Wednesday, 3 March 2021

WAIIAAW Chapter 4: Pakhi’s interference with intentions!


Hiya, I’m back for my Twistinians.

So this chapter is the key to what’s going to happen in the prologue…

So enjoy the chapter but do not beat me up…

27th November

~Pakhi’s POV~

It’s a week since Sai is in this house. 7 days where Virat, Ashwini Mami, Sunny and Devyani Tai are supporting her, let her go out whenever and wherever she wants as well as let her wear whatever she wants to. 

Virat has changed so much. He’s not the Virat I love! My mind angrily exclaims. 

You are his sister-in-law, so stop following him like a lost puppy and listening to your nincompoop mind. My heart reprimands me. I roll my eyes as to why I should be the one suffering. 

Tonight may be a good evening to talk to Virat, so I’m going to wait for my opportunity before him and Sai “have a dinner date”.

I pace around while remembering how Sai denied to eat with us by saying that she’s going to wait for Virat, I just wanted to break her neck. 

Karishma smirked at me at that moment and I wanted to throttle her too. 

Ignore them Pakhi. Virat is important to you not them. My mind reminded me while my heart scoffed at it. 

I ignored my heart, kept thinking how I’m going to talk to Virat and bring some distance between him and Sai. I’m going to fight for my love even if it means I have to break their marriage and friendship so be it. 

I hear Sai talking to someone in her room then the door of the bathroom closing. That means Virat’s home. I smile to myself, walk towards their room, open the door and walk inside…

~End of her POV~

~Meanwhile Sai’s POV~

It is already 9 o’clock in the night, when Virat Sir comes into the room. 

“Did you have your dinner?” Is the first thing he asks me.

“No, I’ve been waiting for you. I wanted to have dinner with you.” I straightforwardly reply back while he looks surprised. 

“You don’t have to wait for me.” He says and I shake my head. 

“No, I can wait because I like talking to you.” I blush as I say the truth and he smiles at me. For a moment we are just looking at each other, when…

“I / you should go take a shower.” We say at the same time awkwardly. He nods, goes to the cupboard, takes out his pants and towel. 

Sai, don’t start drooling over him when he comes back! My mind exclaims while my heart disagrees. 

I’m a bit lost in my thoughts, when all of a sudden Pakhi didi storms into our room without knocking at the door.

“Where’s Virat?” She asks me. 

I reply back by saying, “he is in the bathroom freshening up,” I then change my tone so that she knows, that I don’t like her just storming into a married couple’s room and say, “and if you want to come into someone’s room please knock at the door before entering. Who knows what husband and wife are doing in their room.” 

At first she looks hurt, then she gives me a withering glare which she kindly receives back and finally she leaves. I sigh in relief.

A few minutes later Virat Sir comes out of the bathroom and asks me, “who was here before?”

“Pakhi didi,” I reply back, “she was looking for you and didn’t knock on the door!” 

“Oh okay, I’m going to talk to her tomorrow,” he says while being shocked and not realising that he is dripping water everywhere.

He walks a bit forwards while someone knocks at the door.

“Come in,” I yell as Virat Sir slips because of the water, he falls right on top of me on the bed. His cold hands are on my bare waist and I shiver because of the contact of our skins. My one hand is on his bare chest while the other one is on the back of his neck. Our eyes lock with one another. 

Why did I wear a saree? I question myself through my mind. 

Sunny dada enters the room, closes his eyes immediately. That’s so awkward. 

“Virat,” he says, “I need to tell you something.”

“Hmm,” the said person hums while he is just staring into my eyes. 

“I’m seeing someone,”

“I know who it is,” I say happily while Sunny dada looks stunned.

“Who?” Virat Sir asks us both. 

“It’s me Mr. Irritating,” Vicky smirks at the back of my husband and winks at me. 

“I knew it,” I yell happily while Mr ACP rolls his eyes in shock and annoyance. 

In the corner of my eyes I see Miss I Don’t Mind My Own Business entering our room.

So I teasingly ask my husband, “kya aap Devi Tai ki manat puri karne ki soch rahe ho (Are you thinking of fulfilling your sister’s wish)?”

“Haan (yes),” he answers back without thinking whereas Pakhi didi looks stunned as well as looking lustfully at my man. I turn us around so that he is underneath me and covered by me. To the dislike of the woman who is always after him. 

Can’t she get it that she’s his past, that I’m his present and maybe his future? My heart asks. 

“Toh Devi Tai ki manat puri kare (so shall we fulfil my sister’s wish)?” He mischievously asks. I can see fire coming through someone’s ears. I wink at him and he looks surprised.

“You are beautiful,” he says all of a sudden and I’m left open mouthed and speechless. 

Why does he affect me so much? My mind questions.

It’s love or maybe even attraction. My heart replies back with a smile while confusing me even more.

He then starts tickling me on my waist and I laugh quite loudly. 

“Chodhiye mujhe, Virat Sir (leave me Virat).” I shout with laughter and soon the embarrassment, in the form of the family members, comes. 

“Kya ho raha hai yahan,” Kaku asks while glaring at me. 

“It’s not Sai’s fault,” He protectively says, “since I was the one who thought to fulfil Devi Tai’s wish.”

“And I’m protecting my husband from evil eyes.” I say particularly to Miss I Cannot Get Over My EX Even Though I’m Married To His Brother and then I say towards the only two people whose eyes are closed, “Sunny dada and Victoria, you can open your eyes.” 

I’m about to get up from Virat Sir, when he holds me back by saying, “no don’t, there are many people who could cast an evil eye on me especially Pakhi Bhabhi.” 

Everyone turns towards the said person, so I get off him and give him a shirt. 

“I have seen this shirt somewhere,” he winks at me teasingly while showing me a picture of me on his phone.

“I’m sorry,” I say, “I accidentally wore your shirt to work.”

“Haha, it’s okay. You can wear my shirts whenever you want because they make you look adorable.” He compliments me, I blush as he wears his shirt. From the corner of my eyes I see Pakhi didi storming off angrily and even Virat Sir noticed it but he shrugs his shoulder.

“We should eat our food.” He says and I just nod. We wish everyone a good night and then they finally leave. 

We start eating and talk about our day. I can see the stress lines on his forehead so I tell him, “you need to relax and come here, so that I can massage you.” 

“It’s okay,” then his mobile phone rings and he says, “please excuse me.” 

I nod and he leaves the room. I take our dirty dishes and start washing them but I hear a noise, so I walk towards the direction.

As I’m getting closer to the garden, I can hear two people, either talking or fighting about something. 

Both backs are turned towards me and I see clearly who those two people are…

To be continued!


I know it’s a boring and short chapter. 

I’m sorry I’m not good at writing romantic scenes, so I apologise beforehand! 

Thank you so much for supporting and motivating me to write this and my other stories, it means a lot to me, Twistinians!

So the next chapter or the chapter after, is going to take a leap towards the 20th of December, but I won’t show all the parts written in the prologue…

~End of the AN~

Disclaimer: Some twists are on your way👻

The post WAIIAAW Chapter 4: Pakhi’s interference with intentions! appeared first on Telly Updates.

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