Thursday, 11 March 2021

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 1


Hi guys… 

Sorry for the delayed post. I have changed the title of this ff.. 

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? ( A beautiful journey) 

So guys, this will be the title hereafter. The character sketch is the same. In this ff both riddhima and vansh hate each other. 


Episode starts with.. 


RIDDHIMA: Bhai, how could you think about that? You very well know that I hate him to the core. 

ANGRE: Riddhu, we are not forcing you.. But, this is the only way for us. Because, mom and dad believe in all these superstitions. They believe that according to our horoscope both our marriage should happen together. You know that I love ishani. I can’t live without her. Even in her family they won’t get her married to me before vansh’s marriage.

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, I understand everything. Let that monkey marry any donkey. But, why do you guys want me to marry that monkey?

ANGRE: Riddhu, it’s because Uma aunty want both their son and daughter to get married in same family. Because, she believes that only then both ishani and vansh will lead a happy life.

RIDDHIMA: That monkey will be happy but, what about me?

ANGRE: Riddhu, vansh is not that much bad as you think. I really don’t know, why you hate vansh this much?

RIDDHIMA: Bhai, stop giving conduct certificate about that monkey.

ANGRE: Ok.. Riddhu, we are not forcing you. But, this is the only way for this marriage to happen. Think about it…

Saying so, he leaves the room… 


VANSH: What!!

ISHANI: Bhai, please.. If you want your sister’s love to win, then you have to marry riddhima.

VANSH: Marriage!! With that devil..

ISHANI: Bhai, first tell me, what’s your problem with her?

VANSH: She herself is a biggest problem…

ISHANI: I have spoken to angre and even to mom. This is the only way for my marriage. Even angre has spoken to riddhima. So, please think over it again…  Final decision lies in your hand..

Saying so, she leaves… 

VANSH: Now, what’s this big problem.. But, ishani…

Thinking for a while he messages riddhima to meet him at XYZ cafe.. 

On the other hand riddhima reads the message.. 

RIDDHIMA: What is he thinking about me? He is ordering me.. Even, I don’t have any other option. But, I won’t go to the place where he asked to.. 

Saying so, she replies to meet her at ABC cafe.. 

Vansh reads the message..

VANSH: See, this devil has started her work of ordering.. I’ll go but only for the sake of ishani and angre.. Even angre is my best friend.


Riddhima gets ready to go out.. Seeing her.. 

RUDRA: Riddhu, are you going out? 

RIDDHIMA: Haa papa.. I’m going to meet vansh..

RUDRA: ( happy) Really?

RIDDHIMA: Don’t get over excited.. Even now I hate that monkey..

CHANCHAL: And, what about your decision..

RIDDHIMA: After returning, I’ll inform you..

Saying so, she leaves… 

At ABC Cafe.. 

Vansh waits for riddhima to come.. Finally, riddhima comes. As soon as, he sees her he stands. But, riddhima comes and sits directly..

RIDDHIMA: Take your seat.. Why are you standing like a school boy?

VANSH: (thinking) Even now, she is showing attitude..

RIDDHIMA: When did you came? Are you waiting for so long?

VANSH: Just 5 minutes back..

RIDDHIMA: Oh!! If I had known, I would have come little late..

VANSH: ( thinking) Devil!! devil!!

RIDDHIMA: What are you thinking?

VANSH: Nothing.. Just thinking about your punctuality and your values..

RIDDHIMA: ( thinking) Monkey!! Monkey!! How rude!!

VANSH: I’ve just called you…

RIDDHIMA: I know.. Ishani must have spoken to you. Even, bhai spoke to me… I can’t even imagine marrying a bitterman like you..

VANSH: Same to you…  But, still I’ve come here just for ishani..

RIDDHIMA: Me too.. Only for the sake of my bhai..

VANSH: Whatever…  what have you decided?

RIDDHIMA: I can’t hurt my bhai. Even, ishani is my best friend.. I want them to marry.. And, the only way for their marriage is our marriage.. So..

VANSH: So… .

RIDDHIMA: So,.. First you tell your decision..

VANSH: Even I want them to marry. So, I’ve decided to bear you..

RIDDHIMA: Actually, I have to say that.. Because, marrying you will be the biggest tragic decision in my life..

VANSH: Which means…

RIDDHIMA: I’ll marry you.. But, only for the sake of my bhai and ishani.

VANSH: Even I’ll marry you.. But, only for the sake of angre and ishani.. Because, I have no other option..

RIDDHIMA: On one condition… .

VANSH: Condition??

RIDDHIMA: We may be husband and wife in front of our family but, I won’t accept you as my husband at any point of my life. In fact, I’ll hate you throughout my life..

VANSH: Even I thought the same.Even,I can’t love you. This marriage is just a drama.. I won’t consider you as my wife. I’ll hate you always, as I do.. I won’t have any ecpectations in this marriage. And, even you shouldn’t expect anything in this marriage..

RIDDHIMA: Expectation!! From you?  Funny!  Very funny!!

Saying so, she stands… 

So, Mr. Vansh Raisinghania If you accept all my conditions, I’ll marry you.. 

VANSH: Ms. Riddhima Sharma I accept all your conditions. I’ll marry you.. Saying so, he forwards his hand… Riddhima walks away ignoring him…

VANSH: I don’t know, what will be the consequences of this tragic decision? I’ve never seen such a girl like her…  Devil…

PRECAP: I’ll never accept this deal. My decision is final.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made

The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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