Hey guys….
Manik comes back to Arete common room and sat on the couch beside tensed and on the verge of crying Navya… Alan and Alex feel bad for Navya… Other students there are passing her weird looks…
A student “Hey Manik what happened to her?”
Manik “Oh nothing just a small argument with Cabir…. It will be sorted out soon… Don’t worry you guys…”
They smile being convinced and leave from there…
Manik (hugging Navya and consoling her by patting her head) “Navya plz control… see I talked to Mom and Professor Murthy… She allowed you and Cabir here for today as well… You have to be strong… Let others come and then we will have a confrontation… Together…”
Navya (still sobbing but a little composed and sitting straight) “Thanks Manik… You are a really good friend…”
Manik (trying to make her smile) “Of course… And after all,you are my would be sister in law… I have to take care of you!! I don’t want Cabir to hit me coz I didn’t take care of you!!”
Navya chuckles amongst tears… Manik also smiles… The Arete common room opens and Mukbir along with Nick and Richie enter… The situation is same they were confused…
ManYa stand up looking at them…
Nanbhi are back at the entrance to Hecate… They now need another sacrifice…
Abhi “Nandu plzz you do it again … I can’t think of anything for now! My mind is full of questions and I don’t want to sacrifice something for which I would regret later…”
Nandini nods thinking…
The ghosts whisper…
Richard “What do you think? Which bad habit of her she will sacrifice this time??”
Jonas “As far as I studied her, she will again play word twisting…”
Richard “Oh yaa..!! I forgot!! She is the great prankster Nandini Murthy!!”
Jonas (looking at a smirking Nandini) “Ah! The devil landed in her!! The show is on!! Grab a popcorn bucket!!”
Richard gives him a ‘are you kidding me’ look… But then he follows his gaze and understands why he said that… There Nandini was standing there with her signature devil smirk!!
She moves forward and points up her wand looking at the door…
Others looks at him out of curiosity…
Nandini “I, Nandini Murthy,Daughter of Professor Ansh Murthy and Professor Mansi Murthy,and Granddaughter of Principal Vanshika Murthy sacrifice my bad habit of leaving the very much awesome chances, offered to me by my destiny in return of my goodness to punish the ones who tried to do bad to me and the people for whom I care… I promise to punish each one of them..!!”
Abhi (shocked) “Nandu!!! What you did!!! Why???”
Nandini “No bhai… This was important… Else we would have been deviated from our mission… Now at least from the fear of torcher,we will complete our mission and save everyone… Without any hindrance…”
Abhi “No Nandu… You shouldn’t have done this!! I don’t get good feeling about this…”
The door opens… They all step inside Hecate and the door closes… They all head towards Arete common room…
As they enter the room,they see the other four people sitting in silence… The ghosts are also silent… Nanbhi also sit on the couch silently beside their partners… Richard and Jonas join the ghosts…
Richard “We should leave now else Senior Murthy will doubt why we were missing…”
The other ghosts nod… They all turn to leave when Manik stops them…
Manik “Richard (they all look at him) thank you so much for helping us out… This would have been impossible without you all!!”
SSS look at the ghosts and nod approvingly…
Richard (smiling) “Anything for Hecate and it’s safety… After all we are also the loyal ones of this college… Though dead! And don’t worry… This mission Tri-Mystery will be a only among us… No other person will come to know about this… At least from our side… And I can assure you of that…”
Nandini “Thanks Richard and all of you… You guys are really great…”
Richie “We would love to help you all for other occasions as well… Just take our names and we will be there…”
The other ghosts nod… SSS smile at them nodding and the ghosts leave…
Mukbhi hug each other… He kisses Mukti’s forehead and cups her face…
Abhi “Are you alright??”
Mukti nods approvingly…
There Navya hugs Cabir… He reciprocates…
Manik looks towards Nandini but she is deliberately avoiding his gaze and looking other side… She knows the moment she will look at him, he will read her mind and will get to know everything going on in her head…
Manik senses her deliberate avoidance… He is about to question her but Abhi’s voice divert him…
Abhi “So… All are successful??”
They all nod…
Navya “Let me start first… It’s important… But not here… The others are passing and it’s not safe for us to discuss this in the common room…”
Mukti “Let’s go to our room… No one comes there… I mean we don’t allow anyone so no one even tries…”
They all nod and move to Nandini and Mukti’s room… They bolt the door from inside… They sit making a circle…
Nandini is avoiding Manik… He is noticing it…
Navya takes out the form and keeps in the middle…
Nandini picks them up and looks at them…
Nandini “Our forms!!! You guys got it!! Why was it hidden???”
