The episode starts with everyone coming to the terrace after hearing Kabir’s scream.
Kabir was trying to come to Rudra to rescue him, but Rudra has stopped him.
Rudra: If you have came near me Kabir, I will immediately throw myself. So don’t think to come near me. I have lost faith in everything near me and I want to end my life so don’t do any forward step as I don’t make you also end your life with me.
Vansh has came to the terrace.
He has got shocked when he has seen Rudra very near to commit suicide.
Vansh( shouting while being very worried): Rudra uncle please don’t do that. Please get down. Your life is very valuable to us. Please get down uncle.
Riddhima has also joined them at the terrace and she was standing beside Vansh.
She has got shocked when she has seen Rudra in that state.
Riddhima( panicked): Rudra uncle, what are you doing?! Please uncle get down. Please for all of our sakes. Please get down. There isn’t anything deserves to end your life for it.
Rudra was being very emotional.
Rudra( crying): I don’t want to complete living this life. I don’t want to feel more hurt and shattered. I don’t want to see that sympathy that is found in all of yours eyes. I just want to die. I don’t deserve to live more. Why I will live after what my daughter has done?! Why I will live after I wasn’t able to raise her in the good manners that could prevent her from doing a very cheap thing like that. Why I will love after I wasn’t able to save my mom?! I doesn’t deserve anyone’s love and care. So please guys leave me die comfortably.
Riddhima was being very emotional.
She was crying very much.
Riddhima( crying and being very worried): We all love you so much uncle. You are very valuable to us. Please uncle don’t end your life. We all need you so much. For me you are not just my husband’s uncle as you are for me like my father.
Vansh: Yes uncle Riddhima is right. Actually, I also treat you as my father not just my uncle. Siya isn’t just your daughter. You have so many children here. We all have a right on you. You can’t merely end your life like that without even thinking about us. Please uncle get down.
Rudra starts to be convinced from Vansh and Riddhima’s words, but he was still standing on his place.
As he was still thinking about ending his life.
At the same time, Vansh has signed to Kabir.
Then Kabir has rushed quickly near Rudra.
He has succeeded in saving Rudra and not make him throw himself.
Rudra has gotten very angry.
Due to his anger he has pushed Kabir very aggressively.
Kabir has gotten hurt in his head due to that push.
Ishani has got panicked about Kabir.
She has immediately rushed to Kabir.
Everyone has got worried about Kabir.
Riddhima has got very very worried about Kabir.
So she has also rushed to him.
Riddhima( checking Vansh’s head): Kabir bhai are you fine?
Kabir has hugged Riddhima to calm her down.
Kabir: I’m fine Riddhima dear. Please relax. I’m totally fine. It isn’t a big deal. So just relax.
Ishani( putting her hand on Kabir’s wound): What are you saying Kabir?! How you are saying that it isn’t a big deal and you have got injured?! This wound must be cured immediately.
Ishani has left for awhile.
Then she has returned while holding the aid kit.
She starts curing Kabir’s wound.
Kabir was staring at her very much.
He was feeling very relaxed being near Ishani.
Kabir to himself: Why I’m feeling that relaxed and chilled when you are that close to me Ishani? Why I always want to be near you and don’t make you away of me? Does is that the common disease that has affected all my friends?!
Moreover, Rudra has got calmed down.
He has got to understand what he has done.
So he has came immediately to Kabir to check on him.
Rudra: Kabir beta are you fine? Please forgive me. I really didn’t meant to do that. I really didn’t mean to push and hurt you. I’m really very sorry. I has just got angry as I wasn’t wanting you to save me. I wasn’t wanting to complete my life. I’m really sorry Kabir.
Kabir: You don’t have to apologize Rudra uncle. I really understand what you have gone through it. This wound is a very simple thing for just saving you uncle and not make you end your life and leave us.
Vansh has came near Rudra.
Vansh: Rudra uncle, please don’t think about ending your life once again. Please uncle don’t make those negativity be in your mind. Your state in our eyes will always be very high. What has happened wasn’t your fault and you weren’t the one who has done that. So please don’t punish yourself for it. We will always respect you the way we were doing and nothing will change that.
Riddhima has came near Rudra.
Riddhima: You are very important to all of us uncle. We love you and we will always love you. Your presence in our lives is very important to us. I really can’t imagine that you could leave us uncle. I really can’t tolerate to lose any important family member to me. So please uncle don’t think about ending your life once again.
Vansh and Riddhima’s words have touched Rudra’s heart.
He has hugged them very tightly.
Rudra: I’m really blessed to have you all in my life. You all are my true children. I’m grateful to God that he has got me a very caring children like you all. You all have done the things that my own daughter hasn’t done it. I was just in a very tough breakdown that’s why I have thought about suicide, but I promise you all that I will not repeat something like that once again. I have known how much I have a very caring family and I would never lose them whatever are the circumstances.
Kabir, Ishani, Vansh, and Riddhima have hugged Rudra very tightly.
They all were being very happy that everything has got very perfect like before.
At night, Riddhima was at the corridor going to her room.
Riddhima to herself: I don’t where you have gone Mr. organizer. I can’t imagine that all those times you were just busy in your work. I have to punish you for being that late.
While Riddhima was going to her room, someone has blindfolded her.
She has got panicked.
Riddhima( worried): Who are you?! Please remove that blindfold.
She has got lifted by that person.
She was still panicking, but she was feeling from the touch of that person that he is a familiar person to her.
Afterwards, the blindfold got removed from Riddhima’s eye.
