So the day finally comes when Kiara was to be discharged from the hospital.. It was different as no one except Sunny was present in the hospital.. Kiara comes with a broad smile on her face after changing her clothes but the smile vanishes on finding none of the family members present except Sunny.. She goes and hugs him and then looks at her.
Sunny – So let’s leave.
Kiara – Where are others, no one came to pick me up?
Sunny – Kiara all were busy with thier works, and why are you sad see I am here for you.
Kiara (smiles) – Okay then let’s leave..
They both leave from the hospital and head towards the Mehra Mansion.. Their car journey was full of laughter and chit chat.. After sometimes they reach Mehra Mansion.
In the Mehra Mansion.
There was complete darkness.. No sound was even heard.. With slow and steady steps they both walk inside.. As soon as they both took their first step in the corridor a strip of light glows then they take another step and the second strip glows.. This followed till they reached the door.. Before entering in Kiara looks back and was amazed to see the sight in front of her eyes.. The colourful strips of lights were shinning brightly and the view was just mesmerizing… They ring the door bell but to their suprise no one opens the door the lights which were shinning brightly also turned off… There was now no source of light.. Kiara touches the door gently and was surprised to know that it was open.. They then enter in but before they could do this loud sound of blast of ballon made them startle…
“Suprise ” they heard a voice from behind , the voice was very much familiar to both of them but they weren’t able to recognize it.. They turn back to see but were unable to see the face because of darkness.. Then suddenly all the lights come, it was Aryan.. He asks them to look ahead and were shocked to see the mansion, it was beautifully decorated with lights and ballons… Aryan goes ahead and asks them to wait .. Then all the family members come with a smile on their face which brought smile on Siara’s face.. Dadi comes forward and does the puja of both Sunny and Kiara.. Puts a tilak on their forehead, blesses them and asks them to enter in.. Kiara was emotional she goes and meets every family members takes blessing from elders and then comes back to Sunny… Pragya brings a cake..
Kiara – Red velvet cake, it’s my favorite..
Pragya – I know that’s why we brought this..
Kiara (emotionally) – Do you still remember it?
Pragya – I remember each and every thing related to you..
Saying this she hugs her.. Kiara gets emotional ..
Abhi – Kiara now cut the cake..
Kiara – Okay dad..
Kiara happily cuts the cake and feeds it to Abhigya, Sunny ,Rhea-Prachi, Shahana, Aryan, Ranbir and everyone present over there.. She gives a smile but her eyes were searching for someone, this was noticed by Abhigya..
Abhi – Kiara what happened?
Pragya – For whom are you looking for?
Kiara – Mom-dad where is dadaa?
Abhigya remain silent over this question and start diverting the topic..
Abhi – Kiara you need to take rest.
Kiara – Dad please tell me where is dada, I want to meet him.
Sunny – Kiara he isn’t here..
Kiara – What, so where is he?
Aliya – The place which is suitable for him.
Kiara – What do you mean by that?
Aliya – He is in police custody.
Kiara was hell shocked to learn the truth she steps back in disbelief ..
Kiara – Dad what is she saying, she is telling lie na, please dad tell me it’s not the truth..
Abhi – Princess..
Kiara – What princess dad, I thought that dadaa didn’t come to meet me because he must be feeling guilty for whatever he did.. But I didn’t expect this.. Why did you do this, why?
Abhi – Kiara he tried to kill you..
Kiara (crying) – No no he didn’t do that, he was just angry he didn’t do that intentionally, if he had to kill me than why would he save me 21 years ago?.. He was just angry, and I also spoke ill about him in anger, I didn’t realize that he loves me, cares for me.. You know in past 21 years I had no one with me except him.. He gave me the love of both mom and dad.. He was overprotective I know but he is my everything, he is my life.. I call him dadaa and he calls me princess how can he think about me so bad, I know he must be guilty he did these all things in anger…He was the one who fulfilled my all desires, my all wishes he was the one who always supported me… He loves me.
(she falls on her knees and cries while folding her hands.. after sometimes she gets up and goes near Abhi).
Kiara (crying)- Dad if I ask you for something will you do it?
Abhi (emotionally)- Yes princess.
Kiara (wiping her tears) – Bring dadaa back.. I want him, I want to meet him, apologize to him.. I want him back.. I beg before you please bring him back.. Please (she folds her hands and cries).
