Friday 26 February 2021

Friendship turned into a love story #Riansh Episode 34


The episode starts with Angre sitting on a far area thinking about the disaster that has happened because of Aryan’s reentry.
Kabir has observed Angre’s loneliness.
So he came to Angre to share with him the doubts that he is feeling it after Aryan’s reentry.
Kabir: What makes my best friend that annoyed and isn’t concentrating about anything?
Angre: Of course it is the same thing that is also disturbing you Kabir. Actually, this thing is disturbing all of us especially Vansh and Riddhima.
Kabir: Aryan’s reentry has shocked all of us Angre.
Angre: I’m sure that this stupid Aryan is planning a huge plan. I’m sure that he is coming to destroy Vansh and Riddhima.
Kabir has seated beside Angre.
Kabir: Angre, I feel that Aryan is the one who was trying to destroy Vansh’s business and now he is turning to destroy Vansh’s personal matter and of course he will not leave Vansh and Riddhima get married to each other that easy. Actually, his motive was really clear when he has came to Vansh and Riddhima’s engagement ceremony. I’m sure that he is the one who was behind the gas vapor problem.
Angre: This is exactly what Vansh is believing. But I still can’t imagine that Aryan could do all this stuff alone.
Kabir: Of course Sejal is with him as she is the one who made him entered Vansh and Riddhima’s lives once again and she was supporting him so much.
Angre: No Kabir. I feel that Sejal is just a pawn in Aryan’s plan. I’m sure that Aryan is just using Sejal to destroy Vansh with her as I still know how Sejal loves Vansh so much so she would never want to destroy her own brother. I feel that there is another person who is helping Aryan and we must to know that person and expose that person in front of Vansh.
Kabir’s doubts about Siya starts to increase.
He starts to be sure that Siya is the one who is helping Aryan in destroying Vansh and Riddhima.
Kabir to himself: Now I became sure that Siya is with Aryan and she is a very evil and cunning girl. She isn’t just hating Riddhima, but she is also hating her own cousin and she wants to destroy him. I just must to collect a very strong proofs against her before I could say anything to Vansh as at the end she is his cousin and of course he will not believe that she could do a very cheap thing like that without a proof. So I must to stay silent and investigate more widely so I could expose that Siya very soon.
Angre: Hey hey hey! Where you have gone Kabir?! I can observe that you know who is the person that is joining hands with Aryan.
Kabir: It is just doubts Angre and I can’t say anything without getting a strong proof, but don’t worry Angre as very soon I will reach to the whole truth.
Angre: We must now concentrate in exposing Aryan in front of Sejal by getting a strong proofs against him and catching the jean that he has included him in Vansh’s team to destroy him with it.
Ragini: Yes Angre you are right. We must to do that very fast.
Angre and Kabir have got surprised finding Ragini and Ishani in front of them.
Ishani: That Aryan will never be saved from me as he is wanting to destroy my both siblings’ lives and I will not allow him to do that.
Angre: We must to be very alert guys. We must to protect the ones who are very close to us which are Vansh and Riddhima. We must to not make that Aryan succeed in causing any other problems in Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage rituals.
Ishani: Yes. We must to be sure that Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage will go fluently without any problems.
Ragini: We must to forbid Aryan from succeeding in his evil plan.
Kabir: We must all work together to be sure that Vansh and Riddhima’s happiness will not be attacked from that Aryan.
Angre: We must all to work together to expose that Aryan in front of Sejal and kick him out from our lives forever.
Kabir: I will do my best to investigate very well about that Aryan so I could help you Angre you and your men to catch that jean and put Aryan in the place that he deserves it and this time he will not be able to get out till the end of his life.
Ragini: While Ishani and I will work together to make Sejal knows Aryan’s motive and we will work all together to forbid Aryan from causing any problems during the upcoming rituals of Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage rituals.
Ishani has offered her hand to make them all put their hands above her hand.
Ishani: So do we are all together to catch and expose that Aryan and protect Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage and lives by forbidding that Aryan from succeeding in his plans.
Ragini, Angre, and Kabir have putted their hands above Ishani’s hand.
Angre, Kabir, and Ragini at the same time: Of course we are together in exposing that idiot.
The 4 of them were looking at each other and they were smiling.
Kabir: That stupid Aryan will not be saved from us as he doesn’t know what is preparing for him.
At the same time, Aryan was curing his wounds while he was very angry.
Aryan to himself: I will never leave you Vansh. Regardless that you have beaten me very hard, but I’m still happy that my plan is going in the way that I want it as the hurt and pain was obvious on your eyes Vansh. I’m sure that my words will disturb you a lot and it will never make you live your life peacefully. Just wait Vansh as your jealousy will increase more and more every time you will see me in front of you. I’m sure that the doubts inside you will increase and you will not be able to marry your Riddhima at all. Just wait and watch Vansh Rai Singhania.
At VR mansion, Kabir and Ishani have left Ragini and Angre alone to see Vansh and Riddhima.
Angre was staring at Ragini very much.
Ragini got shy from the way Angre was staring at her with it.
Ragini: Hold on. Why you are staring at me that much?!
Angre: I’m wondering how a girl could be that beautiful like that as you look super gorgeous today Ragini. I don’t know how I didn’t have said that to you from the beginning of the ceremony?! I’m sure that I have a delay in response as how I could wait for all of that time without admiring your beauty Ragini?! I’m really an idiot! Anyway, thank God that I have finally discovered my delay as some people have said..

