Saturday 15 May 2021

In love with a widow. #Riansh OS


Hello guys. Here is a new OS of mine. I hope you like it and do tell me your opinion on the comments and please do comment a lot here.
So let’s start.
Vansh’s POV starts:
I wasn’t believing that the society is owing such a fixed mind set like that.
I wasn’t believing that they all could be against two people who have found their souls inside the other and have decided to be together forever.
There are so many stereotypes that are being transferred between the generations and no one wants to change it.
They are believing that those stuff is a holy thing that will never be changed and no one can be able to do anything against it.
What is the problem to marry the woman that I have loved her the most?!
What is the problem to be with the woman that my heart has chosen her?!
What makes the society be that rude towards us?!
Why this society is still being that fixed in thinking?!
Why the people aren’t able to stop judging the other?!
Why the people aren’t able to stop criticizing the other just because they are doing something different than them?!
Why people are so rude and strict like that?!
What is our fault?!
What is our fault in loving each other and wanting to spend our whole lives together?!
Does love nowadays is a sin?!
Does it is a sin to love a widow?
What is her fault that she is a widow?
Does this was by her hand?!
Does she is the one that has decided to make her husband die so she could enjoy being his widow?!
Why she is supposed to be punished for something that it isn’t by her hand?!
There are so many questions being scattered inside my mind.
I’m not able to understand what has happened during the previous months.

I can’t able to understand the so much harsh words that we have received it from everyone around us.
I still can’t forget how my life has got changed when I have met her from 6 months ago.
I can’t forget how she has came from nowhere like a very special angel.
I have seen her at one of the traditional marriages that my family and I have got invited to attend it.
She was so simple and soft.
She wasn’t like the normal girls.
She was so special and unique.

She wasn’t having the hobby in putting so much make up or wearing so fancy clothes.
She was wearing a very simple white dress and she was looking so beautiful while wearing that dress.

She was exactly like an angel.
I wasn’t able to stop staring at her.

I was wondering how a girl could be that beautiful and gorgeous like her.
I was wondering how a girl could be that marvellous.
I was sinking in her beauty and I was impressed by her simple and unique attitudes.
I was just concentrating on her since I have seen her the first time.
I wasn’t doing anything other than staring at her.
I was wanting to know more stuff about her by observing her behaviours.
She was treating everyone in a very cute and lovely way.
I was observing how she is a very funny girl who everyone loves her.
I got so impressed and amazed when I have seen her outstanding smile.

Her smile was like a treatment to all my wounds.
I was feeling as I know her since centuries.
I felt that she is a part of me and I’m a part of her.
I was just staring more and more at her.

I wasn’t caring about anyone around me.
I wasn’t caring about how all my family members were talking with me about different stuff.
I wasn’t listening to anything from what they were saying.
I was just trying to unfold the mystery of this angel.
I was able to get into her deep layers.
I was able to feel how she is owing so much pain inside her.
I was sure that there is a very deep wound that is behind her smiles and I have decided that I have to get deep into her to know the reason behind that pain that I have noticed it inside her eyes.
I have got able to get in contact with her at the party.
I got able to form a friendship with her.
I got able to know more stuff about her.
I was observing her interest in knowing me more.
I was feeling the she is also owing the same excitement that I owns it towards her.
I was observing that she also wants to know more stuff about me, but there was something that was preventing her from doing that.
I was observing how she got to be very worried and tensed when she got to meet me.

I was noticing her stress reaction and her fear everytime I gets to be near her and talk to her.
I didn’t have spent so many times with her until I have completely fallen for her.
I was wanting to just be with her forever.
I wasn’t caring about how she isn’t talking a lot about herself.
I wasn’t caring about her mysteries that she is hiding it.
I wasn’t caring about anything other than to be with her.
I was just wanting to be with her and sink inside her beauty.