She has found Vansh in front of her looking at her in a very caring way.
Riddhima: Vansh?! You?! You have really scared me! What is the reason of all of that suspense?!
Vansh was looking at her in a confident and sarcastic way.
Vansh: Just look at the place that you are on it very carefully and you will understand the reason behind all of those stuff.
Riddhima starts looking around her.
She has found a very lovely and romantic decorations being prepared for her.
She was being impressed from all those decorations.
She was smiling very much and she was being very happy.
Then she has came near Vansh and she has putted her hands around him.
She has kissed him in his cheek in a very loving way.
She was staring at him very much.
Vansh: I can observe that all your anger has turned into a very huge happiness. So where was that shock and worry?!
She has putted her hands around his neck to make him very close to her.
Riddhima: How I could complete being angry after what my dearest husband has done it to me? You have turned all my worry and anger into a very huge happiness. You have made me very happy by this amazing surprise. I have liked it very much.
Then she has looked at him in a cute reaction.
He also has looked at her in a very cute expression in the same way that she has done it.
Riddhima: So can I know the reason behind that lovely and suddenly surprise?
He has putted his hand around her hair.
He was wanting to make her very close to him.
He was being very attached to her to feel her breathes.
Vansh( smelling Riddhima’s smell): I was wanting to spend a very special night with you sweetheart. I want to be very close to you that no one could differ your breathes from mine. Nothing will disturb us today sweetheart. I want to unite with you like we have done before. I want to spend this night in a very romantic and unique way with you my dearest wife.
He has kissed her in her cheek.
Riddhima: Oh! So it is a date, right?
Vansh: You could think about it the way you want. Actually, I have prepared so many stuff for you today sweetheart. So this night could be a very memorable one.
He lays on one knee.
Then he holds her hand very tightly.
Then he has gotten a diamond ring from his pocket.
Vansh: Due to what has happened after our marriage, I have completely forgotten to give you the gift that it is after marriage. So I decided to get you a very special gift for my special wife.
He has made her wear the ring while she was smiling out loudly.
Riddhima: I have liked it so much Vansh. You always have a very unique way in making me very happy. I love you and I always love you Vansh.
He makes her very close to him.
Then he has putted her hand above his heart.
Vansh: You are the only one who has a place inside my heart. My heartbeats are just beating for you Riddhu and it will always be just for you.
He has putted his hand on her face in a romantic way.
Then he has lifted her.
He was turning over and over to make her enjoy and be happy.
Riddhima was being very happy and she was enjoying her time with Vansh so much.
At the same time, Kabir was being at his room taking rest.
Then Ishani has entered his room to check on him.
She has came near him.
Ishani: Kabir, are you fine now?
Kabir has putted his hand on Ishani’s hand to comfort her.
Kabir: I’m absolutely fine my dearest Ishani. Just relax as not a tiny push could harm the inspector Kabir Singh Travidi. I’m not like a jelly who anything could harm me that easy.
Kabir’s words have drawn a smile on Ishani’s face.
Kabir was smiling very much seeing Ishani’s smile.
Kabir: Please keep smiling in that way. I always like seeing you smiling Ishani. You look more attractive and beautiful while smiling so please don’t be sad and always be happy in that way.
They were holding each other’s hands very tightly.
They were staring at each other very much.
They were feeling that special feeling that starts to be very noticeable between them.
At the same time, Riddhima and Vansh were enjoying their moments while being together.
They were being very close to each other while they were enjoying so much.
Then they have seated together while Vansh has gotten an album.
Vansh: Here is the surprise. I have decided to make that night a night to remember all the memories with it. That’s why I have gotten that album that includes on it all the pictures that it got captured to us. So we could remember all the moments that we have spent it together.
She was staring at him very much in a very romantic way.
Then she has kissed him in his cheek.
Riddhima: Your ideas are always very unique like you my Vansh.
They got on a very romantic moment.
Then they started enjoying watching the pictures that were on the album.
Riddhima was laughing very much while she was watching the moments that she has spent it with Vansh.
Vansh was staring at her in a very romantic way.
He was smiling very much.
Then he has putted his hand on her face.
Vansh: I have done this stuff to just see this amazing and marvellous smile that appears on your face Riddhu. The world is just smiling now when you are smiling sweetheart.
He has kept staring at her very much.
They have hugged each other very closely to each other.
Then they got very close to each other.
They were being above each other.
They were hugging each other very tightly while being on the ground.
They were kissing each other very much.
They were being very close to each other by kissing each other everywhere.
They were being sure to be very close to each other.
They were enjoying while feeling each other’s presence.
They were very attached and connected to each other.
There wasn’t any barrier between them.
Their breathes were connected to each other.
They were above each other and kissing each other repeatedly.
Because the too much attachment that was between them, no one could be able to differentiate between Vansh and Riddhima’s breathes.
There was so much hotness during that night.
Riddhima and Vansh’s closeness was very romantic and hot one.
They were holding each other’s hands while being very happy and smiling very much.
They have got so close until they have united once again.
They were being in each others arms while feeling very comfortable.
This night was very special and unique night in Vansh and Riddhima’s lives.
Their bond has got more and more stronger.
Precap: 6 months leap.
The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Thank you so much guys for all of yours support and encouragement. Thank you guys for making succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. I hope that you could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to my target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The upcoming episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. The next episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. I hope that you all could make me succeed in reaching to my target soon so I could be encouraged to update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target on this episode. So please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.
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