Vansh: My reputation is imp than your diamonds, don’t dare to spoil it, you won’t get those diamonds.
Chang: Stop threatening me, I have already got the diamonds, I will have the deals with him, our partnership is over.
Vansh (shocked): Who is he?
Chang: That’s none of your business, don’t think I will forget the cheat, I will make you pay for it, I want every penny back, will you sell VR mansion, your house or your beautiful wife (evil laugh).
Vansh (anger): Don’t you dare Chang! Don’t forget you are speaking about my wife! It won’t take a second for me to kill you!!
Chang laughs and this irks Vansh and he cuts the call.
Vansh: It’s a big conspiracy, Rudra is dead, Chang got the diamonds, who is that person, I have to find that person and unmask that cowardly enemy. (fierce) I cant lose Riddhima! I need to teach a lesson to Chang for trying to take Riddhima’s name from his filthy mouth!!! (shouts) Angre!!!!
Angre ran towards study to find fierce Vansh creating mess burning in rage.
Angre: Boss what happened?
Vansh (anger): Angre Chang got the diamonds! Someone gave him and its obviously not Chachu so someone else is involved and I want to know who’s that! He’s trying to ruin my reputation and I can’t let this happen!! It’s the safety of my family and Riddhima. I want to know everything about the person
Angre: Boss I’ll try to find the person asap
He left to gather information about the person while Vansh reached the room to find Riddhima missing, he searched her all around the house but didn’t find her freaking him. He was afraid of worse and Chang’s words about her started taunting him.
Vansh: Siya!!!! (Shout)
Siya: Ha Bhai
Vansh: Siya did you see Riddhima?
Siya: Bhai she’s in backyard I guess
Vansh didn’t need to listen further he ran to find her watering the plans absent mindedly! As soon he caught her glimpse he ran to hug her from behind and his sudden gesture amused her, turning around to face his eyes which carried tons of emotions he had for her and fear of losing her was evident.
Riddhima: Vansh! What happened?
Vansh: I…. I didn’t find you in house I felt worse
Riddhima: But what happened? Why are you insecure?
Vansh: I don’t know Riddhima but I can’t live without you by my side even for a second. You are like my oxygen.
He hugged her sniffing her fragrance, he held her closer to his heart.
Riddhima: Vansh…
Vansh (still hugging her): Hmmm…
Riddhima: I want to speak about our baby ….
The word baby hit him as a harsh reality and breaking the hug, he gave her cold blank eyes and she was expecting him to utter something but he just uttered a sentence and left leaving Riddhima hurt and furious
Vansh: Am not interested and I don’t want to hear it anymore!!! (walking away)
Riddhima: You have to Vansh!! You have to!!! I tried to convince you all this while but now… no more!!
With anger in her eyes, she moved towards Bar section where Vansh saw gulping alcohol with pain in his eyes and heart. He saw Riddhima approaching him and he wasn’t in any condition to respond so sat there gulping another glass of alcohol. She stood in front of him and he was glaring in different directions,
Riddhima: Vansh I need to talk to you!
Vansh: ……
Riddhima: It’s about our baby
Vansh: Riddhima how many times should I remind you that am not bothered about this baby and I don’t even want to
Riddhima: Till when will you run from this responsibility? I didn’t take the responsibility alone. We both need to be responsible enough to take care of the baby. If this is your behaviour before the arrival then how’s it going to be after few months? I know you are nervous but that doesn’t mean you’ll refuse to accept the kid. You need to accept the reality that this kid is the symbol of our love and now ….. now the baby’s life is in danger even before he/she came into the world! I have been receiving threats but seems like you aren’t even bothered (sarcasm). Today ma not going to leave without getting my answers. Speak up Vansh! Speak up your heart and tell me what’s freaking you and why you are adamant not to accept the kid! What’s the fault of the kid!!!
Vansh (under the effect of alcohol): Riddhima I don’t want to ….
Riddhima (fierce): Shut up Vansh!!! Just shut up! Its not some game which you’ll decline to play and it’ll end. Its goddamit our baby and you cant refuse to accept your part. I tried to understand your view but you seem to be least bothered to explain and now mad done!! Am done! Am done of waiting patiently when danger is inching closer. Now Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania you need to take a decision and you need to chose both or you are not going to have anyone!
Vansh who was shocked to see her this fierce angle was trying to calm her and standing from his place, he took few steps towards her and was about to hold her but she took few steps back and gestured her hand indicating him to stop
Riddhima (anger): Vansh you need to accept our baby or forget you have a wife too. This isn’t your Riddhima, in fact, this is a mother speaking to get the right her kid deserves. And this mother can go to any extent for the safety of her kid, she can go even against her husband and mark my words Vansh! Am your wife and am equally stubborn like you. You either chose both mother and baby or forget me too!!!