Angre and Ragini at the same: to reach late is better than never reaching at all.

Angre was staring at Ragini after she has said with him exactly the same thing.

He comes near her.
Then he holds her hand very tightly.

Angre: We are very similar in a lot of things Ragini, but the only difference between us that I’m not beautiful like you my moon.

Ragini was smiling after Angre has said those words.
Ragini was very happy while listening to Angre’s words.
She got more happy when Angre holds her hand.
She was very shy, but she was still very happy.
Ragini to himself: I can feel your love towards me Angre. I can feel the love feelings that you are owing it to me and you haven’t confessed it to me till now. I’m sure that very soon our friendship will turn into something huge.
She removes her hand from Angre’s hand in a shy way.
She left him for a minute.
Then she came with a plate of food.
Ragini: I know that you are really careless Angre and you haven’t eaten any food. You were just caring about everyone around you and you have totally forgotten yourself. So that’s why I have gotten this plate to make you eat it and be sure that you will not be careless to yourself in that way.
Ragini didn’t give to Angre the chance to say any word as she starts feeding him the food.
Angre was eating the food while he was staring at Ragini.
He was feeling her love and care towards him.
He was feeling very happy while he was near Ragini and noticing how she cares about him.
Ragini was feeding Angre while they were both having a romantic moment together.
Afterwards, Riddhima along with Chanchel and Kabir were going to leave VR mansion.
Chanchel: We must to leave now and we will come tomorrow early to prepare for the music ceremony.
Vansh has came to stop them.
Vansh: None of you will leave VR mansion Chanchel aunt as you all will stay here during all the marriage rituals so we could all enjoy all the rituals from its beginning. By the way, not only you aunt along with Kabir and Riddhima who will stay at VR mansion during my marriage rituals with Riddhima but also Angre and Ragini will stay at VR mansion as I want all the close people to Riddhima and I to be all with us and not leave us during those special moments.
Dadi: Yes guys Vansh is right. So I hope that none of you could mind about staying at VR mansion.
Chanchel, Kabir, and Riddhima have looked at each other.
They weren’t having anything that could make them refuse.
Kabir: Okay Vansh we will stay here until you get married to Riddhima and we could give you our precious diamond.
Riddhima: What about you Ragini and Angre? As of course it will be a very great thing if you both agreed in staying here so we could all of us enjoy our time together during my marriage rituals with Vansh.
Angre: If Ragini will stay here, I also will stay.
Ragini: If Angre will not mind in staying at VR mansion so of course I will also not mind in staying here with Angre in any place.
Angre and Ragini were staring at each other.
While Riddhima and Vansh were looking at them and they were smiling.
Riddhima: Oh! How sweet?!
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! I can observe that there is something happening from the back of the gang!
Kabir: I feel that Angre starts to be changed a lot and he starts to hide things from us Vansh and Riddhima.
Riddhima: Don’t worry Kabir as we will not leave Angre without knowing everything from him and of course I will also know everything from Ragini as she is my beat friend and she will never hide anything from me, right Ragini?
Ragini and Angre were looking at each other without saying a word.
Ragini was very shy so she didn’t respond to them.
Ishani: Leave them guys and don’t irritate them. Actually, I’m sure that everything will be cleared during Vansh and Riddhima’s marriage as nothing will be able to be hided for a long time. So Angre and Ragini will be caught very soon!
They start all laughing after Ishani has finished her words.
Afterwards, everyone left to go to sleep.
At a place filled with a lot of decorations, Vansh was running after Riddhima to reach to her before she could leave with a guy who Vansh wasn’t seeing his face.
Then he got succeeded in reaching to her.
Vansh: Riddhima, where are you going? It is our marriage rituals so how you could leave me that easy Riddhima?!
Riddhima wasn’t answering him.
She was just looking at the man that was beside her.
That man appears to be Aryan.
Vansh got shocked seeing Aryan with Riddhima.
Vansh: Do you will leave me for that cheap guy?! Do you will leave me after all that love that is between us?! Please Riddhima tell me that this is just a prank. Don’t tell me that you will really leave me!
Riddhima: I’m sorry Vansh, but he is my first love and I will can’t forget my feeling that I was owing it to him.
Riddhima has said those words and she left Vansh while holding Aryan’s hand.
At that moment, Vansh has waked up.
He was sweating very much.
He has shouted with Riddhima’s name after he has immediately waked up.
Vansh: Riddhimaaaaaaaaaa.
Vansh wasn’t believing that was happening was just a dream.
Vansh to himself: Thank God that it was just a dream. Thank God that I have waked up from that nightmare. It was the worst dream ever. I would never allow this dream to come true. I must to expose that Aryan and get rid of him very soon. I can’t live in that stress, I can’t enjoy my time with Riddhima if that Aryan is still around us. I have to be very quickly as I can’t tolerate to dream another dream like that once again. My Riddhima will always mine and no one will take her from me.
He gets out from his room.
Then he went to stand at the hale of the house’s balcony.
He was trying to breath a fresh air so he could relax and forget what he has dreamed of it from awhile.
While Vansh was trying to forget this nightmare, Riddhima wasn’t able to sleep.
Riddhima to herself: Why I feel that Vansh needs me and he isn’t feeling good?! I must to search about him to be sure the he is fine.
Riddhima starts searching about Vansh.
Then she finds him at the balcony.
She comes near him.
Then she has putted her hand above Vansh’s shoulder.
Riddhima( in a caring tone): Vansh are you fine?
Vansh got relaxed when he has heard Riddhima’s voice.
He turns to her.
Then he immediately thrown himself in her arms.
He was hugging her very tightly.
Riddhima was feeling Vansh’s worry.
So she was hugging him very hardly to comfort him.
Vansh: Thank God that you have came to me Riddhima. I was needing you so much. I was really needing your hug very much. I was just needing to feel your presence sweetheart.
Riddhima: I felt that you need me Vansh so that’s why I have immediately came to you. Please calm down Mr. organizer as I’m with you and I will never leave you. I’m your Riddhu and I will always be your Riddhu. No one will take me from you so please relax.
Vansh gets out from Riddhima’s arms.
He was looking at her in a surprising way.

