Hey guys I am back really sorry for late updates….
It’s morning… And as planned, Nandini is deliberately in her room lying under the blanket wailing unnecessary… SSS are there along with Nyonika and Mansi… Mansi is checking Nandini … Nyonika looks at her…
Nandini “Mom… There’s so much body pain… Only I know how I got fresh today and took bath!! I can’t tolerate it!!”
Mansi “Shut up Nandu… You were never so tender,I am wondering how come this small detention caused so much pain to you!!”
Abhi (covering up for Nandini) “Mom that time we used to believe that we are muggles… But now we have our wands and it does most of the work for us except our assignments… So this physical task without magic after a long time had adverse effect on her…”
Mansi “This girl is crazy!! Abhi collect a potion for her from my cabin after applying for leave!!”
Mansi goes from there to her cabin to keep the potion ready…
Cabir (getting his hint to start) “Leave!! That means you are not going to come with us to the hub??”
Abhi “No Cabir… Plz you and Mukti manage for today… I have to look after Nandini…”
Nyonika “And where are you both planning to go pray??”
Cabir “Mom!! We had informed you yesterday only!! Dragon hub has admitted new Norwegian Dragons last week… And our final semester project is based on Dragons so we had to go there so that it will help us in our assignment!!”
Nyonika “Oh ya… I remember… It’s strange… All of you aren’t attending classes today… Manik, Navya, you both also must be having some work outside college??”
They both shake their head vigorously…
Abhi “No,they have inside college!!”
Nyonika at once looks at him… The SSS mentally palm themselves and glare Abhi… He also realizes the blunder he did!!
Nandini again starts wailing to gain attention and divert Nyonika’s mind to her “Oh Aiyyappa!! Why so much of torcher on this little innocent life… Why this always happens to us?? Why always sweet and innocent people have to bear the pain?? Why Aiyyappa why??”
Navya (whispering to Manik) “Don’t you think she is doing over acting??”
Manik “Think!!! I am sure she is doing so…”
Manik signs Abhi … Abhi glares Nandini and Nandini reads her mind… She goes quite…
Nyonika “Abhi,Cabir come to my cabin after sometime and get your leaves sanctioned…”
Nandini “Thank you VP Malhotra for allowing my brother to stay with me during this tough time!!!”
SSS palm their faces but act normal as soon as Nyonika sees them…
Nyonika (smiling at her childishness) “Get well soon Nandini…”
She turns to go but Cabir calls her… She turns…
Cabir “ Mom, password??”
She says the password in his ears and goes… Cabir gives thumbs up to his team…
Abhi “You do so much of over acting Nandu!!”
Navya scolds Nandini as she gets up and sits in attitude removing her blanket…
Nandini “I had to Navu!! Else our Mission Tri-Mystery would have flopped without even starting… You should thank me and scold bhai instead!!”
Abhi “Oiee… Why are you trapping me… It just slipped off my mouth… Sorry!!”
He smiles sheepishly only to gain some glares…
Nandini “Oh wait!! I forgot something which we all are going to need… (All look at her… She takes out the map and points her wand at it…) Geminio!!”
The map produces it’s copy… She repeats it and there is a third copy… She hands over one to Mukti and one to Navya… She keeps one with herself…
Cabir “Ok… So now according to plan,Abhi and I are going to Mom’s cabin… You all get prepared for your departure…”
All nod and he leaves with Abhi…
Navya “Manik ,let’s go… We have to plan about Ms. Mew…”
Nandini “You go,Navu he will come after 10 minutes…”
Mukti “Ya let us give them some alone time of there’s… For my Manik has promises to keep…”
Navya smiles… Mukti winks at them and they both leave leaving a blushing MaNan behind…
Manik (turning to Nandini and encircling her waist) “So,it’s time for me to keep my promise…”
He leans in but Nandini keeps her hand on his mouth… He looks confusedly at her…
Nandini (now her arms around his neck) “Sure my lover boy… But before that there are some instructions which you need to follow… (Manik smiles and nods) Good boy… (She pecks his lips and nuzzles his nose.. he leans in to kiss but Nandini again stops him) 1) Since I am not going to be around you today,so Ms. Clingy Khurana is going to take full advantage of the situation… You have to maintain distance from her… I will ask Navu to update me regarding it… (Manik nods his head)
2) Keep your anger in check in case you see Harshad inquiring about my whereabouts and showing concern… Remember that I am only yours and no one else’s… (Manik frowns hearing his name but smiles broadly as he hears the last line… Nandini smiles at his expressions…)
3) Don’t you dare forget to miss me… I should always get this constant feeling that you are missing me…. (Manik smiles and nods his head…)
And that’s all for you…”
Manik “My baby doll,I am ready to follow all your instructions… Don’t worry I won’t let any other girl flutter around me… I will control my anger if someone tries to flutter around you… And of course,you will never be out of my mind,heart,brain and everywhere even for a second… Now can I?? For I have to wait till lunch to have a look of you and taste you…”
Nandini nods… Manik lifts her up by her waist and starts sucking her lips… She also cups his face while kissing her… He sits on her bed… She literally climbs over him and he keeps on leaning back… But they lack breath and part…
Nandini (still cupping his face and looking at him intensely) “Even though I kiss you everyday but the feeling remains always as the first time!! Your effect on me!! It’s difficult to control self around you… Beware lover boy!! Your modesty is in danger!!”
