Hello guys. Here is a new os of mine. I hope you like it. Do tell me your opinion on the comments.
So let’s start.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
It has been 3 days since Vansh has got to be in coma.
It is the most painful 3 days I have passed through it.
For everyone it is just 3 days, but for me they have passed as if they are 3 centuries.
I can’t be more alone without you Vansh.
I can’t live more time without you.
You have to get up now.
You have to get up for me.
Why you have done that in ourselves Vansh?!!!
What was the need to drive the car while you are being unwell?!!!!!
Why you are being that careless?!!!!!
Because of you being that careless, you have putted us on this situation now.
I was looking at Vansh while he was being on bed and he wasn’t feeling about anyone around him.
Me( raising my voice so Vansh could hear me): You have to get up Vansh. What you have done hasn’t just affected you only as it has also affected me. It has broken me from inside. You know how much I love you. You know that I can’t live without you. It is like a death to me. So please get up Vansh. I can’t spend more days without you. I can’t see you in this state. Please get up. Please Vansh get up for me. Please Vansh wake up for the sake of your Riddhima, your sweetheart, and your wife. Please Vansh get up.
I kept screaming and shouting on him.
I was wanting him to get up very fast.
I really can’t tolerate being away from him more than that.
I can’t bear that he is near me, but he isn’t talking with me.
I can’t bear that I’m feeling his presence, but he isn’t interacting with me.
I can’t make you leave Vansh.
You have to get up.
I have to make you wake up as soon as possible.
You have to be with me forever.
I have got closer to Vansh by putting my hands on his face.
Me: You know that you are the reason of my survive. You know that I’m too weak without you. You know that I can’t be on this world alone. So why you want to leave me?!! Why you aren’t replying me and responding to me?! Why you aren’t wanting to get up?!!! Do you started to get bored from me?!!! Do I have disturbed you that much that made you don’t even want to reply me?!!! So that’s why you are acting to be on coma so I could give up and leave?! Please say something Vansh. Say something for God’s sake. Your state is killing me from inside. Get up please. I beg you. Please get up for me Vansh.
I kept crying and crying.
I was feeling that my soul will get up from my chest due to the so much crying that I have cried it.
He has to get back to me.
He has to be with me.
He can’t leave me.
I can’t make you leave Vansh.
I have looked at him again while my whole face is filled with tears.
Me( crying): You can’t break your promise Vansh. You can’t leave me. You have promised me that you will never leave me. We both have promised each other that we will live together and will leave together. You can’t leave before me. We said that we both will leave this world at the same time. Either we will live in this world together or we will die and leave it together. So how you want to break this promise now?!!!!! How you could leave me?!!!! You are the great Vansh Rai Singhania who has never broke any promise to anyone so how you could break a promise you have given it to your wife?!!!! This isn’t good for your reputation Vansh Rai Singhania. Please get up for me Vansh. Get up please.
My tears aren’t wanting to stop.
It is keeping increasing everytime I look at Vansh and find him being in such state.
Doctors are saying that he could take time until he wakes up.
They are saying that not all the ones that are being in coma will get up after just 3 days and I have to be patient as this could take time!
How dare them to say that?!!!!
How they could say that my Vansh could take time until he could wake up?!!!!
How dare them to be that rude?!!!!
My Vansh will wake up very soon.
He will not leave me.
He will not break his promise.
He will not break my trust and faith.
He will surely get up.
I can’t make you leave Vansh.
So please get up.
I wasn’t able to see anything due that so much tears.
I was praying to God.
I was begging him to make him get Vansh back to me.
I was crying badly and keeping praying while not even able to see anything properly.
Me( praying): Please God don’t make me lose my husband. Please God return him back to me. Please don’t make him leave me. I can’t live without him. I could die if he isn’t with me. Please God I beg you please make Vansh get up. Please God.
I was holding Vansh’s hand so tightly and I was crying badly.
I have putted my head above his chest and I was still crying.
I was feeling that I will collapse from crying that much.
Me: Please Vansh get up. I can’t make you leave me. Please get up. Please.
I was feeling that I will faint, but then I felt someone’s hand patting on my back.
Then I have heard a familiar voice saying:
“Relax sweetheart. I’m here. You have cried a lot which I can’t bear it.”
I have got shocked and surprised.
I was hoping that I’m not dreaming and I have really heard his voice.
I have got out from being above his chest to look at him and I have got surprised when I have seen him awake!!
I have seen him opening his eyes and looking at me with a smile that always able to melt my heart.
Me: Do you are awake Vansh?!!! Or I’m just the one who is dreaming and this isn’t true?!!!!
Vansh: You aren’t dreaming Riddhima. I’m really here with you. I got back for you and to you. I got back because I can’t tolerate your tears and breakdown. I got back because I can’t leave you and I can’t make you leave me.
I have immediately thrown myself in his arms.
I was wanting to forget all the pain and shatter that I have passed through it during those 3 days.
I was happy and on the 9th cloud seeing my Vansh being back from this stupid coma.
Me: I love you so much Vansh.
Vansh: I love you too sweetheart.
The end of the os. I hope you like it. Thank you so much guys for all of yours love and support. It really means so much to me. I hope that you have liked this os and you have enjoyed it. I will be waiting for all of yours comments here. As all of yours comments is the thing that encourages me to write more os episodes. Your respond here is what will make me know if I will write a new os or not. I hope that you all could comment so many comments here and you all could break my previous record of the comments. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
The post I can’t make you leave. #Riansh OS appeared first on Telly Updates.
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