My world is in your love Chapter-11
If you haven’t read that previous chapter, The link is here-
At the VR mansion,
Vansh came to his study room. Angre told vansh that the reports from the blood donation camp had arrived. Vansh started to read the reports and understood both the reports were matching. Vansh asked the angre to leave him alone. Vansh just closed his eyes and went to his childhood memory.
Vansh thoughts,
”I was a 10-year-old boy, playing with Sia and Ishani. My parents (Ajay and Uma) called three of us from the garden. It was Rishi uncle who came to our house with his family. My dad and Rishi uncle are friends from childhood and business partners. Rohan, who was 7 years old, came towards me and hugged me. I saw a cute little angel who is just four years old who was holding her dad’s and mom’s hand safely. When she saw me, she hid herself behind her dad. My Dad lifted her and made her sit on the lap. My mom asked her name, she didn’t answer. My mom gave chocolate to her and asked her name again. She said with her sweet voice as ‘Riddhima’. We started to play in the garden. First, she refused to talk and play with me. Soon, Rohan and Riddhima had a huge fight with them for a toy car. I stopped the fight and gave the toy car to Rohan. Riddhima started to cry. I tried to stop her, but she didn’t. I removed the ‘V’ dollar chain from my neck, and I wear the ‘V’ dollar chain to Riddhima. She gave me a huge smile and hugged me. I kissed her forehead.”
“Mohit Sharma uncle and family members joined us in the evening, Mohit uncle asked dad about a business partnership, but my dad turned the offer down. Mohit’s daughter’s name is Ragini. Ragini also came to the garden to play with us. While playing, Rishi uncle noticed the chain and asked Riddhima to give back the chain, but she wasn’t ready. My dad told his friend that the chain is more beautiful to Riddhima than to Vansh. Dad lifted her in her arms and said that Riddhima had all rights to wear it. Mohit uncle face wasn’t happy when they saw riddhima and me together.”
“When dinner was about to start, Rohan sat on the left side of me, Ragini sat on the right side of me. But Riddhima wanted to sit near me. Both of them are not ready to leave their place. Riddhima didn’t lose her hope. She came and sat on my lap. When I fed her the food, she tried to feed the food with her tiny fingers to me. My mom said that we were made for each other. When her tummy was full, she slept on my lap. Riddhima’s mother(yazhini) came to me and carefully took the sleeping Riddhima with her. Rohan refused to go to his home. He hugged my dad and said that he wanted to stay in the VR mansion. Rishi uncle and Yazhini aunt were going to Chennai to visit their relatives for a family function. My mom joined them to drop at the airport. This was the last time I saw Riddhima’s parents and Riddhima. Four of them left the VR mansion to the airport in the car.”
Vansh came to real life from the memories. Dadi came to the vansh’s study room. Vansh handed over the report to Dadi.
Vansh: Dadi, my guess was correct. From the reports from the blood donation camp, the DNA of rohan and riddhima match with each other. Riddhima is Rohan’s sister. She is our responsibility, Dadi. I won’t let her go to London.
Dadi: But, Vansh how could we stop her? It is her dream, am I right?
Vansh: Yes, Dadi, but she is going to London to create her own identity. Why doesn’t she create her identity in India? Sia is very happy because of her arrival, and her treatment has got some improvement. I wanted to make Riddhima stay in a VR mansion.
Kabir was shouting in the living area. Everyone came to the living area.
Kabir: Vansh, what have you done in my brother’s life?
Vansh: Aryan is also my brother, Kabir.
Kabir: Will you stop your fake drama toward us? You wanted to make Aryan your slave, right?
Vansh: No, Kabir. I just offered him the job. It was Aryan’s decision. He accepted the job.
Kabir: Aryan, just quit the job. We are ready to offer you the job in Mohit Sharma industries. The salary will be triple the amount you get in Rishi Industries.
Rohan: Aryan, you can leave our company if you want, but remember it will be a black mark in your career.
Aryan: I am interested in working in Rishi Industries. It was my decision. My dad was also with me when I made the decision.
Kabir: It is my order…Quit the job.
Aryan: No, Kabir. I may get low income, but getting trained in ARR groups matters here. I won’t spoil my career like you.
