Tuesday, 25 May 2021



Hi everyone!! Here is the next part…. I saw some theories in the comments…. Even I don’t know what happened 😂 

Next day…
Riddhima reaches College with Ramansh. Both get off the car.
Riddhima: Bhai, you are not studying now….
Ramansh: Yes… I am not. I had some stuff left so just came to take it.
Riddhima: I can do it for you.
Ramansh: No, I will do it.
Riddhima: Ok. I should go. Bye.
Ramansh: Bye.
Riddhima goes to class. She sits near Vansh and hugs him.
Vansh: Good Morning.
Riddhima: Good Morning.
Vansh: I heard Kabir came yesterday?
Riddhima: Yes actually…(explains the whole scenario)
Vansh: I should thank him for sure.
Riddhima: He is the college right now.
Vansh: Oh, where?
Riddhima: Near his locker.
Vansh: I will be back before the class starts…
Riddhima: Sure… I will stay here.
Vansh leaves the class to the lockers. He finds Dev standing there.
Vansh: Where is Ramansh?
Dev: None of your business..
Vansh: Can’t you answer sincerely?
Dev: In that class (pointing to the sports room)
Vansh: It’s under construction from inside.
Dev: So? He is there.
Vansh goes and finds no one. He turns back. Ramansh was nearly falling and Dev locked the door from outside.
Few hours later
Riddhima searched up everywhere but wasn’t able to find Vansh. She called him but the phone was switched off. All of sudden a boy came to her.
Boy: Riddhima.. your brother and Vansh were locked by Dev.
Riddhima: Where?
Boy: In that under construction sports room.
Riddhima reaches there and finds the door locked. She opens it. Seeing the scenario she screams..
Riddhima: BHAI!!!!
The students surround at the door of the room. Ramansh was lying unconscious and blood was flowing from his stomach. Vansh was sitting near him with blood all over his shirt.
Scene shifts to a hospital
Jai was holding Vansh from his collar.
Jai: How dare you! You tried to kill my son…
Vansh: Uncle… I
Jai(cutting): Shut up! If anything happens to my son you will be hanged on for sure!!
Riddhima: Dad stop it! Let him atleast…
Jai(cutting): Shut up! Your brother is in ICU and you are taking his side!
Riddhima: I am not taking his side I am saying….
Jai raised hand to slap Riddhima but Vansh holds his hand.
Vansh: Uncle, deeds are mine. You can’t raise hand on her.
Jai: Oh, you will teach me parenting? Who are you to say so? Her boyfriend?
Both of them felt silent. Police comes from behind.
Police: Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania. You have to come with us.
Riddhima: Sir, he hasn’t done…
Jai: Take him! And you(to Riddhima) just shut your mouth.
Police takes Vansh with him. Vansh turned back and kept looking at Riddhima who wasn’t interested in even taking a glance of him. Vansh pushes the police and reaches Riddhima.
Vansh: Do you think I can do this? Riddhima? Tell na? Don’t you trust me? Riddhima say something….
Riddhima: NO! I don’t know anything. The only thing I know is my brother is suffering!
Vansh was broken by those words…..
Riddhima: I don’t know anything (crying very much) my love is gone….(sobbing and crying)
Vansh who broken was taken away to police station. He was sitting in the corner silently. (Not in the jail because no accused is actually the criminal)
In the hospital
Doctor: He is out of danger. It will take him a week or two for being discharged.
Jai: Thank you doctor.
Riddhima: Thank you so much.
Jai stared Riddhima and she headed down.
He took Riddhima to a side….

Hope you all like it… Short updates as I am with a beautiful blue plaster😂 and not at home too. Comment your reviews. 

Tanvi 🌠

The post STOLEN SWEETHEART- RIANSH FF EPI 11 ‘No trust?’ appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/25/2021 11:14:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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