Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Riansh ( A ghost story) # epi 3 #limited edition#by aishaD



Hello everyone see i updated twice now i do comments bhr bhr k

I just wanna say you may find this story similar to Any movie (may be) but as a responsible artist i m saying it’s completely my work my thoughts

Don’t throw juta and chappal on me for today’s epi plz

Here i go…

Scene 1

Vansh (flabbergasted )- what!!!

But u said yesterday u love walnuts right

Riddhima – Wo…wo..act.. Actually i am allergic to organic walnuts and these is organic and that chocolate contain non organic

Vansh – Ok!!

Scene 2

At night

Vansh’S room

He is standing shirtless near window gazing starts

Suddenly a pair or arms hug him and started trailing kisses on his bare back

Vansh (smiling) – Riddhimaa!!

He makes her face to face

Riddhima side hugs him and they both gaze at starts

Riddhima – Vansh!! Can i ask u something but u won’t get angry na..

Vansh – Sure sweetheart u have right on me..ask…

Riddhima – Who’s pictures were in that room and that..stuff and anklet(ghunghroo)

Vansh face turn pale

Riddhima-Its ok if u don’t want to tell me..

Vansh holds her hand and takes her to secret room and opens it

Vansh – U have right on me and my life..

I won’t hide anything from u..

He removes the clothes from painting

Riddhima is just mesmerized by seeing the portraits

Rifdhima – So beautiful !!she is pure beauty..

But who is she and where is she..

I think i have seen her somewhere

Vansh – Ragini!! She is ragini

My childhood best frnd my ginni (so guys ragini is ginni have some patience ur all confusion will be clr)

She was india’s best dancer . She always used to wear ethnic clothes and do classical dance

.we used to stay together always but she left me alone here

She is no more now but i miss her alot..

His voice chokes saying this

Riddhima hugs and console him

Vansh leaves from there being sad

Riddhima walks out but turns again having last glance on portraits

Riddhima (smiling)- Ragini!!

Scene 3

Vansh’s room

Vansh is sitting on bed and riddhima is in his lap

And they both are doing project work of riddhima

Riddhima – Vansh are u miffed with me..

Talk to me na plz..

Vansh (kissing her) – No sweetheart it’s just i am sad reviving all the memories of my ginni..

Riddhima – She will be at peace vansh..

Vansh – Riddhima one of my best frnd is coming tomorrow at our house..

Riddhima – Ok!! Lets sleep now.. i m going

She tries to get up but vansh pulls her again

Vansh (sniffing her neck)- Where r u going to be Mrs.akdu

Riddhima- Such a pervert you are..

He lies on bed and pull her on him

Both sleep in each other’s embrace..

Scene 4

Next morning

A handsome  man comes to VR mansion

Vansh (hugging him) – Kabir my buddy… Welcome home

He introduces kabir with riddhima

Vansh – riddhima this is kabir and kabir this is riddhima my love my life.and ur to be bhabhi…

Kabir looks at riddhima with lust

He goes to riddhima and tries to hug her

Riddhima (smirking ) – Not so soon devar ji..

Kabir (wink)- Ok bhabhi ji!!(Emphasizing on bhabhi ji)

Scene 5

Riddhima is walking in corridor suddenly her leg stumbles and she is about to fall but a pair of arms holds her in his embrace

Riddhima (without looking at him) – Vansh..!!

Man – No!!its kabir bhabhi ji!!

Riddhima frees herself from his grip

Riddhima (smiling) – Thank u so much devar ji!!

Kabir (coming close to her)- C’Mon me will sound so sweet from your rossy lips

Riddhima (smiling) – Kabir!! Now it’s

Kabir – Well i must say i am jealous of vansh in this matter he always get beautiful. Womens

Riddhima (huskily in his ears) – If u want u can Also be lucky kabir..(winking)

She leaves leaving kabir in his lala land..

Scene 6

At dinning table

Trio are having dinner

Kabir – U did so nice projects bhabhi ji..i am impressed

Riddhima (sad) – It’s not like at..i lost one of the biggest project last month

Kabir – Why!!

Riddhima – It was dance releted and i am extremely poor in dance

U can say it’s not in my blood

Vansh- Still u are best sweetheart😘

Scene 7

Riddhima is doing some work in kitchen after dinner

Suddenly a pair of arms encircled her bare waist from behind sniffing her scent

Riddhima- Kabir!!!

Kabir – Yes baby its me but how did u know..

Riddhima (,leaning towards him)- I know everything i can feel u..

I feel so special around u kabir..

Kabir turns her and pulls her from waist

Kabir (traising her cheeks from his fingers) – We will have fun tonight after vansh will sleep

Are u ready😉

Riddhima – How can i deny such a sensual proposal

Now u go vansh will see u..

I am coming in few minutes

He leaves

Scene 8

Kabir is going to his room

The whole corridor is dark

He feels someone is following him but no one was there..

Suddenly he feels someone just pass beside him

He started sweating and walking fastly

He is passing by secret room and he hears some sound of anklet (ghunghroo)


He is extremely terrified now suddenly he feels someone is behind him

He turn abruptly in fear and shouts!!

Kabir (shouts) – Aaaaahhhh!!

But a person cups his mouth

Person – Kabir!! Darling what Are u doing here..your room is that side na

Kabir (sigh) – Riddhimaa !thank god it’s u i was so terrified and lost my way

Riddhima (weeping his sweat) – u are sweating as if u saw a ghost

Kabir (stammering)- No no!!,i m fine

Riddhima( seductively)- U told me na we will have fun..
Let’s go na..

Kabir takes her in his room

Both enters in the room

As soon as riddhima enters he locks the door impatiently and hugs her from behind

Kabir – I got to know in our 1st meeting that we have something between us

Riddhima – We have so much between us darling

He touches her on arms and waist

Kabir tries to kiss her but she put her palm on his lips

Riddhima (seductively) – Such a slow person u are kabir darling

I thought we will start from bed directly

Kabir picks her in his arms and throw her on the bed..

He hovered upon her and try to kiss her but she push him and sat on the bed pouting

Riddhima – I want to know first why are u with me..

Kabir (cupping her face) – C’mon baby obviously i love u..

U stole My heart in very 1st meeting

Riddhima – I love u kabir…

Kabir (hugging her) – I love too riddhima

Riddhima (smirking) – Riddhima nhi..Ragini…

Done for today

I hope koi dara nhi ho..

Do comments and support..

Lub uh all

The post Riansh ( A ghost story) # epi 3 #limited edition#by aishaD appeared first on Telly Updates.

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