Everyone over there was shocked to hear Kiara request.. Sunny goes near her.
Sunny – Kiara what are you saying ?
Kiara – Sunny I just know that I want my dadaa back, you tell me how can I hate the person to whom I call dada, to whom I love so much.. It’s just that we never hate the person whom we love truly, so you tell me how can I hate dadaa, the person who took care of me, loved me .. Tell na? I know you don’t have any answer, right… (She goes near Abhi).. Dad tell me your decision.
Abhi looks at Pragya and then at Kiara.. He was feeling little bad.. He caresses Kiara’s face and calmly says “Yes”.
Abhi – Yes princess I will bring back your dadaa.. I will get him out of the jail..
Kiara hugs Abhi… Aliya was fuming seeing all this.. While Rhea and Prachi looked confused as they weren’t aware of King.
Aliya- But why bhai, King is a dangerous guy, he can be a threat to our family.
Kiara (furious) – I know my dadaa, he isn’t like that so better shut your dirty mouth.
All were shocked to hear Kiara’s statement while Sunny was having a hard time to control his laughter on seeing Aliya.. Aryan notices Sunny’s expression and was little confused but on following his gaze he gets to know the reason.. He looks at Aliya and bursts out laughing shocking everyone.. All the eyes we’re on Aryan.
Purab – Aryan what happened why are you laughing?
Aryan (trying his level best to control his laughter) – Dad… Dad I just saw Sunny bhai laughing and after following his gaze, I got to know the reason and it was mo… (He realises what he was going to say).
Purab – Continue..
Aryan (making excuse) – Woh dad..
Aryan wasn’t able to find any excuse, Sunny understands his situation and helps him..
Sunny – Woh.. Kiara has worn different color slippers. (making the worst excuse).
Before anyone can look at Kiara’s slippers, Sunny comes on front of her in such a way that no one was able to see her.. Kiara was totally confused.
Sunny – I don’t want my friend to be embarassed.. Chucks you go and call the lawyer and get Mr. Singh set free And you (turning towards Kiara while still hiding her) go and change your slippers..
Kiara looks at him with a confused look..
Kiara (confused) – But Sunny I am…
Sunny keeps his hand on Kiara’s mouth.. He winks at her and pleas her to remain quite through appreciate gestures… Then he looks back while still hiding Kiara and noticed everyone who were trying their level best to see Kiara.. He looks a little tensed, Aryan notices it and helps him.. There was silence..
Aryan (screaming) – Rhea cockroach!
Hearing this Rhea gets restless and starts running… Prachi and Shahana were also standing beside Rhea so they also start running… The trio were standing on sofa.. There was a chaos in the house (we girls are afraid of cockroach ).. Aryan signs Sunny to go from there along with Kiara.. With this Sunny holds Kiara’s hand and takes her with him.. Aryan gets relieved and then looks at the family members seeing the chaos.. He takes a deep breath and shouts “he is gone now”..
Rhea – You are saying the truth na?
Aryan – Yes Rhea, come down.. And same goes with everyone why are you so afraid of that tiny creature?
Shahana – You won’t understand it.
All get to their position calmly..
Aliya (rudely)- Where is that Sunny and Kiara?
Aryan -Mom they are gone..
Abhi – I am leaving, I will be back very soon.
Pragya – Be careful.
Abhi – Don’t worry.
Abhi leaves from there while on the other side.. Sunny takes Kiara to another room and gets relieved, as soon as he gets inside the room he starts laughing while lying on the bed, Kiara was confused to look at his behavior she goes near him…
Kiara – Sunny… Sunny stop laughing and tell me what was that..
Sunny (still laughing) – Ohh that, it was just a joke.. Leave it..
Kiara – Will you tell me the truth .
Sunny gets up and looks at Kiara who was glaring at him.
Sunny – Kiara when you answered the witch she was fuming and looking really funny but I don’t know what happened to Aryan.. I thought he is stuck so I just helped him and sorry I didn’t find any excuse so I used that.
Kiara – Okay.. But I am happy.
Sunny – Why?
Kiara – Yrr dadaa will come that’s why, I will meet him almost after 3 months.
Sunny – You met him a few weeks ago only.
Kiara – Aree I mean properly that time I was angry, that’s why.
Sunny – Okay now I am leaving.
Kiara – But why?
Sunny – Kiara I have to go to office.
