Thursday 12 August 2021

Kkb (Love of Life) Episode 36


The same night…at the backyard.
The person removes her hood and she is revealed to be Kiara.. Shashank smiles at her. (Arthi and S. Chandrika guessed right so congo 🤗)

Shashank – Dii, did you just see Aryan’s face when I proposed Shahana.. He was completely fuming and was looking so funny, I can’t tell you how I controlled my laughter.
Kiara – Yaa I saw but you know he is still saying the same, not accepting his feelings for Shahana, I wished that I could just slap him at that moment when he said that he won’t back off from marriage.. The plan is going accordingly but what if he doesn’t accept?
Shashank – Don’t worry dii I will manage everything..
Kiara – Thanks Shashank for helping me.
Shashank – It’s okay dii.
Kiara – But why are you helping me?
Shashank (in his mind) – To get my Mishti back… But I am sorry dii I can’t tell this thing to you, it will be suprise for everyone.

Shashank doesn’t response and was lost in his thoughts, Kiara jolts him a little to bring him out of the trance.

Shashank – Dii that day what I saw I understood that Aryan loves Shahana, so I decided to help you afterall Shahana is my friend.

In the flashback. (Lakshya was right)
Shashank was passing through the corridor when he sees Shahana apologising to Aryan… He looks on and after sometimes Aryan hugs Shahana which shocks him… Kiara was also passing through there… Shashank approaches her… He takes her along with him from where they could clearly see Arhana.

Shashank – Dii isn’t this Aryan getting married to Mishti, then why is he hugging Shahana?
Kiara – He will hug her because he loves her.
Shashank- If he loves her than why is he marrying Mishti?
Kiara – (she describes the whole incident to him ;for more details read episode 28 ) He is so stubborn and is not at all accepting his love for Shahana. I want to see both of them together.
Shashank- Than what about his fiance Mishti,what if she loves him?
Kiara – Nothing is the case like that, Mishti is also been pressurized… (She thinks a little and an idea struck in her mind) will you help me in uniting both of them?
Shashank – Help? (He thinks a little and then agrees) Yes dii. But what’s the plan?
Kiara tells him the whole plan (for you guys plan is muted 🔇)
The flashback ends.

Kiara – But Shashank problem is that Aryan didn’t do anything even after you proposed Shahana.
Shashank – Hmm but this problem can be solved ..
Kiara – But how?
Shashank – If Aryan sees me and Shahana together every time.. Means jealousy.
Kiara – Good idea.. You do it.. Well I need to leave now as I have some important work..
Shashank – Okay dii.

Shashank and Kiara hug each other and then leave… Kiara straight away heads towards the storeroom.

In the storeroom.
There was complete darkness.. Kiara enters there she turns on her phone’s torch and heads towards the place where she hid the pics.. She takes them out and carefully examines them. She was totally confused to see them.. They were her childhood pics along with Pragya and Abhi and there was only one pic of her, King and Pragya.

Kiara – Pragya aunty, me and dad while in other pic me, Abhi sir and Pragya aunty.. What am I doing with them, do they know me? .. How am I connected to these people but what should I do to get all my answers.. I can’t approach sir and aunty after all I hid my real identity from them..there is someone who can help me but should I go right now.. No it is not a good idea to go right now I will get all my answers tomorrow morning itself.

She takes all the pics with her and leaves from there.

The next morning.
Kiara gets up early and rushes towards the cupboard takes out all the pics and heads towards dadi’s room.. She knocks the door and then enters in.. She sits beside dadi and unable to control herself directly shows her the pics and asks her about it…

Kiara – Dadi yesterday I saw these pics can you tell me who is she, I know I am no one to ask these things but still can you?

Dadi looks at Kiara’s pics and caresses her face and then kisses her pic.. Kiara was totally confused at dadi’s this gesture..

