Monday, 10 May 2021

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 15


Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this… 

Episode begins with.. 

Vansh follows riddhima. They both reach the hospital. 

VANSH: Riddhima, I think we can talk to the doctor regarding shwetha’s discharge. 

RIDDHIMA: Even I was thinking that..

Just then, the doctor comes there.. 

RIDDHIMA: Doctor, how is shwetha now? 

DOCTOR: She is almost fine. You can take her by tomorrow.

RIDDHIMA: Doctor, I need a help from you.

DOCTOR: Tell me, riddhima..

RIDDHIMA: Doctor, we need to take shwetha to her home immediately. So, can you please discharge her now?

DOCTOR: Riddhima, it’s already 1.30 am. It’s impossible to discharge her now.

RIDDHIMA: Doctor, I know. But, please it’s important. We need to take her home immediately. You said that she is alright. Then, why can’t you discharge her now?

DOCTOR: Riddhima, can’t you understand. According to our hospital rules, we should discharge the patients now. Please, understand. It’s just one night. So, better you leave now..

Saying so, she was about to go. Just then, vansh stops her.. 

VANSH: Doctor, I understand. But, please.. Shwetha’s parents doesn’t know anything about her state. Now her mother is adamant to see her. We couldn’t console her. Already, we lied to her that she is in her friend’s house. We can’t lie to her anymore. So, please try to understand. Please, help us doctor.

DOCTOR: Vansh, I understand your situation. But, this is hospital rules..

VANSH: Doctor, I understand. But, just answer my one question. If any accident case or any critical case comes to your hospital at this time then, will you admit them now?

DOCTOR: Surely..


DOCTOR: Because it is a human life. It’s an emergency case.

VANSH: Same in this case too. Doctor, even this is an emergency. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have come here at this time and wouldn’t be arguing with you like this. Please, try to understand doctor. Is your only problem is this hospital rule?

DOCTOR: Yes.. Even now, shwetha is perfectly alright. The only problem is the rule..

VANSH: Then, I have an idea. I’ll take her out at my own risk. You just get the discharge papers. I’ll sign in it that I’m responsible for shwetha’s discharge. If any problem arises to you then, I’ll face it. Please, understand. Help us..

The doctor agrees and asks them to wait for sometime to sign the discharge papers. Saying so, she goes.. 

Riddhima and vansh waits there.. 

RIDDHIMA: Thank you for your help.. 

VANSH: I won’t say welcome. Keep this help in your mind. You too have to help me in return.

RIDDHIMA: Monkey..

Saying so, she goes.. 

VANSH: Did she call me as monkey? Devil… 

He follows her. 

The doctor brings the discharge papers. Vansh signs in it. They both take shwetha home. 

RIDDHIMA: Shwetha, I haven’t tell about you been in hospital to uncle and aunty. Even you don’t tell this to them. I don’t want them to get worried unnecessarily. Doctor, has just asked you to come for dressing and for general check up after a week. So, you better hide your injuries from them.

Shwetha agrees to her. The trio enters her house..

The old man and the old lady comes and hugs shwetha. They both cry seeing their daughter after two days. Shwetha too hugs them.. 

OLD LADY: Shwetha, where did you go? Why didn’t you tell us anything?

RIDDHIMA: Aunty, don’t ask anything to her. Please. Let her start a new life from now on. Even you too forget all the bitter past. She won’t do this again.

SHWETHA: I promise riddhima, I won’t do this mistake again..

RIDDHIMA: Don’t promise me.. Promise to your parents. They were the one who worried a lot for you. They didn’t even sleep. Their prayers brought you here.

OLD MAN: No, shwetha. It’s because of riddhima you are here today. We were just crying and praying. We couldn’t do anything. But, riddhima struggled the whole night. Even she didn’t sleep. It was her marriage, yesterday. Inspite of that, she helped us. She were with us. Really, you are so fortune to get such a friend like her..

Shwetha thanks her.. 

RIDDHIMA: It’s not only because of me. Even bhai, sejal and vansh supported me. 

Shwetha thanks vansh.. 

VANSH: More than everyone, riddhima is the reason for all this..

RIDDHIMA: Now stop all this thanking session. You three spend some time and take rest. We need to leave now..

OLD LADY: Riddhima, do you really want to leave now?

