Saturday 13 February 2021

Story After 6 Years #RIANSH #IMMJ2 – Episode 17


Hello everyone, thanks for all your lovely comments! I really appreciate them.

The episode starts with…

One week later in VR mansion in the living room:

Everyone was gathered there except Ishani and Angre. Dadi had asked him to take her out so that they can plan her birthday bash that’s soon approaching.

Janvi: I think we should host a theme party.

Aryan: Good idea, but what theme and colour?

Tanya: I think maybe red and black.

Dadi: No, that’s very loud, something subtle.

Chachi: How about white and pink since its Ishani’s favourite colour.

Vansh: That’s an awesome idea! I think the theme should be white and pink.

Dadi: Great Vansh get all the decorations, food and invitations going. If you need help ask Aryan, Janvi or Angre to help you.

Vansh: Sure, Dadi.

At a café:

Riddhima: Hello Mr Shashi, please sit.

Mr Shashi: Hi Riddhima. How are you?

Riddhima: I am good. Any information on Kabir?

Mr Shashi: Yes, I haven’t been able to get much information but from I gathered he is planning something big. He was looking to hire few goons. And I think he is planning on doing something on one of the Raisinghania family member’s birthday party that is going to happen soon.

Riddhima (thinks): Oh god that means Kabir is planning on something for Ishani’s birthday. If he is hiring goons, then he is planning his move on a much bigger scale then he did six years back. Last time it was only him and that Mishra and they trapped Vansh but this time it’s the whole family.

Mr Shashi (breaking her thoughts): I am working on the matter and will let you know more when I know.

Riddhima: Thank you Shashi, I really appreciate it. Please try to find the whole matter it’s a matter of everyone’s life. I can’t let anyone get harmed again. He has already tried to ruin many lives before. And Siya is still paying for what Kabir did.

Mr Shashi: I understand I am not just your private investigator but also your friend. I will take this case personally. I promise I will find out the whole matter.

Riddhima: Thanks Shashi. I will see you when you find the whole truth.

Mr Shashi: Yes, I will not disappoint you.

Mr Shashi leaves. Vishal who had come to the same café to meet a client saw Riddhima sitting alone after Shashi had left. He approaches her.

Vishal: Hi Riddhima, what are you doing here?

Riddhima: I am not talking to you.

Vishal (smiles): But why? What have I done madam that has upset you so much?

Riddhima: You didn’t attend Sejal and Sameer’s wedding.

Vishal: Oh that, I am sorry Riddhima I had to attend an urgent business meeting overseas otherwise I would have definitely attended the wedding. Plus, I would not have missed an opportunity to irritate you (he smiles cheekily).

Riddhima: Very funny, okay stop joking, have you had lunch yet? I am hungry if not join me.

Vishal: I haven’t had lunch yet. Let’s eat. What do you want to order?

Riddhima: I have heard their sandwiches are good along with their sides. I would like a chicken sandwich with fries and fried chicken.

Vishal: Great I’ll have the same sandwich we can share the sides.

Riddhima: Yup sounds good to me.

As they wait for their food to arrive, they fill in each other of what’s been happening in the past few weeks in their lives. They were busy enjoying each other’s company that they didn’t realise Vansh and Tanya staring at them. Vishal notices them and calls them.

Vishal: Hi Vansh, why don’t you and Tanya right? Come join us.

Tanya: Sure, and yes, it’s Tanya (sits before Vansh could say something).

Vansh left with no choice joins them. Vishal oblivious of the relationship Vansh and Riddhima share had no idea how awkward he is making it by inviting Vansh to the table. While Tanya chose to sit at the same table to show Riddhima that she is the woman in Vansh’s life and that Riddhima should keep her distance.

Riddhima: Vishal, you know Vansh?

Vishal: Yes, I met Vansh at the Khuranna house during Sameer’s wedding rituals.

Riddhima: oh, I see.

Tanya: So Riddhima, you and Vishal huh. How long have you guys been dating?

Riddhima (before Vishal could answer she does): It’s been a few weeks.

Vishal (sensed the sarcasm in her voice and decided to play along): We are getting to know about each other first before making it serious.

