Monday, 24 May 2021

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 18


Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please do, keep supporting me like this.. 

Episode starts with… 


Vansh finishes his dinner and goes to his study room to take a file.. Just then, he recieves a message from riddhima.. 

RIDDHIMA: Your room door is closed for you. I won’t open it now. If you want to know the reason call me and ask. Don’t make any noise and disturb others. This is just an information. If you have any other place to sleep then, kindly go and sleep there.. 

Vansh reads the message.. 

VANSH: Now what happened to this devil? Let me first go and check.. 

Saying so he goes and checks his room. His room door was locked from inside.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, I know that you are awake. Open the door..

RIDDHIMA: I told you not to shout. Don’t disturb others. If you want to know anything then, call and ask. Hereafter, I won’t answer any of your questions. So, better don’t waste your energy..

VANSH: Now, what did I do? This girl is torturing me. I’ll make a call but not to you..

Saying so, he calls angre.. 

ANGRE: Tell me, vansh.. 

VANSH: Sir, what are you doing now?

ANGRE: Going to sleep..

VANSH: Your sister is torturing me here and you are relaxing there. It all started because of you.

ANGRE: What happened vansh? Did you see the time? It’s already 11.00. I’m so tired. I have no energy to find answers for your puzzles. So, better speak clearly..

VANSH: Idiot, your sister is inside my room. She has locked the door from inside. She is not opening the door. Ask her to open the door..

ANGRE: What did you do?

VANSH: I didn’t do anything. I need to sleep. Ask her to open the door..

ANGRE: Okay, wait.. I’ll call her and ask her to open the door.. Wait.. 

Saying so, he cuts the call and calls riddhima.

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, how are you? Is everything fine? Why have you called me now, at this time? Is everyone fine? How is mom and dad? 

ANGRE: Riddhu, all are fine here. Just now, vansh called me. What are you doing there? Why are you behaving like a child? Open the door..


ANGRE: Riddhu, at least for my sake. Don’t do this. Please, open the door.

Just then, ishani comes there and finds Angre speaking with riddhima. She calls him to say something. Angre asks her to wait for few minutes. Ishani gets upset and goes to sleep.. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, vansh is your husband. Don’t do like this. Please, open the door.. 

Riddhima gets down from her bed and opens the door. Vansh comes in and sees her speaking. 

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, I have opened the door. 

ANGRE: That’s my girl. Don’t do this again.. Okay, give the phone to vansh. I have to speak to him. 

RIDDHIMA: If you want to speak to him. Call him on and speak..

Saying so, she cuts the call.. 

Vansh understands what angre would have asked by hearing riddhima’s answer. So, he calls angre.. 

VANSH: Angre, tell me.. 

ANGRE: Vansh, it’s just been one day. When did riddhima started behaving like this? She is behaving like a five year old kid.

VANSH: Angre, her activities may be new to you. But, it is not a surprise for me. Because, even before this marriage she used to behave same like this. Thanks for me getting me inside my room. Better, you go to sleep..

ANGRE: Okay, good night..

VANSH: It’s good night for you. Not for me..

Saying so, he cuts the call.. 


Angre turns and finds ishani asleep.. 

ANGRE: Ishani was about to say something to me. I think she must have been tired. Today, she had lot of works. So, let her take rest. I’ll speak to her tomorrow..

Saying so, he covers her with the blanket and goes to sleep.. 


Vansh takes the pillow and goes towards the sofa. As he was walking, he unknowingly stamps the oil and falls on the floor. Riddhima laughs seeing me.. 

VANSH: Who poured this oil here on they floor?


VANSH: What!! Have you gone mad? You could have cleaned it, right? Or else, you would have informed me. At least, I would have been little careful..

RIDDHIMA: If I would have poured the oil unknowingly then, I would have informed you. But, I poured it for a purpose. In that case, why should I tell you?

Saying so, she laughs… 

VANSH: What!!

RIDDHIMA: Morning you blackmailed me by showing the knife, right? This is the revenge for that. How dare you to blackmail me? You said that you will kill me, right?

Saying so, she laughs.. 

VANSH: My God!! This girls is really a devil for me.

Saying so, he tries to get up. But, he couldn’t.. 

RIDDHIMA: Wait, I’ll help you.. 

VANSH: You!! It’s because of you, I have fallen down..

RIDDHIMA:  I have done this because you blackmailed me. But, still you helped me, right? So, don’t worry. I’ll help you.

Saying so, she comes and lends her hand. Vansh holds her hand and tries to get up. But, riddhima loses her balance and falls on him. They both have an eyelock.. 

