Friday 26 March 2021

Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 4 


Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for your love and appreciation of the story, I’m really grateful! I know there still are several questions in your minds, but don’t worry, most of it will get unraveled in this and the next couple of episodes. Happy reading!  

Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 4 
A quick recap: Mr. Sen, the man who currently owns the café Twinkle works at, shows up and begins his rude accusations, when Yuvi steps in and manages the situation. While Twinkle and Yuvi later discuss about Kunj, we are told that Twinkle appears to have developed a certain liking for her new customer although she appears worried about his mother finding out about his visit to the café. 
“I’m sure this is going to be perfect! Thank you so much, aunty!” Yuvi quipped in cheerfully, gleaming at Usha, who looked equally elated. But just as Usha turned to the priest sitting in front of her to inform him that he could finalize those dates, Bebe interrupted her. “Hold on, both of you. I understand your excitement, but this is as important to her as to you, Yuvi. I think you should ask her once too. It’s not just your big day after all, it’s hers too!” Usha and Yuvi exchanged a quick glance, almost as though wordlessly discussing who would be protesting against Bebe this time. Seemingly, Usha had won. “When they’ve decided to spend their lives together, and to get married soon too, what else is to be discussed, Bebe? I’m sure she’ll have no objections!” She chirped, fighting to hide her disappointment.   
“You’re being just unfair now, Usha. Aditi is going to be your daughter-in-law, and she deserves to have a say in every issue that concerns this family, it is as much hers as Yuvi’s!  

(A/N: Here’s a little surprise for one of the most consistent readers I’ve ever had, you know who you are and that I love you, I promised I would work on your suggestion, so here it is. Aditi Rathode opposite our Yuvi! I don’t know if you’re reading this, but let’s hope Yuvi finds happiness with his true love at least in this story.)  

Besides she is the one getting married, she should definitely be involved, in fact, she and Yuvi should be the ones wholly responsible for picking a date for the wedding that they find convenient!” Bebe had made it clear that she wouldn’t relent. Yuvi seemed too sure of Aditi agreeing nevertheless. “I’ll ask her since you’re insisting, Bebe. I would have preferred to surprise her with the wedding card itself though.” He said, giving in reluctantly. “I have a better idea, Yuvi! Why don’t you surprise her with the date regardless of this, and then formally finalize it, after she has agreed?” Usha offered, and Yuvi thought that was quite a sensible suggestion too.  

A soft sniffle at the door interrupted the animated conversation that had continued at the table, all revolving around the wedding rituals and gaiety. “Aditi! There you are!” Usha greeted gladly and Aditi returned her an evidently forced smile, her eyes welling up at the sight of Yuvi. He looked so happy that she could already hear her heart crumble from the blow she was about to give him. And he had detected it immediately, putting down the heavy wedding theme binder on the coffee table with a resounding thud as he stood up. Usha stood up soon after too, having recognized the tension in the air. “Are you alright?” She asked Aditi who nodded quietly, eyeing Yuvi as he walked over to her. “Ditti?” He let out a pained whisper, using his nickname for her with the same affection as ever. She gulped hard, watching him carefully for a split second before tugging herself into his arms and breaking down.  

Aditi refused to let go of Yuvi and face the older women despite them calling out to her worriedly, their voice dripping of concern. Yuvi, however, chose to stay absolutely quiet, only running his fingers through her hair in an attempt at calming her down. Of course, watching her like that had freaked him out, but he wasn’t about to panic and worsen things for her. “Please give us a moment.” He requested Usha and Bebe who nodded understandingly and left hesitantly, for, despite all that they had said and done, they had never seen Yuvi or Aditi any differently from Kunj, and the circumstances had actually frightened them. “Ditti?” Yuvi prodded softly, trying his best not to put her off. “The wedding can’t happen next weekend like you all want it to, Yuvi!” She mumbled, her voice worn from the crying. Yuvi stilled, not knowing how he had to deal with that. He had been looking forward to this with all his heart, and he knew she was too, but what had changed suddenly? He withdrew from the hug, trying to find his answers but in vain. “Why?” He asked after what felt like an eternity to her, and she shut her eyes, suddenly unaware of what she should do now. Before she even knew it, she heard herself say, “Too soon.”   

