Author’s Note : Hi Guys! Hope you all are having a great time. Well, today I complete 9 Months of commenting on TU. I decided to publish something on this day. And one more thing this my my last post as TSA
I have made this simple. So, if anyone wants to read something on obsessive track, you can read this one :
Vansh’s POV:
“What are you both doing here?”
“Tie Vansh Rakhi”
Whenever I get remembered of those I still get goosebumps. I clearly remember how many times I had to give Agnipareeksha during those days. But I am not in a mood to discuss those now.
Riddhima was preparing chocolate pudding in the kitchen for my Sautan. Trying to ignore that chipku gum, I slowly forwarded towards her making almost no sound. But like always, she recognised my presence.
“Vansh, what are you doing in the kitchen?” Riddhima asked without even looking at me. I always wonder how she does that.
“Trying to romance with my sweetheart” I said while hugging her from back.
“Your sweetheart is busy now ” Riddhima said while trying to remove my hands from her but like always she failed to do it as my grip was strong.
“Vansh, let me finish this pudding before she comes. It’s her favourite dish “ A smile crept down Riddhima’s face thinking about that Chipku gum. She never seems so happy thinking about me. Why does she love the Chipku gum more than me? Why am I even talking about that Chipku gum? I don’t even want to tak about that Chipku gum now.
“Vansh, did you prepare the drinks? ” She knows it well that I never leave any work unfinished but still she is asking me about it as if I forgot.
“I did “ I replied while frowning.
“Now go and get ready if you don’t want any scolding from your best friend “ Riddhima ordered.
“It’s your best friend, not mine ” I replied before leaving the kitchen.
So, let me introduce myself to you. I am Vansh Raisinghania who is happily married to Riddhima with only one villain in our life…… Ahana who sometimes creates a love triangle in my love story. It’s just three months of my marriage with Riddhima and 1 year since I proposed her officially.
Three years ago, we both were studying in the University. Riddhima is studying with me from Class-3. Ahana and I are studying in the same section from Nursery. We both always get in the same section. Both of our moms are so close that they invite each other in every occasion and neither Ahana can’t tolerate my presence nor I can tolerate hers. And the most funny thing is : We both don’t know the reason of our enmity.
Flashback :
“Shunya, where is Vansh Raisinghania?” Ahana asked in her stern voice
“He? He is… He “Vyom replied stammering.
“Abey, why are you stammering? “ Ahana asked, raising her eyebrows. I had specially asked Vyom not to let anyone other than Riddhima come near the lake. But being scared of Ahana, he told her that I am near the lake.
“He is near the lake “ Vyom replied.
“You people should start playing violin as soon as a girl enters the park. You should play the tune of ‘Mohabbatein’.” I was cleary giving the instructions again to the musicians as I can’t tolerate any mistake.
“We remember your instructions clearly “The musicians repliejab
As soon as Ahana, those idiots started playing Violin which they were supposed to play in Riddhima’s entry. And me being the greatest fool proposed Ahana instead of Riddhima.
“You know we both are loving each other for so many years. But I never could propose you properly. Whenever I tried to propose you that Ahana used to come being the haddi in kabab.” I was on my knees while saying these lines. Hearing the music, I started confessing my feelings unaware of the fact that I was confessing my feelings to Ahana instead of Riddhima.
Like an idiot, I started saying, “I will always love you no matter how bad our situation. If you are cricket ball then, I am cricket bat. If you are water then I am hydrogen . If I am pizza then you are mozzarella chesse. If you are water then I am fire. You are everything which completes me. “ Finding no response, I opened my eyes and I was shocked to hell seeing Ahana there.
“What….what did you hear?” I asked controlling my nervousness.
“You both love each other “ She asked as if her heart broke into pieces after knowing about our relationship.
“Yeah “ I replied soundind as casual as possible. I could clearly see some tension in her face. But I clearly remembered she never had any feelings for me. We both even don’t share the relationship of friendship. The relationship that we always shared is the relationship of hatred. Our classmates sometimes used to say : Is nafrat ko kya naam doon?
“Oh God! It seems so funny “ I could see Riddhima laughing at both of us. I am embarrassed like hell and this girl is laughing. Are you even serious?
“I am seeing two childhood enemies proposing each other “ Riddhima was making fun of both of us.
“This is not funny” Ahana and I yelled at Riddhima together.
“Okay, sorry “ Riddhima said while holding her ears like a cute baby.
“You love Vansh? ” Ahana asked as if I spoke in a foreign language in front of her. Riddhima simply nodded to Ahana’s question.
“How can you love him? You tied Vansh Rakhi in front of me once “ Ahana replied.
“Your Ridhu fooled you. She tied me friendship band instead of Rakhi “ I replied on behalf of Riddhima. Ahana’s reaction was indicating that she received a shock of 440 Volt.
