Sunday 4 April 2021

Love Beyond Limits (A RIANSH LOVE SAGA) Chapter #25


Hey everyone! Its the 25th chapter! I never thought that I would be able to make up to 25th episode. When I started writing this ff, I didn’t expect to receive so much love and support from all of you. But here I am today, posting the 25th chapter. And truly, it happened because of you all❤❤❤❤❤❤Thank you soooo much all of you!!! You don’t know what it means to me. Thank you is just a small word in front of the love, gratitude and respect, I have for all of you. You all are amazing💖💖💖✨✨🌟🌟⚡

Chapter 25: “ The Oath of Love”

The episode starts with Riddhima fainting in Vansh’s arms and her nose was bleeding. Ajay rushed to Riddhima and held her in his arms. He patted her cheeks.
Ajay: Riddhima!! Open your eyes beta! Riddhima! Wake up! Aryan bring a glass of water!!! And Sejal! Beta! bring tissues please!!
Everyone followed Ajay’s sayings and the left gathered around Riddhima. Ajay was handling the situation as if he knew what’s happening to her.
Sejal brought the tissues and wiped Riddhima’s nose gently. After that, Aryan sprinkled water on her face. But she didn’t get consciousness.
Ajay(tensed): Not Again!!!
Vansh: What happened to Riddhima?
Sia: Let me check her!
Vansh lifted up Riddhima in his arms and took her to the room where she stayed before. There, he made her lay down on the bed. Sia asked him to go out. Everyone came out including Vansh and closed the door. Sia was checking her. Everyone was worried. After sometime, Sia came out after examining Riddhima. She seemed worried.
V(worried): What happened to her? Is she fine?
Sia: Relax Vansh bhai! She is fine now.
Dadi: What happened to my Riddhima?
Sia: Her BP and Sugar level dropped suddenly. Maybe because of stress! I have called the hospital staff. They are coming with all the necessary equipments for her treatment.
Sejal: Why was her nose bleeding then?
Sia: It happens sometimes in stress. But it looks like she got a…..
Ajay(Cutting her): An attack of nervous breakdown!!!
Sia: Yeah But it was a minor one!
V: What!!!
Angre: Do you know about her medical condition?
Ajay: Let me ask them! (Eyeing Kabir and Aryan who were not speaking anything as if they knew what’s going to happen next)
Ajay came to both of them and stood angrily.
Ajay(anger): How many days?
Aryan: Sorry Sir!
Ajay: I asked for how many days is she missing her medicines??
K: For almost a week.
Ajay: A week?? And you both didn’t do anything about it?
Kabir: We did! We requested her several times to take medicines. But she was adamant that she will not take it until she completes this mission.
Ajay(angrily): And you both let her do it? Atleast you should have informed me Kabir!! You know well how stubborn she is! She always finds ways to torture herself. Every new day, she finds a way to hurt herself! That was the reason, I asked you to stay with her. So that, in my absence, there would be someone to take care of her. But you!!!
V: Will someone tell me what’s going on here? What are you talking about?
Sia: Calm down Dad! Give me her medicines which you are talking about. Its better she takes her own prescribed medicine rather than the new one.
Ajay: Let me send you in text. I have the names in my cell phone.
He sent the names of the medicines to Sia. She read it and became shocked.
Sia: These are anti-depressants!
Ajay: Riddhima is suffering from depression for the past 5 years. She even suffered nervous breakdown three times before this one. And panic attacks too!!!
Vansh(shocked): She what???
Ajay: Vansh! When she left you, she lost the wish of living. She attempted suicide three times in a period of 30 days. Luckily, she got saved everytime. But she doesn’t call it a good luck. She considers it a bad luck! I remember what she said when she revived from the third attempt. She said,”Even death doesn’t accept me Dad! I don’t even deserve to die”. And then, she stopped further attempts but she doesn’t care for herself even a bit. She loves…..She loves to gracefully torture herself. Today, You got an example also. She just finds ways to die because of her depression. I am sure she would be thinking that after completing this mission, she would happily and peacefully die if she didn’t take the medicines.
Ishani: But she never seemed to be. I mean, since the time she came back, she pose to be very strong. Very smart and intelligent.
Aryan: That’s her best quality Ishani! She never let others see through her eyes. She never let others see her pain.
K: Even If she is dying from inside, you will always find her strong and confident. Even if she wants to cry her heart out, you will find her smiling always. That’s our Riddhima!
Ajay(smiles): That’s what I like about her! She is just like you Vansh!!! Stubborn but responsible. Angry but caring. I was away from all of you but she never let me feel lonely. She is not my daughter. She proved herself my son!
Everyone smiled at this.
Aryan tried to enlighten the mood so he cracked some jokes.
Aryan: I was saying it before. They are siblings man!!!. Two sons one father!
Vansh: Shut up Aryan!
Ishani: If it was a joke then It was the worst!!
Aryan: Nothing could be worst than you here.
Ishani: That’s why you chose me for arguments!
Aryan: I have a level you see! I didn’t ask you argue with me. You yourself love to jump in all the arguments.
Ishani: But The person who starts it is always You!!
Aryan: Whatever Miss Attitude!!!
Ishani: You…
Kabir: You both will get the whole night to fight. Just zip your mouth. Zip it!!
Sia and Sejal giggled.
Dadi: When will she get concious Sia?
Sia: Dadi! I have given her sleeping pills. She will get concious tomorrow morning. Not before that. So, Don’t worry. You all can rest.
Vansh: I will stay with her.
Ajay: Sure! But!..
Vansh: Don’t worry. I will come out before she gets concious. Maybe seeing me, her condition again starts getting bad. I will call you once she gets concious. (Concerned) I just..I just want to be by her side right now…
Ajay nodded. Everyone left from there in their respective rooms. Ajay went in Dadi’s room. Sia, Sejal, Ishani went to their rooms. Angre showed a guest room to Aryan and Kabir. And Vansh went in Riddhima’s room. He sat beside her and gently caressed her face tucking her hair strand behind her ear.