They again have a short but passionate kiss…
Manik (tightening his grip on her waist) “I feel like eating you up when you are this close to me!! Only I know how I control my overflowing hormones and desires… And about my modesty,I am ready to sacrifice it for you and to you… My naughty baby doll!!”
He again captures her lips… They both are busy exploring each other’s mouth and literally fusing into each other’s body when they hear a knock on the door and a shouting Navya…
Navya “Hello love birds, please get out of your nest for now… We are getting late!!”
They get up and proper themselves…
They move to leave…
Manik “Nandini…”
She stops and looks at him…
Manik “From next time onwards we will never do it on bed or anywhere near it… I face a major difficulty and it’s kind of embarrassing…”
He smiles embarrassedly rubbing his nape… Nandini feels her cheeks burning and turning crimson… She blushes and nods… They go out of room…
The SSS team are standing in the common room waiting for MaNan… Richard along with 5 other ghosts are floating in air with him…
Richard “Nandini… What’s the plan?? And congrats… I got to know it right now… And to you too junior Malhotra…”
MaNan nod smiling…
Nandini “Richard… We need your help… We are on a mission and it’s related to Hecate and it’s safety… I will tell about it to you slowly but right now,divide into three groups…”
Richard “Yes… This is Alex,he will be with me… Nick and Richie (the only lady ghost) in one and that’s Alan and Jonas… And I will be accompanying your sister (he blushes… SSS except Navya stuff their smile…) BTW,how are you..?? These days you are not seen much… I missed you so much… Did you??”
Navya looks helplessly at Nandini who is busy stuffing her laugh… Cabir frowns…
Cabir “Ok… I know it’s not the right time but Richard,I have to tell you… Navya is my girlfriend…”
Richard (shocked) “WHAT!!! WHAT!!! WHAT!!! (He turns to look dramatically at Cabir three times) No!! Oh no!! Oh this love and it’s pain!! Oh no!!”
A song plays in his point of view… He looks at Navya emotionally…
Mehfil me teri hum naa rahe jo
Gam toh nahi hai, gam toh nahi hai
Qisse hamare nazdeekion ke
Kam to nahi hai, kam to nahi hai
He signs Navya to come to him… She looks at all of them and moves to him… Richard recalls all his memories spent with her…
Kitni dafaa subah ko meri
Tere aangan mein baithe maine shaam kiya
Richard “The power of one sided love is beyond imagination… It isn’t divided between two people like normal relationships… Only I have the right on it…”
The SSS and his own group look on at him with gaping mouths listening Ranbir Kapoor’s dialogue from him!