Kabir raised his hand to slap Aryan. Kabir’s hand was held by someone’s hand. It is Riddhima, the entire family was shocked to see a brave Riddhima.
Kabir: How dare you, Riddhima?
Riddhima: Mr. Kabir, it is Aryan’s life, you won’t need to worry about him. Aryan is not a small kid; he is grown up.
Kabir: Excuse me, who are you? (laughed) you are just an employee in this house who gave you the permission to talk. you didn’t know your own identity.
Vansh: Kabir! Aryan works in Rishi Industries. That’s it. If you try to do something, it will spoil Aryan’s life, remember it.
Vansh saw Riddhima’s face which was turned into red in anger. Riddhima went to her room in anger. Her anger was changing into tears from her eyes. Vansh entered her room. Riddhima wiped off her tears.
Vansh: Riddhima, are you okay?
Riddhima: Yes…Sorry, VR. I shouldn’t have interfered in your family matter.
Vansh: It’s okay. How many days are left for you to go to London?
Riddhima: 20 days left to go to London.
Vansh: Come to my study room with Rohan at 6 P.M.
Vansh had a meeting with the family lawyer. Dadi also joined the meeting.
Lawyer: Mr.Vansh Raisinghania, have you made your decision on your father’s will document?
Vansh: There are any other ways to escape from it.
Lawyer: Mr.Vansh Raisinghania, It is your father’s will, we can’t do any changes.
Vansh: Yes, I can understand it, but….
Lawyer: At the age of 27, you need to get married, if not, your entire property will be transferred to an orphanage. Now your age is 27. Within two months, your age will be 28. So take your decision fast.
Dadi: Vansh, I can understand your situation. You had your engagement with Ragini. You broke your relationship with her. But it is your father’s decision to marry at the age of 27. Shall I start looking for an alliance for you?
Vansh: No, Dadi. I don’t believe in marriage. It is a waste of time, Dadi.
It was in the evening, at 6 P.M. Rohan and Riddhima were in Vansh’s study room.
Vansh: Let’s play a game. I played a game with Riddhima yesterday. It is an interesting game. Why don’t we play the game?
Rohan: Yes, let’s play.
Riddhima: What game, VR?
Vansh: Truth or dare….
Rohan: I am ready, Vansh.
Vansh: Okay, tell me the truth or dare Rohan?
Rohan: Both for you, Vansh.
Vansh: First, Truth…. If you see your younger sister in a VR mansion. What will you do?
Riddhima: VR, Rohan’s sister is dead in a car accident.
Vansh: No, Riddhima. In that accident Rohan’s parents body was found. Rohan’s sister’s body was not found. Rohan, tell me.
Rohan: I will kill her and go to jail. Do you know? I don’t even remember her name. In this world, she is the one I hate the most. I don’t want to see her face, Vansh.
Vansh: Okay, I agree. Next dare, take that knife near you and cut your wrist.
Rohan quickly took the knife from the table and cut his wrist without giving any reply to vansh.
Riddhima (shouted): VR, don’t you have any sense. Slitting the wrist is dangerous to life.
Riddhima used her hanky and tried to stop the blood.
Rohan: Vansh… I did it.
Vansh: Angre…. doctor is ready in rohan’s room right.Rohan, let’s go to your room.
The doctor completed the dressing.
Riddhima: Rohan, it is just a game. If vansh ask you to jump from the mountain, will you jump?
Rohan: Yes, I will definitely do anything for him.
Riddhima: Is this the way to show your friendship?
Rohan: Riddhima, when my parents left me. My relatives were cunning to grab my father’s money by using me. Vansh just held my hands and brought me to the VR mansion. He made a promise that he wouldn’t leave me in any situation. I trust him, Riddhima. Did you notice? He asked me to slit my hands, but within a few seconds doctors came. Vansh is a mastermind person.
Riddhima: VR, are you testing your friendship relationship with Rohan?
Rohan and vansh laughed together.
Vansh: Riddima, soon you will understand why I asked him to slit his wrist.
Vansh gave a smirk at riddhima.
Tell your opinion on Riddhima’s brave attitude towards Kabir, is it right?
Thank you for your comments…Liked it, But I couldn’t reply all, sorry…
Stay tuned for next chapter.
Stay Home, Be Safe.
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