Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th May 2021 Written Episode Update : How will Vibhuti bring Rain?


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

Vibhu in his hall talking to himself and playing music. Helan comes to Vibhu and says from last two months I’m doing all the work can’t you help me, Vibhu says I was also doing household work from past many years I didn’t said anything. Helan says I’m old, Vibhu says for household work you are old but if anyone asks you then you become young. Helan says I don’t know anything thing I need servent for this house. Vibhu says that cannot be possible because we have to pay him and from where we will bring his salary. TMT visits Vibhu and greets him. Tillu says to Vibhu we came here with some hope, Malkan says we want to listen song. Vibhu says I’m done with my practice now you can come tomorrow 4a.m, Teeka says we will come by 4a.m also but we need to learn music, Tillu says we will do whatever you want. Vibhu says do you have any knowledge for music. Helan says I heard them singing bad songs. Tillu says we are good boys now we dont sing that kind of songs now, Malkan says we need to learn classical music, Teeka says we need to learn from you. Tillu says we will do anything for you for free. Vibhu says to Helan your requirement is fulfill. Vibhu says to TMT that i served my guruji now you have to serve your gurujis mother and asks Malkhan to graab broom. Tillu asks what should I do, Vibhu asks him to wash clothes and to Teeka he says to make breakfast. Teeka aska what should I bring for you and your mother. Vibhu says we eat all simple breakfast and asks him to bring scrambled eggs, toast, juice and fruit salad. Teeka says I didn’t understand. Vibhu asks him to cook poha.

Tiwari standing in his hall and saying to Gupta you know everything what you need to say. Gupta says to Tiwari let Sangeet Samrathji come I’m all prepared. Vibhu visits Angoori and start singing for Angoori. Tiwari asks Vibhu how did you became singer in last two months. Gupta asks from where did you learn classical music. Vibbu says my guruji was Suresh Kumar Shashtriji. Tiwari teases Vibhu and asks what raag do you know. Vibhu says first learn to respect a classical musician. Tiwari asks Vibhu can you tell me how many rewards hove you got and asks Gupta do you know how many awards he got. Gupta says he has beend disrespected many times but he didn’t got any rewards. Vibbu says to Tiwari today also you called me to disrespect and says to Angoori this is wrong in your house a classical singer id disrespected. Angoori says to Tiwari this is wrong he is very good classical singer why are you disrespecting him. Tiwari says to Angoori I’m not saying no to anything, he is a big classical singer but atleast prove that. Vibhu mocks Tiwari by saying you are not King that I should sing I’m sorry. Gupta says to Vibhu you dont need to go to kings now time has changed Public is only the King now a days you have to sing in front of public to prove how good classical singer you are. Vibhu says I dont need to sing in front of public to prove that and start saying about his raag. Tiwari says stop talking nonsense and if you make it rain after singing one of your raag I’ll become your slave without any bet. Vibbu says I don’t need slave like you. Angoori says to Vibhu make everyone mouth shut and sing one of your raag and make it rain I would love to see that magic. Gupta says now we will also listen your raag Meghmalhar. Vibhu talks to himself saying now Angoori has demanded so I have to sing raag and make it rain, Vibhu say’s to Angoori I’ll sing raag make it rain.

Vibhu, Angoori, Tiwari, Teeka, Prem, Masterji and Gupta sitting together. Vibhu doing sadhna and Teeka playing tabla. Tiwari says to Vibhu will you start singing something. Vibhu mocks Tiwari and says this is not your shop this is classical music first you have to do sadhna and then you start. Every word of raag is similar to god like you serve god you have to serve raag too. Prem teases Vibhu. Teeka picks tanpura to beat prem and says if you insulated my Guruji I’ll beat you. Vibbu asks Teeka to relax.

Malkan and Tillu rehearsing their raag, a man walking on street give them money. Tillu shouts on him. Malkan says to Tillu why are you getting angry. Tillu says after learning classical music from Vibhu we will get married to a nice, good-looking, simple girl. Malkhan says how we three we will get married to same girl. Tillu says we three will get married to three different girl. Malkan say’s to Tillu till now Guruji has not teach us anything so how we will get girl. Tillu says whatever he ask to do just do the same one day he will teach us and we have brought water tank so it will rain and he will become happy because of that he will surely teach us some raag and then we will get married. Malkan says when this tanker will come. Tillu sees him coming and asks where is tanker. Malkan says to man why are you rubbing you your belly. Man says I have water in this. Malkan says to man don’t talk rubbish and tell where is water tank. Man says there is shortage of water in Knapur so it won’t be possible to bring water tank understood, and there is an rule for business that you never say no to your customer. Malkan and Tillu sits on street and asks him to explain.

Masterji says to Vibhu how much time you will take more start singing your raag and make it rain. Gupta says to Vibhu Master ji is saying right when you will start and make it rain. Angoori says I’m getting bored now make it rain I want to see that. Vibbu asks for the permission from everyone and asks Teeka to start.

Tanker man explaining Malkan and Tillu and talking nonsense. Malkhan getting angry and says explain properly, after talking more nonsense Malkhan says now we will explain you and They both start beating him. Tillu says to Malkhan what we will explain to Vibhu how we will make it rain and start praying to god.

Vibhu start singing his raag and after sometime Teeks also start singing. Angoori applauds by saying what a duo.

Vibhu sitting with his Guruji. Guruji says you want to learn raag which help you to attract girls, I understood you when I saw you first time and you are worthy becoming my student don’t worry I’ll teach you raag.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

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