When they reach the trip place they are very excited
Rivan: mumma let’s go
Riddima : you leave I will take the luggage and will come
Rivan : as your wish
And then vansh again collided with riddima
Riddima : you once again , just leave my life and go away from me please
Vansh : come on riddima , I am coming intentionally , I am just unknowingly collided with you , and ya I will leave
Riddima and vansh left from there and gone to their rooms
In vansh ‘ s room
Vansh : so here you go the bedroom of ours
Rishi : it is looking really nice mamu
In riddima’s room
Riddima : so did you liked the room
Rivan : yeah ! , And ya I loved the balcony as it is giving fresh air
Riddima : I will leave now , bye
Riddima and vansh came out of their respective rooms
Riddima : vansh did you marry anyone
Vansh : yeah
Riddima : who
Vansh : you
Riddima : anyone after me
Vansh : no one
Riddima (murmurs) : thank God
Vansh : what ???
Riddima : nothing
Vansh : I have listened what you said
Riddima : then keep quiet
Vansh : with whom you came
At that moment rivan called riddima
Rivan : hey darling
Riddima : hey handsome , do you want anything ??
Vansh is completely irritated and was feeling jealous so much
Rivan : nothing just come fast
And then he came from back of riddima
Rivan : hey sweetheart (in the same tone as vansh )
Vansh is totally shocked how he said that word
Riddima : oh come on why do you called me now if you came here directly
Rivan : sorry and ya come fast as I wanna see the beautiful view of kashmir
Riddima : we can go but till then just observe the balcony side
Rivan : ok bye
He left and even vansh is relieved that it was he who called her and his jealousy gone away from him
Riddima : bye Mr VR see you soon (smiling)
Vansh : bye mrs VR
Riddima : smart
Vansh : I am always
The both left to their rooms and then they got ready and gone out of their rooms and they gone to a famous garden in kashmir
And then all are enjoying the view at the same time anju and rishi got scared when they saw a scorpion and then rivan came to them and made them go away and then he made the scorpion go away
Riddima : you are so brave rivan
Vansh : yes you are soo brave
Rivan : yaar pl stop praising it was person’s responsibility to save a person when they are in need and want our help
Then they went to few more places and enjoyed And it was midnight riansh , anju , rishi and rivan arranged the camp fire and then tanish and vriddhi also joined them
Rivan : so guys ready to execute the plan
Riddima : I think the plan is about trisha am I right or am I not right ??
Rivan : yes
Rishi & anju : who is this trisha
Tanish : (he explains the whole situation)
Rivan : now we could execute the first step in our plan
Vriddhi : but if we lost the plan then
Riddima : good question , and the answer for this is that he will always be ready with Plan B like me
Rivan : yeah so guys execute 1st step and come fast
Riddima : so could you say what is your plan to us
Rivan : yes I will
FB shows
Rivan : guys I have a plan so 1st step is that we should scare that trisha step 2 is to make her reveal everything herself step 3 is to be sure that when she is confessing principal sir should be present , done
Tanish and Vriddhi : yes
*FB ends *
Rivan : so that is what the plan is
Precap : Rivan : we have succeeded in our frist step now , it is the time for the second step
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