The last couple of hours had all been a blur in Aditi’s head, she only remembered some hushed, disappointed utterances followed by some annoyed arguments that had finally led her to bursting out of the Sarna mansion, and then simply driving by herself for some time before she had decided to turn up at Twinkle’s café. She quickly parked her car and hurried indoors, wishing for nothing but a quiet corner to collect her thoughts. It had definitely not been the first time she and Yuvi had fought over something, but of course she knew this time had been different. She had been so relieved at finding the café empty that she paid no attention to the fact that most lights had been turned out too, and the sign on the door had read, “Closed for the day, please come back tomorrow!” in Twinkle’s looping handwriting that could almost pass as calligraphy.   
“Aditi ma’am? We’re -” Maya’s confused, tired, but still courteous attempt to inform Aditi was cut short by Twinkle, “Glad to see you, Aditi, it had been over a week now!” Aditi was jolted out of her thoughts at the sudden voices and she quickly glanced between Twinkle and Maya. Both had their purses slung on their shoulders, evidently preparing to leave. “Twinkle, is it closing time already? I’m sorry I didn’t notice. I’m so sorry! I’ll just get going already, sorry again!” Aditi mumbled hurriedly, cursing herself for not noticing. “Absolutely not! Only Maya is leaving, I’m going to stay for some more time. Have some finishing up in the kitchen.” Twinkle answered cheerfully, shooting Maya yet another of her meaningful glances, and the latter understood just like always.   
“A cup of your herbal tea then?” Twinkle asked Aditi after she had turned down every other thing Twinkle had to offer her. Aditi hummed softly at that, following Twinkle to a corner table after the doors had been closed securely and a few more lights had been turned out. Twinkle had gauged right by the first look she had of Aditi that night that something had gone terribly wrong, and decided to only offer her the peace she ought to have been seeking, but definitely not leaving her alone. She knew too well what loneliness did to people, she had been there, done that. She knew. She had considered leaving Yuvi a text in the couple of minutes she had been in the kitchen to get Aditi her tea, but decided against it when on getting back she had spotted Aditi sob quietly to herself, running a finger over her engagement ring. She then did what she thought was her only choice in those circumstances before settling on the chair beside Aditi’s with an innocent expression.    

“What are those for?” Aditi asked after what had begun to seem like an eternity to Twinkle. The latter was only glad that she had spoken at last though, for she had grown tired of pretending to read her recipe book, while all she really wished for was to get home and crash onto her makeshift bed. She quickly followed Aditi’s glance to the bags Maya had left unpacked in the pantry. “Some big event coming up?” Aditi continued when Twinkle didn’t answer, desperate for a change in her line of thought. “Yes, a pretty huge one apparently. Someone Maya knows is having a party or something of the sort.” Twinkle lied, looking discretely at the door before turning back to smile at Aditi. “That’s great! Must be the first such order in weeks, no?” Aditi quipped in, making Twinkle cringe inwardly. She didn’t want to be discussing her financial issues with anyone. Her independence mattered to her a lot, perhaps nobody actually understood enough. Of course, Yuvi never relented and hence he knew everything, but nobody else needed to know.  

“Aditi!” Kunj’s panicked voice filed into the café right then, cutting off further discussion. “I’ll open the door.” Twinkle said quietly, standing up before Aditi could ask her any questions. She had only unlocked the door when Kunj rushed in, getting to Aditi’s side in no time. She decided to stay away and give the two their privacy so that they didn’t have to whisper to each other, and slipped into the kitchens, mindlessly preparing coffee for Kunj – the same kind that he had praised on his first visit. She didn’t know why she was doing that, so she convinced herself that she was just being a good friend. To Yuvi.   
Nothing could have prepared Twinkle for her sudden disappointment in Kunj when she walked to the table, for she heard him say, “The solution to every problem is not running away, Aditi! You and Yuvi need to sort your differences, not avoid each other. He’ll be here any moment now; I’ve called him up.” Twinkle could never buy that philosophy, and it was evident in the way she put down Kunj’s coffee mug on the table with a thud loud enough to make them both look up. Kunj looked annoyed at the interruption, but that wouldn’t stop Twinkle from saying, “I beg to differ, Kunj! If Aditi wants her time apart, I think she should be allowed it! It is only foolish to keep picking at a wound that hasn’t even healed yet!” Kunj’s expression now became indecipherable as he stood up with his arms crossed, watching Twinkle, or rather, challenging her view. He didn’t look like he would even listen, let alone consider her opinion.  
That’s it for now, guys. Oopsie, Twinj didn’t manage to get along too well, did they? Let me know what you thought about it. Until next time, lots of love! 

The post Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 4  appeared first on Telly Updates.

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