Manik “Study the form carefully… You will understand…”
Nandini looks carefully at the forms… She studies and gets the hint… She then looks at Mukbhi’s form… She gets shocked…
Mukti “What happened Nandu??”
Nandini “bhai… (She looks at Mukbhi… Her eyes widened) They know about you both!! (Mukbhi look on questioningly) our parents bhai!! They know about you both being an Animagi!! Your form’s speciality column is filled up…. And it’s written there!! ANIMAGI SNAKE/EAGLE!!!”
Mukbhi “What!!!!”
Navya “Not only this!! We six are the only ones presently on Hecate whose speciality column is filled… That’s the reason why our forms were kept aside with extra security!!”
Nandini still going through the forms almost shouts:OH MY GOD…(all look at her)…bhai… Navu…look at my form…Amms, dad and mom all three of them knew that I could do magic with my eyes and also that I am a pyromaniac…(all were shocked)…and also Mukti once look at Manik’s form…
Mukti takes Manik’s form and is shocked:MY GOD…Manik its written that u can also do magic with eyes and are a Cryonic…but what’s that…
Cabir:it means Manik can turn things into ice…
Manik just nods…than jerks: what I knew that I am cryonic but…not this…
Mukbir look at each other tensedly for they know the danger… But Cabir asks her to be quite for now… She nods…
Abhi “But with whom do we have danger??”
Manik “We will find that out but tell me what you his found out from the passage??”
Nandini (without looking at him) “We reached Knock-turn alley… (Manik looks at her) And… We got to know many things… And that Professor Malhotra used to frequently visit that alley… Infact he was there even on that day when we were attacked…”
Manik makes a tight fist… Nandini notices it…
Abhi “He went to meet there someone in a hotel… That man used to stay there till the day you both were attacked and then he emptied the place… He stayed there for 17 years!!”
This came as a shock to everyone except Nanbhi,for they already knew it…
Manik “It’s all clear… I was always right about him!! He is still the same!! 17 years before also and today also!! Nothing has changed… Look Mukti and Cabir!! You both always used to advocate him?? Now tell me!!”
Mukti “Manik!! What are you saying?? Have you lost your mind??”
Manik (standing up to leave) “No Mukti!! I was right… Infact I am sure that he was the one who attacked us that day!! He knew I know his truth and can expose him any day… So he tried to finish me… I can leave him for that but he dared to harm Nandini!! And I cannot forgive him for that!!! I want an answer from him!!!”
Mukti (stopping him) “Manik!! Wait before you act!! You are saying and doing anything in anger!!! How can you say that about him!! For God’s sake!! He is our Dad!! Even yours!! Why will he harm you and how can you say that!!???”
Manik (anger raising in him) “No Mukti… I am sure!! That’s why he and that attacker weren’t located at the same time… When he realized that we will expose him as the Pixies were out of his control,then he came there as a saviour and bingo!! The attacker was vanished exactly at that time!! Where was he all the time?? I need my answers now… He has to answer me!! How dare he!!!”
He jerks his hand and moves to door but feels a pull… He turns around to see Nandini holding his arm and for the first time after their return, looking at him into his eyes… Before he could read them, Nandini speaks…
Nandini “Sit!! I was just checking how you will react knowing the half thing.. that’s why I asked bhai to tell only about Professor Malhotra … And I guessed right… (Manik looks at her and then at Abhi… Abhi nods) Now sit!!! (Manik stands there adamant) SIT I SAID!!!”
Now that was an order!! No one was daring enough to deny Nandini Murthy’s order…
He goes to sit… Nandini also sits beside him… Again not looking at him… This thing was irritating Manik even more…
Nandini “Our parents used to visit that alley frequently and used to meet that person… So Professor Malhotra was not the only one… My Mom,Dad,Amms and even V.P. Malhotra used to go there!! You are so impulsive that you lose the sense of righteousness and judgment in your anger!! Can’t you understand the situation??”
