Saturday 10 April 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 59


The episode starts with Riddhima being shocked from what Vansh has said.

Riddhima: Vansh, how you have known that?! How dadi will be killed?! Actually, who could think to kill dadi?!
Vansh: She wasn’t the one who was meant to be killed as I’m was the target to be killed, but due to the bad luck dadi is the one who has died instead of me.
Riddhima( being shocked): What?! I can’t understand anything Vansh. You were the target?! Can you please justify to me as I can’t understand anything.
Vansh( being angry and shocked): The juice that I was going to drink it is the reason that made dadi died as she was completely well until she has drank the juice. I’m sure that was something being in the juice and I know that Siya is the one who has done that. I will not leave her.
Vansh was being very very angry.

He wasn’t believing that Siya has killed dadi instead of him.
He wasn’t able to control his anger.
So he was going to leave the room to go to Siya while the anger was very noticeable from his eyes.

Riddhima comes near him.
She was wanting to stop him to not make him do something in that so much anger.
Vansh was very angry so he wasn’t concentrating on her when he has crushed on her.
Riddhima has lost her balance and she was going to fall, but Vansh has succeeded in saving her by lifting her.

Vansh has got in his consciousness when he has noticed how Riddhima was going to fall.
So he had hugged her very closely to him.

Then he has made her sit on the chair and get on his knees.
Vansh: I’m really sorry Riddhima. I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything while being in that so much anger. I’m really sorry sweetheart. I’m really sorry that I was going to make you fall. I have made my anger make me isn’t able to care about my wife. I’m really sorry. I really can’t tolerate to lose any other special and precious person to me.
Riddhima has get down to be in the same state as Vansh.
Then she has putted her hands on his face and she has kissed him in his forehead.

Riddhima: Please relax Vansh. It isn’t that big deal at all as at the end my lovely husband has saved me from falling. You don’t have to blame yourself that much. And about that stupid Siya, you can’t go to her and you are very angry like that especially that you don’t have any proof that support your words. Actually, you still aren’t completely sure of that. So you can’t do anything without being 100% sure of your doubts. Even if you have known that she is the culprit, you don’t have to make her know that you have known anything. We must to be very calm and alert so we could punish her very hard punishment. If it got to be cleared that she is the one who has killed dadi, she will not be saved from our hands Vansh. I will not leave her for trying to kill my husband and after killing my dadi. So please relax and calm down as I’m with you and I will always be with you. We both will know the whole truth and we will punish the culprit.
They have hugged each other very tight hug.

Vansh was being very relaxed being in Riddhima’s arms.
He was trying to find the peace and relaxation in her arms.
Unfortunately, this relaxation didn’t last for more time.
As Vansh has received a call from the hospital.

He was listening to the call while he was shocked and shattered.

He got more and more angry.

Vansh( being angry): It got cleared Riddhima. Dadi has died from a rat poison. She didn’t has died in a normal way!!
Riddhima got very shocked.

Vansh( being very angry): Of course Siya is the one who has done that!! I will not leave her!! I will not make her be saved from me. I could accept anything that she has done it with me, but I will never accept or forgive her for killing my dadi. She is the one who has forbidden me from being with my dadi and I will not leave her. I will expose her and I will punish her a very hard punishment. She will witness what Vansh Rai Singhania could do to get his dadi’s right.
Riddhima was supporting Vansh very much.
She was trying to comfort him.
She also was very shattered.
She was crying very much.

She was shocked and shattered at the same time as not just only the shock of dadi’s death is the thing that has made her shocked but also the shock of the way dadi has died with it.
She wasn’t believing that Siya has killed dadi!!
Regardless that she was also being in the same shatter as well as Vansh, but she was also trying to calm him down to support him and not make him feel that shattered.
At the same time, Kabir has gotten the report from the medical lab.
He has got sure from his doubts.
He has known that the thing that was on the juice was rat poison!
He also has known from the hospital that this rat poison is the same thing that has made dadi died.
So he has became sure that Siya is the one who is behind that huge and evil crime.
Kabir to himself( being angry): I will not leave you Siya. Enough is enough stupid girl. I will not allow you to do more evil stuff. You will not be saved from my hands. Your end is very near idiot and this time it will not just be some words as I will not be satisfied without trapping you and punishing you very much.
Kabir has gone to Sejal.
Then they have gone together to Angre.
So the 3 of them could share the stuff that they have known it and they could try to think about a way that could get rid of Siya with it.
Kabir has told Sejal and Angre what he has known.
They have got very shocked.
Angre was very shocked and angry.

