Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th May 2021 Written Episode Update Vibhuti tries to Woo Tiwari


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Man in disguise beating Tiwari and Vibhu disguised as women come and save Tiwari. Teeka says what an iron lady. Tillu says lets we three go and introduce ourself. Vibhu says to Tiwari come here I’m bleeding and feeling dizzy. Tiwari says to Vibhu I’m so thankful to you, you saved my life I won’t forget that my whole life. Vibhu says the life like your guys are very precious for everyone. Tiwari says to Vibhu you can come to my house my wife will do dressing for you. Vibhu gets shocked and says you got wife after seeing you it seems like you would be having so many girlfriends. Tiwari says come to my house I’ll do dressing where you got hurt. Angoori waiting for Tiwari, Tiwari comes to his house with who is disguised as women. Angoori asks Tiwari who is this lady. Vibhu asks Tiwari who is she. Tiwari says she is my wife. Vibhu says she doesn’t seems like you wife. Tiwari says she is Miss Meena and she helped me. Angoori says to Meena you got such a beautiful name nice to meet you. Meena says I’m feeling thirsty and asks Tiwari to bring glass of water. Meena teels Angoori that she is Vibhu. Tiwari brings water and says to Angoori I heard Vibhu’s voice did he come. Angoori gets shocked and says no he is not here. Tiwari start insulting Vibhu and Meena throws water on Tiwari. Angoori says to Tiwari Meena is bleeding she need first aid and bring some ointment for you and saya to Tiwari to hold her tight do not let her go go some close to her. Meena asks Tiwari where are you lost. Meena says I should go now, Angoori asks now when will you meet. Meena says to Angoori this question must be ask by Tiwari why are you asking. Tiwari says first eat and then go Angoori cooks very delicious food. Meena says I want to eat food cooked by you.

Meena and Tiwari outside Tiwari’s house. Meena says to Tiwari I’ll go alone if someone will se us together they will talk. Tiwari says to Meena dont think like that I have a good reputation in this colony they will not think that way come I’ll drop you. Meena says I can help myself I don’t want you to do. Tiwari says to Meena goodnight. Meena asks now when you’ll meet next. Tiwari says whenever you want you can meet my wife Angoori is always there. TMT come to Meena. Teeka says we are seeing you first time in this locality. Tillu asks whats your name. Vibhu says Meena and asks TMT tell me ine think what do you want from me. Tillu says we want to do friendship with you. Meena says I don’t want to be friends with people like you. Commissioner come and says to Meena you are right friendship is done by the class of yours. Teeka says to commissioner what’s wrong with us. Tillu says what you got that we don’t have. Malkhan says we got something which you don’t have. Commissioner says I have car, bank balance, house. Tillu says you don’t have one thing and say’s something in his ear. Commissioner slaps TMT. TMT start singing and leaves. Meena asks commissioner what he said to you in ears. Commissioner says to Meena its personal I’ll tell you afterwards and start flirting with Meena.

Angoori sitting in garden and cleaning rice. Vibhu visits Angoori and greets her. Angoori gets excited and ask what’s the good news. Vibhu says to Angoori there is no good news I did many things but he was not interested. Angoori says you didn’t acted well why were you singing gazal you should sing some peppy sing. Vibhu says give me one more chance ill make him mad for me but do one thing when I’m there you will go inside because in front of you he will not flirt with me. Angoori says it means when Anu is no there you also flirt with someone else. Vibhu says this time I won’t let him go.

TMT on street hanging out and Meena passing by them while singing. Meena says to Teeka why did you stop me. Teeka says now we will talk straight and says I love you. Malkan say’s I love you too. Tillu says I love you. Meena says I dont love you all I only love Tiwari. TMT gets shocked and Meena insults TMT. Commissioner come and start flirting with Meena. Meena insults commissioner. Commissioner says why are you always troubling her if you will not leave I’ll lock you up. Tiilu asks commissioner what we did. Commissioner slaps TMT and they leave.

Tiwari in his hall sitting and asks Angoori to bring food. Angoori says it’s cooking will take time. Someone knocks on door and Tiwari asks Angoori to open the door. Angoori says no I’ll not check you have become lazy now a days you go and check. Tiwari opens the door and sees Meena and Tiwari gets shocked and says all of sudden you are here how. Meena says to Tiwari I was feeling thirsty so thought of coming here and start flirting with Tiwari. Tiwari gets awkward and say’s we are not that close yet that I’ll share all my secret with you. Meena says we will become good friend. Tiwari start praising about Anu. Meena says dont ever praise some other women in front of some other lady they feel bad and asks Tiwari what do you think about me. Tiwari gets scared and asks Meena to go. Meena start flirting and dancing with Tiwari. Angoori come and says I think so I came at wrong time. Tiwari says you cane at right time. Angoori says when you are done let me know and goes.

Tiwari and Meena outside Tiwari’s house. Tiwari says you are very slow, Meena says you are fast, Tiwari says if I was fast I would have said many things to someone. Meena asks Tiwari tell me something about her what is her name where she live what she do tell me something. Tiwari says why are you getting so eager to know about her. Meena says having a hot lady with you but you still wanna go somewhere else

Angoori and Vibhu standing in garden. Angoori asks have you made a move with Tiwari. Vibhu says he is so stubborn. Angoori says now I have to leave this house and go. Vibhu says to Angoori yes I’m sorry. Happu Singh says to Vibhu you have to come with us to police station. Vibhu snatch Happu Singh gun and insults him.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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