Wednesday 21 July 2021

Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 70


Hello peeepies aagyi me..

I am thoda sa disappointed many people left watty and TU but i can’t force they have their personal life too..

Congratulations to me and all of you we are celebrating our platinum jubilee with 70 episode ( Mn se ni bnayi hai ye hoti hai🙄)

Happy friendship day everyone..

Shuru krte hai..

Scene 1

Vansh (shocked) – Youuu!!😳

Angre… Ishani!! Siya ..vyom you all are here..

Angre (angry) – This wasn’t expected from you bhai..

Ishani (angry) – How could you cheat on riddhu bhai..

Siya – yes bhai .. it’s ok if you have grudges with her..but it doesn’t mean you will do like this..

Vyom – hey you cheap girl..out..right now..

Vansh – Nobody will say anything to her ..

Angre -No bhai!! Everytime you Just can’t stop us from saying anything and we won’t let you do what you want..

This time it’s about my sona and your mistake is not pardonable..

And you blo*dy cheap girl..just leave or i will rip you off..

Vansh (angry) – Hold your tongue angre..

Angre – this time i am not your employee bhai..a brother is standing in front fight for her sister’s right..

I can’t even imagine you stoop so low..

This was the reason you let my sona go..

So that you can enjoy with other girls..

Sakina – Please don’t say anything to him he didn’t do anything wrong

Ishani – You b*t*h!! Shut the f**k up right now..

Angre – He did wrong ..he cheated my better get lost before i loose my control..

Sakina (uncovering her face) – He didn’t do anything wrong by kissing his own wife..

Everyone (shocked) – Riddhu /bhabhi /sona / Shivanya ….😳

Riddhima – Yes its me..i am princess sakina..

Angre (agitated) – Can we have the honour to know what the hell is happening here..

First you both seperated and now doing this romance here .

Vansh – It was plan angre..that fight ..seperation.. everything was plan..

Riansh look at each other..

Flashback starts

Riansh’s room (before seperation when they were arguing)

Riddhima (crying) – I want my daughter back vansh…that bastard will kill her..

Vansh (shocked) – Do you know who abducted her..tell me sweetheart..

Riddhima (bowing down her head) – I am sorry vansh this happened because of me i shouldn’t have hided this fact from you all

But now it’s about my daughter and today i am telling you to break our deal and get my daughter back from that vikram ‘s cluthches..

Vansh (flabbergasted) – Vikram…

I am not getting anything ..riddhima this is not the time to hide anything..our daughter’s life is at stake..

Riddhima – I won’t hide now..

That vikram…that vikram is aryan’s brother …(kisi me spne me bhi ye nhi socha hoga na😂)

He is taking the revenge for his brother’s death..

Vansh (flabbergasted) – Are you out of your mind riddhima..

You hided this much important fact from us..what if he would have harmed you..

Riddhima – That’s what he want..

He abducted my daughter to break me..

He will kill me vansh..😭

Vansh (hugging her) – As far as i am with you.. nobody can touch you..

I will bring our daughter back..

But don’t hide anything from now please..

Riddhima (crying) – Sorry!! I thought if i will tell you all will also fall in danger..

That’s why i never told this to vyom also..

Vansh – Shhh!! Don’t cry..i have a plan..just do as i say..

Riddhima – what i have to do..

Vansh – We have to pretend as if we are fighting..

You will leave this house..and i will make you underground..

Your safety is my responsibility and i know who can do this..

I will make a deal with vikram pretending i am at his side..

He is cunning he won’t believe me..but i have my own ways….

Once he will fall in my trap.. he is gonna witness his doom..

I need some time to make a proper plan..till ready to fight with me..

Riddhima(hugging him) – Thnk you vansh..

Vansh (kissing her forehead) – you are my life sweetheart I can’t loose you this time..

Flashback ends..

Ishani stumbles at her place listening aryan’s name..

Angre (holding her) – jaan relex..