Kiara – Okay.
She hugs him and then he leaves from there.. On his way he meets Aryan.
Aryan – Woh.. Thanks.
Sunny (coldly) – Welcome.
He was about to leave when Aryan stops him.
Aryan – Can I ask you something?
Sunny – Yaa sure.
Aryan – Why do you ha…
Suddenly Sunny’s phone rings.. Aryan stops in between.. Sunny picks the call and after attending the call approaches Aryan.
Sunny – Well sorry I need to leave, I have an urgent work, we will talk afterwards.
Aryan (nods and smiles) – Okay.
Sunny leaves from there.. Aryan looks at him and smiles at him.
After one hour.
Abhi comes with King in the mansion. All were surprised to see King while the Kohlis and the young generation were confused.. King didn’t make an eye contact with anyone and was looking down.
“Kiara, princess come down” shouts Abhi.
Kiara comes down and on seeing King her happiness know knew bound she rushes quickly downstairs with tears scrolling from her eyes..she was very happy she directly rushes towards him and hugs him tightly and cries bitterly while keeping her head on his shoulder… King reciprocates doing the same and tears start flowing from his eyes..
Kiara (crying) – Dadaa how are you, you know how much I missed you.. I am sorry… How are you.. I missed you so much.. I love you dadaa.. I love you.
King (crying) – Princess… I am sorry, I didn’t do that intentionally you know that when I am angry I loose my control and calm… Please forgive me.. I am sorry, I am really bad..
Kiara – No dadaa don’t say that, I know you love me, please don’t say.
King caresses Kiara’s face and hugs her again… After sometimes they both break the hug and then King approaches everyone.
King (to Abhi) – I am sorry Abhishek.
Abhi (hugs him) – Don’t say sorry I know you love my princess but don’t forget she is mine.. And thanks for saving her.
King (to Pragya) – I don’t have words but I can just say sorry, you know me very well but still forgive me.
Pragya (looks at him) – So you want me to forgive you?
King (looks at her) – Y.. Yes.. I am sorry Pragya.
Pragya (smiles) – I forgave you.. I wasn’t angry because you saved my Kia and I know you after all we were friends.
King (gets happy) – I knew it.. You are still the same one, your this behavior makes me to fall in love with you..
Everyone was shocked to hear this while Abhi glares at King.. Kiara goes near King.
Abhi (trying to act serious) – Oyee.. Don’t forget along with Kiara she is also mine.. Pragya, Kiara and King start laughing.. King meets everyone and then finally goes near the twins.
King (confused) – Who are they?
Kiara – Dadaa did you forget them? They are ours munchkins.
King (happy + shocked) – What , ohh God just look at them, they are so big Kia now you should stop calling them munchkins.
Saying this he hugs the twins but of them were confused but hug King.
King – I know both of you must be confused about whom I am, right?
The twins nod in affirmation.
King – I will tell you that afterwards when you will be free, don’t worry. But I must say you both are exactly like Pragya, beautiful.
Abhi – Then what about me?
King (laughing)- Can’t really say.
Abhi – You toh just wait, you came right now but started pulling my leg in front of my daughters.
King – I am like that.
Rhea & Prachi – Thanks uncle.
Kiara – Uncle like really, call him dadaa he is like our dad.
The twins smile at her – Dadaa is it okay dii..
Kiara – Yes, now it is perfect.
Saying this the twins and Kiara hug King… After this Kiara directly takes King to her room as she had to talk to him about a lot things while other head towards their room..
In Ranbir’s room.
” It’s just that we can’t hate the person whom we love truly” Kiara’s this statement was continuously echoing in Ranbir’s mind.. He was thinking about it …
Ranbir’s POV
Does Prachi also loves me till now, di was right if we love someone truly we can never – ever hate the person.. And mine and Prachi’s love was pure and true… Prachi loved me truly so it means she doesn’t hate me but is just acting… She is angry with me and is trying to make me jealous by coming close to Ishaan.. But now I know it she loves me, I know it but I am also Ranbir Kohli, now Prachi do anything I won’t get affected, because I know that you love me.. And now I will get her feeling confessed by herself for me..
Thinking this he goes out of his room.. And he was happy today.
He goes down stairs..
- Precap- Shahana – Shashank, Mishti- Aryan pre – wedding rituals begin.. Pranbir moment..
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