Manik (cupping her face and making her look at him) “Nandini!! (She removes his hand and again avoids his gaze… Manik is irked now) Look at me right now… It’s enough… I know you don’t want me to read your mind… I won’t! Happy now… Look!! ( She looks at him) You Don’t know him!! He is a devil! A demon! He can do anything for his shellfish motive!! I can forget what he did to me but he dared harm you!! And he has to answer it!”
Nandini “Manik… What has happened between you and your father that you hate him so much that you are not ready to see his good side? That you are ready to blame him for everything?? That you can’t trust him??”
Manik is shocked with her question… He never knew this was coming his way…He looks at Cabir who is also looking at him eagerly… Cabir is also unaware of the bitter truth of his father… The one whom he considers his hero!! He gets up tightening his fist and closing his eyes turning around… Not wanting to face anyone…
Nandini was all time looking at him and following his gaze… First at Mukti… She knew what she must be thinking… It was normal and then at Cabir!! Did Cabir knew it?? No… Coz he also had the same kind of questioning expression on his face like others in the room except Manik and Mukti… This time Manik stood up to avoid her gaze…
Manik “Nandini, this is not the right time to discuss all this!! We are here discussing something really important and this is no way related to that…”
Nandini (standing up behind him) “Yes, it is the right time!! And it is connected to everything!! Every single thing is connected to us and this mission… (She turns him and makes him look at her by cupping his face… She holds his one hand and keeps it on her head… Manik looks on Stunned!!) You have my swear Manik!! I want to know everything…”
Manik looks at her… Mukti comes to stand beside him and holds him by his shoulder… The siblings look at each other… They both nod…
Manan and Mukti sit at their places…
Manik “He– he is the one who killed Cabir’s parents…”
Abhi”but how is it possible…Cabir is your sibling…”
Cabir was not able to believe that Raj and Nyonika were not his parents…
Cabir in broken voice ” than who are my parents..”
Mukti “only Manik have seen them…”
Manik “Navya… plzzz pass me the photo…”
Navya nods and gives him…
Manik went in front of Cabir and pointed towards Ram and Sujata “they are your parents…Ram and Sujata Thakur..”
All look at him and the photo shocked…Mukbir are equally shocked…!! They look at each other stunned… Mukti is about to interrupt but Cabir stops her… she nods…
Mukti “Manik!! Do you know what are you saying??? We told you before also…he is not”
Manik “I know you won’t believe me… 13 years ago–”
Little Manik is hiding under the bed along with unconscious Mukti and Cabir….all of them injured. ..and were hiding from death eaters… The death eaters are all masked… None of the faces are visible… They all are in a similar black silhouetted hoodie… The door opens and a pair of feet enter the room… Manik hears doesn’t see the face… He only heard a strong voice…
A male voice “Where is the boy??? Can’t you do a single thing?? Off now everybody!! I will myself find him and get what I want!!”
The other feets vanish in a second and only a male feet is searching… The feet comes towards the bed… Manik gets worried… He tries to wake up Mukti and Cabir silently by shaking them vigorously but they are unconscious…
Suddenly the feet stop near the bed… He bends down suddenly and looks at Manik evilly… They are looking into each other’s eyes… His face is covered just like the others… So he didn’t know who it was but he read his eyes… And through eyes,his mind… They said
“Finally I found you… Now no one can save you… Say goodbye to this world..
Manik scared as he the masked wizard laughs hysterically after thinking that… He catches hold of Manik’s collar and dargs him out from under the bed… He makes him stand and then throws him on the floor… Little Manik is scared… He sees the evil wizard pointing his wand at him… His vision is getting blurred due to hypertension… He is getting weak in his knees… He glances out of the door for some help but he gets none… He collapses on the floor… He is struggling to keep his eyes open… Only one thing escapes his mouth while looking out of the door…
Manik (faintly) “Save me Dad..!!”
Then he hears a shout… He looks in the direction,still struggling to keep his eyes opened… The attacker wizard is also looking in that direction…
Sujata comes in his view… He gets relieved that she is here to save him… He calls her out but his voice is too feeble owing to his condition…
Manik “Sujata Aunty..!!”
But she is not coming to him… She is running away from someone but whom… And the he gets the shock of his life… Which changed him forever… Raj is following her… With the most dangerous look ever on his face…
Manik doesn’t believe that he is attacking Sujata…
Sujata (requesting him) “No…!!! Don’t do this…!! I am sorry for whatever I did..!!! No plz!!! Don’t do this!!!”
