Hello Everyone!!
I don’t know what got inside of me and I thought about this, so please let me know!
Let’s take a trip back again in the show from episode 1&2.
The OS begins from Riddhima’s introduction in the show.
In the morning at 10:00am,
Author’s POV:
Two girls were walking on the road with a smile on their face.
Girl1: So, what are your plans for today?
Girl2: First, let’s go back to hostel and then I’ll tell you.
Girl1(excited): Okay! But even I want to tell you something!
Girl2: Quick then!
Both the girls increased their speed and reached their hostel. They quickly went to their rooms.
Girl2: Now say! What were you about to say?
Girl1: First you go ahead! I want to know your plan of the day.
Girl2: No! You would say! Start fast.
Girl1: Okay fine!
Girl1 gets up and goes to the side table and opens the drawer she gets a box out and shows it to her friend.
Girl2: Riddhima, what is this?
Riddhima opens the box and shows the ring.
Girl2: A ring? For what?
Riddhima: Sejal, are you a fool? What will I get this ring for? Definitely to propose Kabir!
Sejal: Kabir? That PT teacher?
Riddhima: Sejal!!!
Sejal: What? You could have easily found a guy with a six digit bank balance but you chose a guy who’s bank balance would not even be in hundreds. (Giggles)
Riddhima: Sejal, one loves from the heart and not from mind. The feeling of being safe, secure, happy is reflected in Kabir’s eyes. He’s a complete family man.
Sejal: Okay baba!
Riddhima: Now what are your plans?
Sejal goes to her study table and gets a diary out. She opens it.
Sejal: Shit!!!
Riddhima: Now what?
Sejal: I need your help today!
Riddhima: Go ahead.
Sejal: You need to go and plan the party of Vansh Raisinghania.
Riddhima: What? Why?
Sejal: By mistakely I gave two parties at the same time. I can’t be at two places na.
Riddhima: But how can I go?
Sejal: Please Riddhima! You don’t need to do much, the workers will do. You just have to guide them a bit. Please don’t say no! Even you have got some experience by staying with me. Please! *puppy eyes*
Riddhima: Okay, I’ll go! What time is it?
Sejal: At four in the evening today.
Riddhima: Where’s it?
Sejal: It’s a beach party and the rest I’ll message you.
Somewhere else,
Two men are standing and talking.
Man1: Is the information true?
Man2: Yes sir! It is! We are sure that the deal will take place there.
Man1: Pingly, to catch Vansh Raisinghania is one of the main missions of my life.
Pingly: I know that Sir, but….
Man1’s phone ring. He answers it.
The caller: Agent Kabir Sharma, you need to go to the docks in the next ten minutes if you want to catch the activity red handed.
The call ended.
Kabir: Pingly, you were saying something? Continue!
Pingly: Sir, why don’t you tell Riddhima that you are a secret agent?
Kabir: I will tell her today but for now we need to go to the dock.
Kabir and Pingly headed towards the docks. As soon as they reached there many gunshots were heard. Fights took place. At the end, Kabir caught one of Vansh’s man.
Kabir: If you want to live then you need to be the witness that all this drug is of Vansh.
Man: If I be the witness then I will get a life, but that life will be worse than hell since I went against Vansh Sir.
The man consumed cyanide. Kabir and Pingly got disheartened.
Kabir: Vansh, not everyone in this world will save you. Someone will let you come down to the ground and you would regret being with that person.
Kabir and Pingly went.
Somewhere else,
A man was driving the car while speaking on call.
Man1: What happened Angre? What’s the news?
Angre: Boss, your name is clear. One of our men got caught but he consumed cyanide instead of speaking against you.
Man1: Kabir thinks that he can catch me, Vansh Raisinghania? Impossible!
Angre: Yes Boss!
They hang the call.
Vansh(to himself): Entering Vansh’s life isn’t easy. Once you enter Vansh’s life then while exiting it, either you will land up meeting Vansh again or directly God.
At 04:00pm on the beach,
Riddhima’s POV:
I was standing and guiding the workers for decorations. Then I saw that there were only white flowers kept for decorations. It was very weird for me to see only white because every party which I have planned or assisted, people keep it colourful. These workers must have done this, otherwise which owner would like to keep it so blank?
Riddhima(to a worker): Add some red roses too in the vases.
The worker did as I said.
Voice(loud and command): What’s this?
I turned to look at the person. Who is he? And why is he so loud? With so many men around him.
Riddhima: Any issues Sir?
Man: Why are there those red roses along with the white ones? I just wanted it white.
What? It looks so blank and dull!
Riddhima(politely): Sorry to differ sir! But when the white flowers are kept with the colourful ones, the white flowers give the other ones grace while the colourful flowers give the white flowers life!