He was surprised from how she has known the reason behind his worry without even saying a word.
Riddhima: Don’t look at me in that surprise way as I could know everything you are feeling it right now Vansh. I know that you are worried from what that stupid Aryan has said and done. I know that you aren’t forgetting what he has said to you. I know that what you have heard from him is disturbing you a lot and making you very worried. I know the confusion that is inside you, but I promise you Vansh that all your doubts will never happen. I promise you that I will always be yours and no one will take me from you Vansh. Riddhima is for Vansh and she will always be for Vansh, only Vansh.
She hugged him very tightly to comfort him.
Vansh was feeling very relaxed while he was hugging Riddhima and making her that close to him.
He was putting his hands around Riddhima’s head.
Then he whispered at her ear.
Vansh: Thank you so much sweetheart for coming to me at the right time. Thank you that you have came to me when I was needing you so much. Thank you for comforting me and calming me down. Thank you for removing all the doubts and the confusion that were inside me. Now I could defeat that Aryan with a huge courage. I could defeat him and I’m sure that my sweetheart will be supporting me and being with me. I love you sweetheart.
After he finished his words, he kissed her in her cheek.
Then they have seated on the floor on a side of the balcony’s side.
Vansh made Riddhima sits on his lap.
Then he starts playing with her hair.
While Riddhima was putting her hand on Vansh’s face in a very romantic way.
Riddhima: I love you Vansh and I will always love you my fiance.
She looked at her engagement ring.
Then she kissed the ring.
Vansh was smiling while seeing what Riddhima is doing.
So he holds her hands and kissed her hands.
Then they have hugged each other very tightly.
They were feeling very relaxed in each other’s arms.
Each one of them has forgotten anything has disturbed him and her after they have hugged each other.
They were feeling very comfortable when they were hugging each other so they have felt asleep.
They were sleeping comfortably and peacefully in each other’s arms.
At morning, Vansh and Riddhima were still sleeping in each other’s arms.
Then Vansh has waked up before Riddhima.
He was staring at her very much while he was smiling.
Vansh to himself: You look like an innocent child while sleeping sweetheart. Your cuteness makes me aren’t able to remove my eyes from you. I’m super excited for today’s ceremony Riddhu as today is our music ceremony and I’m sure that it will be very special and unique. I promise you that this time I will not make that Aryan disturb us like what he has done yesterday as I have prepared to him a surprise that will forbids him from coming to our music ceremony so we could celebrate this ceremony peacefully. I promise you Riddhima that nothing could forbids this marriage to happen. Nothing will forbids us from uniting and being together forever.
He kissed her in her cheek after he has finished his words.
Vansh to himself: Just wait Aryan for what Vansh Rai Singhania has prepared it for you.
Precap: A person has putted a gunpowder in Riddhima’s deputta.
At the music ceremony, Riddhima dances with Vansh while her deputta was getting very close to catch the fire of a candle near her.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it. Thank you so much guys for showering me with all of yours love and support. I really want to thank you all for making me have succeeded in reaching to my target on the previous episode. So here is the new episode and I hope that you all have liked it and enjoyed it. So please tell me your opinion, guesses, and suggestions on the comments. I hope that you all always help me in reaching to my target. I hope that you all could make me reach to my target on this episode. My target is the same. My target is to reach to 25 comments( excluding my comments). I hope that you all could make me reach to this target so I could be encouraged to update the next episode. The next episode will be published depending on all of yours respond. So the upcoming episode will be published when you all could make me reach to my target. So I hope that you all could make me succeed in reaching to my target so I could update the next episode daily. I know that you are all very supporters and you all will help me in reaching to my target. Please guys keep supporting me the way you are doing. So please don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

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