Episode starts
Komolika is outside Prerna’s room watching her from the darkness. She feels a tap on her shoulder and turns. There stands a man with his head covered in a hoodie. His face is hidden in the darkness of the night
Komolika: Everything is ready now. I have started the plan
Man:Good job Komolika
Komolika: I want Anurag at any cost
Man: And I want my revenge at any cost
Komolika: Now we will hear whatever happens in her room
Man: Great plan. You are a genius
Komolika: Thanks to Mr.Mehta and Rupali mam
Man: Oh Rupali mam too helped
Komolika: She has such a brilliant brain and after knowing my true love for Anurag she helped me improve my plan
Man: Thats great Komolika. Chal lets leave.
He takes Komolika with him. On the other end Prerna who is unaware of all this is sleeping peacefully . Her phone rings and its Anurag
Prerna: Anurag..
Anurag: Prerna woh…Rohit…
Prerna: Rohit?
Anurag: Is serious now. Police want to enquire Mishti and we need a sign of the family
Prerna: I will come to the hospital
Anurag: Kunal has come there to pick you..sneak out carefully
Prerna: Okay ..Ill come
Prerna gets ready and comes to her window to sneak out. Komolika hears the rattling noise in her speaker as she is in the car
Komolika: Shsh..She is opening her window..did she find out?
Man: No way..
Komolika: Then turn her house..lets see what’s going on
The man turns the car and they go towards Prerna’s house but before they could reach Prerna leaves with Kunal. Komolika runs to the place where she placed the microphone and sighs put of relief on finding it there. She peeps inside and sees the setup by Prerna to convince her parents that she is there and Komolika is convinced too. She gets back smiling.
The scene shifts to the government hospital
Kartik: Why do we bother Mishti now?
Akash: Protocol Kartik..she too has gained consciousness and her statement is needed
Just then the nurse comes out
Nurse: Sir..he is ready for the enquiry
Akash rushes inside with Kartik Naksh and Anurag
Akash: Rohit..who did this to you?
Rohit (in a staggeered tone) : He wont leave you…he won’t leave anyone….his plans are big
Kartik: Who is it? Did he..
Rohit: I only tried to save Mishti from the truck he had arranged to hit her…he knew it somehow and lit fire in the godown..he attacked me and took me to my house and hung ……
Everyone is shocked
Anurag: Is it Mr.Mehta?
Rohit: He wont do anything directly….its his man….he was hiding his face and we know him by the name Polo
Naksh: Polo?
Rohit: His nickname..he is thirsty for revenge
Akash: Revenge against?
Rohit: Goenkas, Singhanias , Basus everyone
Akash: How are they linked?
Kartik: Is this revenge for something recent or?
Rohit: He said he was waiting for 25 years to fulfill this revenge
Anurag: I guess Rohit is blabbering in the sedation
Nurse: Sir he is not under sedation..we made him ready according to the enquiry protocol
Akash: Rohit..can you help us sketch his body structure atleast
Rohit nods
Akash: Good…constable bring the sketch incharge and get it done soon. Kartik..Anurag Ill be here you both go to Mishti and be there
Naksh: Ill be come too
Anurag Naksh and Kartik leave for the hospital
Prerna signs the form. Just then Kartik Naksh and Anurag come. Kunal, Keerthi Kuhu and Abir rush to them. So does Naira
Kartik: Naira how did you come here?
Naira: With Prerna and Kunal..with all this happening I cant stay there at peace
Kartik: What about your health?
Naira: Oh ho mendak shut up bp will raise if im at home..stop your tar tar and tell us what Rohit said
Anurag and Kartik narrate the happenings
Abir: That day too he warned Mishti about Mr.Mehta..and..I misunderstood him
Keerthi: along with Mr.Mehta there is someone else too
Naira: More thirsty for vengeance..but how are we all linked that too 25 years back
Kartik: Maybe our parents will have an answer
Naksh: Kartik..if so..when we met Mohini aunty for talking about our wedding our parents would have recognised right, similarly when Dadi and uncle came to see Naira muma and papa were here..they would have known too
Anurag: Maybe they knew thats why they agreed for your love
Kartik: No Anurag..if so they would have reacted..accepting love was because of their trust on us
Kunal: I guess they are connected without their knowledge
Kuhu: Idiot dont blabber
Abir: Wait Kuhu..I guess he is right..they are connected by someway they don’t realise but that man knows
Prerna: How is that possible?
Naksh: Why not Prerna? They maybe linked to him independently…without knowing that others have a link too
Kartik: Lets start to work on it
Abir: Not now bhai. Now we need to concentrate on Sagaai preparations. Only 8 days for it..because its 12 pm and its Sunday Sunday we have sagaai
Anurag: I will manage it you…
Abir: No bhaiya..its our responsibility too..what say?
Kartik: Definitely . Lets work on it
The police get out of Mishti’s room
Kartik: Sir..
Police: Mishti is saying that she was walking absent mindedly and truck was approaching her..when Rohit grabbed her apart and took her to the godown..she was protesting his actions but suddenly the place was on fire and smoked filled everywhere..the next person she saw was Abir
Anurag: That confirms Rohit’s statement
Police: Exactly..I need to report to Akash sir..Ill take your leave
The policeman leaves. The scene freezes
Naira is carrying a lot of books . She sees Anjali going to Kartik’s cabin and is irritated as usual. She muuters to herself and doesn’t concentrate on her steps. She slips and the books fall. Naira is about to fall when she feels a grip . She who had closed her eyes in fright opens them to see Kartik holding her
Kartik: Why dont you be careful?
Naira: Sorry woh…
Anjali runs to them. On seeing her Kartik makes Naira stand and moves a step away
Kartik: Miss. Naira be careful . You have just now recovered
Naira nods. Kartik leaves from there. Naira starts to pick the books
Anjali: Why are you always behind my Kartik?
Naira in mind: That should be my question
Anjali: I wont let you woo him..he is mine..and only mine. Better stay away
Naira: Anjali..first prove that he is yours then talk
Anjali: Done the coming college party..I will walk the ramp with Kartik and dance with him. If you can stop him. Its a challenge
Naira smiles as Anjali leaves from there. The scene freezes.
Keerthi: Abir you can take her home now
Abir: Didi what do I say at home?
Keerthi: Tell her that her duty just got over and about the suture , tell that she fell down and thats why you brought her with you
Abir: Arent we doing something bad?
Keerthi: Abir..we aren’t sure about anything can we tell anyone about it..its better to hide it..
Abir: Okay then..Ill take her home
Abir walks inside the room. Mishti is chatting with Kuhu
Abir: Kuhu..get ready Ill drop you too
Mishti: Kuhu will go with Kunal..hena
Abir: When Im here why to trouble him..he just now went to have some sleep
Mishti under her breath: Budhuram..he will never understand anything
Mishti: Abir….dont act dumb
Abir just then realises it
Kuhu: Im leaving from here to get Kunal..he is a bigger tubelight
Kuhu leaves
Mishti: I wanted to be alone with you…
Abir: Sorry woh..
Mishti: Rockstar is turning into a rock romance nothing waste
Abir: Did you just call me waste?
Mishti nods.
Abir: Chashmish..Woh yesterday all that happened
Mishti opens her arms and calls him for a hug. He hugs her
Mishti: Thats alright..Im fine see..right in front of you
Abir: Hereafter you are not going anywhere it
Mishti: Par..restroom toh jaa sakti hoon na
Abir starts to laugh. The scene freezes
1. Its Sagaai shopping time
2. Naina is shocked
3. Anjali crosses limits
4. Polo makes a call
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