Saying so she left leaving flabbergasted Vansh who was deeply hurt and his pain emerged int the form of tears and he seemed to be confused
Vansh: Riddhima am unable to explain you my stand of not want to be a father. I dint want our baby to go through the same pain I had to go through and in this world my life doesn’t have any guarantee. Am afraid of your safety and now … now this baby is creating panic in me and am afraid of worse. What if something happens to me!!! You can’t live and then the kid would face the most trauma of being a fatherless child and I can’t imagine the baby hating me for giving such a life!!! I don’t know what future stores for us but for now I don’t want to accept this reality and at the same time cant risk losing you, you are my everything and without you am nothing. You aren’t going to let me chose you alone and I can’t accept the kid! What do I do!!!!
His thoughts were broke by a call and it was Angre, taking a long breath,
Vansh (firm): Yes Angre….
Vansh: Am coming
He reached the lawn to find Angre speaking to someone on call and finding Vansh he cuts the call and turns around to find Vansh
Angre: Boss I spread the fake news that we are dealing with gold biscuits and my informer informed me that Chang got to know the dealing and he even informed the same to the one who handed our diamonds to him
Vansh (smirk): That means tomorrow the deer is going to fall in our trap.
Angre (smiling): Yes boss! If we aren’t wrong, then the one who stole the diamonds from us will definitely try to steal once again and then we’ll catch the person red – handed
Vansh: Make sure you put the backup team on standby we may need them tomorrow.
Angre nodded and left to plan for the following day. Vansh reached the room to find Riddhima sleeping peacefully, he caressed her head and slept beside her cuddling her.
Next morning, he got up early as he has to work on his mission. He along with Angre reached the place where they were planning to execute the plan. As they expected they saw a person keeping an eye on them but couldn’t see the face clearly so were waiting patiently for the person to come in front.
Meanwhile Riddhima was going to hospital for her check-up. She took the car and driver drove her towards the hospital. When she got down the car, another car speed towards her and before she could understand anything, she was dragged into the vehicle by 2 persons, she resisted to get out of their clutches but they faint her and the last thing she saw was the evilness in their eyes before she collapsed.
The car driver who saw all this, immediately called at home but none responded so he called Vansh who was busy in trying to tangle the person who was keeping an eye them so cut the call. That’s when Angre’s men got hold of Kabir who was keeping an eye on them and bashing him they got him towards Vansh who smirked seeing him
Vansh (smirk): So, its you my half bro who’s trying to ruin me and my dealings
Kabir (bleeding): Yes its me!! I’ll do much more to ruin you because my only aim is to get my Riddhima back and for that I’ll do everything that’d take me to do. I have done much more can you’d ever expect to get my Riddhima once again in my life. I love her and I want her at any cost. I was the one who stole your diamonds and then when they attacked you I pretended to save you so that Riddhima can trust me once again and see my every step is making me closer to her and you are moving away from her (smirk). Now I’ll destroy you such that you’ll get away from her and then Riddhima and her baby will be mine forever! She’s mine only mine! You don’t want the kid right then I’ll give the father name to the kid so that I can gain Riddhima and her love once again which you’d be losing soon.
Vansh who was on the verge of killing him, bashed him hard making him even tough to move an inch
Vansh (fierce): Don’t you dare take my Riddhima or my baby’s name with your filthy mouth. That baby is mine and will always be and I don’t think neither me nor Riddhima will need you by our side for our baby. And who told you I didn’t accept my child (smirk). I did it last night itself. Maybe your spying techniques have turned poor varna you’d have known it by now!
(Flashback Starts)
Last night when he came back to room to find Riddhima sleeping peacefully, he caressed her when she woke up to find Vansh adoring her
Riddhima (sleepy): Vansh! Didn’t you sleep yet!
Vansh: Sweetheart I wanted to speak to you but its ok. We’ll talk tomorrow you sleep now.
She got up and sitting straight she held his hand
Riddhima: Vansh what happened?
Vansh: Riddhima….. I know I hurt you a lot by my recent behaviour but now I think it’s time I take a stand for you, for my love!
Riddhima: What do you mean?
Vansh speaks his heart out about his past and his fears.
