I make you understand this?
Riddhima comes to sia’s room and knocks the door. Sia sees riddhima through the window..
SIA: Riddhima, bhai has..
RIDDHIMA: I know everything. I tried to make him understand. But, he’s not ready to even listen to me..
SIA: Riddhima, I need to inform virat about this. He must be very tensed. Only he can do something. Bhai has taken my phone. Give me your mobile, please..
Riddhima gives her mobile..
Sia calls virat.. Virat looks at the number and thinks riddhima is calling him. So, he doesn’t attend the call.. Sia again tries and virat disconnects it..
RIDDHIMA: What happened?
SIA: I don’t know. He is not picking the calls..
RIDDHIMA: He must have thought that I’m calling him, so, he won’t..
SIA: But, how does he know your number?
RIDDHIMA: Sia, he is considering me as his enemy. So, definitely he must have collected all the details about me. You better message him. Definitely, at least for deleting he’ll open it.
Sia messages virat about vansh’s decision to get her married tomorrow. She also messages him that vansh has taken her mobile and she can’t contact him. Virat receives the message..
VIRAT: Now, why is this riddhima messaging me?
Just then, vansh comes there. Both sia and riddhima gets shocked. Sia gives the mobile to riddhima and she hides it..
RIDDHIMA: What’s going on here?
SIA: Riddhima is advising me to listen to you..
Riddhima feels bad about lying to vansh again and again..
RIDDHIMA: God!! Vansh and mom are trusting me. But, I’m lying to them. Please forgive me.. Meanwhile, virat opens the message and reads it..
VIRAT: It means sia has been calling me.. How stupid I am?
He calls back to riddhima’s number. The phone rings. Both sia and riddhima gets shocked..
VANSH: Riddhima, answer the call.. What are you thinking?
Riddhima attends the call.. Before virat could speak..
RIDDHIMA: Sir, how many times will I tell? I don’t need any loan.. You won’t call us when there is a need. You call us at the wrong time. Please don’t call me again.. I’ll call you when there is a need.. I mean when I need any loan, I’ll definitely call you..
Saying so, she cuts the call..
VIRAT: I think someone must be there.. Let me wait until sia calls me.. But, what’s this marriage drama?
VANSH: What happened riddhima?
RIDDHIMA: No.. It’s a bank call. They have been constantly calling me for loan.. That’s it..
Saying so, she goes..
SIA: I think virat must have read that message. God please help me..
Riddhima comes to meet sia..
SIA: Riddhima, please do something..
RIDDHIMA: Sia, trust me.. I’ll do something.. Don’t worry..
SIA: Riddhima, I need to speak to virat urgently.
Riddhima gives her mobile..
Sia coughs continuously..
RIDDHIMA: What happened? Drink some water..
SIA: There is no water in my room..
She coughs continuously..
RIDDHIMA: Wait.. I’ll get you the water..
She runs to her room.. She asks vansh to give the room keys..
Meanwhile, sia messages something to virat and deletes it..
Vansh comes there and opens the door. Sia hides the mobile under he bed. Riddhima bring water for sia.. Sia drinks it and thanks riddhima..
VANSH: Sia, are you fine? If you need water, you could have told me right?
Sia gets upset and turns her face. She signs riddhima towards the bed.. Riddhima understands and takes her mobile from there..
Vansh and riddhima goes..
Virat reads the message and replies “okay, I’ll do as you say”.Riddhima hears the message sound. But, doesn’t see it..
RIDDHIMA: Even now, sia couldn’t speak to virat. She must be very upset. I have to speak to vansh..
She goes to her room. But, doesn’t find vansh there. She comes out and finds vansh leaving the house. She goes to him..
RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I need to speak to you..
VANSH: Not now.. I’m little busy.. Tomorrow is sia’s marriage, right? I have so many works.. So, I’ll speak to you later..
Before riddhima could speak further, vansh goes..
Riddhima comes to her room. She thinks of all the incidents..
RIDDHIMA: Why is every problem connected to me? Even here, I’m the problem. Vansh is not accepting virat because he is thinking that he is bad. And virat is not bad. His only problem is me.. I know everything. How will I let this marriage to happen? But, at the same time I don’t want vansh and mom to face any insult. How I’m going to handle this alone?
Just then, she hears a voice..
VOICE: Who told you that you are alone? I’m there right..
She turns and finds sejal there..
She runs and hugs her..
SEJAL: Riddhima, I have gone abroad just for few days. But, you have totally forgotten me. You thought that you are alone.. This is not fair..
Riddhima cries hugging her..
RIDDHIMA: Sejal, you have been supporting me in all my problems.. Thank God, you came..
Riddhima tells everything about virat and sia to sejal..
SEJAL: Riddhima, within these few days, so much happened.. Don’t worry. I think the only solution for all this problem is to talk to vansh bhai..
RIDDHIMA: Even I thought the same..
SEJAL: Then, go ahead…
Still riddhima stays upset..
SEJAL: Riddhu, are you hiding anything from me?.
SEJAL: From when you started lying to me?
RIDDHIMA: Sejal, recently I came to know about a truth..
SEJAL: Truth?
RIDDHIMA: Actually, I got a diary..
Just then, Uma comes there… .
Riddhima stops her talk. She sighs sejal to stay silent…
PRECAP: Riddhima and sejal brings sia to temple.. Vansh gets angry..
Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made..
The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 45 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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