Guys this is a one shot story of current track that Kabir is going to handover real diamonds to Chang so episode starts with
(Kabir in his room)
Kabir:Vansh tumhe toh main barbad karke rahunga. Now I’m going to handover this diamonds to Chang and you’ll get bankrupt as Chang will not leave you and also police will arrest you for doing an illegal deal. Then Riddhima will become my forever (smirks)
(Kabir reaches at Changs place)
Chang:So you brought those diamonds
Kabir:Yes the ‘REAL’ ones (smirks)
(Kabir opens the diamond box and give it to Chang.
Chang sees the diamonds and Kabir says that now give me my payment. Chang handover brief case to Kabir.
He opens it and notice that all notes are fake)
Kabir:What the hell! Chang these dollars are fake
Chang:What do you think Kabir you’ll give me fake diamonds and I’ll give you real dollars
Kabir:What? Are you blind or what I have given you real diamonds can’t you see
Kabir:Vansh!!! You? Where are the real diamonds?
Vansh:Yes it’s me. Well I know ki ‘TUM EK POLICEWAALE HO’ but it’s weird ki kaafi dheele aur bewakoof kism ke ho
Kabir:What do you mean?
Vansh:You yourself gave me the real diamonds Kabir (smirks)
Kabir:What? You are mad or what? What do you think that I’m a fool to handover real diamonds to you
Vansh:Well first time I’m agreeing with you that you are fool. Kabir ‘SAUTELA HI SAHI MAGAR BHAI HU TUMHARA’ I can’t see you in so much stress I’ll explain you
(From backside another voice comes, ‘EVEN I’LL EXPLAIN AND LISTEN)
Vansh:Riddhima? What are you doing here?
Riddhima:When you went I was getting bored so I thought lets watch a live thriller movie so I came here (smiles big)
Vansh:Ok then till that Angre you finalize deal with Chang please
Flashback starts
Riddhima was passing nearby to Kabir’s room. At that moment Kabir was sitting in his room spreading all diamonds on table and brushing them. While going from there Riddhima sees him with diamond and thinks What Kabir is doing with so many diamonds. She also sees that same guitar box beside Kabir which Vansh was holding before leaving for meeting with Chang that day. She thinks that something is wrong and she should inform it to Vansh. While she was going towards her room to tell Vansh about Kabir she listens to Vansh and Angre’s conversation in which Vansh tells Angre to find diamonds. As soon as Riddhima enters the room Vansh ask Angre to leave. As Angre leaves Riddhima tells Vansh that,’I know I should not interfere in your business work but there’s something weird I saw today when I was coming towards our room I was passing nearby to Kabir’s room and I saw that he was doing something with diamonds and also he was having that same guitar box which you took from cupboard that day before leaving for meeting and then I heard your conversation with Angre I think Kabir had replaced your diamonds’ then Vansh says ‘Are you sure Riddhima that you saw Kabir with diamonds?’ Riddhima answers, ‘yes absolutely’.Vansh fumes in anger but also bit confused and think that ‘If he replaced original diamonds why he saved me?’ and leave from there
Vansh and Angre both goes to Kabir’s room as he was not there so they were searching his room and Riddhima just came out of her room to go towards kitchen when she sees that Kabir has entered the mansion and thinks “Oh no Vansh and Angre are still there in his room” So she run towards Kabir’s room and informs Vansh that Kabir has arrived so Vansh tells Kabir’s truth to Riddhima and tells her that she should go back to her room and he’ll tell Angre to keep Kabir distracted whereas Riddhima disagrees to it and says Vansh, “that you’ll need Angre’s help and Angre won’t be able to keep Kabir distracted for longer period of time and she says that she’ll handle Kabir and assures Vansh that Kabir won’t harm her’ and also whereas Vansh gives her a idea and Riddhima agrees to it.
When Kabir was heading towards his room Riddhima calls him from behind and Kabir comes towards her and says “What happen Riddhima?” Riddhima answers “Tomorrow dadi is conducting a Puja so I told Vansh and dadi that I’ll look after all the decorations and decorators will take few hours to come till that I thought that I should take measurements of all the pillars but as you know that I’m pregnant I can’t jump or stand of staircase and nobody is there at home even Vansh is not there whereas all the servants have gone to market to bring all materials and you know that I never take any help from anybody and specially from you but today as I have no option will you please help me in measurements?” So an overly ‘OBSESSED’ Kabir replies , ‘Ya sure’
Whereas Riddhima messages Vansh that their plan is working and she’ll keep Kabir engaged in work till Vansh completes his work
This is Kabir’s truth which Vansh had told to Riddhima
Vansh was searching for diamonds in Kabir’s room he saw Riddhima’s cut out and also a gift on table which was a necklace box and there was a note on that box in which it was written ‘WITH LOVE FROM VANSH TO SWEETHEART’. Seeing this Vansh fumes in rage and connect the dots and come to know that right after the reception Kabir is obsessed with Riddhima and on rose day party also the thing which was burning was in Kabir’s room was Riddhima’s cut out and he also understands the reason that why he saved him so that Kabir can make a ‘MAHAAN’ image in Riddhima’s eye and on Valentine’s day he was the one who kidnapped Riddhima. Vansh also comes to know that Kabir will give this necklace to Riddhima on his name so he tells Angre that he’ll go to jeweller and will tell him to remove fake diamonds from necklace and put the real one’s so that Kabir himself will handover diamonds to Riddhima and Vansh gets succeed in his plans.
Flashback ends
By listening to this Kabir gets shocked and Vansh tells him that I told you earlier also ‘KI APNE TAKKAR KI LIFE PARTNER CHOOSE KI HAI MAINE’ to this Kabir says this can’t be happen Riddhima and her child is mine only mine to which Vansh says how many times I have to tell you that she was yours now she is mine ‘AAPNE PAST KO CHOD KE BOHOT AAGE NIKAL CHUKI HAI WOH, AAJ MERI HAI WOH’ (smirks) till that Angre gives real diamond to Chang and deals get successful after all these drama everybody comes out of that warehouse and Vansh ask Riddhima to sit in his car after that that warehouse gets blast and police comes there to arrest Kabir. Then Kabir ask police on which basis they are arresting him so police shows him the video where he revealed all his truth in front of Riddhima near pool area when Vansh fell from cliff. Kabir gets shock to see that footage and tells Vansh that he’ll not leave him. After that Vansh sits in car and Riddhima ask him that from where he got that footage so Vansh says that he always keeps his enemies near him but now was becoming danger for his family and even Riddhima so it was unsafe to keep him in mansion and if he threw him out of mansion so he can attack from anywhere that’s why he thought that it’s better that he should go to jail but there were no proofs against him so he thought when he fell from cliff may be at that time period Kabir may be did a mistake so that he can get some proof so he ask Angre to check cctv footage of that month and Vansh gets this footage in which Kabir himself revealed his truth which was enough to arrest him’. After this Riddhima ask Vansh to leave his illegal business to which Vansh agrees and also accepts his child.
When they reaches home Vansh gives Riddhima a fenugreek/methi laddoo to eat to which Riddhima says, ‘how do you know that it’s good for health during pregnancy?’ To which Vansh replies ‘Even I have red Do’s and Don’ts of pregnancy’
Riddhima keeps staring him so to distract her he kisses her on her lips.
The End
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