Aram de dil ko mere plays…..
He had tears in his eyes. He was staring her and talking in a low tone,
V: I am the reason of your this state. You are suffering just because of me. I am the reason of all your tears. I know its not easy for you to forgive me and I am ready to face your hatred all through my life. But please!…Please Don’t do this with yourself. Riddhima! You are a gem. You don’t know how precious you are to me. I had hated you all these years but that doesn’t mean that I stopped loving you. With each passing day, I missed you. And I loved you more and more. I used to ask myself that after this much why I am not able to hate you truly. Why I am missing you more and more. Now, I got my answer. It was your love! Yes! It was your Love that never let me hate you. I know you love me too. You love me even today. But you don’t want to show it. I can understand. You are angry with me. I know even you have missed me so much. The way you complained and shouted on me today, showed it in your eyes that how much you love me and how much you have missed me. Aryan said that no one can see through your eyes. But I have seen it. And now, you have to see it also. How much your Vansh wants you. How much he has missed you. How much he wants to earn your forgiveness! Open your eyes Riddhima and see in my eyes. You will find Love and only Love.
Riddhima in her unconscious state smiles. He also smiles looking at her.

Ankhon ki hai tu talab bakhuda plays.

A tear rolled down Vansh’s cheek. He wiped it smilingly and says,
V: You know what Riddhima! The way you came back in this attire with this personality. I must say, you look gorgeous. If I had not been mad in solving your mystery then I would have definitely confessed it not even caring for my hatred towards you. The baseless and illogical hatred. But why have you changed yourself so much. I know you were definitely affected as I was but you never showed it that my presence affects you till now. Why have you buried your emotions so deep in your heart. You know when I saw the old Riddhima in you? The day when you shouted on me, I felt like you are my old Riddhima. The Riddhima who always supported the right. That day! You had alot of complaints in your eyes and I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. I had become so blind in my ego and rage that I couldn’t understand your pain. I am sorry Riddhima! I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for making you suffer. I am sorry for doubting on you. I love you! I love you so much Riddhima! And I promise you that I will turn all your tears in smile, All your pain in joy. All your hatred in love. I will earn your forgiveness! I will win my love back. I will win my Riddhima back! I promise you! Vansh RaiSinghania promises you that he will win his and only his Riddhima back!!!

