Friday, 5 March 2021

Woh Chaand Toh Mein Hoon- HIS SUPPORT (EP76)


The song and dance comes to an end as everyone is exhausted

Dadi: Lets eat now

The food is served and everyone settle down to eat.
Naira: Maa I dont feel like eating Ill sit in the living room

Naira gets up but Kartik stops her

Kartik: Naira thoda sa kha lo

He grabs the spoon and starts to feed her

Nethra: Ohhh ho Now I understand where your romance comes from

Varun: Yeah thats true

Shivaay: Really Kartik I have to take lessons from you to handle Anika

Naira: Best of luck Anika

Ruhi: I pity you didi…now one more hitler added to the list

Kartik: Shivaay dont listen to them..these people are underestimating our love and concern

Kartik makes a puppy face

Naira: Baby gussa hogaya?

Ruhi: Baby nahi baby ka papa

Naksh: Naira keliye pehla baby toh Kartik hai

Everyone laugh out loud. Naira blushes

Kartik: Naira dont divert the matter have your food properly

Akshara: Kartik is the photocopy of Naitik

Ishitha: Not only Naitik bhaiya every husband behaves like this when wife is pregnant

The talks go on in full swing. Gayu’s phone rings and its the same number. She gets up and goes away

Gayu: Cant you understand that I cannot talk to you

Voice: But Gayu what about us then?

Gayu: Your family has to accept you first then only my family will..I cannot put Naira Kartik’s life at risk

Gayu disconnects the call and turns she is shocked to see Naira

Gayu: Naira..

Naira: What happened Gayu di? What is it about me and Kartik?

Gayu: Nothing Naira

Naira: Dont lie didi…I noticed your tension from the beginning. Whats going on?

Gayu hugs Naira and cries

Gayu: Naira..woh…woh…..I love someone but….

The conversation goes on mute. It will be revealed later

Gayu: But how can we do this?

Naira: Leave it to me. Ill take care

Naira takes Gayu with her and comforts her. Kartik grows suspicious as Gayu is irritated by the smell of food but he doesn’t show it out. The scene freezes.

Oberoi mansion Next morning 

Anika is still in bed. Shivaay is rushing for office

Shivaay: The idiotic flight got so much delayed that Im rushing to office now..Anikaaa….anikaaaa……

Anika  gets up  and rushes to washroom. She feels nauseous.
Shivaay: Anikaaaa

He comes to the washroom and finds her  throwing up.He holds her head and comforts her

Shivaay: Are you alright?

Anika nods

Anika: Its common during pregnancy

Shivaay: How do you know?

Anika: Ishimaa told me

Shivaay: Will you manage here or shall I bring office here

Anika in mind: That will be irritating. Your shouting calls and nonsense

Shivaay: Anika?

Anika: Ill manage you go to office

Shivaay kisses her forehead and leaves for office. Anika feels relieved and lies down comfortably.

Hospital Udaipur

Romi: Riya this is…

Riya: Romi please I cant listen to taunts anymore. Lets check once

The doctor calls them inside

Doctor: Mrs.Bhalla I have a bad news for you

Riya is shocked
Dr: I checked your reports and your chances of pregnancy is 5% or even less

Romi: Is there any cure doctor?

Dr: We have to find the cause of the non suitable nature of the uterus towards the foetus

Romi: I dont understand

Dr: Mr.Bhalla your wife’s egg production and fertilisation is all fine but the fertilised embryo is unable to fix on the uterus to grow. This does not occur naturally. Certain toxins should have been consumed by her to cause this state

Romi is shocked too. Thats when he remembers Kevin

Dr: We have to perform certain other tests to determine the treatment for you

Romi and Riya come out. Riya starts to cry

Riya: Why is life so cruel to me? Why am I suffering always?

Romi in mind: The answer is only one ..its Kevin…if I bash him maybe we will have a solution  . First I have to comsole Riya

Romi: Riya dont worry this problem too will have a solution.

He hugs and comforts her

Kaira room

Gayu and Naira are discussing something. Kartik enters and on seeing him they stop the talks

Gayu: Naira Ill get going. See you Kartik

Gayu leaves. Kartik comes to Naira

Kartik: Naira is Gayu pregnant?

Naira is shocked

Naira: Kartik woh..

Kartik: What woh..I have been watching her from yesterday..she behaves like being pregnant

Naira: You may have a misunderstanding

Kartik pulls Naira closer

Kartik: Naira I have been with you from the first day of the pregnancy…I felt everything..your nausea, your conscious behaviour, irritation to food smell…and Im not mistaken

Naira: Kartik..woh..Gayu di is pregnant …and

She narrates the happenings

Kartik: Why didn’t you share this with me? I too would have helped you

Naira: But Goenka family….

Kartik: No enmity is more than a girl’s life. Ill also help you in this

Naira hugs him

Naira: Sorry mendak..I thought you will

Kartik: How can you think like that?

Naira: Woh..Im sorry

Kartik kisses her forehead and assures his support


The post Woh Chaand Toh Mein Hoon- HIS SUPPORT (EP76) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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