Friday, 5 February 2021

Imlie 5th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Aditya Vents Out His Frustration On Malini


Imlie 5th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aparna with Taiji waits for kids to return from school. Imlie drives rickshaw home with kids. Aparna asks whose rickshaw is this and why did she bring it here. Inebriated rickshaw driver enters and says she stole his rickshaw and didn’t even pay her money. Imlie tries to confront him, but Aparna stops her. Taiji pays him money and asks him to go now. He demands more money. Imlie picks alcohol bottle from his pocket and says he drives inebriated, risked her and children’s lives and rammed rickshaw to a car. Aparna and Taiji take her in and lock door. Driver gathers his fellow divers and they all knock door demanding compensation. Adi drives home thinking Malini didn’t even call him once. Tauji and Pankaj hear door knock and ask what is happening. Aparna says rickshaw drivers. Imlie reacts, but they hold her. Pankaj and Tauji walk out. Drivers allege that their family girl stole their friend’s rickshaw and they need compensation. Adi reaches and asks them to behave with elders. They continue to allege. Imlie enters and taking Adi’s phone acts as complaining police and says driver drove rickshaw inebriated and risked her and children’s lives. Drivers police will arrest her instead. She says police will evaluate the issue and then arrest the real culprit. All drives escape fearing arrest. Family praises Imlie. Rupal asks why all problems fall on only her. They all walk in.

Adi asks Imlie to return his phone and asks Sundar to bring him tea as he is having headache seeing all the drama. Taiji gets worried. Aparna says looks like Adi and Malini’s fight hasn’t finished. Sundar takes tea towards Adi’s room when Imlie stops him and forcefully takes tea tray from him. She knocks Adi’s door and keeps tray on table standing outside. Adi says she did a good job today. She starts blabbering continuously as usual and says he gives her a long lecture when he scolds her and finished praising her in just 3 words. He scolds her to stop her drama and bring biscuits for her. She leaves. Malini enters. He thinking her as Imlie if she reached so early. Malini says she came just now and brought balm for him as maa told he is having headache. He says let him work. She asks if he is still angry on her. He says no and continues working. She reminds him that before marriage he promised to discuss their issues if they have any and not hide anything from each other, he is getting irritating so easily instead and not talking to her. He says she is blaming him continuously, but he needs to work and driver himself to office in the morning and not like her to just relax in car’s backseat and reach college. Imlie brings biscuits and hearing their conversation thinks a small spark is turning into fire, she needs to stop their fight somehow.

Sundar is busy grooming himself when Imlie enters. He gets afraid seeing her suddenly. She asks him to write a letter for him as family will identify her handwriting. He hesitates to write and reveals that he is illiterate. She laughs and asks then how did he blabber in English. He says he byhearted in city, but couldn’t learn to read and write. She says so what, he can learn as there is no age limit to learn, she will help him.

Malini asks why is he angry for a silly reason, she didn’t ask mom to send car. Adi says he doesn’t want to stretch the issue. Malini says he was getting late for office and she wanted to go on her own, mom sent her car on time, so what is wrong in it. He says only her mom helps as if nobody cares for her in this house. She asks what is wrong if her mom genuinely wanted to help her. Adi says since 5 years whenever he used to pick her up from home, her mom insisted to take her car, but she never did that and she took her help today. Malini asks why is his ego hurt with such a small issue. Adi continues that he is hurt as she hurt him today by accepting her mom’s offer, her mom always tried to prove that her family status is superior than their family status, his family will never complain, but as a husband he can complain her, etc. Malini sits sadly seeing his changed tone.

Daadi asks Anu to come and have dinner food with her and Dev. Anu says she will have it later. Daadi says she didn’t know Anu and Dev’s fight increased, she just wants to see her children happy being their mother. Anu warns her not to interfere between husband and wife. Malini enters saying she didn’t know her mother is such a big hypocrite, she doesn’t want daadi to interfere, but herself is interfere between her and Adi’s lives. Anu asks what did she do. Malini says she knows that Adi drops her to college, then why did she send her car without informing her. Anu says she is just concerned for her. Malini asks then why she doesn’t want daadi to show her concern. Anu says Tripathi family’s interferioty complex is making her fight against her mother. Malini says her in-laws are good and didn’t question her, else others would have created an issue. Anu continues shouting. Malini says Adi is nothing speaking to her because of her and cries hugging her. Daadi asks them to stop crying and asks Malini to return to Adi, speak to him and solve their issues. Dev enters and asks Malini when did she come and how is she. Malini says she is fine. He asks how is Imlie. Anu gets angry and shouts Daadi wants her to reconcile with a man who is worried for a maid more than his own daughter, he is tensed as he couldn’t meet maid today. Malini asks her to calm down. Anu says she will not and continues shouting.

Precap: Adi apologizes Imlie for getting angry on her and says she kept her words so easily, now nobody will come between them. He hugs her.

Update Credit to: MA

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