Sunday, 13 June 2021

You are my love (Riansh) part 32


Today’s Episode starts…

The next day

It was a pujaa at VR mansion , so everyone was doing preparations .

Vansh and ridhima were talking to each other . Ishani took a ladder and crawled , suddenly her feet slipped and she was about to fall but angre catched her . That share an eyelock. Riansh were observing ishangre from far and smiling .

Ridhima- vansh , what do u think about this couple?

Vansh- looks great

Then they both go from there

Ishani all the time was thinking about angre and angre too was thinking about ishani. That both were confused .

Scene shifts

Vansh orders angre to go to shop and bring the accessories needed for the puja.

Ishani heard this

Ishani – bhai , I also want to go to shop to bring something, can I go with angre

Vansh smiles

Vansh- sure

Then ishangre went to shop and they were much happy spending time with each other , being with each other . In these moments they both realised there love for each other. After a while they both returned to home.

VR mansion

Riansh room

Ridhima- vansh I am confused that what to wear in puja

Vansh- wear anything sweetheart, you will look beautiful.

Ridhima- vansh , pls help me

Vansh brings a dress and gives it to ridhima.


Ridhima- wow , it’s beautiful vansh

Vansh- but not more than you sweetheart

Then vansh makes ridhima wear the dress and also dresses himself .

(Guys , I am struggling to bring riansh scenes and tell me if you want more and more riansh scenes)

Puja starts

Vansh and ridhima were sitting very close to each other . They were staring each other.

Angre and ishani were also staring each other .

After a while puja ends .

Ishangre were confused for their feelings.

Ishani went to ridhima

Ishani – bhabhi I want to tell something

Ridhima- what

Ishani- actually I am confused

Ridhima- for what

Ishani-for my feelings for angre

Ridhima- what , angre , you are in love with him

Ishani- I think yes

Ridhima(happy)- very good , now go and confess it to him

Ishani- bhabhi buy if he doesn’t love me then

Ridhima- Then what nothing you should be happy if u at least confessed him . It depends upon him . If he doesn’t live u then it’s ok .

Ishani was feeling courageous

She went to angre

Ishani- angre

Angre – yes

Ishani – l love you

Angre (tripple shocked)- what

Ishani- yes angre I love u

Angre – l… Love.. you too

They both hug each other .

Riansh were seeing them from far

They were happy seeing ishangre

To be continued…

Guys are u  feeling bored of this ff , pls let me know in comments .

Thank you












The post You are my love (Riansh) part 32 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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