Hello everyone i wanna say something i am not posting today because yesterday you all really disappointed me
I wrote yesterday’s epi with so much hope and i myself like the epi so much but the response was so less
You didn’t even complete the target and my mood badly got spolied so no epi today
But as i love u all so much i am giving a sneak peak
I feel if i have right to share my happiness on your response with u then i also have right to share my resentment also
If u want next epi tomorrow do comment here . It’s request guys don’t get offended
Sneak peak is here
Scene 1
Dadi – Then how will she come inside
Riddhima (smiling) – don’t forget dadi i have my husband on my side
Right vansh c’mon lift me and take me to our room i am not that much heavy
Scene 2
Angre – But ishani who were they and why they attacked you
Ishani – I really don’t know angre only riddhu know this
Scene 3
Riddhima – Where are u going vansh it’s our suhagraat na!!
She sleeps hugging vansh but he jerked her and turned back
Scene 4
Riddhima (sad) – Why u did this vansh you always do things that i don’t like
(Guess what vanshu did now)
Scene 6
Riddhima – I am sorry
Vansh – Don’t be rajdhani express riddhima
Riddhima – i don’t have time vansh
Scene 5
Vansh – I will send ishani to help u in sponge bath
Riddhima (chuckling) – Why!! You are my husband not ishani!
( Why riddhu is behaving lovey dovey wifey
Guess how will vanshu react on this )
Ps : so many riansh moment are there
Next update will depend on your response guys
If my track is not going good then let me know i will chnge but do support guys it take almost 3 hours to write and post and it will take less then 1 min to comment
Love uh guys but i am gussa today (real wala)
The post Riansh (the saga of truth unfolds) #sneak peak #angry aisha😬 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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