Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! I’m back. I know that all of u were waiting, so here comes the gadhi with a new ep.
Here we go:
Prachi keeps a firm grasp on the knife , while Rhea is shocked seeing what is happening. Rhea gets emotional. Manvi comes.
Rhea: di
Prachi hand starts bleeding .
Pragya: leave my daughter, who r u?
Prachi’s hand starts sweating and her grasp loosens. Tara uses the opportunity and keeps the knife at Prachi’s neck.
Tara(to Rhea): Give me that envelope that u got in the afternoon, or else I’ll slit her throat.
Rhea goes to her room and brings the envelope.
Rhea: here, don’t hurt her.
Tara relaxes. Seeing Tara’s mind diverted, Prachi holds the knife, turns and keeps the knife at Tara’s neck. Everyone gets shocked.
Prachi: Tara, don’t forget that the person ur talking to is the same person who won’t think twice before killing a murderer.
Manvi: Ana
Prachi looks at Manvi and understands that she needs to distract Tara.
Prachi: u know u were a born fool.
Tara: just take this knife away and ull see what I can do.
Prachi laughs shocking everyone except Manvi.
Prachi: Tara, whoever messes with me their life will be ruined by A.S.
Tara: U-
Prachi: Betraying A.S. costs more than ur life.
Ranbir(in mind): I never saw this shade of Anamika.
Prachi: Betraying A.S. means living a cursed life.
Tara: I’ll show u what I can do.
Prachi: fine then.
She(Prachi) started going back. Before Tara could do anything, someone handcuffed her. Tara got shocked looked up to see who dared to hancuff her.
Tara: Randhir
The person was inspector Randhir.
Prachi: here is the evidence Randhir.
Randhir: Tara raichand, u r under arrest.
Tara stared at Prachi. Randhir is about to take Tara and go.
Prachi: wait
She(Prachi) takes the knife, walks towards Tara, lifts Tara’s sleeve, and carves out the letters “A.S”
Prachi: think 100 times before messing with me.
Prachi and Manvi r about to leave.
Pragya: Please stay for a couple of days.
Pranvi look at each other.
Prachi: fine
They go inside
Immj tense version plays. Episode ends.
Guys pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee, tell me ur opinions in the comments below!!
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