Raj (his anger at it’s peak) “Do I look like a fool to spare you… I won’t let you ruin things… I WON’T!!!!”
Manik couldn’t take another shock and faints… He didn’t see what happened next…
After sometime he gains his consciousness… He recalls whatever happened and gets scared… He opens his eyes to tell everyone whatever happened… Specially Cabir… His father was attacking his mother..!! He felt himself to be his culprit… All because of his father but the scene in front of him stopped him…
A six year old Cabir is crying unstoppably and Raj is holding him in his lap and stopping him… Nyonika is also caressing his head and Mukti is standing beside him sad…
Manik is confused… He then hears Cabir speak…
Cabir (sobbing) “Mom Dad!!! They left me!! They went away from me… Leaving me alone!!! Forever!!! They are not with us anymore…!! They aren’t…!!!”
Manik recalls whatever he saw before fainting… He connected the dots…
Manik (monologue) “He killed them!! My Father killed Cabir’s parents!!! He killed them made innocent Cabir an orphan…!! Now he is acting to be all naive and his support system… And my innocent mother and sister are also believing him… No… I have to make them aware of his truth… He is a devil in form of a man!! He don’t deserve to be here… He meant to be in the prison!! He is a killer!! A murderer!!!!!”
He gets down his bed to tell them but again stops in his tracks seeing what they did ahead…
Raj and Nyonika both look at each other and then at Cabir… Then they nod…Nyonika slowly points her wand and replaces Ram and Sujata with Raj and her memories…
Manik is perplexed looking at this… How can he snatch the only support from Cabir’s life!! He is already in trauma and he cannot give him another shock… That would be so unfair to him… But will he live with this secret his whole life?? No..!! Though not Cabir, but his family has the right to know about this cruel man who heartlessly made a six year old kid am orphan!!!
The others notice Manik being conscious… Cabir and Mukti run to him and hug him… He hugs them back and looks with hate at Raj…
Manik “After that,I told Mom and Mukti about him but they didn’t believed me..!! They thought I had misunderstanding… But I didn’t!! No one believed me… And Professor Malhotra was able to continue with his good image… And is still doing so…”
Cabir is all tearful and guilty… He is in his own emotional turmoil… All look at him and feel bad… Except Mukti… For she knows the truth… They both have such distance owning to circumstances and half truth… So much of mess!! Navya hugs Cabir tightly… He hugs her back and tears are rolling down his cheeks…
Mukti is also tearful and looks at Cabir… For the first time, Nandini holda Manik’s hand to calm him down… He instantly hugs her…
Cabir (in mind) “This is not the truth!! They are not dead!! They are alive and fine!! They are the actual bad ones… dad didn’t killed them!! They are very much alive and wanted to kill you!!! Pa just tried to save you that day… I am sure that when today they are attacking you,then they must have attacked you that day as well… Coz they didn’t harmed me… I couldn’t understand why they just made me unconscious… Mukti came there as a matter of chance and got hurt… Now I understand everything… This is all because of me and my parents… You and Pa have so much distance between you that you hate him to this extent and are not ready to believe him!! How will I ever forgive myself??”
Nandini “Manik… You see… You are again believing the half truth… You fainted after that!! You didn’t know what happened after you fainted… Then how can you judge your Dad just by half truth??”
Manik (moving away from her getting up and looking at her accusingly) “I knew it… I knew that you won’t believe me… But I am stupid… I thought you love me and would trust me… But no… You are still taking his side even after knowing his truth…!!”
Nandini (moving to him and trying to cup his face but he shoves her hand away… Nandini feels bad) “I am not taking anyone’s side… And this is not the whole truth… You didn’t even gave a chance to explain himself to your Dad!! You directly jumped upon a conclusion… Manik,I believe you,I trust you that whatever you are saying is truth… But this is also a fact that it’s half truth… For none of us know what happened there after…”
Manik “Why are you trying to ruin our relationship because of Professor Malhotra!! U trust that murderer and not me!! Well if you don’t trust me then there’s no use of us being in this relationship!! For there’s no relationship without trust… And you don’t trust me!! So better end it directly..!!”
Nandini is shocked… Now tears start coming from her eyes… She wants to speak but words are not coming out of her mouth… Instead she is sobbing… She turns around her face and sits on the bed crying turning away from him…
Manik realizes what he spoke in rage… He regrets it but is not ready to admit it in his anger and hate for Raj…
All are shocked at this sudden turn of event… They didn’t see this coming…
Mukti “Manik!!! Have you lost it?? What are you saying??? What’s Nandini’s fault in all this?? Why are you doing this to her?? This is wrong!!!”
