Thursday, 6 May 2021

Riansh FF (IMMJ2) The Mafia’s Cute Sweet heart Episode 10


At afternoon :

All sit to eat the food and when riddima eats the food she starts coughing and she leaves from there to her room and when vansh enters the room to check on her , she is fallen on the ground , he makes her sleep on the bed and calls the doctor and as jayashree di said , yes it was

Doctor : Mr Vansh the food got poisoned

Vansh : what???? But how could it possible and I will not leave who did this

Dadi : calm down vansh

Ishani : doctor , how is she now

Doctor : she is out of danger , don’t worry

Everyone are somewhat happy as she is ok

Vansh was talking with angre about the incident

Vansh : angre as each and every time , the food will be ok and never ever this type of problem occured but it occurred to riddima today and ya only to riddima , it seems suspicious right !!??

Angre : you are right vansh , don’t worry I will find out it is who ??

Vansh : ok

Vansh goes to room , where he finds a scared riddima

Vansh (worried) : riddima what happened ??

Riddima : (scared) vansh , vansh that person will kill me , that person will kill me , save me vansh , pl save me

Uma : I think riddima is in a trauma , make her sleep vansh

Vansh : ok mom

He makes her sleep assuring he is with her

Vansh (thinking) : what could be the reason , for her sudden trauma , and ya she said a person wants to kill her , is he the same person who poisoned the food ????

The Next Morning

Riddima wakes up and takes a shower and comes out

Vansh : riddima what happened , why are you soo scared yesterday

Riddima : vansh (she narrates)


riddima is sleeping and a person came and took a pillow and tried to kill riddima , but riddima somehow escapes and the person too leaves from there

*FB ends*

Vansh : how dare the person to enter my mansion and try to kill my wife

Riddima : vansh , don’t worry

Vansh : do you have any idea , how the person looks

Riddima : not much , the person is wearing a hoodie and a tattoo is there on hand

Vansh : which tattoo ??

Riddima : it’s R

Vansh : thank you and don’t worry , nothing will happen to you , it’s my promise

Riddima : I believe you more than my self

Vansh : thank you and take care

Riddima : vansh , just a second

Vansh : do you wanna say something

Riddima : yes do you think the breaks failing is coincidence

Vansh : what do you think ??

Riddima : vansh , I think the person wants to kill both of us as you see the same which I ate you have to eat too but before you can eat , you left from there so I think …………

Vansh : you don’t worry , I will find out

Vansh goes to angre

Vansh : angre did you find something

Angre : vansh , I found that the person is trying to kill you both , but I didn’t find so much

Vansh : hmm , I got some information from riddima that the person is in hoodie and has tattoo on the hand which represent ‘R’

Angre : great , I will find out very soon

Precap : a shocking truth

Guys definitely I will reveal who the person is in the next episode and yah do you have any idea of that person

Do comment your views down

The post Riansh FF (IMMJ2) The Mafia’s Cute Sweet heart Episode 10 appeared first on Telly Updates.

5/06/2021 09:14:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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