Channa mereya mereya
Channa mereya mereya
Channa mereya mereya beliya
O piya
He then calls Cabir and he stands beside Navya …Richard looks emotionally at them…
Richard “Be with her forever and keep her happy…”
Cabir nods confusedly while Navya stands there awkwardly… Rest other onlookers have lost their senses… The living ones as well as the dead ones…Richard dramatically turns around wiping his tears which is not even flowing…
Nandini “Richard (he turns around… She shows her Palm indicating enough of his drama… He at once becomes normal) we have to leave for our work…”
Richard “There is a change in plan… Now me and Alex will go with you,Alan and Jonas with Mukti and Nick and Richie with Nav— (he stops saying and looks at CaVya) Junior Malhotra… ”
SSS except CaVya stuff their laugh seeing his drama…
Alex (Richard’s ghost friend… Though he is translucent Grey in colour but he is dressed nicely as a businessman in tuxedo and looks smart) “Thanks Richard… Anyways I wanted to accompany her… BTW,hey I am Alex and you are Beautiful…”
He winks at Nandini … Manik is shocked… Nandini smiles…
Nandini “Hey Alex… It’s Nandini… And thanks for the compliment… And yeah… By your looks I can say that you must be handsome during your days…”
Alex “Of course… Girls used to die just for my one look… It will be great spending time with you…”
Manik (jealous of a ghost!!) “No way!! Stay away from her!! She is my girlfriend!!! Jonas… You are accompanying Richard with Abhi and Nandini… Alex,you will be coming with me!!”
Alex (to Nandini) “Does he always frown like that??? (Nandini nods controlling her smile… Manik again frowns) How do you manage to be with him!!! Anyways meet you afterwards Ms. beautiful…”
Alex and Jonas (a calm ghost but with a sharp mind) exchange their groups…
Manik looks at him unbelievably…
Cabir (whispering) “Manik bro!! My time is over… It’s your turn now!! Save your girlfriend!!”
Manik glares him… He stuffs his laugh…
Nandini “Ok everybody now,meet your lovers for we will meet directly at lunch time or in evening,so have your special moments… (MukBhi and CaVya smile… Manik comes to her but Nandini stops him…) Except you… You already had yours…”
Manik frowns… Rest all giggle…
Richard “Alright we will close our eyes and ears… We aren’t seeing or hearing anything…”
CaVya move to one side… They have a bone crushing hug… They part and Cabir cups her face… She puts her hand on his… He looks at her emotionally…
Cabir “Navu… I know my future visions are subjective but I am getting a feeling that today you will be successful in your missions… Whatever happens my love… Just stay strong and remember one thing… No matter whatever happens… I am always there with you and for you… Promise me you won’t break down and stay strong… If anytime you feel suffocating, just close your eyes and remember us… Our moments… Our love… Me… You have to be with me right??”
Navya (nodding) “Yes Cabir… I promise you… I will be strong for you and stand by you no matter what… I know by touching me you got my future visions but I won’t ask you about them… I know you didn’t see them fully for it disturbed and pained you… And I don’t want to exaggerate it worrying you more… Leave about me… Cabir,you are going to a dangerous place… Be safe Cabir… You were the one who made me believe that I am not unlucky… So you only have to prove it and return safely for my sake… Before putting your life in danger, promise me you will make sure that you will return to me, absolutely fine… Coz this time,God Forbid if I will loose my love,I will be a breathing dead body…”
Cabir nods… They both are emotional and capture each other’s lips trying to soothe their pacing heartbeats… They both part and hug again…
There Abhi is also emotional in other corner… In order to calm him down, Mukti goes on her toes and puts her lips on his… He pulls her nearer by her waist and turns their soft kiss into a deep one and passionate as well… They both are busy exploring each other when he feels Mukti pushing him… He parts from her and looks at her breathing heavily… They hug each other… Mukti consoles Abhi and pats his back…
Mukti “Don’t worry Abhi… Nothing will happen to me… I am not going alone… Cabir Nick and Richie are there with me… And moreover I am an Animagi… I have my own powers… Plz relax… Nothing will happen to me… (He hugs her even tightly) Ok fine… I promise Abhi that I will meet you in the evening for sure and we will have our special moments like everyday… Now are you assured??”