RIDDHIMA: Yes aunty. I didn’t even inform anyone at the house. So, I’ll leave now. I’ll come and see you all later. Next time, I’ll spend more time with you all..

The old man and the old lady blessess both vansh and riddhima to be happy and supportive to each other throughout their life. Riddhima and vansh look at each other.. 

They both leave.

Vansh and riddhima reaches the raisinghania house. 

Riddhima was about to go. Just then, vansh stops her.. 

VANSH: Where are you going?

RIDDHIMA: Can’t you see? Are you blind? Or, Is there any problem in your eyes? I’m going inside the house.

VANSH: Even I can see that. My eyes are good. Actually, I think you must have some problem in your eyes?


VANSH: Idiot, it’s 5.30am now. By now mom have woken up. Will you go through the door directly? Then, you must answer all there questions. I won’t even help you.

RIDDHIMA: Sorry, I didn’t see the time. But for that, is it important to call me as a idiot?

VANSH: Even you called me as a blind? And what did you say at the hospital? Do I look like a monkey for you?

RIDDHIMA: when did I say that?

VANSH: Don’t lie. I heard you calling me as a  monkey.

RIDDHIMA: First answer my question. Why did you called me as a idiot?

VANSH: Why did you called me as a monkey?

RIDDHIMA: First you answer me..

VANSH: First you answer me..


VANSH: You..


VANSH: You..

Just then, uma comes there.. 

Vansh sees this and immediately goes and hides behind a bush taking riddhima along with him. 

UMA: Just now, I heard vansh and riddhima’s voice. But, there is no one here. Moreover, they must be in their room. But, did they both woke up so early? Better, I’ll go and check. 

Saying so, she goes.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I think aunty is going to the room to check us.. 

VANSH: It’s all because of you..

RIDDHIMA: Not because of me. Because of you..

VANSH: I don’t want to start again.

RIDDHIMA: Before aunty goes in, we have to go to our room. But, how will we go? We can’t go by the door…

VANSH: I have an idea. Now, you follow me.What did you say yesterday night? Now, just follow my orders and do what I say. Only then, you can escape. This is what we say, karma is a boomerang..

Saying so, he goes. Riddhima bangs her head and follows him.. 

VANSH: Climb over this ladder. We must enter the room only through the window. This is the only option..

RIDDHIMA: How will I climb? Do you think me as a the of to climb and enter through window? This is not easy for a family girl like me.. 

Saying so, he turns to see vansh but doesn’t find him. Just then, vansh calls her.. 

VANSH: I’m here..

Riddhima looks up and finds him in his room. While riddhima was speaking he climbs and enters the room.. 

VANSH: Better you take your lecture from there and get caught. If mom asks anything to me then, I’ll say that I don’t know anything about you..

Saying so, he was about to go. Just then,.. 

RIDDHIMA: Hey, idiot help me.. I don’t have the habit of climbing the ladder like this..

VANSH: If you want to come then, climb and come..

RIDDHIMA: Okay, but help me..

VANSH: If you want to help me then, you have to keep your mouth shut..

RIDDHIMA: But, what..

VANSH: I told shut..

Riddhima nods her head and closes her lips tightly. 

RIDDHIMA: (thinking) I don’t have any other option other than this. Let me first climb this ladder and enter the room. Then, I’ll see to him..

VANSH: I’ll hold this ladder tightly. You just climb.. 

Riddhima climbs the ladder while vansh holds it. Vansh holds her hand and helps her to get inside through the window. Riddhima jumps in and enters the room. She slips and falls on vansh.. 

Just then, uma comes there and sees riddhima fallen over vansh. 

UMA: Sorry, I should have knocked the door. Sorry, I’ll leave. 

Saying so, she goes.. 

Riddhima gets up.. 

RIDDHIMA:Didn’t you lock the door.. 

VANSH: I forgot..

Riddhima was about to enter the washroom but, vansh comes running and enters first and closes the door.. 

RIDDHIMA: Idiot, what are you doing? Have you gone mad? I have to go to office..

VANSH: Even I need to go to office. This is my revenge for your yesterday’s action.

Riddhima bangs her head.. 

RIDDHIMA: This idiot.. How dare he to do this? Just wait and watch my revenge..

PRECAP: Riddhima takes vansh’s office file and goes. Vansh gets upset.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 15 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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