In Hotel:-
Everyone came downstairs and sat in the hotel table in such a way everyone were able to see each other except Vansh and Angre as their back were shown to Mathur’s
On Raisinghania’s table:-
Vansh- Kabir are you guys able to see her?
Kabir- Vansh everyone is there leaving Riddhima
Vansh- Even today I guess we won’t be able to see her….
Aryan- No bhai….see Kabir she is came there
Kabir- Yaa Vansh…just now she came and sat beside Sejal
Aryan- Bhai….she is going somewhere…I guess for ordering breakfast
Angre- Vansh this is the perfect time you can see her….under the excuse of ordering breakfast
Kabir- Yaa, Vansh
Aryan- Yaa bhai…..and even bring something for us we are hungry
Vansh- Ohk……Just stay there and keep a proper eye on those three girls and their actions
Aryan- Why? Do we need to go on a date with them?
Angre- Why? Before going on date you observe actions of each and every girl
Aryan- Yes… I do…Otherwise who knows what they will do with me….I’m an innocent child
Kabir- Innocent…..After observing you and then too saying innocent then that will be the insult of that word
Vansh- Guys….For god sake…stop these useless and rubbish fight of yours and Aryan we need to observe their move so that we can easily kidnap them…….. remember we told you…
Aryan- Ohkk….go now otherwise this time even you won’t be able to see her….weren’t you desperate last night…Kabir told me
Vansh glares on Kabir…..while he pretends as if he is indulged in Menu book
Vansh- Kabir we need to talk about this an….
Aryan- Ohh…..This early
Vansh- Shut up Aryan…and Kabir stop this nonsense (snatching the menu book and keeping aside) and focus there
They all nodded and Vansh left
On Mathur’s table:-
Veer- Guys… After having breakfast we will leave car will come here to pick up us so everyone sharp at 12:30 pm we will check out and leave and yaa Sejal inform Riddhima even So that we can leave ASAP because Dad wants to talk to me urgently
Sejal- Why to bother myself bhai……she will come here only within few minutes you yourself tell her
Ishani- I’m excited to meet mom and dad after years as they were too sad after that incident and in rush we need to leave India
Siya- Yaa even in that rush we weren’t able to talk with mom and dad
Veer (anger) – Guys…. We aren’t here to discuss about our past and yaa…dare anyone to speak about this infront of Riddhima after all Varun had helped her to come out of that trauma
Ruchi- Yaa…we are thankful to Varun at that stage in Paris he helped Riddhima a lot
They all nodded and after sometime Riddhima comes there in anger
Siya (whispering to Ruchi) – I wonder why these two bro and sis duo are always in anger
Ruchi (Chuckling and whispering back) – Let’s ask directly
Ishani- Riddhima….what happened why are you erupting like a volcano
Riddhima- Ishu just because of that guy…. I need to stand in the queue for that long time….God knows what does he think of himself and thanks to that cute lovely guy don’t know who he was I hadn’t seen his face but he saved me from falling………
Ishani- Chill Baby Tell me what happened?
Riddhima- Actually…..
Flashback Starts Of Riddhima’s POV:-
Riddhima went to the queue of the counter and stood in front of a girl and after her there was a boy who stood their and was talking on his phone in a complete anger and was shouting like maniac……. And that was disturbing everyone present their…..
Riddhima asks the girl in front of her
Riddhima- Hii!!! Do you know who he is?
Girl- Yes…..He is the manager of the hotel
Riddhima- And he is himself disturbing the peace….let me show him his place
Girl- No no….he is a complete short temper person…..he is always erupting like a volcano….Let him be
Riddhima- No way…he is wrong and I don’t accept wrong people’s presence
Riddhima turns back and saw the boy as he his back was facing towards her
Riddhima- Excuse me
Boy- Yes…How may I help you
Riddhima- Thank You for your concern but I don’t need you rubbish help…..It’s not your room or your home….so either you low down your voice or just leave the place right now
Boy- Now you excuse me
Girl- Excused and Yeah if you are short tempered even then just show your anger in your room….
Boy was about to say something but after watching the crowd
Boy- Sorry for disturbing everyone and sorry ma’am
He leaves from there and Riddhima went to the counter and was leaving suddenly she bumped into someone but before she could fall he holds her by her waist as her stole came in front of her face and he was about to remove it but as his phone rang….She wasn’t able to she his face and leaves from there and came back to her seat
Flashback Ends Of Riddhima’s POV-:
Veer- Woah….Riddhu You got in fight with the manager of the hotel while you are staying in his hotel only……
Ruchi- Afterall, She is our tigress……Right Riddhu
Riddhima- Right Bhabhi
Then their Order came
They started eating there breakfast
Veer- Riddhu.. After breakfast we will leave car will come here to pick up us so sharp at 12:30 pm we all will check out and leave So that we can leave ASAP because Dad wants to talk to me urgently….ok
Riddhima- OK bhai!!!