Abhi (breaking the hug but still holding her nearby) “You promise?? (She nods) Now it feels a little good… Take care of Cabir and yourself… You both matter to me a lot… The whole SSS does… Plz return safely and with success… I will be waiting for you my princess…”
Mukti nods “Abhi… Take care of yourself and Nandu…”
Abhi “Of course I will…”
Mukti “No Abhi… You know na… Nandu has an old connection with troubles… It follows her everywhere…”
Abhi “Don’t worry… No problem is bigger than Nandini Murthy herself…”
They both chuckle…
MaNan are still there… Manik is busy frowning while Nandini is giggling softly enjoying his expression… She then looks at everyone busy… Even the ghosts are closing their eyes… She stealthily goes near him… She turns him around swiftly and seals his lips with her… Manik though was shocked but instantly responds to her kiss grabbing her waist… They have a short passionate kiss…
Manik “I thought you said we already had our moment…”
Nandini “Of course we had… This was your good luck kiss… (Manik embraces her… She smiles and keeps her head on his chest) Manik …”
Manik “Hmm…”
Nandini “Take care of yourself and Navu… You know right… We have our own history with troubles… It follows us without information or invitation… Be careful…”
Manik (making her look at her and cupping her face) “Promise… I will take care of me as well as Navya… But you also have to take care of yourself and Abhi… I know you both are alike and won’t let anything happen to each other… But still… ”
Nandini nods… The other two couples also return… Navni and Mukti hug each other… The guys also hug…
Nandini “Mukti ,take care of yourself… You are going to a dangerous place… You have to return safely for me and bhai…”
Mukti nods patting her cheeks…
Navya “Ok… We should leave now…(all nod… NanBhi and Mukbir move out of the common room along with their ghosts…) Manik … It’s good that first class is of VP Malhotra… She anyways has a doubt on us and we have to attend her class… I hope you have your plan ready for Ms. Mew…”
Manik “Don’t worry… I know what to do… I will share the plan with you three on the way… Alan and Alex,you guys are not allowed during the class and if you guys are caught floating around Mom’s class,it will arise suspicion…”
Alex “Don’t worry Mr. Malhotra… We are capable of altering our size… We can be with you all the time by that…”
Alan (Sounding exactly like Alex and even dressed like him) “But,your pockets or wherever you are planning to keep us should be absolutely clean and tidy… Else we won’t be there…”
Manik “Don’t worry… You are going to be in my jacket’s upper pocket… I don’t keep anything there and so you will have no problem…”
They both nod and smile…
Navya “You both are twins??”
They look startled at her… Then at each other and then again at her…
Alex “No person alive ever asked us this…!!”
Alan “How did you find it out??”
Manik “It’s ok… Don’t be surprised… Navya has got special eyes and she is capable of noticing even those things which a normal eye can’t…”
They look at her impressively… They both reduce their size and take their place in Manik’s pocket… ManYa also leave…
NanBhi along with Richard and Jonas pass the Arete Hostle and are near Athena Hostle…
Nandini “bhai… Open the map… Look where’s the passage??”
Richard “That even I know… But in order to open the passage, you have to sacrifice something bad of yours…”
Abhi “What kind of rule is this??”
Jonas “The founding members of Hecate never wanted their witches and wizards to have filthy and negative thoughts in their mind… So in order to keep their minds free of dirt,this rule was made… If someone sacrifices some bad habit of theirs here and then tries to repeat it then they have to face the second unforgivable curse… The torcher curse…”
Nandini “What!!! What are we going to sacrifice here??”
Abhi “Think something Nandu… We have to think…”
Nandini thinks something and smirks…
Nandini “Ok… I am ready… Richard… Show the way… But it’s for crossing only this gate right??”
The ghosts nod… Abhi looks at her smirking face and understands that it’s a win win for her… He also smiles…
Richard shows them a portrait… He takes them there…
Jonas “Now just pluck a grape fruit from the basket and then put it in the place of that cherry… The door will be revealed…”
Abhi nods… He goes and puts his hand on the painted red grapes… His hand goes inside and looks as if it is also painted… He plucks one grape and keeps it at cherry’s place… He then takes out his hand… It again looks normal…
The portrait splits from the middle and opens as a gate revealing a door…
Richard “Nandini ,it’s your turn now…”
Nandini nods and moves forward… She points up her wand at the gate and speaks…
Nandini “I, Nandini Murthy, Daughter of Ansh Murthy and Mansi Murthy, granddaughter of Vanshika Murthy, sacrifice my bad habit of forgiving and the leaving the ones who try to lure away my love in front of my eyes… From today,if I witness such I will make sure to punish them for my right!!”
Abhi looks at her unbelievably… She is smirking… He looks at the ghosts who are equally shocked…
Jonas “You know what,today I learnt how to manipulate your words and make mischievous things also consider in good books just by simple twisting of words… She is unbelievable!!!”
Richard “Today I knew how those evil witches and wizards were able to open this gate even after such a clause!! Bow to you Junior Murthy …!!”
Nandini smiles proudly…
Abhi “You know what?? I doubt this is going to work!!! They aren’t fools to accept this kind of bad habit!!”