He bowed down close to her and kissed her forhead.

Ajay was listening all this silently. He smiled and said in low voice,
Ajay: Its not that easy my son!
Vansh turned to find him giving him looks confused, embarrassed and pissed looks for eavesdropping in his conversation with Riddhima.
Ajay: Come out!
Vansh got up and covered Riddhima with blanket. After that, he went out.

Meanwhile, Aryan and Kabir were in their rooms. Kabir was trying to bandage his wound that he got in fighting at the cruise. Aryan was also looking in the mirror caressing his cheeks. He was looking at his face from all angles trying to find any scratch or bruise. Well, he is a beauty concious man. Though his arm was also injured but he was busy finding bruises on his face which could affect his charm. Kabir looked at him and smiled sarcastically,
K: Don’t worry! Nothing happened to your face. It had its charm as always. But if you didn’t do something with your body that actually got wounds, then Ishani is not going to give a damn. She likes handsome boys.
Aryan(turning abruptly): Wait what?….Where did Ishani come from?
K: Nowhere. Actually, you are the one who comes from nowhere and starts arguing with her.
Aryan: What do you want to say? Say it clearly. Don’t beat around the bush Kabir!
K: Well,……I have never seen you flirting with her. Infact, she is the only girl you don’t flirt with.
A: Because I don’t like her.
K: Wrong. You flirt with the girls you don’t like. But Ishani……
He smirked. Aryan made a questioning face. He winks making Aryan made. He threw a pillow at Kabir.
K: Ouwwwww!!!
A: Save yourself from me now!
K: Look what you did Aryan! I bandaged it with so much difficulty and you messed it up.
A: Go to your Sia! She is a doctor. She will bandage it.
K(excited): Oh yeah! You are right! She is a doctor. I will be back.
A(mimicking him): “I will be back”. Love is popping in your heart and You are making fun of me.
K: Shut up Aryan!
A: Now Don’t say its nothing like that. Everyone can see that there is alot going on between you too.
Kabir narrowed his eyes giving “seriously?” expressions. From inside, he was feeling delighted but didn’t want to show it to him so get a chance to pull his leg. He didn’t say anything and went to Sia’s room. He knocked the door. Sia opened.
S: Kabir! You here? Do you need something?
Aryan’s words were running through his mind. He was adoring Sia’s eyes. Sia jerked him.
S: Kabir!
K: Yeah. A..Actually I….
Sia looked at his opened wound.
S: Look at your wound! The bandage has opened. There are blood stains on your shirt. You are so careless. Come inside.
She made Kabir sit on the sofa.
S: Remove your shirt.
K: Huh?
Sia realized what she just said. To cover up, she replied,
S: Yeah! Do it! I am not going to bandage on your shirt.
Kabir removed his shirt hesitatingly. Though Sia had treated so many patients like this but seeing his bare chest, she was feeling something in her heart. She was unknowingly blushing. She started bandaging it and Kabir was also quietly adoring her.

In the corridor, Aryan was finding Angre’s room and looking here and there. Suddenly, he collided with Ishani.
Ishani: Why do you always have to collide with me only?
Aryan: Oh hello! I got no wish of colliding with you. Its you who always come out of nowhere to bang in me.
I: Where were you going by the way?
A: What makes you think that I will tell you?
I: Because its my house. I got the right to know.
Ishani’s sight fell on Aryan’s injured arm.
I: You didn’t bandage your wound yet? Is’nt it hurting?
A(trying to be cool): A man doesn’t feel pain! (Mard ko dard ni hota)
I: Really?
A: Hmmm.
Ishani straightened her index finger and pierced it in Aryan’s wound.
A: Owwwwww!!
I(smirks): You felt it now???Machoman!!!!
A: You are so cruel!! And….
He remembered Kabir’s words.
Aryan(himself): Kabir was right! I am giving extra importance to her. If I don’t want to flirt with her then I shouldn’t do anything else too. Afterall, she is so stubborn!!!
Ishani: And????
Aryan: Nevermind.
He went away.
I(confused): Strange!! What happened to him?

