Hello everyone i am back
First of all i wanna say that i wrote this episode with my dead brain cells because my mood got badly spoiled after that ruckus on menna’s and jesmine’s ff
I request to all the people if you wanna give suggestions or opinion you are welcome but don’t vilify each other the whole world is fighting with covid let’s support each other
But menna insisted me to post so i wrote this , so forgive me if this is not up to your expectations
@s i hope you are fine and enjoying my ff , take care darling
And yes yesterday i got a comment from @rahul i just wanna know do boys read ff as i have seen only girls here , so if any boy is reading this then do let me know because i wanna praise myself for that because i think boys are not interested in daily soaps so do let me know if anyone is here
So episode starts here
Scene 1
Next day
Mehendi ceremony started
Dadi told to Vansh and Angre that mens are not allowed in this ceremony and they leave
Scene 2
Two ladies come in veil
And mix something in mehendi
Riddhima and Ishani comes and sit
They apply mehendi and other girls started dancing on dhol
Suddenly the same ladies come in between and started dancing weirdly and one comes near Riddhima and touches her cheeks
And other one goes to Ishani and caresses her cheeks
Dadi – Stop both of you..
Who are you and who called you here
1st lady – We are here to bless the bride
2nd lady – Now we are going
And they started running but dadi hold one of them
Ishani – something is fishy
Both of you remove your veil and show your faces
They both hold their veil tightly
But Ishani and Riddhima started removing their veil forcefully
And then removes it
Ishani (flabbergasted) – Angre!!
Riddhima – Vansh!!
And dadi comes near them and hold their ears
Dadi – You both are so shameless
Can’t you stay without your wives for 2 hours
Angre- Sorry Dadi
Vansh – Sorry dadi.. but this is cheating this my wedding and i am excluded from functions
I feel like you will distrub us on our nuptial night too
Riddhima (glaring him) – you better keep your mouth shut
Ishani – Seriously you both came here that too wearing saree
But what you mixed in mehendi
Vansh – Nothing it was just fragrance oil as my sweetheart don’t like mehendi’s smell and honestly i too feel it like cowdung
Dadi – Ok now let’s celebrate
And they all started dancing together
Scene 3
Riddhima – Vansh see my mehandi and now you have to find your name in my hand
Vansh – VR love challenges
And he started finding his name
1 hour later
Vansh – I m searching since one hour sweetheart where is my name
Riddhima – First say that you lost the challenge
Vansh – Noways
Riddhima – Then forget that you have a bride
Vansh – Not fair!! Fine i lost the challenge
Riddhima shows him her left hand on which Vansh is written
Vansh – But i was searching in right hand
Riddhima (Laughing) – Did i forbid you to search in left hand
You were the one who was searching in right hand only
Vansh (glaring ) – I don’t want to talk to you.. cheater , you cheated me
Riddhima (kissing him on his cheeks)- Still you don’t want to talk to me
Vansh pulls her by her waist and kiss on her cheeks
Vansh – You will be mine soon
Scene 4
Haldi ceremony started
Vansh – I will apply haldi to my bride
Dadi – You can’t even see her
So don’t you dare (dadi always rocks)
Vansh – This lady is always behind my romance
She won’t let me become father with this behavior even after my marriage
And she leaves making Vansh pissed
Everyone started applying haldi to Riddhima
Angre comes and apply haldi
Angre (in tears) – I can’t believe that my Sona is getting married
I am so happy for you Sona
Riddhima (weeping his tears) – Since childhood you are my father and you are my mother
I love you bhai
Then Vansh comes and everyone started applying haldi to him
Ishani comes and apply haldi
Ishani (in tears) – Finally you are getting married bhai i am so happy for you
Vansh (weeping her tears ) – You are crying as if i m the bride who will go to other home after marrige
Ishani ( hitting him softly ) – Shut up bhai
And ceremony ended
Scene 5
Riddhima is going to her room suddenly someone pull her in a room
Riddhima (Shouting) – You!!!
Vansh (keeping his palm on her mouth ) – You gave me heart attack in kidney sweetheart , stop shouting otherwise people will beat me in my own house
Riddhima (laughing ) -Ok but what are you doing here
Vansh ( encircling her in arms) – How cruel the world is
Everyone was forbidding me to meet you
If this will continue then how will i become father
Riddhima – Still you came here shameless man
Vansh – Because i can’t stay away from my sweetheart
He brushes his cheeks with her applying haldi on it
And riddhima started blushing
Vansh – Now give me a kiss (despirate man!!)
Riddhima – How shameless Vansh
we are getting married then do whatever you want
Vansh (coming close to her) – Once you are mine
Even you won’t be able to forbid me
Riddhima (hugging him) – Will Everything be fine vansh
I can’t lose you and i can’t even imagine my life without you
Vansh (kissing her crown) – Everything will be fine sweetheart
I won’t let you go away from me ever
I love you
Riddhima – I love you too Vansh
Scene 6
Ishangre’s Room
Angre is sitting on bed and Ishani is sitting on his lap
And she brushes her cheeks with him
She started kissing on his bare chest and neck
He grabs her hair in his fist and started kissing her lips and neck
Angre (betweem kisses)- Dare you to go away from me
I can’t breath even for a second without you jaan
Ishani – As if i can live without you
Promise me Angre you will always take care of yourself whether i will be with you or not
He catch her lips and started kissing passionately as if their is no tomorrow
I won’t let you go anywhere even if you want
You and my baby are my lifelines
I love you jaan
Ishani (hugging him) – I love too Angre
Scene 7
Finally the wedding day arrives
Vansh gets ready in his attire and sits in Mandap
Scene 8
Riddhima ‘s Room
Riddhima gets ready
Anupriya – You are looking the best the bride in the world
You are not my daughter-in-law
You are my daughter indeed
And they hug each other
Dadi (kissing her on forehead) – God will keep you and Vansh always together
She takes her blessings
Siya (hugging her) – Bhai is gonna dead after seeing you like this
Riddhima – I love you siya plz get well soon i want to see you walking holding my hand
Ishani (hugging her) – You are my Sister riddhima
You did so much for me
I love you
Riddhima (hugging her) – I love you too Ishani
I love you all
Now plz don’t cry i am not going anywhere
You all are my family and
I can go to any extent to protect you guys
Suddenly Angre comes
And he sees Riddhima in bridal attire
And he is having tears now
Angre (kissing her forehead) – My Sona is looking like a fairy
He gives her a ring
Angre – This is the last belonging of Mom
It is a blessing for you Sona
Riddhima (crying)- Thankyou bhai..
I love you so much
Bhai promise me you will always stay on vansh’s side to protect him
Angre(hugging her) – I love you too sona and yes i will always protect my bhai
Scene 9
Vansh is sitting in Mandap
Pandit ji – Call the bride
Ishani – i will bring her
And ishani brings riddhima
She is descending from stairs
And Vansh is mesmerized by her beauty
They both are looking at each other and having tears in their eyes
Vansh (thinking) – You are the most beautiful bride i have ever seen sweetheart
Finally we are going to unite forever
Riddhima (thinking )- Finally you will be mine Vansh
And she comes near Vansh and sits
Done for today guys
I wrote this with much difficulty
Target is still 30 comments and i am glad that you are above the target since 3 days keep going guys
And yeah the next episode will give you so many heart attacks in kidneys it will be like season 2
Stay tuned
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