Just then, vansh’s phone rings. 

RIDDHIMA: Because of you, I have fallen.. 

Vansh tries hard and gets up. He helps riddhima to get up. 

VANSH: Now, who will clean the floor? 

RIDDHIMA: I’ll clean the floor. You just shut your mouth and go..

Vansh goes to the sofa to sleep. Riddhima cleans the floor and goes to the bed.. 

Riddhima doesn’t get sleep. She feels as if though something is incomplete. She looks at the time. It was 2.00am. She tries to sleep. But, she couldn’t.. 

Finally, she gets up from the bed and looks through the window. She finds that the cool breeze making her comfortable. 

RIDDHIMA: I wish to go for a night walk. But, I can’t go alone. Before marriage, whenever I wished I used to go and bhai accompanied me everytime. But, now, I can’t go. She thinks of her moments with angre. Idea!! I’ll go out and sit in the garden area for sometime. 

She goes down and sits in the garden enjoying the cool breeze. 

4.00 am.. 

Vansh wakes up and looks for riddhima. 

VANSH: Where has she gone? I don’t think she is here. Let me wait for some time.. 

Riddhima comes from outside. While walking she hears some noise from uma’s room.. 

RIDDHIMA: What happened? Let me go and check.. 

She goes to uma’s room and finds her coughing continuously.. 

Riddhima wakes her. 

RIDDHIMA: Mom, what happened?

UMA: Nothing.. What are you doing here at this time?

RIDDHIMA: That’s not important now, mom..Are you okay?

UMA: Nothing. I’m just getting cough continuously..

RIDDHIMA: Wait, I’ll get you some hot water and cough syrup..

UMA: No.. No. I’ll manage. You go and take rest..

RIDDHIMA: No.. You wait for some time..

Saying so, she goes to kitchen. Vansh comes down searching for her and finds her going to uma’s room. He follows her..

Riddhima brings the hot water. 

RIDDHIMA: Mom, do you have cough syrup? 

UMA: It’s in the side table..

Riddhima takes the cough syrup from the table. Just then, she notices ishani’s photo frame there. Riddhima gives the syrup and hot water to Uma. Within few minutes, uma gets normal.. Vansh watches everything from outside.. 

UMA: Riddhima, what were you doing here at this time? 

RIDDHIMA: I..The water in the jug got over. I felt thirsty. So, I came to drink water from kitchen. Just then, I heared your sound and came here..

UMA: Thank you, riddhima.. Now I’m absolutely fine. You go and take rest..

RIDDHIMA: I’ll go. But, hereafter don’t say thanks.. Because, you said that I’m like your daughter. Will you thank your daughter?

Uma smiles.. 

UMA: Okay, I won’t say it.. You go and take rest.. 

Riddhima goes.. 

VANSH: Impressive.. So, this is what angre meant.. Riddhima who behaves like a kid and fights with me is actually a matured daughter, good sister and a responsible daughter-in-law. 

Vansh smiles and goes to his rooms.. 

VANSH: Where is this riddhima? She came here. But, she is not in the room. 

Just then, he notices the water jug.. 

VANSH: Riddhima said that the water jug is empty. But, the jug is full. Then, why did she lie? 

Vansh comes out and finds the study room lights on.. He finds riddhima reading books.. 

RIDDHIMA: I’m tired. But, I couldn’t sleep. I’m missing something. I couldn’t even go for a walk. If bhai would have been here then, he would have take an me to walk. I miss you bhai. I want to see you. Better, I’ll go tomorrow and see him. But, that’s not possible.. Mom and dad will say that I should come only with vansh. I don’t know whether he is free. Even if he is free, he should accompany with me. But, I don’t think he’ll come with me. 

Vansh who was standing there hears her and smiles and goes to his room.. 

VANSH: So, she is not getting sleep. Even yesterday, she didn’t sleep. Just then, he remembers something. So, this was your problem..

Morning, 7.00am..

Riddhima comes and sees vansh.. 

RIDDHIMA: Are you not going to the office today? 


RIDDHIMA: Why? Do you have any other plans?

VANSH: I’m going to your house..

RIDDHIMA: My house? Why?

VANSH: I’m missing ishani.. So, I’ve planned to go and see her today.. If you want, even you can come. Because, mom told that after marriage both husband and wife should go together, it seems..

RIDDHIMA: Then, I too will come with you..

VANSH: Okay, get ready..

Riddhima gets happy.. 

PRECAP: Riddhima understands ishani’s discomfort…  Riddhima signs vansh to tell yes.. Riddhima removes the photos from angre’s room.

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 18 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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