Vansh (through clenched teeth): Shall we order lunch?

Riddhima (sensed his anger but ignored it): We have already ordered. You guys can order. We can all eat together.

Tanya and Vansh order food. The food arrives and they all eat while eating make small talks. Vishal is the main one talking as he wants to learn more about Vansh and Tanya.

Vishal: Do you guys eat here often?

Tanya: No but I thought to come here I heard their food is good. Also, Vansh never refuses me.

Vansh (under his breath): Yeah just comes to my office unannounced and forces me to come that works all the time.

Riddhima (who heard this laughed quietly): I heard that.

Vansh: I know but don’t say that to her. I can’t tolerate her drama. Please don’t, I don’t want her to make a scene here.

Ridddhima (rolling her eyes): Fine!

Few hours later:

Dadi calls Sejal: Hello Sejal beta I am Vansh’s dadi speaking.

Sejal: Yes Dadi, How, can I help you?

Dadi: I needed your help in organising Ishani’s birthday party. I know you are good party planner so I was wondering if you could plan this one for us.

Sejal: Sure Dadi, I would love to do it.

Dadi: Is it possible if you can ask Riddhima for her help. I mean she knows us well and she is your friend so I thought she would be the best person to help you. I hope you don’t mind.

Sejal: Dadi you are embarrassing me, of course I don’t mind. I’ll come tonight to see the venue and decide how to proceed with the decorations.

Dadi: Sure, beta but come after 8:30 Ishani is going to her friend’s house for dinner so it will best time since it’s a surprise for her.

Sejal: Yes, no problem. I’ll bring Riddhima along so she can also give me her suggestions.

Dadi: See you soon beta.

After hanging up Dadi turns around to see Janvi and Aryan smiling cheek to cheek.

Janvi: Dadi, your idea of asking Riddhima Bhabhi to help was awesome.

Aryan: True, the more time she spends here we can get more opportunities to bring Bhai and Bhabhi closer.

Same afternoon at the hospital:

Sara: I’ll go and check in on Siya Raisinghania and report her progress to Dr Riddhima.

As she enters, she notices Siya murmuring in her unconscious state. This shocks the nurse. Sara checks and see that her condition is improving rapidly. The morning nurse had also updated that Siya had moved her fingers. Was showing signs of improvement.

Sara: I need to tell Dr Riddhima about Siya.

Evening at VR mansion:

Riddhima: Sejal I can’t believe you persuaded me into coming here. You know this house haunts me.

Sejal: Dadi, requested me to bring you along. And I didn’t know how to refuse her.

Shovan: I am going to play in the poolside I loved playing at the pool side last time.

Shaina: Yeah, I remember but the most fun was playing with that uncle Kabir. We should do that again.

Riddhima: You guys played with Kabir? And he willing played with you kids?

Shovan: No mum, he didn’t want to, so we used our ways.

Riddhima: Oh god what did you guys do?

Shaina: Mom relax we took care of it why are you bring it up again.

Sejal: Ok guys lets go inside now.

Once inside the kids ran towards the poolside where they found Sakshi already present. Meanwhile in the living area Dadi welcomed Sejal and Riddhima. Sejal checked the corridors to see where the food could be set up. While Riddhima was taking measurements and considering ideas for the party decorations and how to accommodate all the tables, flowers and props.

Anupriya who was looking for Kabir comes to the poolside. She sees all the three kids playing there. Since the kids were playing with water, the whole pool area was wet and slippery. Anupriya while looking around accidently slips. All the kids run and help her regain her posture and save her from falling.

Shovan: Sorry aunty we were playing with water didn’t realise we spread it so much.

Anurpiya (now visibly anger): How dare you? This is not your house. Your mother hasn’t taught you how to behave in other’s house.

Shaina: Aunty why are you getting so anger. We said we are sorry. And our mum has taught us well that’s why we said sorry.

Anupriya: Shut up you spoilt girl! I could have hurt myself. All three of you go away from here!

The kids go there but Shovan who had been listening to this whole incident was clearly upset that his sister was called a spoilt girl (like his father protective of his family).