Manik “I don’t blame you Mukti… You didn’t trust me 13 years ago as well then how will you do it now…”
Abhi (getting angry) “Manik… I thought you are sensible but what you said just now broke my belief about you!! You are speaking anything in your anger!! What’s Nandu’s fault that you are ending your relationship with her?? It is 100% possible that she is saying the truth and that we all know just half truth…!!”
Manik “I know Abhi… You will support her… She is your little sister after all!! You can’t see her in tears…”
Cabir (thinking now to intervene else Manik will spoil his more relations because of his parents) “STOP MANIK!! Abhi, Nandini, Mukti all are saying the truth!! Pa didn’t killed mom and dad!!!”
All except Mukti look at him in shock…
Manik “Cabir!!!??? You are saying this?? Even after knowing the Truth?? Professor Malhotra killed your parents!!! They are no more because of him!!!”
Cabir “They are here and are very much alive!!! Infact they are the ones who tried to kill Abhi and Nandini!!! 13 years ago also and 13 years after as well!!! They are the ones who intruded Hecate!! They are the ones hiding in the Forbidden Forest!!! They are the ones who are conspiring against Hecate!! They are our culprits!!! Not Pa!!! He just tried to save you from them!!! But the circumstances made him evil!! He is not at fault!!! He is the real hero!! He never tried to explain himself and you also didn’t gave him a chance!! He kept quiet and never said a word against my parents even though knowing their reality!! So that I don’t think bad of them… And for me,my sake,he faced hatred of his own son whom he loved the most!! For my happiness,he sacrificed his relationship but never let it get known!!”
Mukti then tells them everything they heard in forbidden forest… Even about the third person but they didn’t paid much heed to it for now… Right now,their main focus were Thakurs and Raj…
All are shocked… Cabir his crying hiding his face in his palms… Manik is frozen!! He is shocked at the Revelation!!
He feels groundless beneath his feet and stumbles… He sits on the ground all lost in flashback… What all he did, how badly he behaved, how he never left any chance to showcase his hatred… All these 13 years, how he humiliated his own father with those filthy words and blamed him of the crime which he never committed… But his Father never spoke a word in his defense… He drank all the humiliation and hate quietly… He never retorted his taunts… How much it would have hurted him listening those words from his most beloved son… It must have felt like numerous stabs in his heart but he never uttered a word and listened to all of them quietly…
Manik was feeling a pain in his heart… Those words he spoke for 13 long years, whose pain his father bore everyday one by one, he is feeling it together… And it is giving him the worst feeling!! What he did!!! Such a big misunderstand!! Such mistake!! How could he not trust his own Father?? How could he not see his goodness everytime when he saved him from problems even though he spoke ill of him…?? How is he going to face him now?? How can he seek forgiveness from the mouth which spoke so ill words of him?? Will he ever be able to forgive him?? What if after he seeks forgiveness, his Father doesn’t forgive him and hate him like he hated him for 13 years?? His Father was strong and bold enough to bear and live with that hate… But is he that strong?? Will he be able to bear it?? He doesn’t know what will happen in future… But he needs to seek forgiveness… And he will do it!!
Nandini looks at Lakshya amidst tears… She is pained seeing him in pain… She is feeling his inner turmoil,his guilt,his pain,his dilemma… She gets up to go to him and console him by hugging him… But stops in her track recalling what Manik said about them and their relationship… She sits back…
Mukti looks at her and understands… Nandini hugs Abhi unable to see Manik in pain… Abhi consoles her patting her head…
Mukti goes and sits beside Manik… she keeps a hand on his shoulder…
Manik instantly hugs her crying out loud…
Manik “Mukti!! What I did!! He was never at fault!! I did wrong Mukti!! I did wrong!!”