Then I have decided to confess my feelings to her and propose her.
During that day, I got to know a very important and shocking truth about her.
I must admit that I have got shocked when I have known that.
I must admit that I wasn’t expecting that she has got to be married before.
I wasn’t expecting that she is a widow.
But this shock didn’t have changed anything from what I owns it to her.
I wasn’t feeling that this could be a bad thing about her.
It isn’t her fault.
She can’t live her whole life being framed in the widow frame.
I can’t forget her reaction when I have proposed her and I have accepted her and her past.
She was staring at me so much.

Her stare has melted my heart so much.
I haven’t controlled myself when I have made her near my heart and I have hugged her very tightly.

I was wanting to make her be relaxed and make her be sure that being a widow will never change my love to her.
She also has hugged me back.
I was feeling her worry and stress.
I was feeling how she is being very tensed.
So I was making her very close to me to feel her breathes.

I was trying to calm her down.
I was supporting her and making her be sure that I will never leave her.
I wasn’t thinking about anything other than being just with her.
I wasn’t believing that there will be any struggle in the road of our unite.
I was just being very excited to be with her forever.
Especially when she also has confessed her feelings towards me.
She was trying to make me understand how the society will never accept our marriage, but I didn’t have listened to her.
Because I wasn’t expecting that the society could never come against us.
At the end, she got to be right.
But I will not allow this to happen.
I will not allow anyone to separate me from Riddhima.
I could defeat the whole world just to be with my Riddhima.
Vansh’s POV ends.
Riddhima’s POV starts:
I wasn’t believing that I will be that happy once again.
I wasn’t believing that I could smile from the bottom of my heart once again.
I wasn’t imagining that I could love a man that much.
I was believing that I will keep being the widow of that man who I wasn’t loving or hating him.
I wasn’t believing that I could fall that deeply for someone, but he has came and changed all those stuff.
Still I can’t forget when I have seen him the first time.
I didn’t have got attracted to a man that much before.
But when I have seen him, I wasn’t able to stop staring at him and being very attached to him.
He has made me fallen for him so much from his lovely expressions.

He was always looking so hot and attractive.

His hotness makes me sink into his deep layers.
I have forgotten the society and their stereotypes when I was with him.
I can’t forget that day when we have confessed our feelings to each other.
Even after he has known that I’m a widow, still he got to accept me the way am I.
I wasn’t able to get away from him when we got to be very close to each other.

I didn’t have felt being that relaxed and comfortable with anyone other than him.
I was being so connected to him.
I was feeling that I’m living inside him.
I was feeling that I’m from him and he is from me.
Both of us were staring at each other so much.

We were accepting anything we could face it just to be together.
We were having the strength to fight against the whole world just to live together forever.
Riddhima’s POV ends.
Riddhima and Vansh have faced so many problems after they have confessed their feelings to each other and have decided to be together.
Vansh’s family weren’t accepting his marriage with Riddhima.
They weren’t accepting to make him marry a widow.
They were thinking with the same fixed way that all the society thinks with it.
He has heard from them those typical words like:
“What could make you marry a woman has got married before? Her life has ended by the end of her dead husband.”
“She can’t live her life after the death of her husband”
“She isn’t free to do whatever she wants”
“She is a shameless woman who still wants to enjoy her life after the death of her husband.”
“A single man can’t marry a woman has got married before”
There were more and more fixed words like this that Vansh has heard it from his family and all the people who where around him.
In contrast, Riddhima has faced more obstacles and harsh words.
She has faced a very hard words and treatment from the family of her dead husband and from her own family.
She was still living at her dead husband’s house due to what the society states about that.
Of course none of them were accepting that.
They have treated her so badly.
She has received so much harsh words like:
“You don’t have the right to have such a decision like that”
“You would never marry anyone after your dead husband”
“You will keep being his wife till the end of your life”
“Your dead husband is your destiny and your fate even after his death”
“The widow have on her the spot so she can’t do anything other than waiting for her death to be with her dead husband”
“You are doing a huge sin to think about marrying another guy”
“You aren’t having the right to be in love”
“It is better for you to die other than thinking about changing your fate”
She has received many more harsh words like that.
Those words weren’t just from her dead husband’s family, but also from her own family.
None of them were supporting her.
They all want her to live with a dead soul just because her husband has died so she also must just die to be a good wife.
Actually, they have locked her inside the house especially at her room to not make her meet Vansh once again.
She was crying so much.
She was being very broken and shattered.

