Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Sayi and Virat – An Epic Love story (Chapter 19)


Recap – Virat imagines Sayi.

Chapter 19

After 2 months.

Sayi : I’m going to college…

She was about to step out when Dida stopped her.

Dida : Stop. Why are you in a hurry?

Sayi : I’m late for college Dida.

Dida : Why do you wake up late then?

Sayi : Arey, who wakes up late?

Dida : When do you wake up?

Sayi : 4:30AM

Dida : Why so early? You study in the morning also?

Sayi : No dida, very rare I study in the morning. I make sure that I complete my part of duty in the house!

Dida was shocked.

Dida : Did someone ask you to do?

Sayi : No dida, when I first came into Chavan Niwas. Kaku and others wanted me to do my part of work and then go to college. In the beginning, I used to be very late. But then slowly slowly I woke up early and started finishing all my work and then I went to college.

Dida felt really bad hearing her say all this.

Dida : My bachcha suffered alot in that house.

Sayi smiled.

Sayi : Aayi was always there. She was the only relief I had.

Dida nods. Sayi looks at the times and screams.

Sayi : I’m late didaaa ….

Dida immediately hold her and asks her.

Dida : Did you have your breakfast?

Sayi : No, I’ll have it in Canteen.

Dida : Why not here?

Sayi : I don’t have a good appetite.

Dida : What happened?

Sayi : Arey, nothing to worry. It’s just that, today is my result day. So I’m little tensed.

Dida : Oh okay. Anyways, since you aren’t well don’t go alone. Aarav will drop you.

Sayi : Not needed Dida, pleaseee. I’m already very late.

Dida : Aarav….Come down immediately.

Aarav comes down having an apple.

Aarav : What is it that my girl’s need?

Sayi : Dida wants you, not me.

Saying that, Sayi was about to leave.

Dida : Aarav, stop her.

Aarav without thinking anything, hugged her.

All of them were stunned.

Dida : Aarav…

Sayi : What are you doing?

Aarav : Dida asked me to stop you.

Dida : Is this how you stop someone?

Aarav : I was about to hold her leg. Good that I just hugged you!

Aarav leaves her.

Dida : Acha listen Aarav, drop Sayi to college and be there today.

Aarav : As you say highness.

Sayi : No need. That’s really not needed.

Aarav : Aren’t you late? Come come, let’s go.

Sayi nods and leaves.

Dida : Looks like something is gonna happen in this house.

Aarav and Sayi didn’t speake anything in the car. Aarav was the one who broke the silence.

Aarav – Sayi, just because you told me everything, I’m asking you.

Sayi : Go on..

Aarav : How did you manage to live there for so long?

Sayi : 6 months and 22 days.

Aarav : You miss them?

Sayi : Only Aayi.

Aarav : Virat?

Sayi : No.

Aarav : You like Virat?

Sayi : No.

Aarav : You love Virat ?

Sayi : No.

Aarav : Then, what is your relationship with him?

Sayi : I am only a responsibility for him.

Aarav : And you?

Sayi : He was about to be my family. And then things messed up.

Aarav : You want to talk to him?

Sayi : No.

Aarav : You want to meet him?

Sayi : No.

Aarav : You have no expectations from him?

Sayi : No. I have no right to expect anything from him.

Aarav : Is it because he asked you not to expect anything from him as a husband?

Sayi : Yes.

Aarav : Don’t you think, he has already changed?

Sayi doesn’t respond. She looks out of the window.

Aarav : Sayi, I asked you something.

Sayi : It’s been 2 months, and neither I received a call nor a message from him.

Aarav : Haven’t you tried calling him?

Sayi : No.

Aarav (shaking his head) : I’ll go crazy for sure.

Sayi : Stop the car.

Aarav : Why?

Sayi : Arey stop na.

Aarav stops and looks at her.

Sayi : Do you see the previous building, that building is my college. And I’m late. Bye.

Without waiting for Aarav’s repose, she immediately left.

Sayi stands infront of the door of her class panting..

Someone watches her from a room.

Pulkit : Sayi, why are you late?

Sayi : Long story.

Pulkit – Anyways, did you check your result?

Sayi : Nope. I’m hesitant.

Pulkit – Come with me, we’ll see it together.

Sayi : Na baba na. Please don’t do

Pulkit : You won’t be having this hour. Sakshi ma’am is on leave. No bahana regarding class now. Come with me.

Sayi left with him.

Pulkit : Come in.

Sayi comes in and feels strange.

Sayi : Jiju, was someone here?

Pulkit : Yes, why?

Sayi : Very familiar smell.

Pulkit : Smell?

Sayi : I feel like Virat sir was here.

Pulkit : Virat?

Sayi nods.

Pulkit : Why will he be here?

Sayi finds it right and sits next to Pulkit to see her results.

She prays to God, and types her details.

Her eyes go wide. Pulkit look stunned.

Sayi : Pulkit Jiju, did I just pass in all the subjects with the highest rank?

Pulkit : Yes Sayi, I can’t believe this.

Pulkit signs and the whole room becomes dark and goes away.

Sayi : Pulkit Jiju, I’m bit scared of dark, please hold my hand.

She holds his hand and felt the warmth.

……. : Sayi, I’m very happy to see your results.

Sayi : Thank you Virat sir. I really wanted you to be my side.

Sayi feels like something was wrong and turned head, she saw Virat. She becomes gloomy.

Sayi : Virat sir, Virat sir, Virat sir… Everywhere you are there…You even came and stood next to me like Jiju.

Virat : Sayi, I’m really in front you!

Sayi (starts sobbing) : That’s what you always tell in my dream, but you never come. Because of you I’m not able to sleep at night.

Virat : I’m sorry Sayi, but I really didn’t want things to happen like this!

Sayi looks on.

Virat – Sayi, I’m giving you my word, you’ll be in my life at any cost. Remember that!

The lights are on and Virat wasn’t there.

Sayi’s tears was flowing continuously.

Sayi : Virat sir..Virat sir…Where are you? I really can’t live without you!!

Pulkit came and made Sayi calm.

Sayi : Jiju, I really can’t live without him. I really can’t. I guess I need to go meet him.

Pulkit : What are you saying?

Sayi : I don’t know when I started loving him Jiju. I really love him now.

Virat hid behind the bathroom door and smiled.

Virat – I’ll make you mine.


Precap –

Sayi : I’m pakka telling you I saw him.

Aarav : Very sure?

Sayi : Very sure!

Aarav : You love him?

Sayi : No.

Aarav : Then how did you meet him?

Sayi : Arey, I’m telling you na, I saw him in the office, I talked to him.

Aarav : I don’t believe you

Sayi : I never lie Aarav!

Aarav : Then tell me that you love.

Sayi : I love you yaaaar.

Aarav smiles.

Aarav : I love you too.

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