Man(command): Whatever! I still don’t like it!
I’m being so polite with him, why can’t he do the same?
Riddhima: But Sir, everyone at the party likes it. And most importantly, the owner likes it so who do you think you are?
The man smirked and left with his men. After he went, my eyes fell on a poster, VANSH RAISINGHANIA! I looked at the picture. Shit! It was the same man with whom I argued. Ohh God Riddhima! What do you think YOU are?
Vansh’s POV:
It’s the first time that someone dared to talk back to me with the same attitude as mine but politely. The confidence in her eyes and voice was something which lacks in people whom I meet in my daily life. But along with her confidence, her eyes carried innocence too. It’s strange! The whole party she avoided me or my gaze. Must be she realised whom she messed up with.
At 07:00pm,
Riddhima’s POV:
I am come here at my same spot to meet the love of my life, my Kabir. Today, I am going to propose him. I can’t imagine a day without him. He came and stood in front of him.
Riddhima: I want to tell you something!
Kabir: So do I!
Now what does he want to say?
Riddhima: What do you want to say? Please don’t tell me that you are married!
He chuckled.
Kabir: No, I am not! But please you go ahead first!
I went down on knees and forwarded a rose with my hand.
Riddhima: Being an orphan, I never got the love, care and affection from anyone but then you entered my life. You taught me love, you taught me to live. You supported me. You were there by my side. I can’t imagine my life without you. I want a simple life ahead with you in a small house down the hills. I Love you Kabir!
He had tears in his eyes. God! My Kabir bacame emotional.
Kabir: Riddhima, could you please stand?
This was not what I expected as my answer! I stood up.
Kabir: I need to tell you something. I am not a PT teacher, I am a CBI agent.
What? That’s not bad, I love him and not his profession.
Kabir: Moreover, we can’t get together until the main mission of my life gets over.
Riddhima: What is it?
Kabir: To put Vansh Raisinghania behind bars.
Vansh Raisinghania, this name, I have heard. Oh ya, At the beach party, he was the host. To put a business behind bars? Why?
Kabir: He’s a criminal Riddhima. During the day, his work is legal but as the sun sets his illegal business starts. He’s the king of the business world. There’s nothing that he hasn’t done. Murder, Kidnapping, Smuggling, Drug dealing and what not. It’s my main motive to arrest him. But he doesn’t leave any clues behind.
Riddhima: Don’t worry Kabir! You will definitely find a way to put Vansh behind bars.
Kabir: Can you help me?
Me? How?
Riddhima: How can I?
Kabir: For the sake of our love Riddhima! You can do it! For Vansh, I need someone who’s not from the police world. You can do it Riddhima. All you need to do is get close to Vansh and find evidences against him.
Get close to him? Really?
Riddhima: I can’t do it Kabir!
Kabir: Riddhima!
Riddhima: What Riddhima? You could have just asked me to help you but you used my love for you. I would have gone to him Kabir but if you are saying that Vansh doesn’t keep any traces of his activities behind, that’s not possible. There’s no crime that’s perfect. You and team need to put more efforts to find evidences against him. You need to give me just one, I repeat JUST ONE valid evidence against Vansh, and I’ll help you. And there’s no need to waste your time by talking to me. Focus on your work.
I walked away from there. I don’t know anything about Vansh Raisinghania, his business, his deeds, his world. But Kabir knows everything so he needs to give me a proof about Vansh so that I can understand Vansh after entering his world. It’s not easy to enter someone’s life. And if Kabir was saying that Vansh is so dangerous then why will Vansh trust me? Why will he let me enter in his life? I love Kabir, truly. I would have given my life for him but his phrase ‘For the sake of our love’ made me refuse to help him. I felt my world shattered while leaving him there. I was in my room, crying. My phone rang, it was Sejal. I answered.
Sejal: Riddhima, Today’s work that you did was superb! The client loved it. He wants you to organise a party tomorrow at his cruise. Okay Bye! Lemme know, I am busy.
She hung the call.
Should I go? I recalled Kabir’s words. I will go. Not as a spy but as a party planner. I need to take this step to enter his world, to study him, to really know if what Kabir spoke his true. But for this, I’ll forget Kabir’s words. Vansh is just a client for me and not a criminal until Kabir gives me a proof.
It Ends!
Guys, y’all know the upcoming story there’s no second part for this, it ends here. The story could continue the same way as in the serial but Riddhima not being a spy.
I know the story was a big bore and I couldn’t help but write it down. If y’all have reached till here, Thanks for reading
The post Refused to help #Riansh #OS appeared first on Telly Updates.
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