Angre( being angry): She has crossed all the limits. We have to do something very quickly Kabir. We can’t leave her without punishment. She has killed dadi and she was wanting to kill Vansh. She must never be saved. I will not leave that idiot girl. I will expose her in front of everyone very soon.
Kabir was also very angry.

He wasn’t able to imagine that his delay in exposing Siya has lead to the death of dadi.
Sejal( being shattered): I can’t imagine that she could reach to that low state. Siya has killed dadi with a very cold blooded mood. How she didn’t has immediately exposed her own self after she has done that?! How she is still alive after killing her grandmother?! How she could do something like that?! How?!
Kabir and Angry have tried to calm Sejal down.
After they have calmed her down, Kabir starts thinking about a plan.
Kabir: We have to think very carefully about a plan to expose Siya with it. We have to make her suffer so much. We have to punish her very hard punishment.
Sejal: But how this will happen Kabir? As we don’t have any plan yet along with that we still didn’t have collected any proofs against her.
Riddhima: I have a plan.

Riddhima has said those words after she has entered the room and has closed the door.
At that moment, there was another shock spread in Rudra’s room.
Rudra has known that dadi has died from a rat poison.
Rudra to himself: Rat poison?! So that means that Siya is the one who has killed mom?!!!!!
Rudra was shocked and he wasn’t understanding what he has known.
Rudra to himself: I didn’t have trusted that when I have known this news from the hospital. Does really Siya is the one who has killed mom?!!!! Why?!!! Why she could kill her grandma?! Why?!!!!! Why?!! She was the one who was having that rat poison so I’m sure that she is behind that incident and I will not leave her.
He has looked at his picture with Siya.
He was very angry from her.
Rudra to himself: You don’t know how you have waken up that beast inside me Siya. Trust me I will not leave you. It will be the first time that a father could be the enemy of his own daughter, but you are the one who has forced me to do that!! You have killed my mom Siya and I will not leave you. I have to get the whole truth. I have to know the reason that could make you do that and I promise you that I will do that very soon.
Rudra was being teary along with being angry.
Rudra to himself: I’m still hoping that this couldn’t be the truth. I’m still praying to God that Siya couldn’t be involved in that evil crime. Please God make me strong to accept the truth whatever it is.
After some time, Riddhima was explaining to Kabir along with Sejal and Angre her plan.
Riddhima: We have to control ourselves very much guys. Siya must never know that we have known her crime. Actually, we must never interact with her at all especially Kabir, Sejal and I. As she knows that the 3 of us know her true colors so we mustn’t interact with her at all until we could expose her.
Kabir: So what we will do Riddhima?
Riddhima: We all will investigate about her and will try our best to expose her along with that we will play on her nerves.
Sejal: What do you mean bhabi?
Riddhima: Even if that Siya is a very cunning girl, still dadi’s death will affect her and I’m sure of that. So this what we will use it. We will make her feel so guilty, we will make her be very weak and shattered until she could expose herself by her own self. We will make her feel very stressed, nervous, and afraid. We will make her doesn’t know what is true and what is false. We will make her turn crazy until she could be exposed and take a very very hard punishment.
Angre: Do you think this will be helpful bhabi?
Riddhima: It will be just a way to start with it destroying Siya until Vansh could be able to use his mastermind as I’m sure that he is the one who will get up with a very brilliant plan, but until he could think about a plan we have to do that plan until we could trap that idiot.
Everyone has supported Riddhima in her plan.
They have all vowed to destroy Siya and punish her for all her bad deeds.

Afterwards, Vansh was being at the washroom under the shower.

He was being very shattered and he was blaming himself so much.
Vansh to himself: Dadi has died because of you Vansh. Siya was wanting to kill you not dadi. You are the one who was supposed to drink that juice so why you have given it to dadi?! Why Vansh?! If you have drank that juice and you didn’t have given to dadi, she was now alive. I could be happy that she is fine even if I will not be anymore here. I’m the culprit!! I’m the one who must to be blamed for dadi’s death. Siya’s enmity with me is the thing that drove dadi to death!
Vansh was in so much shatter.

At that moment, Riddhima has entered the washroom to check on Vansh as she was worrying about him.
When she has entered the washroom, she has got shocked seeing him in that shattered.

So she rushes to him and she closed the shower.