Alan and Alex “We agree…”
Just then the door creaks and it opens revealing a long dark passage…
Nandini looks at them smirking only to find three jaws dropping down to floor out of shock!!!
Nandini “Nandini Murthy can never fail!! Stop gasping all of you and follow me!!”
The three shut their mouth at once…
Abhi “I am again impressed Nandu!! From now on,you are my guru!! (He takes out his wand) Lumos Maxima!!! ”
His wand tip lightens and the four of them enter the passage… As soon as they enter,the door closes after five seconds on it’s own… They all turn and look at it…
MukBir along with Nick and Richie are going towards forbidden forest… Mukti attempts to hide from every passing Professors…
Cabir “Mukti, instead of doing this,just change into your Animagi form… You won’t even be caught… No one knows here that you and Abhi are Animagus…”
Mukti “You are right Cabir … Coz once we are inside the Forest,there is going to be no risk…”
Cabir nods…
Mukti sits on her knees and transforms into a beautiful red and golden snake…
Cabir “I suggest you crawl over me and tangle yourself so you aren’t too fast and do not loose the track….”
Mukti turns back to her human form and looks at him weirdly…
Mukti “Or even better… I can crawl up to your neck and tangle myself around it giving you a perfect Shivji look!! Fantasti!! Wouldn’t it be??”
Cabir gets her sarcasm “Ok… I got it… Will meet you near lake…”
Mukti nods and turns back to her snake form… She crawls away from there…
Richie “Don’t mind Mr. Malhotra ,but you are handsome…”
She winks at him and move forward floating to the direction where Mukti went…
Cabir is shocked…
Nick “Beware bro… For she is a headache!! Though I don’t feel it anymore but we died together!! And while living with her,I knew her too well!!”
Cabir “Thank God Nick, Navya wasn’t here or there would have been a really big mess for me!!”
Nick chuckles… Cabir glares him and he turns silent… Nick signs him to move forward… Cabir sighs and they both move towards the lake…
As Cabir and Nick reach the lake,they spot Mukti and Richie inspecting the place…
Cabir “What are you doing??”
Mukti “Trying to find out something related to the hooded peoples…”
Nick (whispering to Cabir) “Bro!! Her Animagi is a snake right?? (He nods) Then why is she behaving like dogs smelling everything??”
Cabir “Ssshhh!! You will surely make me a martyr even before marrying… She will kill us (he then realizes Nick is already deed when he sees him smiling relaxed) I mean me!! And she is not smelling… She is just observing the things closely…”
Mukti “Cabir (Nick about Cabir look at her) show me the way and the direction in which you and Navya saw those two people running…”
Cabir nods and they all go inside the Forest… They go and go and then stop at a place…
Cabir “Exactly at this place, they apparated!! And unfortunately we lost their track…”
Mukti thinks something about them takes out the map from her bag… She opens it and studies it…
Mukti “Richie, Nick, you both are here since years… (They both nod) so have you both roamed around in the Forbidden Forest alone… To spend time with each other?? (Again they nod) Means you both know everything about here??? (Another nod) perfect!!! I knew it! Nandini’s plans can never be dump!!”
Cabir also studies the map ” Nick, Richie,look into the map and tell us… Which are the possible places of hideout in this Forest… For I am sure,they must be still there Coz they were roaming around with this map… They know Hecate very well but not this Forest… They won’t take risk to move overnight from a safe hideout to an unsafe one…”
Richie “Mr. Handsome is cent percent right… (Mukti giggles… Cabir blushes) I have to tell you are not just good looking but intelligent as well… Nicky learn something from him!! (Nick helplessly nods… Mukti keeps a hand on Cabir’s shoulder and pats it gesturing she understands… Cabir also nods but then she starts chuckling… Cabir understands that she was teasing him… He frowns) Well… About the new made ones,I cannot tell… But there are few places where we can search… But they are dangerous!!”
Mukti “We have to take this step Richie… Nandu was attacked!! Twice!! Our forms went missing and there are intruders in our college… We are equally responsible for the college’s safety as much as the college is responsible for our safety!! We have to do this… For Hecate!!”
