Hello peppies aagyi me..
As i said my training started (fashion designing) my whole freaking day went on boutique only i wrote 2 epi with bohot sari difficulty…u can say in sleep at 12 am yesterday night
..plz comments tapka dena..
Let’s start..
Scene 1
Next day.. morning..
Riansh room..
Vansh and riddhima are sitting on bed holding a photo album in their hands…
Riddhima (laughing) -Vansh really look cute nangu pungu here..
Why all parents keep this kind of picture of their child (even i had one..and threw them in dustbin ..its so embarassing yr)
Vansh (embarrassed) – I was 2 years old.. at this time..
My dad was very fond of taking pictures..he used to capture even a single detail of everything..
Riddhima flips some more pictures of vansh smiling
Riddhima – Awww..vansh look u are looking so cute in this…
Vansh – I was 3.5 year old in this ..
Riddhima – Vansh..why there is no picture of ur birth..
I mean there all only pictures of after 1 year..why so..
Vansh – Yeah..we had one.. although i never saw..but mom said they got burned accidently..
I never saw a baby just after his birth (i have seen they are just so adorable )
Riddhima – Why.. didn’t u saw ishani and siya after their birth ..
Vansh – No.. actually mom was little weak after giving birth to me..
So she shifted to her mom’s place at the time of siya and ishani’s birth..
And came back after siya turned 1 month old and ishani was probably 2 months old..
Riddhima know i saw aanu after her birth..she was so small..her whole palm was as big as my little finger..
Her lips was so red..and her cheeks were so chubby..
Vansh (teasing) – I am sure u must be also like this only… cute and chubby..
Suddenly riddhima’s face turned pale and a lone tear escaped from her eyes..
Vansh (concerned) – Sweetheart what happened..did i say something wrong..why are u crying..
Riddhima hugged him tightly and started sobbing hard..
Riddhima (sobbing) – We lost..her vansh..we lost her....
We couldn’t be able to save her..
Vansh – Who sweetheart..what are u saying kisne nhi bacha paye..
Riddhima (sobbing) – My twin sister..
Vansh (shock) – What..u had a twin sister…
Riddhima – Yes vansh..i had a twin sister.. but she died when we were just 1 month old..
Vansh hugged her tightly..patting her back..
Vansh – Shhh!! Sweetheart don’t cry..she must be at better place now..
Riddhima sleeps in his arms sobbing..
Scene 2
Siyom’s room
Siya is getting ready in front of mirror and vyom is standing hugging her from back..
Vyom (nuzzling his nose on her neck) – You smells so good..jana..
Siya – Since when u started behaving so romantic umm…
Vyom turns her and pulls her by waist..
Vyom (leaning to her lips) – The day..i saw..u..u remember how u fell in my arms i felt that the world got stop near me..
Siya pulls him by hairs and they are about to kiss each other suddenly thudddd!!
The door of room opened with a bang!!
“Mumma papa ” A voice came from door..
Anaisha is standing smiling brightly like a angel..but seeing the faces of her mumma papa she got confused..
Vyom’s POv
Oh shit..what if siya will feel that my baby is coming between us..
What is she will feel that i am not giving her proper time..
Pov ends
Siya (smiling) – here to mumma..
Vyom smiles looking at her..
Siya takes anaisha in her arms and kissed her cheeks
Siya – What happened to my baby .
Anaisha – Will u ready me for evening function mumma..
Siya smiles listening mumma from her mouth..
Siya (pecking her forehead) – Mumma will definitely make u ready..
Now go and play with badi dadi
She runs dancing happily..
Vyom instantly hugs siya.. digging his face in her neck..
Siya (patting his back) – I know what are u thinking..but she is not ur daughter only..she is mine also..
And don’t let ur insecurities over power our relationship vyom..
We three are happy with each.. don’t complicate it..
Vyom (kissing her forehead) – Thnk u siya..for understanding me this much..
You are my life jana..plz stay beside me and aanu..we both need u badly..
They both hug each other..
Scene 3
Muh dikhayi of siya and riddhima..
In hall
Riddhima nd siya are sitting in hall on stage..and everyone is giving blessings and gifts to them..
Vansh is standing at a little distance doing his fav work.. staring at his lady love..
Both keep stealing glances of each other..
Three ladies are talking in corner..little louder
Lady 1 – i have heard that riddhima can’t be a mother..
Lady 2 – I have also heard that..god knows why anupriya di made her DIL..of this house..
Lady 3 – The Raisinghania’s will get destroyed..who will give them heir..
Vansh will definitely marry someone else for the child..
And this was limit for everyone as it was heard by everyone in the hall..
“How dare u” A voice came from behind..
Everyone turns to see the owner of voice and gasped seeing anupriya standing with blood shot eyes..
Anupriya (angry) – We invited u here for blessing my daughters not to add salt on her wounds..
I was happy that u came here but now i regret calling u here..
How can u talk about like a woman when u urself are a woman..
My riddhima is my pride..and i will never tolreate a single word against her..
When a woman faces this kind of issues..u should support her..stand by her side..but what are u doing.making fun of her miseries..
Such a disgusting people u are..i really feel shame to call u all a part of our society..
Before i say something which i will regret in future..just get lost from my site..
Mujhe bilkul khushi nhi hui ki aap log yaha aye..
Vansh(angry) – I u all really love ur life then never ever dare to step into my house..
I won’t mind chopping off ur tongue for bad mouthing about my wife..
Riddhima runs to her room crying..
Scene 4
Anupriya’s room
She is crying hugging riddhima
Anupriya – I am sorry beta..i shouldn’t have called that women here..
Riddhima – Maa..plz don’t say sorry..
I should be the one thanking u supporting me..
If their would be some other MIL at ur place they would have cursed me taunt be..
But u supported me in front of everyone..
Anupriya – U are not my DIL u..are my daughter..baccha..
Why won’t i support u..
I understand what u feel..i know how it feels when this happens..
I am ur mother ..riddhima..can u give me a promise..
Riddhima – Yes maa!!
Anupriya – Promise me u won’t do anything wrong because of this..
You will stay strong… promise me..
Riddhima – I promise maa..i will stay strong..and i am ur daughter..i am not weak..
She leaves assuring anupriya..that she is not affected by this..but deep down..riddhima is getting more weak day by day..
Done done dana done
What is happening in VR mansion??
Precap : Some secrets on the verge of coming out
The post Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 86 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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