The episode starts:-
Riddhima was resting when Angre entered.
Angre:- Riddhu are you okay?
Riddhima:- Bhai!! Are you okay?
Angre:- I am fine, see I am standing here in front of you.
Riddhu:- Bhai how this happened? Is it painful?
Angre:- shh… I am alright.
Riddhima:- Bhai he is back. I have seen his face. He is the one who wanted to shoot Vansh.
And bhai I think he was the one who attacked you.
Bhai you have to get information about him and how he is back. you said that he rushed to another country.
Angre(thinking):- How to tell you Riddhu that he was in contact with me..but I can’t understand how he enters the VR mansion and that too in that tight security. I am sorry Riddhu that I have lied to you but at that time I had this option only.
Riddhima:- Bhai what are you thinking? Where are you lost?
Angre:- Nowhere.
Hmm. I know Riddhu but I have to find out why he did that.
Riddhima:- And yes why did he want to shoot Vansh?
If that bullet had hit vansh then what would happen. I would have lost him. and.
Angre:- and what Riddhu?
Riddhima:- Nothing bhai.
Angre:-(thinking)I know you love him..but you are overthinking riddhu. you are really stubborn like you were cute Ziddhima.
Riddhima- Bhai again you get lost in your dreamland.
Ishani enters and says
Ishani:- He must be lost in his business world.
Riddhima:-Right Ishani.
Ishani where Aksh is, is he alright?
ishani:-Yes he is alright. I have sent him home with so much difficulty. He is so stubborn.
Angre:-Just like Riddhu.
Angre:-What bhai. The truth is always bitter.
Riddhima:-Bhai where are Siya, Aryan, Kabir, sejal, and Vansh?
Angre:-Even I don’t know!
Ishani:-Aryan and Siya have gone to drop Uma aunty and Ajay uncle at his home.
And sejal has gone with aksh as dadi is alone. I know she will be tense so Sejal said that she will go and take care of her.
and I don’t know about Kabir and Vansh bhai
Riddhima:-may be doing some left over formalities..
Ishani what the doctor said when I will be discharged..I don’t want to stay is not giving me good vibes..
Angre:-So my Dr.riddhu is saying that she doesn’t want to stay in hospital..seriously ishani see a doctor is saying that she is not getting good vibes from hospital..
ishani:-Every patient doesn’t get good vibes..
riddhima:-Right..I feel good as a doctor but as a patient no..
ishani:-Okay..Doctor has said after observing you one more time and checking your reports you will get discharged..
Angre:-Don’t get so much are still injured.
Riddhima:-Bhai Thank you so much…
Angre:-For what?
Riddhima:-For coming in my life..
and if Aksh would not have donated his blood I would have not here..
Angre:-shh….dont talk about death and know na leave..I will not talk to you only..
riddhima:-Sorry bhai..I will pakka not talk about that pakka.... forgive me..
Ishani:- why are you troubling her..Angre see she is taking It seriously..
Angre:-okay forgiven..
Riddhima:- bhabhi you are the best..
Ishani:- Ishani was alright.. Bhabhi doesn’t suit me..
Now I want one gift from my bhai and bhabhi sorry Ishani..
Angre:- and what is it?
Riddhima:- I will tell you later but promise me you will fulfill it..
Ishani and Angre:- promise..
Riddhima:-where is mr.vansh..
First when he came he bombarded me with questions and now he doesn’t come to see me..
ishani where is he?
ishani:-So you are missing bhai?
riddhima:-no I am not missing him..I am just asking in general..
Why you always ask same questions..
Angre:- Because we know that you are Ziddhima..
Riddhima:- Bhai!! And your name should be angry angre.. right Ishani..
Ishani:- yay it’s really suits know when he came from office and is tensed about something his angry mode gets on..
Angre:- okay so now you both team against me..not fair..soon I will get a partner from just wait..
Ishani:- Why you want a partner Vansh bhai is there na your first wife..I am the second one..
Angre:- Ishani!!.
Scene shifts to Vansh and Kabir..
Kabir:- Vansh I need to go immediately’s something urgent and I don’t want to tell anyone as they will never allow me to as per the I need to tell this…I know there is danger for have to take care..and I will not be able to pick calls I am giving you the Angre is also tensed about the gun shot..if I will tell him he will surely deny Vansh I need to go..
Vansh:- Don’t worry Kabir I am here but is there something dangerous that angre will not allow you?..if it is something like that then I also can’t allow you..what will I answer to them?
Kabir:- Don’t worry There I will manage..and don’t tell anyone that I am going Delhi tell them any other city..
And specially Angre..!! You also take care of yourself as the gun shot was for alert..and I will call you.. okay
Vansh:- okay but take care and do call me…
Kabir left…
Vansh pov..
Who can be the person who wanted to kill me .. someone from my then who??
And I am sure Angre is hidding something..I need to find it out..
And Riddhima..she was also saying that someone came back and will harm her and Angre..??
Is it related to their uncle and aunt?
Nurse:- Sir there Patient’s wife (Ishani)is searching for you.?
Vansh:- okay !!
Vansh goes and find Ishani at reception..
Vansh:- Ishani were you searching me??
Ishani:- yes bhai,where were you and where is Kabir,he was with you na?
Vansh:- yes he was with me.. actually he received a call and he immediately left for Ahemdabad..
Ishani:- oh!! But where were you.. Riddhima was asking for you.. actually not asking but missing you..
Vansh:- So what’s the big deal ..I am going there only..
Ishani:- Bhai get irritated…(thinking)..(who else enjoy irritating their siblings
Vansh went to Riddhima..
Vansh:- so mis Riddhima was missing me..??
Riddhima:- No who said you that I am missing are always in your misunderstanding world..
Vansh:- So it seems that you are absolutely you again started your taunts..
Riddhima:- seems so..
Vansh:- So lets go Discharged paper is ready we can go home…
Riddhima:- finally..but where is bhai and Ishani..
Vansh:- They already left..
Riddhima:- Okay..
She tries to get up and walk..but all in vain she was still weak and her hand was also paining..
Vansh:- wait let me help it paining?
Riddhima:- Why are you asking such stupid question..if I get hurt then it will pain only na??
Vansh:- You always find double meaning of my question..lets go..
Riddhima:- okay..
Vansh support her and make her sit in the car..
In car:-
Vansh:- At that time you ignored me but now you have to answer..
Riddhima:- are you amitabh bachchan?
Vansh:- no.
Riddhima:- Then why you want to play KBC..
Vansh:- just anwer more excuses..
Riddhima:- okay ask what you want to ask..
Vansh:- first question..why you took that bullet..??
Riddhima:- I have already told it was just a reflex action..
Vansh:- No it was not..
Ridhhima:- It was..
Vansh:- Accha leave that you are Ziddhima..
Second question..I have asked you something before the gun shot..and you have to answer that..
Riddhima:- What I didn’t remember anything..what have you asked..
Vansh:- Don’t try to be smart I know you remember it..
Leave it I Don’t want nto talk with you..
Riddhima:- okay don’t talk..
Precap:- proposal accepted?
That’s it..I am losing interest in writing this ff..are you finding it comments..
Take care..
And the target is same 25+ comments..try to complete it..
And one last thing should I post the last part of my OS as the second part is having only 18 comments??
Bye take care..
The post #Riansh Born to be united.. Episode 21!! appeared first on Telly Updates.
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