They completes their Breakfast and leaves to their room
Meanwhile On Raisinghania’s table:-
Vansh came on the table while smiling
Aryan- Had you seen her face bro, because after watching your face…I guess you had seen?
Kabir- Yes, Bro had you seen her face…..?
They all were looking at him while he was smiling
Vansh- No, I had not seen her because you guys hadn’t told her look….I mean which color of dress she was wearing….
Kabir- Ohh shit…
Aryan- Then you should have immediately come here and what made you take this much time while coming
Angre- Yaa Vansh…even you hadn’t seen her you are smiling like a crazy….. Are you okay?
Vansh- Yaa I’m absolutely ok….. Actually…
Flashback Starts Of Vansh’s POV:-
Vansh- Where she had been …..Ohh shit….There are too many girls….How will I identify her here….. Let me call Kabir
As Kabir had forgotten his phone in room only so he wasn’t able to pick it up
Vansh- I guess he had forgotten his phone in his room…..
Before he could call anyone further he witnesses a boy talking on phone in a high tone he was about to go towards him but before that he saw a girl talking to him….He wasn’t able to she her as her back was showing towards him but he liked her fierceness and kept on looking towards her and then saw her moving towards the counter he even goes towards counter but before he could talk to her she leaves the place…..He moves back to the counter and then turn to leave
Before he could move further…….he bumped with someone and to stop her from falling he hold her by her waist and her stole came over her face he was about to remove it but before he could his phone rang and she leaves the place
Flashback Ends Of Vansh’s POV-:
Aryan- Who was that duffer whose call came at such a romantic time
Vansh- Dad Aryan….
Aryan (biting his tongue) – Sorry…by the way that means you weren’t able to see her face..
He nods
Angre- It’s ok….What was dad saying?
Vansh- He was asking where we are since last night ……so I told him everything…..He is calling us back…. so will leave now after breakfast
They all nods and their order came
After finishing their breakfast they check out from the hotel and leave
At 12: 30 pm:-
All the Mathur’s check out from hotel and leaves for RV Mansion in their cars
At RV Mansion:-
They all were welcome by Sandhya and Sooraj with the Puja plate
Riddhima, Ishani, Sejal and Siya went to hug Sooraj and Veer and Ruchi went to Sandhya and then Vice Versa
Sandhya- Riddhima You all must be tired after such a long journey and you all must had taken your breakfast… so go to your rooms and rest, at the time of lunch we will call you
They departed to their rooms
Sooraj- Veer…. come child I want to talk to you about the case
Veer- Ok dad……
Sandhya- Come Ruchi…. I will take you to your room
Ruchi- Ok mom….
At 2:30 pm:-
Everyone was on the Lunch table-
Sooraj- Veer…. From you will help me in catching that Ajay Raisinghania for his deeds
Veer- Yes Dad….Why not
While they were talking Sooraj’s eyes went on Riddhima who was talking to Ishani, Sejal and Siya
Sooraj- Riddhu…. Is their any problem why are you four talking in sign languages?
Ishani- Dad actually….we came to India after such a long time…. So we want to go outside for sometime as our vacations are going on
Riddhima- Please dad….actually I was the one who was willing to go…
Sooraj- Ok…but wherever you will go…Our bodyguards will come with you guys…ok?
Riddhima- Ok….Super duper ok!!
In excitement she stood up from her chair and went to Ajay and hugged him
Sooraj- Btw…..Where you guys want to go?
Sejal- First we will go to mall and then to nearby café and then at night to nearby Club
Sooraj- Ok….but
Siya- We know that we have to come before 12 pm…. we will come
Sandhya- Ok…..Riddhu but go and finish your food…. See yourself standing like a statue…..What happened to you
Riddhima (with tears) – Dad and Mom…. I missed you alot
Saying this she hugs Sooraj and Sandhya while her eyes were filled with tears….
Sooraj – We even missed you child….now go and then I will tell some officers to accompany you guys ..ok?
She nods and then all girls went to Riddhu’s room
Riddhima- Guys….. see I made them agree
Siya- That’s ok Ridz… but why our all mansion are of same design
Riddhima- Had I told you earlier….I guess I did?
Siya- May be but I didn’t remember
Riddhima- Ok..
Sejal- That’s because mom had a phobia of getting lost at huge places …. It’s a phobia dear
Riddhima- Yes……… dad decided to make all mansions of same design
Siya- Ok…..But Riddhu you tell me if your bodyguards will come with us how will we enjoy
Ishani- ohhohh……We you didn’t realize ok…Riddhu tell her
Riddhima- So listen
Precap- Riansh Meet
Guys!!!! I guess you all are felling this storyline as boring because comments are decreasing day by day……….So do comment and tell me if you all are feeling it as boring I will end it and wrap up the story in the next chapter only
Sorry for any grammatical mistake
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