Dadi (emotionally) – She was the heartbeat of our family, when she entered our life it became full of colours.. She gave a new life to my Abhi and Pragya’s relationship infact she was the one who brought them closer to each other again.. She was our princess and her prince used to be Sunny.. Both of them were best friends.. One day we lost Kiara and the other day Sunny also left us. I wish that I could get both of them back…

Kiara now understood something but it wasn’t fully clear to her.

Kiara – Dadi but who was she?
Dadi – She is Kiara, Abhi and Pragya’s eldest daughter my granddaughter.

Kiara was hell shocked and left speechless.. Her mind was full of questions.. She shows another pic to dadi so as to clear her doubts.

Kiara – Then who is he?
Dadi – He is King Singh.. Kiara’s namesake father..
Kiara – Dadi can you tell me the whole thing.

Dadi tells her the whole story, she was left speechless and at the same time was very much angry on King.. She leaves from there taking one of the pics with her. She reaches her room  and calls King.

On call.
King – Kiara… Thank god you called me, where are you, do you even know how much I am worried for you..
Kiara – Dad I want to meet you. I am in Mumbai.
King – I am also in Mumbai.. Tell me where can we meet?
Kiara – Meet me at the restaurant.
King – Okay.

She ends the call and leaves from the Mehra mansion, since it was early morning nobody noticed her. (Around seven).. Everyone was tired so they were still sleeping except dadi because she has to do puja. She leaves from the house holding the pic and after sometime she reaches the restaurant.

After sometime in the restaurant.
King was eagerly waiting for Kiara, he sees her and rushes towards her and hugs her emotionally… But Kiara breaks the hug as she was very angry on King as he hid the truth from her.

King – Kia what happened, are you upset with me?
Kiara – Dad just tell me who I am.
King – What type of question is this?
Kiara – Dad don’t lie, just tell me am I your daughter?
King – Yes baby, but why are you asking such stupid questions?
Kiara – Dad just stop it… Why don’t you tell me the truth..
King – Kia I  am not understanding anything.

Kiara shows him the pic of her, Abhi and Pragya – Dad about this truth I am speaking, why did you do this to me, why did you keep me away from my real parents, why dad why?
King – Kiara this is not the truth.
Kiara – Stop it..are you not ashamed of lying to me, now I know the whole truth. So just stop your fake drama.
King – Yes Kiara it’s truth that you are not my daughter, I did this all because I love you beta.. I can’t live without you, your so called dad left you and your mom, then it was me who took care of both of you, you took your first step holding my finger not Abhi’s , you said dad to me for the first time not to that Abhishek …everything was fine and after seven years suddenly Abhi returns and claims his right on you and Pragya then how could I let you go, I had no other option than doing all this..

(King breaks down in front of Kiara).. But Kiara was very angry and didn’t pay much attention to him.. Which makes King also angry.

Kiara –  Mr. Singh it is not love but obsession,how can you do this to me?.  Now I am going to tell about your deeds to everyone.

Saying this she leaves from there but stops on hearing King’s voice..

King (laughs) – What do you think that those people are gonna believe you, you know you just need to speak my name in front of them and that’s sufficient for them to kick you out of their lives. Poor you no one is gonna believe you so it’s better to return with me…
Kiara – Stop your nonsense, I won’t believe you this time.

Saying this she leaves from there.. She reaches the mansion and gets emotional on thinking about her past life though she doesn’t remember it but what she heard about herself made her emotional.. She goes to her room and thinks about Kings talk.

Kiara – Dad was right, they will not believe me  especially that Alia aunty..I need a solid proof. But right now it will be difficult for me to face the family I may speak the truth. So it’s better if I stay away for somedays..

She packs her bag and leaves from the mansion emotionally.. After half an hour everyone gets up.. They all come at breakfast table for the breakfast.. Everyone was having their breakfast nobody noticed Kiara’s absence as they thought that she must be sleeping.. But this silence was broken by Rhea and Prachi who come shouting downstairs with a chit in their hands..

Rhea and Prachi in unison – Arya dii left us.