Riddhima to herself: I can’t lose the only man that I have loved him so much just because those stupid stereotypes. I can’t give up against the fixed mind set of the society. I can’t lose my Vansh. I will keep fighting Vansh. I will keep fighting until I could be with you forever Vansh.
While she was being at her room thinking about a way to get out and meet Vansh, she has found Vansh in front of her coming from the window of her room.
She wasn’t believing that she is finding him in front of her.

She was smiling so much while seeing him.

Then she has immediately thrown herself inside his arms.

Riddhima: Thank God that you have came Vansh. I was sure that you will never leave me alone. I was sure that you will come and take me from here. Vansh, please do something. I can’t live without you. I can’t be putted in the frame of being a widow for the rest of my life. I love you and I want to be with you forever and this isn’t a sin. It is their sin that they are still thinking in that old fashioned way. It is their sin in judging us and being against us. We didn’t have done any mistake in loving each other and wanting to get married. I don’t know why they aren’t giving us the right to live our lives the way we want it.
Vansh has putted his hands around Riddhima in a caring way.

Vansh: Because they aren’t able to be convinced that everything changes and there isn’t any stereotype that could last forever. They can’t understand that we are all humans and we aren’t allowing to jail each other in an old thoughts and stereotypes.
Riddhima: But this isn’t fair Vansh. They aren’t God to do that. Even God is accepting that a widow could marry once again, so how the human beings could be the ones who refuse that?! Do they are more powerful than God?! Do they are the ones who know everything?! Why they aren’t able to understand our love?! Why?!
Vansh has putted his hands on Riddhima’s face to calm her down.

Vansh: Don’t care about them at all Riddhima. They will never be able to separate us. Vansh is for Riddhima and Riddhima is for Vansh and this fact none of them will be able to change it. We will unit Riddhima. We will get married and they will never be able stop that. They will be surprised when they come and find us got married and they will not be able to do anything.
He was ready with each and everything he could need it for the marriage.
They have done each and every ritual from the wedding rituals.

They have done all the rounds.
They have done everything.
Vansh has made Riddhima his forever.

They were smiling at each other a very wide smile.

They were being happy that they have got married and became for each other.
They have hugged each other a very warm and long hug.

Vansh was smiling so much at Riddhima.

Vansh: Now, we have got married and we have became together forever sweetheart.
Riddhima: Now, no one will be able to separate us.
Vansh: They will never be able to defeat our love Riddhu.
Riddhima: Vansh and Riddhima are the ones who have changed the history. Vansh and Riddhima’s love will be a very legendary love story that will change all the stereotypes of this fixed mind society.
Vansh: Vansh and Riddhima’s love story will make the society know that still the widow could be able to love once again. The widow is still able to live her life happily once again. The widow is a human being that have the right to have her own decision. The widow isn’t a puppet in anyone’s hand. The widow has her own life who she must to live it and none must forbid her from doing that.
Riddhima: You are that unique man who has proved to the when society that still there is a man who could be in love with a widow.
He has grabbed her towards him.

Then he has kissed her a very long kiss.

Vansh: Now, you aren’t a widow anymore sweetheart. Now you are Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania.
They have hugged each other.
Riddhima and Vansh at the same time: I love you.












The end of the os. I hope you have liked it guys. I hope that you have enjoyed it guys and do tell me your opinion on the os. I’m really overwhelmed from all of yours support. The previous os has reached to 100 comments and that means so much to me. So this os is here because of all of yours lovely respond on the previous os. I hope that you have liked it and do tell me how it was. I will be waiting for all of yours comments so I could know if I will write a new os or not. So guys please comment so many comments here so I could break the records of the previous comments of mine. I will be waiting for so much comments on this os. The respond here will make me know if I will write another os or not. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post In love with a widow. #Riansh OS appeared first on Telly Updates.

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