Vansh: Riddhima am not saying this because you gave me an ultimatum of choosing either you both or am not going to get anyone but am speaking my heart out today and I accept with my full heart that (placing his hand on her tummy) Riddhima!!! I accept to be a father! I accept the responsibility of a father! I accept my baby! I accept my foolishness. I cant chose one among you but I want you both in my life till my last breath. You both are my life lines and even without any one this heart would stop beating. I love you and I love my baby too. I don’t know if its going to be my princess or prince but I’d prefer princess just like my queen.
He was caressing her tummy when he felt a water drop fall on his hand and lift his head to find Riddhima crying but he understood her happiness behind those tears and he hugged her tight engrossing her into him while his one hand was caressing her tummy, he felt another hand on his and it was caressing his hand on her tummy, it was Riddhima. He kissed her forehead and adjusted her back to bed and cuddling her, he dozed off with the hope of new beginning.
(Flashback Ends)
Kabir was shocked and Vansh was smirking when police arrived as they got the evidences which’d prove Kabir is a killer and a psycho so they arrested him and dragged him out of Vansh’s sight before he could kill him.
Vansh who was smirking received the shock of his life when Angre received a call and he put the call on speaker as per the demand of the caller and listening to which his smirk vanished and anger, fear took over his senses
Caller: VR!!! (evil laugh) I heard you are dealing gold biscuits! Now I need them and if I don’t get them then forget your beautiful pregnant wife
Vansh (shout): Chang!!!!!
Chang: Tch… Tch… VR, you need to reach the said location asap with the gold biscuits varna forget your wife and kid (smirk)
Vansh was burning in rage when Angre received the location and they drove in full speed. Vansh was worried all way as negative thoughts were overpowering his thoughts. As soon as they reached the location, he barged into the factory with fierce looks followed by Angre and their men. His eyes fell on Riddhima who was lying unconscious on a chair with a gun pointed towards her head, he couldn’t hold his anger anymore and with full love, affection, care and frustration he shouted
Vansh (shout): Riddhimaaaa!!!!!!!
His shout shook her and she woke up to find Vansh running towards her but was stopped by few men and then she realised a gun on her. She could gather her strength only to murmur
Riddhima: Vansh!!!
Then Vansh saw Chang coming towards Riddhima with a smirk on his face seeing VR desperate.
Chang: VR!!! Got the biscuits?
Vansh (anger): Chang dare you touch my Riddhima
Chang: Lower your voice VR. Give me what I need and take away your wife and child
Vansh: Chang you dared to hurt my Riddhima and baby so now prepare yourself to face the dire consequences
Saying he along with Angre and their me started bashing Chang’s men while Chang stood puzzled and then he saw Riddhima trying to run towards Vansh and he took a rod which was beside him and pulling Riddhima with her arms and holding her with her arms, he shouted for Vansh
Chang (shout): VR!!!
Vansh turned around to see the worse scene he couldn’t have even dreamt of that. Chang held Riddhima with her arm and pointed the rod on her tummy.
Vansh (shout): Chang!!!! Don’t you dare
Riddhima (crying): Vansh!!!
Vansh: Riddhima don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to our baby and you.
Chang: VR give me the biscuits
“We’ll give Mr. Chang!!!” Chang turned to find police while Vansh was smirking and making a face
Vansh: Officer as said earlier this person called me demanding some gold biscuits in return of my wife who’s in his captive.
Officer: Sir you need to worry we’ll save her.
Chang: VR!!! You shouldn’t have done this! You betrayed me now you’ll face the consequences
He was about to hit Riddhima with the rod, Riddhima closed her eyes in reflex with a shout but then she realised that she wasn’t hurt and opened the eyes to find Vansh holding the rod before it hit Riddhima. Riddhima sighed when he pulled her towards him and was bashing Chang for trying to hurt his Riddhima. Angre & Police tried to separate Vansh from Chang and after a while they could do it and then they dragged Chang of the factory when Vansh saw Riddhima on floor holding her tummy and crying. He ran to her and hugged her tight relieving his stress and her fear.
Vansh: Shh… Riddhima calm down nothing will happen to you or our baby. I’ll protect you both from all hurdles. I’ll never let anyone touch you or our baby. I swear!!! This mistake wont be committed once again.
His words didn’t fade her pain but definitely sooth her pain and she realised the truth and his assurance in his eyes and she could understand one thing that his arms are her safest place away from all trouble, hurdles and issues which’d come their way. The coming days cant be assured of total happiness but definitely they’ll fight all odds to win their love and now that they have the new member of their love, their symbol of love, their kid who’s now in her tummy is witnessing the love their parents share and the odds they fought. They crossed all hurdles, overcame their fears to relish the moments and memories forever.
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