Mukti “I understand Manik… But it wasn’t even your fault… You know just the half truth… Even we all know just half truth… But Manik,first you must apologize… It’s important before things go out of hands… It’s very important…”
Manik nods (parting from him) “Yes Mukti… I will… I have to apologise to many people… (All look at him)Yes… First,I am sorry to all of you… I blamed you all of mistrust in my anger and never paid any heed to you…(Mukti nods and hugs him… Abhi also nods) Cabir… I am sorry… I even tried to blame you but you were going from the similar turmoil…”
Cabir also gets up and hugs him… They part and he signs Manik towards Nandini … Manik recalls what all he said to her and regrets… Manik signs at Abhi… he understands and nods…he parts from Nandini who is hugging him and crying… Manik then signs at Navya… She also nods…
Navya “Guys… We have to know the full truth… And only the professors are capable of answering us… We need to meet them now and together…”
Nandini (wiping her tears and ignoring Manik) “You are right Navu… They have to answer our questions today… Let’s go… We will right away head to VP Malhotra’s cabin and ask her to call everyone in… And then we will ask them together…”
She gets up to go to door but Manik holds her hand… She jerks it at once and proceeds… But Manik is also stubborn… He holds her hand pulls her towards him… She dashes on his chest and looks at him with anger and disappointment… While he returns her gaze with love and apologies…
Mukti “Kids plz close your eyes… This scene is strictly prohibited to watch… Wait for two minutes Manik,we will give you privacy… Just give us time to vacate this room… And bolt the room from inside… Take as much time as you want… We won’t disturb you…”
She closes her eyes with her hands and walks out… Rest follow her out smiling at Manik while he blushes… Nandini is going even more red with anger and blush together… She mentally scolds herself for blushing even when she is angry… Navya again takes the pic with her without anyone’s notice… She also needs her answers…
Manik leaves Nandini and bolts the door… He turns to look at his baby doll who is now an angry bird… Crossing her arms over her chest and not looking at him… Manik gulps seeing her anger but gathers courage…
He goes towards her and stands facing her… She looks at him furiously and turned her face… He gulps…
He again turned Nandini to face him but one glare from her and he stood 2 feets away from her…
Manik “Sit plz…”
Nandini sits at once… Still furious… Manik gulps and sits beside her… Their arms just brushing… He was looking at her but she was not…
One minute passed… Two, Three,Five, Eight, it was now Ten minutes and he hasn’t uttered a word!! Nandini was expecting him to speak something but he was sitting beside her like dumb!
Irritated,she gets up and proceeds towards door…
Manik wanted to apologise to her but as he looked at her to speak,don’t know why his eyes started noticing her, studying her whole body… He was not gazing her lustfully but something in the atmosphere and aloneness in the room and the bolted door and of course not to forget,the bed! Was attracting him towards her… Her round chubby cheeks were flushed red with anger and blush combined,her plump lips were already his favorite dessert,her slowly rising and falling br*asts which were his new area of exploration these days,her thin petite waist which he loved to grab whenever the opportunity permits,her milky white skin which he loved to wet with his kisses and the most important whole Nandini who has become his heartbeat… Wild fantasies started running into his mind like just turning her around and smash his lips on hers, Jumping over her and suck out all her anger while kissing and the most important, make love to her in the most wild possible way as his friends had guaranteed that they won’t disturb them so he was free… But the current situation was not approving any of his ideas… He closed his eyes tightly and gulps again to control his overflowing thoughts… As he opened the eyes, he saw Nandini getting up and going towards the door… He didn’t realized that they were sitting quietly for 10 minutes and she being irritated was going from here…
He ran before her to stop her… He hold her arm and pulls her towards him… He leaves her arm and grabs her by her waist pulling her more close to her…
Nandini “I have understood that you don’t want to say anything… In fact,you have already said more than enough for today… And I am in no mood to listen more!! Leave me…!!”
Manik “No… I won’t!! I won’t ever leave you… (Nandini smirks sarcastically… Manik recalls his words and realizes how much he has hurt her) Nandini,my baby doll plz forgive me… I said all those words in my anger but my inner self knows I never meant any of them!! I am sorry Nandini … Plz don’t leave me… You only said I speak nonsense in my anger… Plz it was one of those nonsense talks which I never meant!! Plz forgive me I am sorry!!! (Nandini looks away and tears start rolling over her cheeks… Manik feels even more bad) Nandini no… Plz don’t cry… It pains my heart seeing tears in your eyes… No baby doll plz don’t cry… I can’t see you crying… I am so sorry I have hurt you so much with my words…. Ok… Hit me, kick me, beat me, punish me, scold me, do anything but plz don’t cry..!! Plz Nan—”
Manik’s face is turned other side before he could complete his words and there was a Burning sensation on his left cheek… It took him five seconds to realize that Nandini had punched him… He looks at her in shock… She is looking at him in anger, still tearful… She punches him again on the same place… Now Manik leaves her waist and puts his hands on his cheeks…
Manik “You took the beating thing seriously???”
