Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #24


Hello Everyone!!

What’s happening?

The episode starts as…..

At 07:00pm in RR house,

Ishani: How come are you here?

Kabir: Yaa! At this hour?

Riddhima: Actually, I was passing by and then Ragini was outside the house so she called me in.

Sia: Strange, you were passing by in the night dress. Moreover, you and Ragini didn’t even speak too much when we met.

Vansh sensed Riddhima’s discomfort with the questions raised by Sia, Kabir and Ishani.

Vansh: Guys, didn’t y’all come here to meet Ragini? Why are y’all questioning Riddhima? Let’s just go in!

Kabir, Sia and Ishani walked in while Vansh looked at Riddhima who had a relieved face. She mouthed, “Thank you” and followed them. All of them sat in the living room.

Ishani(concern): How are you Ragini? Are you fine? Do you need something?

Ragini: I am fine!

Ishani: Don’t lie, if you were fine then why didn’t you come to watch movie with us?

Ragini: I was just not interested.

Kabir: You being uninterested in movies is like ‘Daya Tapu ke Papa Gada’ being uninterested in Garba.(😂).

Sia: Shut up Kabir!

Kabir: Whatever!

Ragini: Guys, I’m all fine just some headache.

Kabir: And where is that stupid sister of yours? You are having headache and she must have gone out to party!

Ragini and Riddhima looked at eachother uncomfortably.

Ragini: She’s gone to get medicines from the pharmacy.

Riddhima: Yaa! I entered and she left.

Vansh: Okay!

Ragini(thinks): Does Vansh not care at all? He didn’t even bother to ask me once if I am good. If he didn’t want to know then why did he come?

Riddhima gets a message on her phone from Aryan.

Aryan(on message): Hey Riddhu, actually Sejal, me and Rishi are coming at your place now. You didn’t tell me anything about Ragini so now when we come you won’t be able to deny. We’ll reach in 5minutes.

Riddhima showed the message to Ragini, who was sitting beside her.

Ragini(thinks): Damnnn! If they come now, then what are we supposed to say to these Raisinghania’s who popped up?

Ishani noticed the nervousness between Riddhima and Ragini after seeing something in the phone.

Ishani: Why are y’all worried? Any issues?

Riddhima: No!

Ishani: There’s something in the phone.

Ishani snatched the phone from Riddhima’s hand while Riddhima and Ragini had shut their eyes tightly waiting for Ishani’s reaction but when there was no reaction, they opened their eyes. Ishani was blank.

Riddhima: What happened?

Ishani: Your phone got shut and I don’t know the password.

Riddhima and Ragini were relieved.

Ragini: There was nothing serious. Just relax.

Kabir: Ishani, maybe you are overreacting. Just return the phone.

Ishani gave the phone back to Riddhima.

Vansh(thinks): What was there in the phone? Why are they worried? Is it something serious? Ofcourse there is! They lied to the three, I know! But why? Why isn’t Riddhima telling me anything? Are there any issues? I don’t like it when she keeps this nervous face on. I like the smiling face. Her smile makes me feel happier. And if there are issues then shouldn’t she be saying that to me. What are friends for? To hide things?

The door bell rang. Riddhima and Ragini were little nervous but Riddhima went and opened the door. It was Aryan, Sejal and Rishi. They without greeting her walked inside the house. And it was a surprise for all to see the trio here.

Aryan: What are y’all doing here?

Ishani: Shouldn’t this question be asked by us?

Aryan: Then ask!

Ishani: What are y’all doing here?

Aryan: We…(thinks) Where did I land myself? What was the point of saying, “Then ask!” And now that she asked, what should I answer. They don’t know that Riddhima and Ragini are siblings. Now what should I answer?

Ishani(loudly): Mr. Dreamland….. Answer fast!!! What are you doing here?

Riddhima: I called them.

Kabir: You?

Sejal: Yes! She said that Ragini isn’t well.

Kabir: Okayyy…….. And how did y’all get the address?

Ragini: Ahhhh!!!!! (Holding her forehead)

Everyone worried. Ishani went and sat besides her.

Ishani: What happened?

Kabir: What is this sister of yours doing? Gone to bring medicines from pharmacy or make medicines in the laboratory?

Kabir: Maybe she’s checking the proportion of elements in the medicine.

Sia: Kabir, not again!

In all this chaos, none noticed that Ragini had winked to Riddhima indicating it’s all drama to stop the interrogation.

Aryan walks out from there and Riddhima follows him while the rest are in living room.

Aryan: Riddhima, what’s wrong? Is everything alright? You didn’t tell me what happened to Ragini?

Riddhima(thinks): Should I tell him about amount? No! No! There’s no need! He’ll worry! He doesn’t know the whole truth.

Riddhima: She just had headache.

Aryan(doubtfully): Are you sure?

Riddhima: Yaa! Let’s go!

The duo walked back to their friends. And the lights went off. Everyone worried.

Someone(in anger): Damnnn! So many people in the house and the lights went off!! What if Riddhima and Ragini take this as an opportunity and disclose everything. Neither of their no the whole truth and if all of them get together? No ways! I won’t let that happen! How the hell did the lights went off? I can’t even watch them, the CCTV got shut. Now I’ll have to enter inside to make their mouths shut.

Precap: Someone sneaks in.


It was written thoda jaldi jaldi so plese ignore my mistake 😅❤

Unknown to Friends (Fan Fiction): Thank you Guys for supporting me and liking me so much. I hope y’all enjoy me ahead as I have something interesting inside me. But tell Seanna to keep continuing me, whole day she uses her phone scrolling Instagram and chatting 🙄😅. I love all of you!

Please comment 💛

The post Unknown to Friends (RIANSH) Episode #24 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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