Richie nods…
Nick “Alright then… If it’s about Hecate,then even we won’t back off… We have also pledged our loyalty towards Hecate and we are bound to follow it… We will guide you to the places… But we will be ahead of you both… You should follow our instructions… (MukBir nod) 1) as soon as we reach the place,I will inform you both… Cabir ,you will become invisible… Mukti , you will become Animagi… And we both will reduce our sizes to extremely small… 2) Don’t act hyper… You don’t know how dangerous they could be… Your only work should be collecting information and going out of the forest safely… For your group has equal rights to know about this part of the mission and in case,God forbid something happens to you both,then it will be unfair for them and this will be a mystery forever…”
Cabir “But you both are there to complete the incomplete work!!”
Richie “No Mr. Handsome… There are few witches and wizards in this world who are capable of even controlling and trapping the ghosts… We are not totally immune to the brutal world… We don’t know if they are of that category or not… So we have to be careful and agree to Nick’s condition…”
MukBir nod…
Cabir “But Nick… Just be careful that we don’t disturb the Centaurs of the forest…. If any hideout is near their habitation, then exclude them right away… I don’t want any unnecessary problem….”
Mukti “And even the Centaurs won’t like the uninvited guests at their place… They are highly unforgivable creatures…”
Richie “In that case, I have a good news… We have only three places to check… 1) to the North-East of the forest… 2) to the South of the forest and 3) West of the Forest… We will first be checking to the South…”
They all smile and nod… The four of them proceed…
ManYa are sitting at the potions class… They are talking to Alan and Alex in low voices…
Alex “How long does this class takes…??”
Manik “45 minutes at least…”
Alan “And till then we will just sit here!!”
Navya “Stop growling both of you… Other students will look at us weirdly if we will talk to you… It will invite unnecessary problems…”
They both go silent…
Soha and Riddhima enter class just then… They look around…
Riddhima “OMG!! Do you see Soha … Manik is sitting there… That too without Nandini!!”
Soha “What!! There’s no Nandini!! Finally I will have some Nandini free time with my Manik!!”
Riddhima “All the best… But be careful from Navya … She is her sister…”
Soha nods and is stepping towards Manik …
Navya notices her “Ting Tong… Manik ,a danger alarm for you… Soha is coming towards you…”
Manik “What??!! Where is she ?? Eerregghhh… Again she will stick to me! And today even Nandini isn’t there to save me and more over— (He recalls Nandini’s rule number one… Since I am not going to be around you today,so Ms. Clingy Khurana is going to take full advantage of the situation… You have to maintain distance from her…) I have to stay away from her myself… ”
Navya “She must have warned you of that!! And I am sure she would have told that Soha would try to stick to you finding you without Nandu… How can she be so right about her…??”
Manik “She is never wrong… But for now I have to escape her… But how??”
Soha comes to him “Hi Manik..!!”
She waves her hand excitedly… He passes a forced smile…
Manik (in low voice to Navya) “There she comes!! Nandini calls her right… Ms. Clingy Khurana!!”
Navya chuckles… So does Alex and Alan…. They had almost forgotten that they both are still in Manik’s pocket!!
Navya “Ssshhh you both… Just keep quiet and enjoy the show…”
Manik glares her… He hears soft chuckles from his pocket…
Manik “Hi Soha…”
Soha “Thank God… That Nandini isn’t around you today… She is so Clingy!!”
Manik (in mind) “No!! She isn’t… She has that right… It’s you who is clingy…”
Soha “Anyways… Since she isn’t here,today I am going to be with you… Now shift a little bit so that I can sit!!”
Manik (in mind) “Oh no… She can’t be here with me!! What about our Mission Tri-Mystery!! No no no… Act Manik before it’s too late!!”
Soha “What happened Manik?? Why aren’t you moving… Shift a bit so that I can sit…”
Navya amusingly looks at Manik as to what would be his next step… Though Nandini had told her to help Manik out in this situation but Soha is not too much yet… If she does becomes so, Navya will come to Manik’s rescue… But for now she wants to enjoy the show… But what happens next,amazes her…
Manik “No Soha ,I won’t shift…”
Soha (shocked) “Manik??? What are you saying??”
Manik “Yes Soha,you heard it right… I won’t shift and you can’t sit here… Coz I won’t let you sit here!!”
Soha (unable to believe that it’s reality) “What are you saying Manik?? You never denied me… I know you used to stay away from me for that Nandini always used to be with you and for the sake of your friendship with her you ignored me… Am I right??”
Manik “Yes… You are right… But partially… I ignored you deliberately for her sake… But not just for our friendship…”
Soha “What do you mean?? And how is it related to me sitting beside you..??”