Nandini was hell angry on him!! She starts searching for things to beat him… Manik understands and starts moving away from her apologizing loudly…
Manik “Nandini!!! Nandini I am sorry plz… (She throws a book at him… He dodges it) I will get injured!!! (She throws another book… It almost hit his head but he is somehow saved) Oieee mad girl!!! I will get hurt!!!”
Nandini (shouting) “And what about the way you hurt me!!! (She throws another book… He shoves it with his hand) How dare you say those words to me!!! How dare you!! (She throws a paperweight… He catches it and keeps it aside) You Arrogant Brat!!! I will show you now just watch!!!”
She picks up a vase and moves towards him furiously… Manik gets hell scared… He runs all over the room for his life and Nandini was following him like she will kill him today… He gets on the bed the bed… Nandini follows him… He turns to look at her but stumbles… Nandini was just behind him,he grabs her by her waist and they both fall on bed… Nandini on top of him… Manik holds her hand and throws the vase away… He relaxes that at least there would be no blood shed now… He then looks at furious Nandini …
Manik “Nandini plz I am sorry… Plz forgive me… I am really regretting my words and never meant a letter of it… Plz forgive me…”
Nandini “What were you doing sitting silently for ten minutes??”
Manik ” Actually I— ”
He recalls his fantasies but accidentally was looking at Nandini and she read his mind… When he realizes that,it was already late as Nandini had known it and her cheeks were all crimson and her mouth was forming an ‘O’ shape… She starts hitting him with her hands…
Nandini (hitting him) ” You Arrogant lust-stricken brat!! Instead of apologizing you were imagining fantasies with me in this room!!! You wild beast!! How cou–”
Manik holds both her hand and turn over changing their positions and now she was under him… His hot breath fanning her face… She became aware of their proximity and was unable to speak… She is loosing herself in his intimacy…
Manik (kisses her forehead… She closes her eyes) “I am sorry… But you know I can’t resist you… My mind lose sense when you are this close to me!!”
Nandini ” you don’t have a sane mind!”
Manik“I am glad I don’t have…”
She smiles, his heart flutters seeing her smiling…
Manik “Well I know I said next time no where near bed… But I can’t wait more… I am sorry!!”
And he clutches her lips with his!! Biting it and exploring it with his tongue… She also reciprocates to his actions running her hands all over his back and clutching his hairs… While his hands were busy enjoying the new area of exploration…
They part and breath looking at each other with all the love they have for each other…
Nandini “Why are you so obsessed with my br*asts…??”
Manik “I don’t know… They are so soft and attractive… I want to feel them… And… It feels so good to… You know what I mean…”
He winks at her… She blushes… He starts kissing her neck and continues pressing her br*asts… She closes her eyes out of pleasure moaning his name…
Manik “I love you Nandini … Plz forgive me!!”
Nandini “You are forgiven… I love you too!!!”
Outside the SSS are waiting…
Abhi “What doing think?? She is still beating him???”
Cabir “I don’t know… It’s been half an hour… But there’s no sound of screams or shouts… It’s silent…”
Navya “Means Nandu calmed down… Manik is successful!!”
Mukti “And may be doing compensation…”
She winks and they all laugh…Just then they see Nandini and Manik coming down… They are about to tease them but they see Manik hiding behind Nandini and as soon as they reach the stairs leading to his and Abhi’s room,he rushes and vanishes… Nandini gives an awkward smile…
Abhi “What happened to him??”
Nandini “He will come after few minutes…”
Cabir and Navya are blushing as they realize what she means… Mukti elbows Abhi… Her cheeks equally red… Abhi looks at them and realizes… He does hawww and then controls himself… Nandini smiles embarrassedly…
Manik comes to them after 30 minutes… They all look at him…
Cabir and Abhi smile mischievously at him, teasing him while the girls are busy avoiding his gaze… He feels his cheeks getting heated and rushes out of the room to go to Nyonika’s cabin… Rest all follow him giggling except Nandini who is busy blushing herself….
The post Manan:magic is in you (episode 36) appeared first on Telly Updates.
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