Saturday, 23 January 2021

Imlie 23rd January 2021 Written Episode Update: Aditya Prays For Imlie’s Life


Imlie 23rd January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aditya cries telling mentally unstable lady that he couldn’t reach on time to save Imlie. Malini sees Aditya and asks what is he doing here. Lady asks if bahu also came. Malini asks how is she and asks her to give her 2 minutes, she will return and speak to her. Lady notes okay. Malini takes Adi aside and asks what happened to Imlie in Pagdandiya. Adi says he wanted to leave Imlie in Pagdandiya and didn’t want to bring her back to Delhi, he even left for Delhi alone and when he heard people about Imlie’s condition, he didn’t trust them and save her on time. Malini asks why he wanted to leave Imlie in Pagdandiya, she has many opportunities in Delhi. He says he wanted to get rid off Imlie. She consoles him and says nothing will happen to Imlie.

Dev is busy painting when Anu taunts that he got their daughter married to a journalist even after her warning, he brought Imlie back home. He says Imlie had to return back. She says villagers wouldn’t leave city so easily. He asks her not to disturb him as he is busy. She says his favorite Imlie is hospitalized. He worriedly asks if she got infection again. She says she is shot. He gets more worried and asks how is she, let us go to hospital as whole Tripathi family must be there. She stops him and says he is a big celebrity painter and shouldn’t go to meet his daughter’s maid as people would take a wrong meaning. He thinks she is right, he is not related to Imlie and shouldn’t go.

Tripathi family worriedly wait for Imlie outside operation theater. Each family member describe Imlie’s good qualities and their bonding with her. Doctor comes out, and they ask how is Imlie. He says he removed bullet, but her condition is critical and he cannot say anything till evening. Nurse calls him and informs that Imlie got a cardiac arrest. He rushes in and giving debfrillator shocks to Imlie tries to revive her. Family continues panicking for Imlie. Tia brings Imlie’s Seeta maiya idol and says they should pray for Imlie’s life. Whole family prays. Malini with Adi returns and asks him to pray. Adi prays that he will not apologize god for Imlie’s condition and she should listen to everyone’s prayers and get Imlie well. Doctor continues giving defibrillator shocks multiple times. Family continues praying god. Imlie responds and shakes her fingers. Nurse gives Imlie’s stuff to Malini. Malini picks packet and slowly opens it. Tears roll down Imlie’s eyes and she opens them. Just when Malini about to look into packet, nurse informs that Imlie is awake now and they all can meet her. They all rush into Imlie’s room while Adi thanks god and cries profusely.

Family surrounds Imlie and asks how is she. Imlie asks who are they. They are shocked to hear that and describe each one’s identity. She laughs and says she fooled them. Tauji scolds her then smiles. Badimaa says she cannot hit her, but scold. Aparna asks how did she incur a bullet. Imlie reminisces the incident. Family insists. Imlie says because of her goat Chuari, there was firing between police and naxalities and Chauri got stuck in between, she went to save her and got shot. Adi reminisces Mithi describing what happened. Aparna scolds what would have happened to them if something had happened to her. Imle says sorry. Aparna says she will return to their home after she gets well and will never return to Pagdandiya. Pankaj says they will make her Imlie Tripathi. Doctor asks them to go home and let Imlie rest as too much excitement is not good for her. Family asks her to take care of her and return to Tripathi house soon and walk away. Malini kisses Imlie’s forehead and takes Adi out. Adi says he will speak to Imlie and return to her. She says okay, but with a smile and calmness. He returns to Imlie and asks if she is fine. She apologizes. He says he came to apologize her instead. She says she returned to Delhi.

Precap: Malini sees bridal stuff in Imlie’s bag and asks why is she keeping them. Aparana asks if Imlie is married?

Update Credit to: MA

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