Manik “Of course it is related because this is Nandini’s place and I cannot let anyone else take her place whether it be in class or my life…”
Soha (fuming because of constant mention of Nandini) “Why?? Why she happens to be so special to you that you aren’t giving her place to me??”
Manik “Of course she is special… For she happens to be my girlfriend… My life,my smile,my happiness,my most precious gem,my love!! My Nandini!!”
Soha feels groundless beneath her feet… It’s like her worst nightmare has just turned into reality… She is unable to believe her eyes and ears… She is doubting whether it’s really happening around or she is just hallucinating!! She somehow comes out of her shock and looks at Manik…
Soha “Girlfriend?? Since when?? How did this happen?? And when did it??”
Navya now thinks of interrupting else Soha ,in her madness can take any extreme step, including harming Manik… But she is very cautious of her image and it’s necessary to remind her where she is standing currently…
Navya “Yes Soha… You heard it right… Manik is in relationship with Nandini… And it became official on Fresher’s night… Though their actual story started way before they joined the college… Now if you got the wanted information, plz go and sit at your regular place… Riddhima, plz take your friend from here…”
Riddhima who was standing behind Soha all the time was herself in a state of shock with sudden Revelation… She came out of the trance by Navya’s voice and nodded… She held Soha’s hand and pulls her away from Manik with her…
Soha was too much in shock…. She wasn’t moving from her place and was continuously staring Manik who wasn’t even looking at her and ignoring… Riddhima’s pull shook her to reality somewhat and she became aware of her surrounding… Both of them then quitely go and sit on their regular place… Riddhima glances at Soha who looked calm… But,she knew her too well being her best friend… This calmness was an alarm that storm would come…
Nyonika enters the class and first thing she did was to look at Manik and Navya …
Nyonika “I thought you both also won’t come for your friends aren’t here…”
Navya “Why would we miss our classes VP Malhotra? They all had some work of their and we didn’t so why to bunk the class unnecessarily??”
Manik “And more over it’s strict order from Nandini that we must closely copy all the notes so that even if she is absent, she doesn’t miss the class!!”
Nyonika smiles and starts teaching…
Navya (whispering) “Part one of the plan is successfully accomplished… Now VP Malhotra won’t doubt us…”
Manik (in same tone) “I knew it… Mom would definitely check upon our presence… Now it’s time for my plan to drive Ms. Mew out of Mom’s cabin for today…”
Navya nods and wishes him luck…
They both hear low and soft all the best wishes from his pocket as well… They both smile…
Manik acts in front of Nyonika that he is feeling uneasy but deliberately shows her that he doesn’t want to her as she will worry… Nyonika notices him… She falls in his trap… Her focus is divided….
After the class is over, Nyonika ollects her belongings… Manik secretly winks at Navya … Navya nods…
Navya “Manik… Let’s go… It’s charms class now…”
Manik “No Navya… You go… I guess I will rest here itself for sometime… I am feeling so suffocating and uneasy..”
Nyonika (coming to him concerned) “What happened son!! Why are you feeling uneasy… Is everything alright with your health?? Tell me son…”
Manik “Relax mom… Everything is ok… Aaahh (deliberately… But Nyonika finds it real)… I just need some rest alone where no one can disturb me… But my room would be closed for Abhi isn’t here and I haven’t applied for leave…”
Navya “But you can rest in your Mom’s cabin… Right VP Malhotra??”
Nyonika “Of course he can… No one will disturb him there…”
Manik “No Mom… Ms. Mew will be there and you know her… She never leaves a chance to flirt with me… I won’t be able to be there without disturbance…”
Nyonika “That’s all?? Don’t worry… She will be in Professor Murthy’s cabin for today… Now the problem is solved??”
Manik nods… Nyonika takes him with her… Navya smiles…
Nyonika and Manik enter her cabin… Navya follows them there stealthily…
After sometime, Nyonika comes out with her pink doll house and apparates…
Navya goes to the cabin…
The old man on her cabin “Password??”
Navya “Boró na bo..!! (May I come in) ”
The old man shows her a thumbs up and the gate opens… She enters and gate closes… Manik smiles seeing her and they do high five…
Alan and Alex come out of his pocket and they also exclaim happiness…
Navya “Ok… Now the mystery of lost and found forms will have to be solved…”
The three nod…
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