Meanwhile, Ajay and Vansh came to Vansh’s study.
V: Why were you saying that it would’nt be easy?
A(smiled): Do you remember Vansh? When you received my death news, you turned into arrogant, rude and a man of principles. You were strict and emotionless. Then, One day, Riddhima came in your life. With her cuteness and craziness, she got you out of your fears and traumas. With her antics, she soothened your inner pain and taught you how to smile. She taught you how to be happy, how to live life and how to be who you are!
Vansh smiled remembering her antics of their first meet.

Ajay: It was not easy for her either!
Vansh looked at him. He understood what he was saying.
V: I know Dad! Its going to be tough. But if she can do it then I can do it too.
A: I didn’t say that you can’t. I am just saying that the situation is not the same! At that time, neither you knew her nor she knew you. Your bonding developed with time. But now, you both have a past. You want to get her back at any cost for whatever happened in the past. And Riddhima will run away from you for whatever was in her past. Vansh! She had suffered alot. She had stopped smiling whole heartedly. I don’t remember when was the last time I saw her happy from the heart. She is always responsible and caring towards others but when it comes to her own self, she becomes cruel. She has no love and care for own self. The Riddhima who used to be naughty, cute, loving, smiling, active and full of life is lost Vansh. Her life, her fears, her lonliness has made her lifeless. Even after leaving you, she had suffered a new fear everyday. She had conquered some of them but still there are some fears that could scare her to the core with even a slight flame. She had made herself stone hearted but Her heart is delicate. It had broken so many times. I don’t want it to break once again. She is not the same Riddhima whom you met 6 years ago. Sometime you will be shocked, sometime you will be confused about her behaviour and about her life. A lot of things have changed Vansh! Winning Riddhima back is not just a challenge. Its not just a promise. You will face alot of hurdles in it. I want you to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally. Not just a promise, I want you to take an oath of love. That you will always protect her. You will always support her. You will never leave her. You will always understand her. You will always be by her side no matter what the situation is. No matter what the truth is! No matter what the past is! You will always be with her. You will always love her, respect her and never ever doubt her again. And most important, You will get the old Riddhima back! You will revive my Riddhima! Your Riddhima! Our Riddhima!
Vansh came forward and took both hands of his father in his.
V: I will! I am ready to take every oath you want me to take. I will fulfill it. This is Vansh RaiSinghania’s word to you. And Vansh Raisinghanias never goes against his own words.
Ajay hugged Vansh and kissed his forhead.
A: I am always with you. You can come to me whenever you want.
V: But Dad! (Narrowing his eyes) Even I missed her so much and suffered for her. But you didn’t say a word in my favour.
He was saying it tease him. But he played along.
A: Why would I? You showed no mercy on my lovely daughter. (Winking) By the way, Even she didn’t show you any mercy in return! How was your experience with her new version.
V: Oh come on Dad! She is a walking atom bomb. It can blast whenever wherever it wants. Seriously, She really troubled me alot with her never ending arguments.
A(smirks): Dear son! That was just a trailer! There is much more to explore.
Vansh smiles.
A(Serious): On a serious note, I am everything for her. If I even started talking in your favour, she will feel left alone. And I don’t want her to be more depressed. I fear that she will take the same steps that she took before. (Changing topic) Anyways! I really want to sleep now. You also go in your room and think about the strategies of your new mission. Well, As a hint for this, let me tell you that “Diamond cut diamonds”
He winks,
A: Good night!
V(smiles): Good night Dad!
Vansh stood there smiling. He thought to himself,
V(himself): Diamond cuts diamond! Interesting! Very Interesting! There is no hint that Vansh RaiSinghania can’t decode. But one thing.
He became serious.
V(himself): Why am I feeling like if Dad was hiding something even now? Like he was warning me for something. Even while telling about the past, Riddhima said that she had her own reasons for joining Intelligence. Was it just a random talk or a new mystery? Why did Riddhima joined Intelligence? I have to find out!!!!!

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