Inside Sakshi’s room:

Shovan: I am mad that aunty scold us so much for nothing.

Shaina: Even I am mad but let it go.

Sakshi: Why don’t we teach her a lesson. You know she never speaks with me nicely.

Shaina: But what can we do?

Shovan: I have a plan (he shares his plan with his two partners in crime sisters).

Outside Anupriya’s room:

She heard some noises and comes outside to check. Meanwhile the kids sneak into her room. Now inside they all hide behind her bed. Anupriya comes inside upon not finding anyone outside. She tries relaxing by resting her back against the back rest of her bed. Just as she closes her eyes the kids pop up wearing scaring looking masks and scream to scare her. Jolting up from her bed she tries to run outside but Sakshi comes and blocks her way. At the same time Shovan comes and puts a skull necklace around her which she gets petrified off. Anupriya starts screaming to save her but no one hears since the room is locked. Shaina turns a toy car on and has a tea candle lit on top of it. Since its dark Anupriya can’t see the car just the moving candle. Which she thinks is paranormal. Now completely out of her senses she strikes towards the door and manages to run outside screaming at the top of her lungs. Everyone in the house come to the origin of that scream and find Anupriya shaking while the kids who were following her laughing uncontrollably holding their stomachs. The whole family expect, Ishani, Vansh and Aryan were present trying to hide their amusement.

Dadi: Anupriya what happened why are you scared?

Anupriya: Mummyji these kids tried to prank me.

Chanchal: why is it always you or Kabir that get pranked by these kids. I don’t anyone else getting this special treatment.

Anupriya: why don’t ask these little devils that question.

Riddhima: Kids this is very bad please say sorry to her.

Shovan but mom she was mean to us.

Riddhima: I don’t care how she was behaving you need to say sorry because you hurt her.

All the kids say sorry. Dadi was impressed by Riddhima’s sensibility. She knew only Riddhima could keep this family together and compliment Vansh.

Dadi: Anupriya the kids said you were being mean to them. What was that?

Anupriya: Nothing mummyji, you know how kids can be. I just asked them not to play at the poolside because it was wet, and they misunderstood me.

Dadi: Okay, you take care.

As they were all departing, they heard Kabir scream. They all go to the poolside and see Kabir on the ground.

Anupriya: Kabir beta what happened?

Kabir: Mom I slipped. Who the hell slipped so much water outside?

Anurpiya: These kids were playing here.

Kabir: You kids need to learn to behave. Seriously Riddhima have you taught them nothing. They are so spoilt.

Riddhima: Well I have taught them well. And this is poolside there is bound to water here you should have been more careful.

They all leave Kabir and Anurpiya go to Kabir’s room.

Kabir sits on his sofa he tries to get the newspaper from the side table. As he tries to pick it, he feels his hand dipped into something wet and gooey. As he lifts his hand, he sees chocolate sauce.

Kabir: What the hell is this mom?

Anupriya: I don’t know how this got here. I’ll get this cleaned.

Just then the kids come to his room.

Sakshi: Kabir uncle we were baking, and the chocolate sauce was left in your room.

Anurpiya: How come the sauce is here?

Shaina: We were playing hide and seek with food. And Shovan hid the sauce here.

Kabir: Fine take it and leave from here. Oh god these kids are getting on my nerve mom.

Anurpiya: Forget it. How is our plan going about?

Kabir: It’s going great I have finished planning now it’s just execution that’s left. Ishani’s birthday will bring the destruction for these Raisinghanias.

Precap: Vansh helps Riddhima with measurements for party’s decorations. Vansh, Riddhima and the kids share a cute family moment, while Dadi admires them from afar. Janvi and Aryan spy on Kabir. The whole gang discusses their plans to expose Kabir and Anupriya, as they are discussing they see Vansh standing at the door.

This is it for today guys hope you like it! I tried to give a long update. Not sure if its long enough but hopefully it’s a reasonable length.

Question to chew your brain:

Will Vansh learn the truth?

The post Story After 6 Years #RIANSH #IMMJ2 – Episode 17 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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