Hi guys,
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Episode begins with…
Vansh gets shocked seeing the room. He sees angre and kabir coming there. He immediately goes and stops them. He takes them aside.
ANGRE: Vansh, what happened?
KABIR: Why did you bring us here?
ANGRE: We came searching for you and riddhima. You are here. Where is riddhima?
VANSH: She is in that room.
He points out at the room.
ANGRE: That room. What is she doing in that store room?
KABIR: Store room?
ANGRE: Yes..
VANSH: Let me tell you. I saw all our photos there.
ANGRE: What?
VANSH: Angre, I thought that in these six months she would have been forgot her past. She would have become our old riddhima. I thought that she’ll forget all her pains and sorrows. I thought that all her pains would have vanished by now. I thought that we’ll get our riddhima back. But, I was wrong. But, this riddhima is different from what we thought..
KABIR: It means she forgot us. She doesn’t want us in her life. That’s why, she throwed our photos in the store room. She even forgot us along with our past. It was my mistake. It all happened because of me. I shouldn’t have spoken to her like this. Sorry.. I didn’t mean that. I was totally out of my control. But, today I’m regretting for my words.
ANGRE: Vansh, this means riddhima won’t accept us?
VANSH: No.. I accept this is not our old riddhima. But, we can get her back. Didn’t you all notice how she got emotional when she saw my mom. It means riddhima still loves all of us. She is hiding that love. She is thinking that she can forgot those sorrows and pains that she went, if she forgets about us. She is trying this in all these six months. She doesn’t want our memories to be an obstacle in her path. She thought that she can only forget her pain if she forgets us. But, she didn’t realise the truth. Her pains and sorrows have vanished. But, we and our memories didn’t vanish from her heart. It is somewhere deeply hidden inside her. If she would have forgotten us then, she wouldn’t have reacted that way when she met my mom. How much ever she tries, she can’t forget us. She thought that by throwing all these photos, she can get rid of us. But, that’s not true.
ANGRE: But, vansh how come you are so sure? How are you saying that she has forgotten all her pains and sorrows?
KABIR: How are you saying that she didn’t forget us? Now only you told that she throwed our photos in the store room.
VANSH: Yes.. She throwed our photos. But, she couldn’t throw us from her life. That’s why she again went to that room. She became emotional on seeing those photos. None will become emotional for an outsider. And angre, she forgot all her pains. That’s why she smiled when she saw my mom. She doesn’t remember about aryan and his actions. Because, the smile which I saw on her face was complete. I could sense it.
ANGRE: But, vansh what are you going to do now?
VANSH: We have to bring out those emotions which is hidden in her. We have bring back our memories that is hidden in her. We have to make her realise that we are the part of her life. We have to make her realise that she can’t forget us or our memories. We have bring out our old riddhima inside her.
KABIR: What are you going to do?
VANSH: Not me. We all should do it. I have an idea. We all should go as per my plan..
ANGRE: What is it?
Vansh tells something..
Meanwhile, riddhima comes to uma..
UMA: Riddhima, I have to talk to you..
RIDDHIMA: Tell me, aunty..
SIA: Mom, did you forgot about bhai’s condition.
ISHANI: Mom, where is bhai?
RIDDHIMA: One second, which condition are you all speaking about?
SEJAL: actually..
Just then, vansh, Kabir and angre comes there.. Vansh and angre acts like fighting..
ANGRE: What!! Have you gone mad?
VANSH: what’s your problem in this?
ANGRE: I do have problem.. How come suddenly you can think about it?
VANSH: We can’t wait any more..
ANGRE: But, you should have told me, right?
VANSH: What’s your problem in this marriage?
ANGRE: Marriage? How can this happen?
VANSH: Why can’t it happen?
ANGRE: No way..
Seeing their fight, everyone gets shocked..
ISHANI: Bhai, what happened?
SEJAL: I think it going to rain heavily..
SIA: Because, you both are fighting. Till today, we haven’t seen this.
VANSH: I’m not fighting. I’m trying to convince him..
SIA: But, bhai for what..
KABIR: For marriage..
UMA: What?
VANSH: Mom, we have come here to speak about marriage, right?
UMA: Vansh..
Vansh signs to uma and everyone to say yes..
UMA: Yes..
KABIR: Actually, angre doesn’t want this marriage to happen now?
ISHANI: Angre…
ANGRE: Ishani, I can’t marry now.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, when you love her, what’s your problem in marrying her.
ANGRE: Riddhu, marrying her is not my problem. Marrying her now is my problem. We will be having lots of work in this marriage. Vansh has planned for two marriages together. Mine and ishani’s and Kabir and sejal’s. In that case, we’ll be having lots of work. We can’t suddenly manage it.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, when your only problem is this. Then, I can help you. I’ll take care of all the marriage arrangements. Don’t worry.
ANGRE: Riddhu, this is not one day work. We’ll have to take care of everything. You won’t be able to manage.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, I told you that I’ll manage. I can handle it. Don’t worry..
ANGRE: Riddhu, think for once again. You can’t deny any work, later..
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, don’t worry. I’ll do all the works.
ANGRE: Whatever, it’s your decision. Later, you shouldn’t blame me.
RIDDHIMA: Bhai, don’t worry. I’m not going to work alone..
VANSH: Yes. Angre, from ishani and kabir’s side I’ll take care of all the arrangements.
RIDDHIMA: And I’ll take care of the remaining works from your’s and sejal’s side..
ANGRE: Whatever, its upto you..
Ishani and sejal hugs riddhima. Riddhima stands emotionless.. Vansh signs kabir and angre that their plan has worked..
VANSH: Okay, then we’ll leave.. We’ll let you know about the remaining things later..
Vansh and others leaves.. Meanwhile, in the car.
UMA: Vansh, what’s happening here?
VANSH: (tells everything) . How was my idea?
UMA: Good decision..
Vansh smiles..
VANSH: (thinking) Now, just wait and watch my play..
Vansh and others reaches home..
KABIR: Vansh, didn’t you get fed up with this love? You always have problems.
VANSH: None in this world is without problem. When you love someone then, you have to live for them. You have to share their sorrows,pains and everything. This is common in love. But, in my case it is something special. You can’t understand, if I say all these. One has to feel this. It’s not a big deal. When you love someone truly, then nothing will seem to be bigger than them. You’ll be ready to do anything for their single smile. Whatever I do doesn’t matter to me. At the end of the day, riddhima matters to me. Struggles are common in love. Love that you get after the struggle will live for years. I’ll wait for that day to get my love. I’ll do anything to get it.
KABIR: Riddhima is very lucky..
VANSH: Actually, I’m lucky to have such a heroine in my life. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have looked like a hero in front of your eyes.
Saying so, he laughs. Kabir too laughs.
PRECAP: I don’t want to come anywhere. I have an important work. Just go..
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