This statement shocked everyone, Aryan gets up and goes near the twin.

Aryan (shocked) – What are you speaking? No how could she leave us means she has to sing in the concert, and it isn’t about only concert how could she leave us?
Abhi – Haan Aryan is right you both must be having some kind of misunderstanding..
Pragya – Yes Rhea and Prachi your dad is right.
Prachi – No mom, you just read it… It is clearly written that she will only return at the day of concert.
Pragya – But where did she go, she doesn’t have any family nor any job.
Rhea – Yes mom, I am also worried about that.
Alia – Sweetheart why are you worried about that middle class girl?

Everyone starts glaring at Alia… Prachi was about to answer Alia when Rhea interrupts her..

Rhea – Buji can you just stop it, she is not a middle class girl she is my dii so please don’t use such words for her otherwise I may loose my calm.

Alia was surprised to hear Rhea’s reply… Prachi was happy and same was the case with Abhigya.

Aryan – Why don’t we just call her?
Rhea and Prachi in unison- That’s a good idea.

Aryan calls Kiara but soon his face expression turns sad as Kiara’s phone was switched off…. The Mehras were worried for Kiara.. Rhea and Prachi go together to their rooms sadly..

While on the other side..
Kiara reaches a place and rings the bell an old lady opens the door, she welcomes her inside the house.

The lady – So you are the one who called me and booked for P. G.
Kiara – Yes aunty..
The lady – Someone else has also booked it, don’t worry you have a seperate room take the keys and dress your cupboard properly.. I am leaving for Banglore and if anyone will come so don’t be scared.
Kiara – Okay aunty..

The old lady leaves, while Kiara gets inside her room she sets her cupboard and takes out the pic and emotionally looks at it. She gets tears in her eyes..

While in the Mehra Mansion.
Abhi and Pragya were totally worried for Kiara… Rhea and Prachi were sitting together and discussing about Kiara.. After sometime both of them head towards Abhigya’s room.

In Abhigya’s room.
Abhi was trying to get information about Kiara’s whereabouts, but was unable to find it out.. He expresses his helplessness to Pragya who tries to console her.. They both hug each other and assure each other that everything will be fine.. Rhea and Prachi were standing at the door both of them were happy to see their parents together.. A tear scrolls from Prachi’s eyes on seeing her mother happy she wipes it and then both of the twins rush towards their parents to hug them.. All of them have a lovely family moment… Abhi was very happy as for the first time Prachi hugged him after they met (Bhai Prachi is still angry and doing this all only for Pragya).. They break the hug .

While in P.G….. At night.
Kiara was still holding the pic,lost in her own thoughts there was complete darkness as the light went off,Kiara was little scared as she never lived alone…her phone’s battery was dead..and suddenly the bell rings.. Kiara was little tensed but gets up and with slow and steady steps walking carefully and making sure not to hurt herself with anything finally reaches the door, she opens it and finds a guy standing there whom she wasn’t able to see because of darkness… The guy switches on his phone torch and throws the light on Kiara’s face…….he was a little shocked to see her but  enters in without speaking anything, he comfortably sits on the couch and then looks at Kiara who was trying to approach him moving slowly holding things in order to avoid falling in the darkness..

The guy – I am suprised to see you here, what are you doing and why were you crying, your eyes have turned red. Did those Mehras do something, you know it’s there old habit to do such things.
Kiara – Do you know me?
The guy – Well that’s a stupid question.
Kiara – But who are you?
The guy – What dumbo we met yesterday only..

Hearing his this statement she quickly recognizes him. ..

Kiara -Sunny is it you?
Sunny – Got me right.

Sorry guys I am very tired today so I am posting this much for today.. In next episode we will continue with Siara’s conversation.

Precap – Sunny and Kiara’s conversation… Sunny is worried for Kiara….Kiara returns to Mehra mansion… Abhigya learns Kiara’s truth…

  And don’t worry everything will be fine between King and Kiara..

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