“I was a little bit scared you know. Moreover, you were the classmate who hated these type of things. I hope you are not angry with me ” Riddhima tried to hug her but because of the sudden shock she saw standing still as if she got a shock of 440Volt. After staying silent for a while, she spoke up, ” Who proposes someone with such cheezy dialogues? “
Flashback ends
I was confirmed that day that Ahana was bipolar. But still I don’t know why she seemed sad. But I didn’t the reason of her sadness. After speaking about the proposal, I suddeny remembered how I used to meet Riddhima secretly so that the Chipku gum doesn’t find out about us.
Riddhima after looking around once, asked me, Vansh, why did you call me here?
“Obviously to talk with you ” I replied.
“Is this even the time to talk with each other? What if Ahana sees us? She may find out about us “ Riddhima said with tension in her voice.
“Why is that Chipku gum always with you as if you are oxygen and she can’t live without you? ” I remarked sarcastically.
“Vansh, don’t you dare to say anything against my Ahana behind her back ” Riddhima said, snapping her finger at me.
“I openly tell it to her ” I scoffed.
Being fed up of my and Ahana’s daily complain, Riddhima asked, “Why are you two always quarreling? “
“It’s complicated. You won’t understand ” I sighed hearing her question.
Ridhu!!!!!” Ahana screamed seeing her talking to me. I was feeling like wearing a wig and standing there.
“You? What are you doing here? “She asked, raising her eyebrows like a vamp of ITV
“You see, I am not always free like you. I was discussing the syllabus with Riddhima” I started taunting her.
“You mean to say that I am always free?” She gritted her teeth.
“Any doubt?” I mocked at her.
“Don’t forget that I am the Class Captain. I will complain about you to our class teacher” Like always she started to threaten
“Your name should have been Complaina” I said, rolling my eyes.
“And your should have been Duffer Raisinghania ” She answered back.
“Oh, really you are forgetting that I have stood first in the last examination and you stood second.” This time I hit her in her weak spot. She was turning red in anger. Oh God! I can’t control my laughter anymore.
“We will see the results next time. Don’t forget that I was first before that examination “Ahana snapped her fingers at me
“Guys, where are you both fighting? ” Riddhima tried to calm us down. I don’t remember what happened after that.
(Flashback ends)
“Vansh, is everything ready?” Riddhima asked, entering the bedroom.
“You are asking this for the 18th time “ I sighed.
“Arre, my Ahana is coming. Everything should be perfectly done “ Riddhima said. Suddenly the bell rang and I was sent to open the door.
” Ridhuu” Ahana exclaimed as soon as the door opened. But seeing me there, she said in disappointment, “You?”
“It’s my house for you kind information” I remarked sarcastically seeing her behaviour.
“It’s my Ridhu’s house for your kind information” Ahana retorted again making me realise that the world war 3 is on it’s way.
“She is my wife ” I added in order to irritate her.
“She is my bestie” She retorted.
“She is my soulmate” I said while smirking at her.
“She is my soul sister”
“You two again started fighting? Your fight started from and it didn’t end still ” Riddhima intervened.
“She started it” “He started it ” We both said while pointing at each other.
“Both of you just keep quiet ” Riddhima made both of us quiet. She acts like a teacher now a days.
“Ridhu, you are scolding me because of your husband? Bad very bad ” Ahana replied while pouting.
Realizing that my sweetheart may talk in Ahana’s favour, I said, “Sweetheart, you are scolding me for this Chipku gum? “
“Don’t call me by that name. I still hate that” Ahana gritted her teeth looking at me. To be honest, I love teasing her by that name.
“You are still a chipku gum ” I teased her again.
“Ridhu, I swear I will kill him” Ahana said while giving me angry glares.
“Why do you want to make your soul sister a widow? “ I asked her sarcastically. Riddhima was patting her forehead looking at our fight.
“You don’t need to worry about that. After two days of your death, I will make her marry a decent, calm and handsome boy” Ahana said, while hugging Riddhima. Why does this girl always hug my sweetheart?
“You mean to say I am not handsome? ” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“Any doubt?” Ahana taunted.
“Some people’s choices are too bad to tell” I taunted her back. She was gritting her teeth in anger and I was enjoying that sight.
“Continue…. Continue… Both of you continue. I am video-calling our mothers now ” Riddhima threatened both of us. She knows our weak point well and she was using that. Both of us become quiet hearing her threats. Holding Ahana’s hand, she took Ahana to her room leaving me alone there. I was looking like a fool maybe.
“Only Ragini between these two girls was always in my favour. I sometimes miss her. Don’t know where she is now. This girl isn’t active on social media. This girl has become like the moon of eid. She seldomly replies to messages.” I was thinking about Ragini while sitting on the couch while my sweetheart and my sautan were gossiping. Ragini was the most silent and calm member in our gang.
I scrolling down my phone when I saw a call incoming from an unknown number. Without thinking, I picked it up.
“Hello darling, remember me? ” A voice from the other side of the phone, making me choke.
“I remember you well, sweetheart ” The voice continued to speak. This voice was of a lady, most probably someone in her twenties. “Arre, you forgot me but I remember you ” the girl added.
“Sorry to say but I don’t remember you “ I replied her back. I guess this is another prank call.
Before I could cut the call, the girl spoke up, “Don’t you remember how we both used to watch movies holding hands?