Ishani – Why this aryan is not leaving us even after death..and angre he never told me about his brother but why didn’t you know them..

Angre – i just only know he had a brother but neither i meet them nor i knew their name..

Vyom – Who protected Shivanya..

Angre – You could have just asked me bhai.. won’t i protect my sona..what was the need to do all this..

Vansh – Vikram is vicious..i wanted a perfect plan..and if he would got to know that someone is protecting riddhima on my saying he will be sure its you because only you do works for me..

That’s why i wanted to keep my sweetheart away from everyone..

Riddhima – Bhai it’s not like that we don’t trust you..but that was needed please don’t be upset..

Angre – But if not me then who protected you…

“ME” …A voice came from behind

Everyone turn to see the owner of voice..

( Bola tha na jo  kisi ne ni socha hoga wo niklega..that red hoddy man was rehan.. koi bhul gya ho to bta du..sejal ka bhai hai)

Vyom – Rehan you!!

Rehan – vikram can’t even imagine in his dreams that i was working for vansh jiju..

Angre gets disappointed seeing someone else was protecting his sister instead of him..

Rehan comes to angre and keep his hand on his shoulder

Rehan – You are also like my brother..

And don’t be upset please.. you are not only brother to Shivanya are his mother and father too..

Nobody can replace you..

Di didn’t wanted to risk your life..i am sorry bhai if i hurted you..

Angre – Sona always do like this..just want to protect others and putting her life in peril..

Riddhima (hugging him) – Sorry bhai!!

Siya – So finally everything is sorted..

Angre – Yeah! But the last move is left..

We will get aanu Tomorrow anyhow..

Their is a party in palace tomorrow..

Shwetlana is easy to handle .. vikram will be inbriated by us and..we will mislead him..

I have all the locations of palace..we have a made a tunnel near basement..

Sona and siya you have to engage the people in party..

Vyom and ishani will go to tunnel..

Me and rehan will be therr for security..

Ishani – But how will we inbriated vikaram..

Who will do this …

“ME” A voice came from behind..

Ishani- Who are you…

Tarini – Tarini..u can call me vikram’s doom also..

He is mad behind me..and i will take advantage of this situation..

Siya – why are you helping us..

Tarini – i am not tarini only..i am CBI officer Tarini Rastogi..

Vansh – She was my friend in college..when i asked her to help she instantly agreed..

Tarini – I have some scores to settle with vikram and his wife..

You can consider me selfish..but that’s what we all want..a perfect doom for that bastard and his wife..

Vyom- Its late now.. I think we should leave..we are not safe here..

Vansh – Angre get everyone out safely..

Now no body will call each other ..we will stay connected through intercoms..

Everyone leaves except Riansh..

Riddhima turns to leave but instantly pulled by vansh..

Vansh (pulling her) – where are you going sakina ji..

Riddhima (hitting him) – shut up!! And how dare you to kiss another woman ha..

Vansh – I can’t kiss unless the person is you..then i don’t care either you are riddhima or sakina..

Riddhima – I missed you so much vansh..

Vansh – i missed you too meri jaan..

I am sorry i said so much bad at that day..

Riddhima – That was our plan vansh.. don’t feel guilty..

Vansh (snuggling into her neck) – Then let’s take some advantage of the situation..

Wese you were dancing very s*xily..i didn’t know my wife had that talent also

Riddhima (kissing him on cheeks) – anything for you..meri jaan..

Vansh (serious) – Tomorrow will be the last day of will decide our future sweetheart..

Do you remember tomorrow’s date..

Riddhima (sadly) – I remember..

Done done dana done ✅

Precap : The ultimate battle begins

Phewww!! Finally revelation is out .shanti pdi ab sbko..

Boring to ni lgra na..

Ps : picture to abhi baki hai mere dost

How was the suspense…drop ur views.. comments me tapka dena

Lob u all

The post Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #episode 70 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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