Riddhima: What are you doing Vansh? By doing that you will have cold.
Vansh: I don’t care if I will have cold or even die. Why could I live after I was the reason of the death of a very special person to me?! I need to die to go to dadi and make her forgive me for being the reason of her death. Please go Riddhima.
Riddhima loses her balance after she slides on the water, but Vansh holds her to not make her fall.
Due to that unexpected situation, the shower has got opened and the water has stated to fall on them.

Vansh was making Riddhima very close to him while they were under the shower.
He was very angry, but at the same time he was trying to minimize his anger for Riddhima.
Moreover, Riddhima has taken Vansh from the washroom and she made him change his clothes.
Then she has made him sit on the chair and she has started doing massage to him.

Vansh: Riddhima, what are you doing? Do you think that by those stuff I will be fine?! I have lost my grandma Riddhima and I was the reason behind that so nothing could stop the fire that it is inside me and of course that massage will not minimize that fire.
She has came closer to him.
Then she has seated on his lap.

Riddhima: Stop saying those words Vansh. It isn’t your fault. It is that idiot’s fault so why you will blame yourself about something that you didn’t have done it?! I know that what has happened isn’t easy on you at all Vansh, but please don’t punish yourself and hurt yourself in that way. Please Vansh relax and calm down for my sake please.
Riddhima has hugged Vansh to minimize his anger and shatter.

Vansh was trying to minimize his pain by hugging Riddhima, but his guilty was very high.
So he has gotten away from her.
Vansh( being angry): Riddhima, please leave me alone. You are just saying those words to not make me blame myself, but the truth is that I’m the only culprit here and I have to punish myself.
He has left her angrily.

Riddhima has followed him.
She was afraid that he could harm himself while being that angry.
He has went to the kitchen and he has found there a chili pepper.

So he starts eating from it.
Riddhima was shocked and worried about Vansh after seeing him eating the chili pepper.
Riddhima( being worried): What are you doing Vansh?! Please stop eating that chili pepper. Please Vansh don’t do that with yourself.
Riddhima was going to to take the chili pepper from Vansh when he has stopped her.

Vansh: Don’t you dare to do that Riddhima. I have to punish myself so please leave me do that otherwise I will leave the whole house for now. Please leave me alone Riddhima. I don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy. Actually, I don’t deserve a very caring wife like you. Be very away from me Riddhima. I don’t give any previous person to me other than the pain. I wasn’t able to protect dadi. So how I will protect you?! I doesn’t deserve your love Riddhima.
Riddhima wasn’t knowing what she shall do so she also starts eating the chili powder.
Vansh has got shocked.

Vansh: Stop that nonsense Riddhima and leave that chili pepper.
Riddhima: If you will punish yourself for something that you didn’t have done it, so I also will do the same. As you have forgotten that we have promised each other that we will always support each other in anything and everything and here I’m fulfilling that promise. I will not stop eating that chili pepper like you. I will keep eating it.
She keeps eating the chili pepper.
She was paining very much, but she kept doing that like what Vansh was doing.
Vansh has stopped eating the chili powder and he has stopped Riddhima from doing the same.
Then he has lifted her to their room.

Vansh( being angry): Enough that childish behaviors Riddhima. What is the thing that could drive you to eat the chili pepper?! Do you are seeing yourself and your state now?!
Riddhima has came closer to Vansh.

Riddhima: I would never leave my husband in that state alone. I will always be with you Vansh in the sad times before the happy times. You didn’t have done anything to punish yourself on it. You are a very powerful man and you are very strong and clever and I’m sure that you will defeat that girl and you will take dadi’s right from her. You mustn’t give up. The great Vansh Rai Singhania will never surrender and he will always win. So get back that dangerous Vansh Rai Singhania and punish that girl.
He has immediately hugged Riddhima after she has finished her words.
She has given him so much strength.
She has made me him very ready to punish Siya.

So he has kissed her in her forehead in a thankful way.

Vansh: You are right Riddhima. I have to get that dangerous Vansh Rai Singhania to punish my enemy.
Precap: Siya received a message from an unknown number.
It was written on that message:
“Shame on you Siya! Does there is a girl that could kill her own grandmother?!”
Siya has got shocked knowing that someone is aware of her crime.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Let’s see what will happen next and how that Siya will be punished. Let’s see what the great Vansh Rai Singhania will plan for Siya. So stay tuned for the upcoming episodes. Thank you so much guys for making succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me succeed in reaching to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. Please guys don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

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