“I never watched movie with any girl other than my wife” I retorted.
“You can’t forget me sweetheart. Bad very bad “ The girl added again.
I started thinking for a while after hearing “Bad very bad” I think I clearly know who is on the other hand.
“Sweetheart, I just remembered you ” I said while gritting my teeth.
“Really, sweetheart? “ I could feel a devilish smile from the other side.
“I remember you are the most arrogant, rude, heartless, brainless person in this world who doesn’t know the value of black coffee “ I was feeling as if I won any war. There are was pin drop silence after I said those lines. I quickly ran towards Riddhima’s study room. Both Riddhima and Ahana were looking at each other like a ghost who may suffer heart attack anytime. God, am I sadist? Lol, I don’t even care if I am one.
Entering the room in VR style, I said with attitude, “Sitaro ki saazish ko todne ki adat hai purani, isliye hum dhoondte rehte hai tareeke nirali “
“Bakwaas ” Ahana remarked.
“I can at least say some shayari. You can’t even say that also. “ Hearing me she rolls her eyes.
“If I had the ability, I would have have buried you deep insid the ground where you could have have married any serpent” Ahana remarked sarcastically.
“Oh, you mean to say I am so adorable that anyone can fall for me?” I asked sarcastically.
“Well, I don’t know what happened to the taste of girls that they started falling for you. First of all it was Riddhima and then it was Ragi- “ Ahana stopped speaking as she Riddhima looking at her being surprised. Well, I was surprised also. Was she about to say Ragini? I don’t think so…..
“Complete the sentence “ Riddhima said.
“Arree! I was just….. “ Ahana tried to reason but it was of no use.
After a lot of tu-tu-main-main, Ahana finally spoke up, “Ragini loved Vansh. She loved Vansh from our college days. And I was the only one who used to know about it. Ragini and I thought that that Vansh was in your Brother zone. That’s why I didn’t inform you. Only Kabir and I knew about this “
Was she serious? Ragini loved me? Was this the reason Ragini avoided me? Questions were rising in my mind. Mustering courage I asked, “Is this the reason you were shocked when I proposed you mistakenly? “
“So, what did you think that I like you?” Ahana asked, gritting her thought.
“No, I thought you loved Ridhu “ I blurted out. I am not having any words to say after hearing that Ragini loved me.
“You blo*dy *******, I will kill you today “ saying this she threw her purse on my face. Ouch! That hurts.
“Fine! Fine! Fine! You two continue fighting. I am going on a date with Rrahul Sudhir now. You two get out of this house ” Riddhima said while pinching me.
“Ahh!” I winced along with Ahana at the same time.
“I am angry with both of you “ Riddhima said. Now my question is what is my fault in this?
“Sweetheart, what did I do?” Ahana and I said at the same time. Why does she need to call my sweetheart “sweetheart?
” You hid the fact from me “ She said, looking at Ahana.
“Arre, everyone was happy with the persons they were. That’s why I didn’t bother to tell you the past ” Ahan tried to excuse. This girl should get an OSCAR for creating excuses.
“Uff! You two are always creating problems for me. This was the reason why Ragini started speaking less with all of us. “ Riddhima said, looking angrily at Ahana.
“You can scold me later on. First of all, give me my favourite dish, my Abracadabra pizza “ Ahana smiled showing her 32 teeth. Maybe she was trying to melt my sweetheart. And like always my sweetheart melt.
On the other hand,
“Sweetie, what are you doing? “ Ragini asked Kabir as he hugged her from the back.
“Nothing, I am just missing you” Kabir replied. “Why are you seeming sick? Didn’t you have your breakfast? Wait a minute. Did you sleep late last night? Were you browsing the whole night? Were you doing work giving extra pressure to yourself?”
“Arre, I am perfectly fine “ Ragini said with a smile.
“You are not okay “ Kabir retorted.
Taking a deep breath, Ahana asked, “Now, what should I do to prove that I am okay? “
“Watch a movie with me “ Kabir replied with a smile.
“So, you were trying to convince me to watch movie with me?” Ragini asked, raising her eyebrows. “You go and set up everything. I am coming in a while “ Ragini smiled.
“Be with the one who loves you, not with the one whom you love ” Ragini thought remembering how she took the right decision by forgetting Vansh and moving on with Kabir.
In India
Silence was prevailing in the dinner table for Vansh as Riddhima almost forgot while talking with Ahana.
“Well, I am also here” Vansh said, trying to get attention.
“But now I here” Ahana remarked.
“You two will never change ” Riddhima commented.
“Yeh Un Dino Ki Baat Hai ” Vansh and Ahana said at the same time.
Author’s Note:
It was a question with which I started commenting on TU. In these 9 months, I got a chance to interact with many of the famous writers. Some co- commenters on the Written Update became so close to me that I can’t express it. It was my pleasure that I could know so many people who have become an essential part of my life. 2020 was the worst year for many people but for me it was the best year of my life. Had a great time with you all. Au revoir!
~Signing off as TSA
The post Yeh Un Dino Ki Baat Hai ~ A Riansh OS appeared first on Telly Updates.
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